Pizza in 30 Minutes

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Pizza in 30 minutes

1. Circle the ingredients’ that were not used in the making of pizza.

Salt Tomatoes Rice Baking Butter Milk Oregano

Savory Ham Garlic Rosemary Jam
Thyme Bacon
Orange Flour Pineappl Red chili Mozzarell
juice e Parmesan Fish pepper a cheese
Black cheese
Olive oil Pepper Eggs
Bananas Water Basil Cereal

2. For what can be used the remaining tomato sauce?


3. Read the steps for making pizza dough and tomato sauce. Put the steps in order.

Pizza dough

___ add half teaspoon of baking soda


___olive oil

___ add sieved flour


Tomato sauce

___olive oil ___smash the garlic

___blend everything ___take the unpeeled garlic and crush it with

a press
___add thyme, savory, rosemary
___add pepper
___grind black peppers
___ add basil, oregano
___put tomatoes into the blender

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