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Frontiersman: Episode 2

Saturday, October 1, 2022 2:37 PM

Floyd Jones 4th Hour 9/27/23

- The American Revolution has been over for 9 years but the frontier is
How did Lewis and Clark's still a warzone between Native Americans and the settlers
crew manage to transport
60,000 pounds of gear 4,000 - Native American war leader Tecumseh has watched thousands of
miles? Europeans flood into his homeland and plans to finally put a stop to it
- He is the foster son of Blackfish who watched him die and went on to
Did Lewis and Clark explore devote his life to fighting for his peoples' land.
the entire west coast or did - Over the next year, 2500 settlers are killed
they just find the coast in the
Northwest and turn around? - The government owes $75 million to France, Spain, and the
Why didn't Lewis and Clark
- They begin to sell western land to pay back their debt
turn around when they started
- By 1793, settlers stop purchasing land sold by the US government
to run out of food?
because those who buy land in the Ohio territory are attacked by
How did Sacajawea recognize
her brother who she hadn't
- Thomas Jefferson makes the Louisiana Purchase for $15 million ($250
seen since she was very
million today), doubling America's size.
- He is criticized for buying the land that many people don't believe they
need with money that they don't have.
Where did Sacajawea go live
after the expedition?
- He arranges an expedition of the west and wants to venture all the way
to the country's west coast.
- He enlisted the help of Meriwether Lewis and William Clarke, two
men who met in the army.
- Clarke, Lewis's military leader, helps him rank up and builds a
relationship between them
- Lewis is called to the White House and spends years preparing for the
- Lewis chooses Clarke to come on the mission with him in 1804
- The expedition amasses the largest arsenal the nation has seen, and the
adventurers bring ~60,000lbs of gear

- The goal of the expedition is to find an all-water route from the

Missouri all the way to the pacific
- In North Dakota, they discover that there is no way to travel further
west by water

- They meet Sacajawea, a native American woman with a baby, who

they wish to bring along on their journey.
- In Spring 1805, Sacajawea leads them into the wilderness.
- They meet Sacajawea, a native American woman with a baby, who
they wish to bring along on their journey.
- In Spring 1805, Sacajawea leads them into the wilderness.

- Lewis and Clark discover over 300 new kinds of plants and animals
and chart brand new maps as they travel west.
- The west was so mysterious that they feared running into wooly
- Eventually, Lewis and Clark are ambushed by a Native American tribe
- Coincidentally, the tribe leader is Sacajawea's long lost brother. She
recognized him
- The tribe welcomes Lewis and Clark and sends them on their way with
28 horses.

- Back east, the smallpox epidemic is harming many Native Americans

- Tecumseh hatches a plan to form a Sovereign Pan-Indian nation
neighboring America since their United nation worked so well

- Lewis and Clark are presented with a huge obstacle when they stumble
upon the Rocky Mountains
- While travelling through the mountains, there is no game so they must
resort to eating their horses and eating candles
- In November of 1805, they reach the Pacific Ocean

- Great Britain sees this as a threat since they have the west-coast fur
market cornered and want to keep it that way
- To stir up trouble on the frontier, the British meet with Tecumseh in
Canada and tries to make him an offer which he refuses because he
doesn't trust them
- Tecumseh establishes the first Pan Indian village, Prophetstown

- When Lewis and Clark first arrive back, they aren't celebrated
- When Sacajawea dies in 1812, Clark becomes the guardian of her
- Lewis becomes fed up because he didn't experience any material or
financial gain for his hard work
- Lewis killed himself in 1809, isolated and alone

- Prophetstown is conquered and trashed by American forces which

enrages Tecumseh
- In 1812, America declares war on Great Britain

- Tecumseh takes Fort Detroit and forms an alliance with the British.

Thomas Jefferson makes the Louisiana purchase, doubling our country's size, for $15
million. He sends the explorers Lewis and Clark on a journey to the continent's west
coast, a place where no Americans had ever been. They meet a Native American woman
on their way and execute a successful expedition west, which pleases Jefferson and
worries the British, who still have a presence in the northwestern part of the continent.
They try to stir up trouble in the frontier by meeting with Tecumseh, but he doesn't trust
coast, a place where no Americans had ever been. They meet a Native American woman
on their way and execute a successful expedition west, which pleases Jefferson and
worries the British, who still have a presence in the northwestern part of the continent.
They try to stir up trouble in the frontier by meeting with Tecumseh, but he doesn't trust
them and goes on to start the very first Pan-Indian settlement. Eventually, an American
army destroys the village. In 1812, America declares war on England again.

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