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February 8, 2024

I. Call to Order: The regular meeting of the Dixon Town Council was called to order at 7:01 p.m. by
Mayor Melodie Seilaff.
Roll Call: Council members present were Ryanne Mikesell, Lorell Herold, and Butch Hauger. Employee
Brandee Forster was present.
Pledge of Allegiance: The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Seilaff.
II. Approval of Agenda: Lorell moved to approve the agenda as presented, seconded by Ryanne;
motion carried with all voting aye.
III. Approval of Minutes:
A. January 9, 2024 Regular Meeting Minutes: Butch moved to approve the minutes from the
January 9, 2024 Regular Meeting as presented, seconded by Lorell; motion carried with all
voting aye.
B. January 24, 2024- Special Meeting Minutes: Butch moved to approve the minutes from the
Special Meeting on January 24, 2024 as presented, seconded by Lorell; motion carried with all
voting aye.
IV. Reports:
A. Public Works Report-January 2024: Butch moved to receive and place on file the January 2024
Public Works Report, seconded by Lorell; motion carried with all voting aye.
B. Employee Time Sheets: Ryanne moved to approve the employee time sheets for the pay period
January 1, 2024- January 31, 2024, as presented, seconded by Butch; motion carried with
Ryanne, Butch, and Mayor Seilaff voting aye and Lorell abstained.
C. Cash Report & Bank Statements– January 2024: Lorell moved to receive and place on file the
January 2024 Cash Report & Bank Statements, seconded by Butch; motion carried with all voting
D. Budget Report – January 2024: Ryanne moved to receive and place on file the January 2024
Budget Report, seconded by Butch; motion carried with all voting aye.
E. Accounts Receivable Report- January 2024: The council discussed an account that is 90+ days
past due. Two late letters have been sent and the next step is to send a certified letter stating that
the town intends to put a lien on the property. Lorell moved to start the process of putting a lien
on the property if payment is not received by the 15th, seconded by Ryanne; motion carried with
all voting aye. Ryanne moved to receive and place on file the January 2024 Accounts Receivable
Report, seconded by Butch; motion carried with all voting aye.
V. Old Business:
A. Out of Town Water Taps: Caleb Owens arrived at 7:38 p.m. The council discussed changing the
rates or gallons of water provided for out of town water users and making a new agreement.
Brandee will work on a draft for the next meeting.
VI. New Business:
A. ARPA Grant Draft Request#5-Wastewater Lagoon Upgrades Project: Butch moved to approve
Grant Draft Request #5 for the ARPA Grant WA-1051 in the amount of $1,202.50 to HDR
Engineering Inc, seconded by Lorell; motion carried with all voting aye.
B. Employees: Butch moved to give employee Sarah Barber a $.50 per hour raise starting March
1,2024 for passing her Lagoon test; seconded by Ryanne; motion carried with all voting aye.
C. Bills Presentation: Butch moved to approve the bill presentation as presented, paying bills #5049-
5070, 1115, and one electronic check, all totaling $12,686.63 seconded by Lorell; motion carried
with all voting aye.
VII. Adjournment: Caleb moved, at 8:47 p.m., to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Lorell; motion
carried with all voting aye.



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