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Create a plan using theoretical perspectives and philosophical approaches to play which support the

developmental stage, needs and interests of children aged: 0-1 year 11 months

Aim: Sensory Discovery Baskets

The activity primarily promotes sensory development, linking to the cognitive, physical, and emotional
development of infants. It fosters sensory exploration and understanding.Rooted in Piaget's Sensorimotor
Stage, this activity aligns with the importance of sensory experiences in cognitive development. It also
resonates with Montessori's sensory-based learning, encouraging independent discovery.
 Encourage sensory exploration and discovery among infants aged 0-1 year 11 months.
 Stimulate cognitive development through varied sensory experiences.
 Enhance fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination through tactile engagement.
 Create a calming and engaging environment supporting emotional regulation.
 Offer a safe and nurturing space for infants to explore diverse sensory stimuli.
 Foster a sense of curiosity and wonder through sensory play experiences.
Describe how you will provide an enabling Resources:
environment: Various sensory baskets filled with items such as
I will ensure safety, designate a soft and clean area for textured fabrics, teething toys, rattles, colorful
exploration. Keep small items out of reach and supervise balls, musical toys, and items with different
constantly. Maintain cleanliness and use non-toxic, age- scents. Ensure they are easily graspable and free
appropriate materials. from choking hazards.
Theoretical perspectives that have influenced your plan:
This plan draws from Piaget's Sensorimotor Stage theory, emphasizing sensory exploration as the basis of
cognitive development. It's also influenced by Montessori's sensorial materials that promote independent
Your role and the role of others:
In my role as the teacher, I take on the responsibility of carefully observing and creating a secure
environment that encourages and facilitates sensory exploration for infants aged 0-1 year 11 months. This
involves ensuring the setup is safe and conducive to exploration while offering guidance to parents or
caregivers on how to facilitate meaningful sensory experiences for their infants. I aim to provide resources
and suggestions to aid them in understanding and engaging their infants effectively within this sensory-rich
Meanwhile, other adults involved, such as assistants or caregivers, play a crucial role in setting up the sensory
materials and supervising the infants during their exploratory activities. They contribute by ensuring the
environment remains safe and conducive to sensory exploration, offering additional support and guidance as
needed. Their presence helps in maintaining a watchful eye over the infants, ensuring that the exploration
process is not only enriching but also secure and supervised.
This carefully structured activity is designed to allow infants to immerse themselves in a variety of sensory
experiences, promoting their cognitive and sensory development. Through tactile sensations, visual
stimulations, auditory inputs, and olfactory experiences, infants can engage their senses in a controlled,
nurturing, and supervised setting. This play opportunity serves as a gateway for infants to discover and
understand the world around them, stimulating their senses and contributing significantly to their overall
cognitive and sensory growth.


In planning and implementing the sensory discovery baskets, I will cater to individual needs by customizing
the sensory materials accordingly. This personalized approach is crucial to ensure each infant's comfort and
engagement. For those with sensitive skin, I'll incorporate soft, hypoallergenic fabrics or materials,
prioritizing their comfort and preventing any potential allergic reactions. In consideration of visually
impaired children, I will select toys and objects that offer various sounds, textures, and tactile elements,
enabling them to explore and engage with the materials through senses other than sight. This adaptability
within the sensory baskets aims to provide an inclusive and enriched experience for all infants,
accommodating their diverse needs and enhancing their sensory exploration.
Description of play activity/ learning opportunity:
In this sensory discovery activity, infants will have the opportunity to engage with carefully curated sensory
baskets filled with various items aimed at stimulating their senses. Encouraging the exploration of different
textures, sounds, colors, and scents, infants will interact with these items under supervision. The activity will
focus on fostering their sensory perception by allowing them to touch, hear, see, and sometimes smell
different materials, supporting the development of their senses. Moreover, this interactive play serves as an
avenue for fine-tuning their fine motor skills as they grasp, touch, and explore the contents of the baskets.
Through this multi-sensory experience, infants will engage in a cognitive process of discovery, actively
exploring their surroundings and learning about different sensory inputs in a safe and supervised setting.

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