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Create a plan which includes a balance of child-initiated and adult-led play opportunities for:

imaginative play
Aim: Enchanted Storytelling: Puppet Theatre
The activity promotes imaginative and creative development, aligning with the expressive arts and design
area of learning within the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). Rooted in the Reggio Emilia approach, it
values child-initiated exploration, fostering creativity, and imagination. Additionally, it integrates Vygotsky's
sociocultural theory, highlighting the importance of social interactions in learning and creative expression
 Foster imaginative and creative development through child-initiated puppet-making and storytelling.
 Encourage self-expression and individual creativity among children.
 Promote language development by engaging in imaginative storytelling and communication.
 Facilitate collaborative play, teamwork, and social interaction during puppet-based narratives.
 Create a stimulating and safe environment that nurtures inclusive and engaging imaginative play experiences
aligned with the EYFS framework.
Describe how you will provide an enabling Resources:
environment: Puppet-making materials: Socks, felt, yarn,
I will set up a designated area for puppet creation and googly eyes, glue, and other craft supplies.
storytelling sessions. Puppet theatre or designated storytelling area.
I will provide a safe and stimulating environment Storybooks or thematic prompts for adult-led
conducive to creative expression. This includes ensuring storytelling sessions.
the space is secure, well-organized, and equipped with
child-friendly craft materials, aligned with the EYFS's
emphasis on safety and well-being in the learning
Theoretical perspectives that have influenced your plan:
Grounded in the Reggio Emilia approach, the activity supports child-initiated exploration and creativity,
aligning with the EYFS's emphasis on child-centred learning and creativity.
Integrating Vygotsky's sociocultural theory, the activity emphasizes social interactions, collaborative play,
and imaginative expression, aligning with the EYFS's focus on communication and language development
through social interactions.
Your role and the role of others:
My role within this imaginative play setting is multifaceted and central to fostering a rich learning
environment. Primarily, as a teacher I will act as a facilitator, nurturing child-initiated play by providing
guidance and support during puppet-making endeavors. I will encourage children's creativity, offering
assistance when needed, and stimulating their imagination through thoughtful inquiries and prompts.
Additionally, I will lead structured sessions within the puppet theatre context by introducing engaging themes
or storylines. These sessions serve as platforms for fostering creativity and critical thinking among children
by initiating discussions that encourage deeper exploration and imaginative expression. Furthermore, I will
guide and moderate storytelling activities, ensuring that each child has the opportunity to contribute and
engage actively.
The roles of others in this activity are supportive and integral to creating a safe and inclusive environment for
children's imaginative play. Their primary responsibility is to assist in maintaining a safe space during
puppet-making sessions, ensuring the availability of necessary materials and offering support or guidance to
children as they craft their puppets. During storytelling sessions, these individuals contribute by encouraging
participation among the children. They engage actively in the narratives, fostering an atmosphere of
excitement and involvement that stimulates children's imaginations and encourages them to contribute to the
unfolding stories. Their engagement and encouragement further reinforce the collaborative nature of the
activity, promoting inclusivity and fostering a sense of collective storytelling among the children.
I will provide pre-made or simplified puppet-making kits for children with fine motor difficulties.
I will offer visual aids or verbal instructions for children with different learning styles.
I will adjust storytelling themes or prompts to accommodate varying interests or cognitive levels.
Description of play activity/ learning opportunity:

In the "Enchanted Storytelling: Puppet Theater" activity, child-initiated and adult-led play avenues offer
diverse opportunities for imaginative exploration and development. During child-initiated play, children are
encouraged to delve into their creativity by crafting their individual puppets. They utilize an array of
materials, such as socks, felt, yarn, and googly eyes, fostering their imagination and self-expression. Once the
puppets are crafted, children embark on an imaginative journey of self-directed storytelling, utilizing their
unique creations to weave captivating narratives. This phase of play encourages autonomy, creativity, and
individual expression, fostering a sense of ownership over their imaginative worlds.
In contrast, during adult-led play, facilitators orchestrate structured storytelling sessions within the puppet
theater setting. These sessions serve as a platform for introducing thematic storylines or engaging narratives
using the puppets. Facilitators guide and lead the storytelling process, initiating themes or storylines that
encourage children's participation and interaction. By guiding the narrative, facilitators foster an environment
where children actively engage in interactive storytelling, offering them the opportunity to contribute to the
unfolding stories. These adult-led sessions aim to expand children's imaginative horizons, enhance their
communication skills, and stimulate their creativity through guided storytelling experiences within a
collaborative and supportive environment.

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