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Topic: Structuring Alternative Debt Payment Methods Through International Trade


Ladies and gentlemen of the esteemed assembly, distinguished delegates, and honorable
chair, I stand before you as the representative of Pakistan,

Today, Pakistan acknowledges the importance of the International Monetary Fund in

stabilizing economies, but we must address the burden of debt through innovative solutions.
Traditional repayment methods often exacerbate economic challenges. Hence, Pakistan
advocates for exploring alternative avenues, particularly through international trade deals, to
alleviate this burden sustainably.

We contend that current debt repayment mechanisms perpetuate dependency and hinder
investment in critical sectors. Therefore, it is vital to recalibrate our approach towards debt
repayment. Trade-based debt restructuring offers a promising solution by aligning interests,
promoting transparency, and fostering economic diversification and resilience.

To achieve this, Pakistan recommends the adoption of innovative financing mechanisms,

integration of trade facilitation measures into debt restructuring agreements, and enhanced
international cooperation. By prioritizing capacity-building initiatives and technical assistance
programs, we can enhance debt management practices.

In conclusion, Pakistan believes that restructuring debt payment methods through

international trade deals will pave the way for inclusive and sustainable economic
development. Let us seize this opportunity to foster greater cooperation and solidarity among
nations for a brighter future.

Thank you.

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