Topic - Structuring Alternative Debt Payment Methods Through International Trade Deals (Covid 19)

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Topic: Structuring Alternative Debt Payment Methods Through International

Trade Deals.

Ladies and gentlemen of the esteemed assembly, distinguished delegates, and

honorable chair, I stand before you as the representative of Pakistan,

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, Pakistan underscores the urgency of

addressing the burden of debt through innovative solutions, particularly within the
framework of international trade deals. While acknowledging the vital role of the
International Monetary Fund (IMF) in stabilizing economies, we must recognize that
traditional debt repayment methods have been further exacerbated by the economic
fallout of the pandemic. Hence, Pakistan advocates for exploring alternative avenues
to alleviate this burden sustainably and ensure global economic stability and

The pandemic has highlighted the fragility of existing debt repayment mechanisms,
which perpetuate dependency and hinder investment in critical sectors. As we
navigate through these challenging times, it is imperative to recalibrate our approach
towards debt repayment to foster inclusive and sustainable economic development.
Trade-based debt restructuring emerges as a promising solution, aligning interests,
promoting transparency, and fostering economic diversification and resilience in the
face of unprecedented challenges.

To this end, Pakistan recommends the adoption of innovative financing mechanisms

and the integration of trade facilitation measures into debt restructuring agreements.
Enhanced international cooperation and capacity-building initiatives are also crucial
to effectively manage debt amidst the pandemic's disruptions.

In conclusion, restructuring debt payment methods through international trade deals

will not only mitigate the adverse impacts of COVID-19 but also pave the way for a
more resilient and prosperous future. Let us seize this opportunity to foster greater
cooperation and solidarity among nations as we navigate through these turbulent
times together.

Thank you.

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