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MUN Speech Writing Tips

When writing a Model United Nations (MUN) speech, consider the following steps:

Research the Topic:

Understand the background, history, and current status of the issue at hand. Know your country's
stance and policies.

Structure the Speech:


Begin with a powerful opening statement or a relevant quote related to the topic.

Clearly state your country’s name and express gratitude for the opportunity to address the

Country's Perspective:

Clearly state your country's position on the issue.

Highlight any historical context or regional considerations that influence your position.

Supporting Points:

Present key arguments and supporting evidence. Use facts, statistics, and examples.

Present 2-3 key arguments supporting your country’s position.

Provide evidence, such as historical precedents, international law, or real-world examples.

Use reliable sources and be prepared to cite them if needed.

Address Counterarguments:

Anticipate potential counterarguments and address them diplomatically.

Acknowledge differing viewpoints but reinforce why your country’s position is valid.

This shows a nuanced understanding of the issue.

Policy Recommendations:
Propose specific solutions or actions that align with your country's interests.

Emphasize the feasibility and potential benefits of your proposals.

Highlight any collaboration opportunities with other countries.

Be Concise and Clear:

Keep your speech within the time limit.

Use clear and simple language to ensure everyone can understand your points.

Engage the Audience:

Encourage questions and feedback.

Consider adding rhetorical devices or anecdotes to make your speech memorable.

Use body language and vocal variety to enhance engagement.


Rehearse your speech to improve fluency and confidence.

Practice in front of peers to receive constructive feedback.

Familiarize yourself with the pacing to stay within the time limit.

Use Diplomatic Language:

Be respectful and diplomatic in your tone.

Avoid offensive language or personal attacks.

Emphasize your country’s commitment to cooperation and finding common ground.

Be Adaptable:

Pay attention to other delegates' speeches for potential points of collaboration or contention.
Stay informed about developments in the conference.

Be ready to adjust your speech based on discussions and negotiations during the session.


Topic: climate change, in a fictional country called “Greenlandia.”


Ladies and gentlemen of the esteemed assembly, distinguished delegates, and honorable chair, I
stand before you as the representative of Greenlandia, a nation deeply committed to environmental
sustainability. As we deliberate the pressing issue of climate change, let us remember the words of
Rachel Carson: “The more clearly we can focus our attention on the wonders and realities of the
universe about us, the less taste we shall have for destruction.”

Country’s Perspective:

Greenlandia acknowledges the undeniable impact of climate change on our planet. With vast icy
landscapes and a unique ecosystem, we recognize the urgency to address this global challenge. Our
perspective is rooted in a commitment to both environmental stewardship and the socio-economic
well-being of our citizens.

Supporting Points:

Our first point emphasizes the necessity of international cooperation in implementing sustainable
energy solutions. Greenlandia has made significant strides in harnessing renewable energy from our
abundant natural resources, and we propose a knowledge-sharing platform to assist other nations in
adopting similar practices.

Secondly, we stress the importance of climate adaptation strategies. Greenlandia has invested in
research to adapt our infrastructure to changing climatic conditions. We advocate for a global fund
to support vulnerable nations in developing and implementing resilient infrastructure projects.

Address Counterarguments:

We recognize the concerns raised by some nations regarding the economic implications of swift
environmental transitions. Greenlandia asserts that a green economy can be a catalyst for job
creation and technological innovation. Our experiences demonstrate that embracing sustainability
can lead to economic growth rather than hindering it.
Policy Recommendations:

We propose the establishment of an International Renewable Energy Knowledge Exchange,

facilitating collaboration in research and development of sustainable energy solutions.

We advocate for the creation of a Global Resilience Fund, supported by developed nations, to assist
vulnerable countries in adapting to the impacts of climate change.


In closing, Greenlandia urges this assembly to view climate change not merely as a threat but as an
opportunity for collective action. Let us transcend borders and ideologies, working hand in hand to
preserve the beauty and diversity of our planet for future generations. As we say in Greenlandia, “In
the face of challenge, let unity be our strength.”

Thank you.

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