Medical Laboratory Technologist - Scientist

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Ashley Regional Medical Center



Medical Laboratory Technolo- Mid-Level Lab Director


More than 30 days 1 Travel not required


Yes, they must report in-person to wo visa sponsorships supported Recruiters are required to com-
a speciNc location ply Oith FPCCE /kkFC regula-
tions Ohen Oorjing on this .ob



fnited States oV America 8ernal fT 47024


1 Medical Laboratory Technolgoist/Scientist ASCE certiNcation required

B Associates or ’achelorHs degree in Clinical Lab Science

3 xospital eWperience preVerred

Job Description
:ho :e Are9
Eeople are our passion and purposeU Come Oorj Ohere you are appreciated Vor Oho you
are not .ust Ohat you can doU Ashley Regional Medical Center is a 3J bed Ioint Commission
Accredited Vacility Oith a three-story :omenHs Center and GnVusion CenterU Ashley Regional is a
designated Level G8 Trauma Center, has been designated as a Stroje Receiving Pacility by the
ftah State Department oV xealth, is Chest Eain Accredited, and o(ers a Oide range oV specialty
servicesU Ashley Regional Medical Center has been named on oV the Top 100 Rural xospitals in
America Vor seven consecutive yearsU
:here :e Are 9
Located in 8ernal, ftah, jnoOn as an outdoor paradiseU Prom Plaming )orge Reservoir to the
primitive areas oV the finta Mountains, outdoor recreation is at your doorstepU Pishing, hunting,
bijing, camping, golNng, Oater sports, cross country sjiing, Ohite Oater raVting are .ust a VeO oV
the activities that this diverse landscape has to o(erU All oV this centrally located betOeen Salt Laje
and DenverU
:hy Choose fs9
xealth KMedical, Dental, 8ision– and 701… ’eneNts Vor Vull-time employees Competitive Eaid Time
F( / kWtended Gllness ’anj pacjage Vor Vull-time employees kmployee Assistance Erogram $
mental, physical, and Nnancial Oellness assistance kducation Reimbursement wight and Oeejend
di(erentials And much more5
Eosition Summary 9
61?,000 sign on bonus
Medical Lab Tech / Medical Technologist is responsible Vor the perVormance oV Laboratory testing,
to Oorj together Oith the Laboratory Director, Eathologists, and Technologists to provide prompt
and accurate Laboratory testing Vor patients oV our hospital and surrounding communityU Pull time
positionU wight shiVt is 4900 pm - “900 am, 2 nights on / 2 nights o(U
kssential Duties9
Collects specimens Vor laboratory eWamination by venipuncture, various culture techniques,
etcU Adheres to FSxA, CLGA, and Ioint Commission regulationsU :orjs Oithout supervision or
assistanceU Responds to codes, traumas, and emergencies immediatelyU Fperates and maintains
all instrumentsU Maintains and documents quality controlU …eeps appropriate logs and records,
data entry and retrieval oV patient results, and accession oV patient specimensU Report STAT results
Oithin “0 minutes, perVorm manual tests as required, and set up bacteria on appropriate mediaU

Screening Questions

1 Tell me about your hospital eWperience”

B :hy are you interested in 8ernal, ftah”

3 :hat are you loojing Vor in a role”

Interview Steps

1 Erescreen

B Fnsite GntervieO

3 Bnd Eossible Fnsite

Company Culture & Perks

:ho :e Are9 Eeople are our passion and purposeU Come Oorj Ohere you are appreciated
Vor Oho you are not .ust Ohat you can doU Ashley Regional Medical Center is a 3J bed Ioint
Commission Accredited Vacility Oith a three-story :omenHs Center and GnVusion CenterU Ashley
Regional is a designated Level G8 Trauma Center, has been designated as a Stroje Receiving
Pacility by the ftah State Department oV xealth, is Chest Eain Accredited, and o(ers a Oide range
oV specialty servicesU Ashley Regional Medical Center has been names a Top 100 Rural xospital
Vor seven consective yearsU :here :e Are 9 :elcome to a land oV high cli(s, desert sand,
sagebrush and mountain peajsU Situated in a beautiVul valley in the corner oV northeastern ftah,
8ernal is a place that abounds in both natural beauty and Vamily-Vriendly livingU Living in ✓dinosaur
country o(ers not only a Oide array oV recreational opportunities but also a strong economy
and educational systemU :hy Choose fs 9 xealth KMedical, Dental, 8ision– and 701… ’eneNts
Vor Vull-time employees Competitive Eaid Time F( / kWtended Gllness ’anj pacjage Vor Vull-time
employees kmployee Assistance Erogram $ mental, physical, and Nnancial Oellness assistance-
Tuition Reimbursement/Assistance Vor qualiNed applicants wight and Oeejend di(erentials And
much more5
Bene ts

Dental Gnsurance kquity

Medical Gnsurance :orj Prom xome

8ision Gnsurance Eaid Time F(

LiVe Gnsurance Fther


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