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Dread Elves

Army Book
2nd Edition, version 2.0 - 21st December 2018

Army Model Rules Characters

Cults Character Mounts
Hereditary Spell Core
Special Items
Quick Reference Sheet
The Menagerie

Fantasy Battles: The 9th Age is a community-made miniatures wargame.

All rules and feedback can be found/given at
Recent changes in blue or green and listed at the end of this document or at

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Army Model Rules
Attack Attributes
Killer Instinct: Close Combat.
The attack must reroll natural to-wound rolls of ‘1’.

Death Trance: Close Combat.

The attack gains +1 to wound during the First Round of Combat. Close Combat Attacks that benefit from Death Trance
from more than one source gain +1 to wound during all Rounds of Combat instead.

Universal Rules
Scent of Blood
The model gains Frenzy and Fearless while Engaged in Combat.

Fleet Commander
The model gains Kraken’s Hide. For each Character with Fleet Commander in the army, a single unit of Corsairs may be
upgraded with Vanguard.

Beast Master
Discipline Tests of all friendly Hydras and Krakens within 12" of one or more Characters with Beast Master are subject
to Minimised Roll.
At the start of each Melee Phase, choose one friendly Hydra, Kraken, or Manticore (the rider is not affected) within 12"
of the Beast Master. This model part must reroll failed to-hit rolls with its Close Combat Attacks during this phase.

Kraken’s Hide
If mounted, the wearer gains +1 Armour.
If on foot, the wearer gains +2 Armour.

Repeater Crossbow: Shooting Weapon.
Range 24", Shots 2, Str 3, AP 1.

Repeater Handbow: Shooting Weapon.

Range 12", Shots 2, Str 3, AP 0, Quick to Fire, March and Shoot.

Model Rules 2 Ch CM Co R S D M
Cult General
If the General belongs to a Cult and the Army List does not include any models from any other Cult, then all Dread
Legionnaires, Repeater Auxiliaries, and Corsairs gain the same Cult rules as the army’s General.

Cult Rivalry: Universal Rule.

A model can never belong to more than one Cult. Characters belonging to a Cult cannot join units which contain any
model from another Cult.

Cult of Nabh Cult of Yema

The model gains Cult Rivalry. The model gains Cult Rivalry, Strider, +1” Advance Rate,
The model part gains Hatred and loses Killer Instinct if it and +2” March Rate (this also affects mounts).
had it. The model part loses Killer Instinct if it had it.

Cult of Cadaron Cult of Olaron

The model gains Cult Rivalry. The model gains Cult Rivalry.
Shooting Attacks made by the model part gain +1 to hit Discipline Tests taken by Dread Princes with Cult of
when shooting at Short Range. A model part with Cult of Olaron and their units are subject to Minimised Roll.
Cadaron and a Shooting Weapon loses Killer Instinct if it All other models with Cult of Olaron gain +1 Discipline
had it. instead.

Hereditary Spell
Casting Value Range Type Duration Effect

H Crippling Fatigue
Failed to-wound rolls with ⟨Melee Attacks⟩ {Ranged Attacks} against
18” Hex One Turn the target must be rerolled.

Model Rules 3 Ch CM Co R S D M
Special Items
Weapon Enchantments Wandering Familiar (50 pts) - Dominant.
Death’s Kiss (85 pts) - Models on foot only. At the start of each friendly Magic Phase, you may
Great Weapon enchantment. place a familiar counter with a 20x20mm base within
Attacks made with this weapon become Magical Attacks 6" of the bearer. This familiar acts (and is subject to the
and gain +1 Strength, +1 Armour Penetration, and Multiple same restrictions) as a model of Standard Height for
Wounds (2). the purpose of drawing Line of Sight. It must be placed
more than 1" away from other models and from
Transcendence (65 pts) Impassable Terrain. Once it is placed, the player must
Hand Weapon, Paired Weapons, Halberd, and Lance declare which Facing of the familiar is its Front Facing.
enchantment. Whenever the bearer casts a non-Bound Spell, they
Attacks made with this weapon become Magical Attacks may choose to use the position of their familiar when
and gain Lethal Strike. For every unsaved wound inflicted drawing Line of Sight and measuring Range, and the
with this weapon, the wielder gains +1 Strength and +1 familiar's Front Arc for Direct spells (they must use all
Armour Penetration for the remainder of the game, to a of these or none at all). At the end of the Magic Phase,
maximum of +2 each. the familiar is removed.
Moraec’s Reaping (55 pts) Amulet of Spite (40 pts) - Wizards only.
Hand Weapon and Paired Weapons enchantment. In each friendly Magic Phase, before Siphon the Veil,
The wielder always has at least Attack Value 4. Attacks the owner gains an additional Magic Dice. In each of
with this weapon become Magical Attacks, gain Death the opponent’s Magic Phases, before Siphon the Veil,
Trance, and always have at least Strength 4 and at least the owner must discard a single Magic Dice.
Armour Penetration 3. For each unsaved wound inflicted
with this weapon, the owner gains one Veil Token. Elixir of Shadows (30 pts) - Assassins only.
One use only. May be activated at the start of any
Armour Enchantments
Round of Combat. Until the end of the phase, the
Terrifying Visage (40 pts) - Standard Height models only.
bearer gains Divine Attacks and must reroll failed
Shield enchantment.
to-wound rolls with its Close Combat Attacks. At the
The bearer gains Distracting while using this Shield.
end of the phase, the bearer loses 1 Health Point with
Seal of the Republic (40 pts) - Models on foot only. no saves of any kind allowed.
Heavy Armour enchantment.
For each unsaved wound inflicted by the wearer’s Close Banner Enchantments
Combat Attacks, the wearer gains +1 to its Armour for the Banner of Gar Daecos (75 pts) - Cannot be taken by
remainder of the game. units that count towards Core.
All friendly units Engaged in the same Combat as the
Artefacts bearer gain Death Trance.
Midnight Cloak (95 pts) - Cannot be taken by models with
Banner of Blood (50 pts)
Towering Presence.
Model parts without Harnessed in the bearer's unit
The wearer gains Devastating Charge (Multiple Wounds
gain Devastating Charge (+1 Att).
(D3)) and Aegis (3+, against Ranged Attacks).

Pendant of Disdain (75 pts) Academy Banner (60 pts) - Dread Legionnaires,
The bearer gains Aegis (4+, against Strength 5 or more). Repeater Auxiliaries, and Corsairs only.
0-3 Banners per Army.
Ring of Shadows (70 pts) R&F models in the bearer's unit gain +1 Armour
If the bearer's unit consists entirely of Standard Height Penetration in the First Round of Combat. Dread
models, Legionnaires, Repeater Auxiliaries, and Corsairs in
● all models in the unit gain Hard Target (1). units within 6" of one or more other units with
● Close Combat Attacks allocated towards models in Academy Banner gain +1 Armour Penetration in the
the bearers unit suffer -1 Offensive Skill. First Round of Combat.

Beastmaster's Lash (40 pts)

The roll for determining the number of hits from Stomp
Attacks of friendly Gigantic models within 12" of the bearer
is subject to Maximised Roll.
The roll for determining the number of hits from Stomp
Attacks of enemy Gigantic models within 12" of the bearer
is subject to Minimised Roll.

Model Rules 4 Ch CM Co R S D M
Army Organisation

Characters Core Special Raiders Destroyers The Menagerie

Max 40% At least 25% No limit Max 30% Max 15% Max 30%

CHARACTERS (max 40%)

Height: Standard
Dread Prince 240 pts Type: Infantry
single model Base: 20x20mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5” 10” 10
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 7 3 0 Light Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Dread Prince 4 7 4 1 8 Lightning Reflexes, Killer Instinct

Alliance Options: pts Options: pts

May take (one choice only): May take Special Items up to 200
Cult of Cadaron 5 May take any of the following:
Cult of Nabh 20 Heavy Armour 15
Cult of Olaron 55 Shield 5
Cult of Yema 35 May take a Shooting Weapon (one choice only):
Beast Master 50 Repeater Crossbow (1+) 5
Fleet Commander 60 Repeater Handbow (1+) 5
May take a Close Combat Weapon (one choice only):
Paired Weapons 5
Halberd 10
Great Weapon 15
Lance 20
May take a mount (one choice only):
Elven Horse 70
Raptor 70
Raptor Chariot (not Fleet Commander) 105
Pegasus 120
Manticore* (not Fleet Commander) 190
Dragon* 440

*Manticores, Dragons, and their riders count towards Characters.

Additionally, these mounts count towards The Menagerie.

Model Rules 5 Ch CM Co R S D M
Height: Standard
Captain 155 pts Type: Infantry
single model Base: 20x20mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5” 10” 9

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 6 3 0 Light Armour

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Captain 3 6 4 1 7 Lightning Reflexes, Killer Instinct

Alliance Options: pts Options: pts

May take (one choice only): May be the Battle Standard Bearer 50
Cult of Cadaron 5 May take Special Items up to 100
Cult of Nabh 10 May take any of the following:
Cult of Olaron 50 Heavy Armour 10
Cult of Yema 20 Shield 5
Beast Master 50 May take a Shooting Weapon (one choice only):
Fleet Commander 45 Repeater Crossbow (2+) 5
Repeater Handbow (2+) 5
May take a Close Combat Weapon (one choice only):
Paired Weapons 5
Halberd 5
Great Weapon 10
Lance 15
May take a mount (one choice only):
Elven Horse 50
Raptor 60
Pegasus 100
Raptor Chariot (not Fleet Commander) 120
Manticore* (not Fleet Commander) 180

*Manticores and their riders count towards Characters.

Additionally, these mounts count towards The Menagerie.

Model Rules 6 Ch CM Co R S D M
Height: Standard
Cult Priest 120 pts Type: Infantry
single model Base: 20x20mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5” 10” 9 Cult Legate

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 5 3 0 Light Armour

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Cult Priest 2 5 4 1 5 Lightning Reflexes, Killer Instinct

Cult Legate: Universal Rule. Alliance Options: pts

Model parts with a Cult gain Killer Instinct as long as a Must take (one choice only):
Cult Priest on foot is joined to their unit. Cult of Cadaron free
Cult of Nabh 5
Cult of Olaron 55
Divine Altar Large, Construct Cult of Yema 15
0-1 Mounts per Army
Options: pts
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules
May be the Battle Standard Bearer 50
Fear, Towering
5” 10” C Presence, War May take Special Items up to 100
Platform, Divine May take a Shield 5
Blessings* May take a Shooting Weapon (one choice only):
Repeater Crossbow (4+) 5
Defensive HP Def Res Arm
Aegis (4+)
Repeater Handbow (4+) 5
5 C 5 C+2 May take a Close Combat Weapon (one choice only):
Paired Weapons 5
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi
Spear 5
Disciple (3) 1 4 3 0 5 Lightning Reflexes, Halberd 5
Killer Instinct, Poison Great Weapon 5
May replace Cult Legate with:
Avatar 4 5 5 2 5 Harnessed Divine Altar 440

Chassis 5 2 Inanimate, Impact

Hits (D6+1)

*see Divine Altar unit

Options: pts
Disciples may take a Close Combat Weapon (one choice
Light Lance 10
Paired Weapons 15

Model Rules 7 Ch CM Co R S D M
Height: Standard
Oracle 170 pts Type: Infantry
single model Base: 20x20mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5” 10” 9 Irresistible Will, Wizard Apprentice

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 4 3 0

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Oracle 1 4 3 0 5 Killer Instinct, Lightning Reflexes

Magic Options: Options: pts

Must select spells from (choose one): May become (one choice only):
Wizard Adept 75
Wizard Master 225
Alchemy Witchcraft Divination Cosmology May take Light Armour 5
May take Special Items up to 100
If Wizard Master up to 200
If Cult of Yema, must instead select spells from
May take Cult of Yema 30
(choose one):
May take a mount (one choice only):
Elven Horse 40
Raptor 20
Occultism Witchcraft Divination Cosmology Pegasus 60
Manticore* (Wizard Master only) 110
Irresistible Will: Universal Rule. Dragon* (Wizard Master only) 440
Dispel rolls against non-Bound Spells cast by the
model suffer a -1 modifier.
*Manticores, Dragons, and their riders count towards Characters.
Additionally, these mounts count towards The Menagerie.

Model Rules 8 Ch CM Co R S D M
Height: Standard
Assassin 155 pts Type: Infantry
single model Base: 20x20mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

6” 12” 9 Not a Leader, Scout, Professional Courtesy, Agent of the

Obsidian Thrones

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 7 3 0

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Assassin 3 7 4 2 9 Killer Instinct, Lightning Reflexes, Poison Attacks

Professional Courtesy: Universal Rule. Options: pts

Assassins cannot join units that contain May take Special Items up to 100
another Assassin. Assassins may perform May take Paired Weapons 15
Make Way moves even when they are in base May become Master Poisoner see below
contact with an enemy model.

Agent of the Obsidian Thrones: Universal

Assassins ignore Cult Rivalry for the purpose
of joining units, and are ignored regarding
Cult Rivalry by Characters joining their unit.

May take one of the following:

Path of Bloody Murder (90 pts) Path of Silent Death (35 pts)*

The model gains Cult of Nabh, Distracting, and Aegis The model gains Cult of Cadaron and Assassin
(4+, against Melee Attacks). Throwing Weapons (1+).

Assassin Throwing Weapons: Shooting Weapon.

Range 12", Shots 3, Str as user, AP as user, Quick to

*An Assassin with Path of Silent Death additionally

counts towards Raiders.

Master Poisoner: Attack Attribute - Close Combat and Shooting.

An Assassin may buy a single Poison. A Poison cannot be used with attacks made with an enchanted weapon.

Poison Effect

Nightshade (30 pts) The attack always wounds on at least 3+.

Wolfsbane (45 pts) The attack has its Armour Penetration set to 10.

Bloodroot (50 pts) The attack gains +1 Strength, +1 Armour Penetration, and Multiple Wounds (2,
against Character).

Model Rules 9 Ch CM Co R S D M

Elven Horse Standard, Cavalry Raptor Standard, Cavalry

25x50mm 25x50mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

9” 18” C 7” 14” C Scent of Blood

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

C C C C+2 C C 4 C+2
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Elven Horse 1 3 3 0 4 Harnessed Raptor 2 3 4 1 2 Harnessed

Options: pts
If Cult of Cadaron, Dread Princes and Captains must
gain Light Troops and -1 Armour 15 Raptor Chariot Large, Construct

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

Large, Cavalry 7” 7” C Swiftstride, Scent of

Pegasus Blood

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules Defensive HP Def Res Arm

Ground 7” 14” C Fly (8”, 16”), Light 4 C 5 C+2

Fly 8” 16” Troops
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi
Defensive HP Def Res Arm
Crew (2) 1 5 4 1 6 Lance, Repeater
C C 4 C+1 Crossbow (4+),
Killer Instinct,
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi Lightning Reflexes

Pegasus 2 4 4 1 4 Harnessed, Raptor (2) 2 3 4 1 2 Harnessed

Devastating Charge
(+1 Str, +1 AP) Chassis 5 2 Inanimate, Impact
Hits (D6+1)

0-1 Mounts per Army
This mount and its rider count
towards Characters. Additionally, This mount and its rider count
Large, Cavalry
this mount counts towards The 50x100mm towards Characters. Additionally,
Menagerie. Gigantic, Beast
this mount counts towards The 50x100mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

Fear, Fly (8”, 16”), Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules
Ground 6” 12” C
Fly 8” 16” Light Troops,
Towering Presence, Ground 6” 12” C Fly (7”, 14”), Light
Scent of Blood Fly 7” 14” Troops

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

4 C 5 C+1 6 5 6 4

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi
Harnessed, Breath
Harnessed, Death Dragon 5 5 6 3 3
Manticore 4 5 5 2 5 Attack (Str 4, AP1,
Trance Flaming Attacks)

Model Rules 10 Ch CM Co R S D M
CORE (at least 25%)
Height: Standard
Dread Legionnaires 165 pts Type: Infantry
15 models, may add up to 35 additional models for 13 pts/model Base: 20x20mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5” 10” 8 Scoring

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 4 3 0 Light Armour, Shield

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Dread Legionnaire 1 4 3 0 5 Killer Instinct, Lightning Reflexes

Options: pts
May take a Spear 2 / model
May upgrade one model to each of the following:
Champion 20
Musician 20
Standard Bearer 20
- may take a Banner Enchantment

Height: Standard
Corsairs 160 pts Type: Infantry
10 models, may add up to 25 additional models for 17 pts/model Base: 20x20mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5” 10” 8 Scoring

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 4 3 0 Light Armour, Kraken’s Hide

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Corsair 1 4 3 0 5 Killer Instinct, Lightning Reflexes

Options: pts
May take Paired Weapons 2 / model
May take a Repeater Handbow (4+)* 4 / model
If Cult of Cadaron, additionally 1 / model
May upgrade one model to each of the following:
Champion 20
Musician 20
Standard Bearer 20
- may take a Banner Enchantment
*0-35 Models with Repeater Handbow (4+) per Army

For each Character with Fleet Commander:

One unit of Corsairs may take Vanguard** 1 / model
**Fleet Commanders and Assassins joined to this unit gain

Model Rules 11 Ch CM Co R S D M
Height: Standard
Blades of Nabh 200 pts Type: Infantry
10 models, may add up to 20 additional models for 20 pts/model Base: 20x20mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5” 10” 8 Fearless, Frenzy, Scoring

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 2 3 0

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Blade of Nabh 2 4 3 0 6 Cult of Nabh, Lightning Reflexes, Poison Attacks, Paired Weapons

Options: pts
May upgrade one model to each of the following:
Champion 20
Musician 20
Standard Bearer 20
- may take a Banner Enchantment

Height: Standard
Repeater Auxiliaries 190 pts Type: Infantry
10 models, may add up to 20 additional models for 17 pts/model Base: 20x20mm

This unit counts both towards Core and Raiders.

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5” 10” 8 Scoring

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 4 3 0 Light Armour

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Repeater Auxiliary 1 4 3 0 5 Killer Instinct, Lightning Reflexes, Repeater Crossbow (4+)

Options: pts
If Cult of Cadaron, must pay 3 / model
May take a Shield 2 / model
May upgrade one model to each of the following:
Champion 20
Musician 20
Standard Bearer 20
- may take a Banner Enchantment

Model Rules 12 Ch CM Co R S D M
Height: Standard
Dark Raiders 160 pts 0­4 Units per
Type: Cavalry
5 models, may add up to 10 additional models for 25 pts/model Army
Base: 25x50mm

This unit counts both towards Core and Raiders.

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

9” 18” 8 Feigned Flight, Light Troops, Vanguard

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 4 3 1 Light Armour

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Dark Raider 1 4 3 0 5 Cult of Cadaron, Killer Instinct, Lightning Reflexes, Light Lance
Elven Horse 1 3 3 0 4 Harnessed

Options: pts
May take a Repeater Crossbow (4+) 8 / model
May take a Shield 4 / model
May upgrade one model to each of the following:
Champion 20
Musician 20
Standard Bearer 20

Model Rules 13 Ch CM Co R S D M
RAIDERS (max 30%)
Height: Standard
Raven Cloaks 170 pts 0­3 Units per Army
Type: Infantry
5 models, may add up to 5 additional models for 33 pts/model 0­20 Models per Army
Base: 20x20mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5” 10” 8 Light Troops, Scout, Skirmisher

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 5 3 0 Hard Target (1), Light Armour

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Raven Cloak 1 5 3 0 5 Cult of Cadaron, Lightning Reflexes, Repeater Crossbow (3+)

Options: pts
May take a Close Combat Weapon (one choice only):
Great Weapon 3 / model
Paired Weapons 1 / model
May upgrade one model to a Champion 20

Model Rules 14 Ch CM Co R S D M
SPECIAL (no limit)
Height: Standard
Tower Guard 210 pts Type: Infantry
10 models, may add up to 20 additional models for 25 pts/model Base: 20x20mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5” 10” 8 Bodyguard, Fearless, Scoring

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 6 3 0 Heavy Armour

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Tower Guard 2 6 3 1 6 Cult of Olaron, Killer Instinct, Lightning Reflexes, Halberd

Options: pts
May upgrade one model to each of the following:
Champion 20
Musician 20
Standard Bearer 20
- may take a Banner Enchantment*
*If the General has Cult of Olaron, a single Tower Guard Standard Bearer in the
army may take two Banner Enchantments for a combined cost of up to 100 pts.

Height: Standard
Dread Knights 245 pts Type: Cavalry
5 models, may add up to 7 additional models for 48 pts/model 0­4 Units per
Base: 25x50mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

7” 14” 9 Scoring, Scent of Blood

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 5 4 2 Heavy Armour, Shield

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Dread Knight 1 5 4 1 6 Killer Instinct, Lightning Reflexes, Lance

Raptor 2 3 4 1 2 Harnessed

Options: pts
May upgrade one model to each of the following:
Champion 20
Musician 20
Standard Bearer 20
- may take a Banner Enchantment

Model Rules 15 Ch CM Co R S D M
Height: Large
Raptor Chariot 195 pts 0­4 Units per
Type: Construct
single model Army
Base: 50x100mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

7” 7” 9 Swiftstride, Scent of Blood

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

4 5 5 2 Heavy Armour

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Crew (2) 1 5 4 1 6 Killer Instinct, Lightning Reflexes, Lance, Repeater Crossbow

Raptor (2) 2 3 4 1 2 Harnessed
Chassis 5 2 Inanimate, Impact Hits (D6+1)

Height: Standard
Harpies 135 pts 0­3 Units per
Type: Infantry
5 models, may add up to 10 additional models for 14 pts/model Army
Base: 20x20mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

Ground 5” 10” 6 Fly (10”, 20”), Light Troops, Swiftstride, Insignificant,

Fly 10” 20” Skirmisher

Defensive HP Def Res AS

1 3 3 0 Hard Target (1)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Harpy 2 3 3 0 5

Model Rules 16 Ch CM Co R S D M
Height: Standard
Dread Judges 230 pts Type: Infantry
10 models, may add up to 20 additional models for 24 pts/model Base: 20x20mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5” 10” 8 Cult of Nabh, Scoring

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 5 3 0 Heavy Armour

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Dread Judge 1 5 4 1 5 Executioner’s Blade, Lightning Reflexes

Executioner’s Blade: Close Combat Weapon. Options: pts

Follows the rules for Great Weapons. In addition, May upgrade one model to each of the following:
attacks made with this weapon gain Lethal Strike Champion 20
and Multiple Wounds (2, against Standard). Musician 20
Standard Bearer 20
- may take a Banner Enchantment

Height: Standard
Dancers of Yema 200 pts Type: Infantry
10 models, may add up to 20 additional models for 22 pts/model Base: 20x20mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5” 10” 8 Cult of Yema, Scoring

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 5 3 0 Light Armour, Shield

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Dancer of Yema 1 5 3 0 5 Gladiator Weapons, Lightning Reflexes

Gladiator Weapons: Close Combat Weapon. Options: pts

The wielder gains Weapon Master, Aegis (4+, May gain Cultist Troupe 2 / model
against Melee Attacks), and counts as equipped May upgrade one model to each of the following:
with Shield, Hand Weapon, Paired Weapons, Spear, Champion 20
Great Weapon, and Halberd. Musician 20
Standard Bearer 20
- may take a Banner Enchantment
Cultist Troupe: Universal Rule.
0-1 Units per Army and 0-15 Models per Unit.
The model loses Scoring and gains Skirmisher,
Light Troops, and Hard Target (1).

Model Rules 17 Ch CM Co R S D M
Height: Standard
Medusa 125 pts 0­3 Units per
Type: Beast
single model Army
Base: 40x40mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

6” 12” 8 Cult of Yema, Fearless, Fear, Supernal

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 5 4 0 Aegis (5+)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Medusa 5 5 4 1 5 Petrifying Stare

Petrifying Stare: Universal Rule. Options: pts

The model can cast Deceptive Glamour from May take a Close Combat Weapon (one choice only):
Witchcraft as a Bound Spell with Power Level Halberd 10
(4/8). Paired Weapons 5
In addition, friendly Standard Height units with at
least one Full Rank that are Engaged in the same
Combat as one or more Medusas count as having an
additional Full Rank for the purpose of Steadfast
and Disrupted.

Height: Standard
Dark Acolytes 235 pts 0­2 Units per
Type: Cavalry
5 models, may add up to 5 additional models for 45 pts/model Army
Base: 25x50mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

9” 18” 8 Light Troops, Wizard Conclave

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 4 3 1 Aegis (4+)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Dark Acolyte 2 4 4 1 5 Killer Instinct, Lightning Reflexes, Poison Attacks

Elven Horse 1 3 3 0 4 Harnessed

Options: pts
Wizard Conclave May take Cult of Yema* 4 / model
Must select two spells from May upgrade one model to a Champion 120
● Altered Sight - Cosmology
● Ice and Fire - Cosmology
● Crippling Fatigue ­ Hereditary Spell

*If the unit has taken Cult of Yema, instead

select two spells from:
● Pentagram of Pain - Occultism
● Breath of Corruption - Occultism
● The Grave Calls - Occultism

Model Rules 18 Ch CM Co R S D M
Height: Large
Divine Altar 385 pts 0­1 Units per
Type: Construct
single model Army
Base: 60x100mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5” 10” 8 Divine Blessings, Fear, Towering Presence, War Platform, Not a


Defensive HP Def Res Arm

5 5 5 1 Light Armour, Aegis (4+)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Disciple (3) 1 4 3 0 5 Killer Instinct, Lightning Reflexes, Poison Attacks

Avatar of the Gods 4 5 5 2 5 Harnessed
Chassis 5 2 Inanimate, Impact Hits (D6+1)

Options: pts
Disciples may take a Close Combat Weapon (one choice
Light Lance 10
Paired Weapons 15

Divine Blessings: Universal Rule.

All friendly units within 12" of a Divine Altar gain Aegis (6+). At the beginning of each friendly Player Turn, you may
choose to replace the Aegis with one of the following effects until the start of your next Player Turn:
- Rolls for Charge Range of all friendly units that are within 12" of the Divine Altar when rolling for Charge Range
are subject to Maximised Roll.
- All friendly units that are within 12" of the Divine Altar at the beginning of their Initiative Step gain Death
Models with Towering Presence other than the Divine Altar cannot benefit from Divine Blessings. A single unit can only
be affected by a single Divine Blessing from a single Divine Altar at any time. If under the influence of more than one
Blessing, only apply the most recently used one.

Model Rules 19 Ch CM Co R S D M
DESTROYERS (max 15%)
Height: Large
Hunting Chariot 210 pts Type: Construct
single model Base: 50x100mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

9” 9” 8 Swiftstride

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

4 4 4 2 Light Armour

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Crew (2) 1 4 3 0 5 Light Lance, Killer Instinct, Lightning Reflexes

Elven Horse (2) 1 3 3 0 4 Harnessed
Chassis 5 2 Harpoon Launcher (3+), Inanimate, Impact Hits (D6)

Harpoon Launcher: Shooting Weapon.

Range 18", Shots 1, Str 7, AP 3, Lethal Strike, Quick to Fire, Accurate, Reload!, Multiple Wounds (D3, Clipped Wings),

Harpooned: Attack Attribute - Shooting.

A model with Towering Presence that has lost one or more Health Points due to an attack with this Attack Attribute
suffers -2” Advance Rate, -4” March Rate, and loses Fly until the end of the next Player Turn.

Height: Standard
Dread Reaper 180 pts 0­3 Units per
Type: Construct
single model Army
Base: 60mm round

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5” 5” 8 War Machine

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

4 1 4 0 Light Armour

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Crew members 2 4 3 0 5 Elven Bolt Thrower (3+), Killer Instinct, Lightning Reflexes,
Move or Fire

Elven Bolt Thrower:

This Artillery Weapon can be fired in two ways:

- As an Artillery Weapon: - As an Artillery Weapon:

Range 48", Shots 1, Str 3[6], AP 10, [Multiple Range 48", Shots 6, Str 4, AP 2.
Wounds (D3)], Area Attack (1×5).

Model Rules 20 Ch CM Co R S D M

Height: Gigantic
Kraken 390 pts 0­3 Units per
Type: Beast
single model Army
Base: 50x100mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

6” 12” 8 Strider (Water Terrain)

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

5 5 5 3 Distracting, Hard Target (1)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Kraken 4 5 7 4 3 Multiple Wounds (D3), Poison Attacks

Height: Gigantic
Hydra 440 pts 0­3 Units per
Type: Beast
single model Army
Base: 50x100mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

6” 12” 8

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

5 5 5 3 Fortitude (4+)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Hydra 7 5 5 2 2 Breath Attack (Str 4, AP 1, Flaming Attacks)

Model Rules 21 Ch CM Co R S D M

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