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Phytochemistry Letters 52 (2022) 33–39

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The impact of post-harvest storage on sweet corn aroma

Jessica P. Yactayo-Chang a, Susan Boehlein b, Robert L. Beiriger c, Marcio F.R. Resende Jr. b,
Robert G. Bruton a, 1, Hans T. Alborn a, Maritza Romero a, William F. Tracy d, Anna K. Block a, *
US Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Chemistry Research Unit, Center for Medical, Agricultural, and Veterinary Entomology, 1700 SW 23rd
Drive, Gainesville, FL 32608, USA
University of Florida, Horticultural Sciences Department, 2250 Hull Road, Gainesville, FL 32611, USA
University of Florida, Everglades Research and Education Center, 3200 East Palm Beach Road, Belle Glade, FL 33430, USA
Department of Agronomy, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Agronomy, 1575 Linden Dr., Madison, WI 53706, USA


Keywords: Fresh market sweet corn (Zea mays L.) is a high sugar, high moisture vegetable that, due to its fast metabolic rate,
Aroma is susceptible to rapid post-harvest decay at ambient temperatures. Immediate cooling and storage at low but not
Flavor freezing temperatures are well established industry practices for maintaining post-harvest sugar content. Less is
Post-harvest storage
known about how post-harvest storage temperature impacts other important sweet corn consumer traits, such as
Sweet corn
aroma. In this study we measure the production and stability of the cooked sweet corn aroma compounds
dimethyl sulfide, dimethyl disulfide, dimethyl trisulfide, 3-methyl furan, 3-methyl butanal and 2-methyl butanal.
We reveal that these aroma compounds are also susceptible to post-harvest decay if sweet corn is stored at
ambient rather than cool temperatures. Furthermore, the quantities and post-harvest decay rates of aroma
volatiles vary among different sweet corn lines, indicating that sweet corn genetics can impact maintenance of
post-harvest flavor.

1. Introduction harvest respiration and maintain sugar content (Becerra-Sanchez

et al., 2021). The maintenance of kernel sugar content correlates with
Sweet corn (Zea mays L.) is a type of maize with mutations in the prolonged sweetness which is an important trait for consumers (Winter
endosperm starch synthesis pathway that prevent the conversion of et al., 1955).
sugar to starch, leading to increased sweetness. These include mutations Less is known about how temperature and post-harvest storage im­
in either Shrunken2 (Sh2), the large subunit of AGPase, or Sugary1 (Su1) pacts other factors important for consumer preference in sweet corn
an isoamylase type DBE (Zhang et al., 2019). Sweet corn with mutations such as aroma. Several aroma volatiles have been identified in cooked
in sh2 have only sugar in their kernels while sweet corn with su1 mu­ sweet corn including dimethyl sulfide, which gives the distinctive sweet
tations have both sugar and starch and can convert kernel sugar to starch corn aroma. Other sweet corn aroma volatiles include hydrogen sulfide,
after harvest. This leads to sh2 sweet corn accumulating more sugar than acetaldehyde, methanethiol, ethanol, ethanethiol, 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline,
su1 sweet corn, the sh2 varieties are therefore often called supersweet 2-acetyl-2-thiazoline-hydroxy-2-propanone, 2-hydroxy-3-butanone,
corn. and 2,3-butanediol (Bills et al., 1968; Self et al., 1963; Flora et al.,
The loss of starch accumulation, coupled with harvest at the milk 1974; Buttery et al., 1994). Sweet corn juice contains 1-heptanol,
growth stage, leads to a high sugar and moisture content in sweet corn 2-methyl-2-butenal, (Z)-3-nonen-1-ol, 3-ethyl-2-methyl-1,3-hexadiene,
kernels. The resultant juiciness and sweetness that make it such an and 2,4-bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)phenol (Feng et al., 2020).
appealing food, also make it highly susceptible to post-harvest decay. Sweet corn kernel characteristics including sugars and dimethyl
Current fresh market sweet corn production practices involving rapid sulfide content have been shown to have genetic variability in different
cooling close to, but not below, zero degrees Celsius act to limit post- sweet corn lines (Azanza et al., 1996a). Potential QTLs (Quantitative

Abbreviations: GC-MS, Gas Chromatograph-Mass Spectrometer; 7143, Seminis EX08767143 (Bicolor, Supersweet (Sh2-type)); Su1, Sugary1; Sh2, Shrunken2; QTL,
Quantitative Trait Loci.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (A.K. Block).
Present address: Kaycha Labs Gainesville, 2444 NE 1st Blvd, Suite 700, Gainesville, FL 32609, USA.
Received 9 June 2022; Received in revised form 31 August 2022; Accepted 2 September 2022
Available online 13 September 2022
1874-3900/Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of Phytochemical Society of Europe.
J.P. Yactayo-Chang et al. Phytochemistry Letters 52 (2022) 33–39

Trait Loci) have been identified for dimethyl sulfide production and Technologies, Santa Clara, CA) and filled with activated charcoal, and
sensory panels have been used to identify potential QTLs for some flavor was used to supply clean air to the jar. The second junction was used to
attributes including corn aroma and grassy aroma (Azanza et al., collect volatiles by attaching a thermal desorption filter consisting of the
1996b). However, the mechanistic basis for these QTLs and their roles in same type of single-tapered splitless liners filled with Tenax TA® (60/80
aroma remain enigmatic. mesh; Supelco, Bellefonte, PA, USA). Fifty mL of air was pulled out of the
As sweet corn is primarily eaten after cooking, the impact of post- jar and through the filter at a constant rate of 10 mL/min by an in-house
harvest storage on aroma is important both for constitutive aroma designed volumetric syringe pump. The pump contains of a 60 mL
compounds as well as those produced during the cooking process itself. polypropylene syringe coupled to a stepper motor with 200 step­
In this study we assess the impact of post-harvest storage at different s/revolution enabling a smooth and consistent draw of air through the
temperatures on the production of sweet corn aroma volatiles and system.
investigate the impact of genetics on the stability of both aroma and An Agilent 6890 Gas Chromatograph (GC) coupled to an Agilent
sugar content in a selection of sweet corn inbreds and populations. Using 5975 Mass Spectrometer (MS) (Santa Clara, CA), was used for analyses
our analytical methods we monitored the production dimethyl sulfide, of the volatile collections. The splitless injector was modified with the
dimethyl disulfide, dimethyl trisulfide, 2-methyl butanal, 3-methyl addition of a temperature gradient cold trap (Alborn et al., 2018). In that
butanal and 3-methyl furan in cooked sweet corn. We observed that way, the injector could be used to desorb the filters and the volatiles
these volatiles are impacted by post-harvest storage temperature, efferently focused on the column, thus eliminating the need for flash
revealing that sugar is not the only flavor component in sweetcorn that is heating of the trap. GC-MS was equipped with a Supelco SPB 122–0132
lost during post-harvest storage at ambient temperatures. Furthermore, column (DB-1 30 m x 250 μM x 0.25 μM). The injector temperature was
we revealed that genetic factors in sweet corn can impact the post- set to 200 ◦ C and splitless injection beginning at a helium carrier flow of
harvest stability of sugars and the aroma volatiles dimethyl sulfide 0 psi (for insertion of 140 filter) and then at 0.01 min increased to a
and dimethyl disulfide. These findings show the untapped breeding constant pressure of 10 psi. After 2 min the purge valve was opened, and
potential for sweet corn with increased “shelf stable” flavor. the carrier gas flow reduced to 0.07 mL/min and a linear velocity of 35
cm/min kept for the remainder of the analysis. The oven was kept at
2. Material and methods 30 ◦ C for the initial 3 min, followed by ramping at 10 ◦ C/min ramp to
260 ◦ C and kept at that temperature for the last 5 min of the analysis.
2.1. Sweet corn material and treatments Commercial standards were analyzed using the same system and
temperature program but with inactivated cold trap and no initial
Ears from the commercial corn hybrid Seminis EX08767143 injector pressure shut off, thus giving very similar retention times be­
(Bicolor, Supersweet (Sh2-type)), from here on referred to as 7143, were tween the solventless system and solvent injections. The volatile com­
harvested from commercial fields in Belle Glade Florida. The ears were pounds were validated using commercial standards obtained from
rapidly chilled on ice and kept on ice for two days. Husks were removed Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO), and analyzed using following mass-to
from the ears and the ears were placed at either 4ºC or 25 ºC until 6, 13 or charge ratio (m/z) and retention times (RT): dimethyl sulfide (m/z 62,
20 d after harvest. Samples for sugar analysis were flash frozen it liquid RT 4.84 min), dimethyl disulfide (m/z 94, RT 7.02 min), dimethyl
nitrogen. For volatile analysis, each sample consisted of a 20 g ear trisulfide (m/z 126, RT 10.6 min), 3-methyl-butanal (m/z 58, RT 5.96
segment that was placed in a steamer plate with 2 mL water and cooked min), 2-methyl-butanal (m/z 58, RT 6.0 min), and 3-methyl furan (m/z
in a domestic microwave oven (1000 watts) for one minute. Four sam­ 82, RT 5.58 min).
ples were analyzed for each treatment.
Sweet corn inbreds: C81, C90, I97, Wh09009, Wh9137R, 2.3. Sugar analysis
Wh10127R, and Wh13064, along with populations Mexican Dent_sh2
and Pease Crosby Sweet corn were grown at the University of Florida/ Sugars were determined using the sucrose, D-fructose and D-glucose
IFAS Plant Science Research and Education Unit located in Citra, Flor­ assay procedure from Megazyme (K-SUFRG) scaled down to 96 well
ida. The experiment was established in an alpha-lattice design with two plate format. Briefly, fifteen kernels per sample were lyophilized and
replications. Genotypes were planted in single-row plots with 12 plants pulverized and approximately 15 mg resuspended in 1 mL of cold water
per row. Inbred lines C81 and C90 are su1 lines developed in Con­ (4 ◦ C), vortexed, and incubated at 80 ◦ C for 15 min. Solids were removed
necticut (Tracy, 2000). Inbred line I97 contains the sh2 mutation and by centrifugation at 13,000xg for 10 min and the supernatant was
was developed by the sweet corn breeding program at University of diluted so measurements could be performed in the linear range of the
Florida. Mexican Dent and Pease Crosby are two open pollinated pop­ assay (0–5 μg). Enzymes, and substrate were added according to the
ulations, containing the sh2 and su1 mutations, respectively. The inbred Megazyme assay procedure but were scaled down to accommodate a 96
Wh lines contain the sh2 mutation and were developed by the sweet corn well format. Standard curves for glucose, fructose and sucrose were used
breeding program at University of Wisconsin-Madison. The plants were to calculate the sugar content in each sample as described in (Finegan
self-pollinated and kernels from all lines were harvested 21 d after et al., 2022). Briefly, the amount of sucrose was calculated by sub­
pollination and either flash frozen in liquid nitrogen or stored husked for tracting the amount of glucose from the amount of sucrose plus glucose
7 d at 25 ºC before flash freezing. Frozen kernels were used for sugar in the sample.
analysis. For volatile analysis each sample consisted of 10 g of frozen
kernels that were placed in a steamer plate with 2 mL water and cooked 2.4. Statistical analysis
in a domestic microwave oven (1000 watts) for two minutes. Two
samples were analyzed for each plant and two plants were used for each Data were analyzed using the Statistical Analysis System (SAS)
treatment giving a total sample size per treatment of four. software. Statistical differences at P ≤ 0.05 between treatments were
calculated by one-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) followed by a
2.2. Solventless volatile collection and analysis Tukey’s multiple comparisons procedure.

Sweet corn samples were transferred to a 125 mL glass mason jar 3. Results
immediately after steaming. As described in Alborn et al. (2021), the lid
of the mason jar contained two junctions consisting of ¼ inch Teflon 3.1. Post-harvest cold storage slows sugar metabolism in fresh sweet corn
Swagelock connections. One junction was equipped with a
single-tapered splitless liner with a plug of silanized glass wool (Agilent To assess the impact of post-harvest storage temperature on the

J.P. Yactayo-Chang et al. Phytochemistry Letters 52 (2022) 33–39

metabolism in kernels of fresh corn-on-the-cob (variety 7143), sugar storage at 4 ◦ C (Fig. 1B and C). The amounts were, however, signifi­
content of the kernels from ears stored at either 4 ºC or 25 ºC was cantly lower in 7143 kernels after 13 d of post-harvest storage at 25 ºC
determined at various time points after harvest (Fig. 1). Independent of and reached less than 10 mg/g after 20 d of post-harvest storage at 25 ºC,
the test storage conditions, the most abundant simple sugar in these indicating their conversion to starch and phytoglycogen.
sweet corn kernels is the disaccharide sucrose. The fresh 7143 kernels
had approximately 400 mg/g dry weight of sucrose and this level was 3.2. Post-harvest storage at 25 ºC also leads to loss of fresh sweet corn
maintained for 20 d post-harvest examined in ears stored at 4 ºC. In aroma volatiles
contrast ears stored at 25 ºC displayed a rapid and continuous significant
decrease in sucrose levels over time reaching 100 mg/g by 20 d post- To investigate if post-harvest storage temperature also leads to
harvest (Fig. 1A). Sucrose can be broken down into the mono­ changes in aroma volatile production, we collected and analyzed
saccharides fructose and glucose. These monosaccharides, that were headspace volatiles from sections of the ears of fresh corn-on-the-cob
present at around 30 mg/g and 50 mg/g respectively in the fresh 7143 (variety 7143) immediately following cooking. Chemical structures of
kernels, were also not significantly impacted by 20 d of post-harvest these compounds are shown in Fig. 2. This analysis revealed the pres­
ence of the high levels of the sulfur containing compounds dimethyl
sulfide (10–50 ng/g/min), dimethyl disulfide (0.05–0.12 ng/g/min)
and dimethyl trisulfide (0.01–0.02 ng/g/min). Furthermore, the alde­
hydes 3-methyl butanal (isovaleraldehyde) and 2-methyl butanal (2-
methylbutyraldehyde) were produced at around 0.2 ng/g/min, while 3-
methyl furan was produced at approximately 2–3 ng/g/min (Fig. 3).
None of the six volatiles measured were significantly impacted by
post-harvest storage for 20 d at 4 ºC (Fig. 3). In contrast, ears stored at 25
ºC displayed a continuous significant decrease in volatile production
following cooking after 13 d of post-harvest storage.

3.3. Sweet corn aroma volatiles in different inbreds and populations

To assess the impact of different genetic backgrounds on the pro­

duction and maintenance of sweet corn aroma volatiles, kernels were
harvested from seven different sweet corn inbreds and two sweet corn
populations grown together in the same environmental conditions.
Dimethyl sulfide levels showed around a three-fold variation between
the different lines and populations, with around 60 ng/g/min in line
C81 and only 20 ng/g/min in line Wh10127R (Fig. 4A). Inbred C81 also
displayed the highest levels of dimethyl disulfide at around 0.19 ng/g/
min, while four-fold lower concentrations were observed in other lines
such as Wh10127R and the population Mexican_Dent_sh2 (Fig. 4B).
The volatile dimethyl trisulfide was highest in line Wh13064 at
around 0.03 ng/g/min and around six-fold lower at around 0.005 ng/g/
min in population Mexican_Dent_sh2 (Fig. 4C). The levels of 3-methyl
furan were similar in all lines tested (Fig. 4D). The levels of 3-methyl
butanal (Fig. 4E) correlated with those of 2-methyl butanal (Fig. 4F)
in the sweet corn inbreds and populations, with 2-methyl butanal the
more abundant of the two. There is a five-fold difference between the
C81 that has the highest amount of these two compounds and Pease
Crosby Sweet corn that has the lowest amounts. These data show that
different sweet corn lines and populations when grown in the same
conditions can produce different quantities of aroma volatiles.

Fig. 1. The impact of storage temperature on sweet corn sugar metabolism.

Field harvested ears of the sweet corn hybrid 7143 were packed on ice and two
days after harvest placed at 25 ºC (RT) or 4 ºC. At the indicated time points the
levels of the major sugars (A) sucrose, (B) glucose, and (C) fructose were
determined in cobs. Bars are mean ± standard error, n = 3; *significant dif­
ference levels between the two treatments; p˂0.05 by unpaired t test. Fig. 2. Sweet corn aroma volatiles.

J.P. Yactayo-Chang et al. Phytochemistry Letters 52 (2022) 33–39

Fig. 3. The impact of storage temperature on sweet corn volatiles. Field har­
vested ears of the sweet corn hybrid 7143 were packed on ice and two days
Fig. 4. Volatile production in kernels of different sweet corns showing the
after harvest placed at 25 ºC (RT) or 4 ºC. At the indicated time points the
impact of seven days of post harvest room temperature storage on the volatiles.
production of the major headspace volatiles (A) dimethyl sulfide, (B) dimethyl
Nine sweet corn inbreds and populations (1. C81, 2. C90, 3. I97, 4. Mex­
disulfide, (C) dimethyl trisulfide, (D) 3-methyl furan, (E) 3-methyl butanal and
ican_Dent_sh2, 5. Pease Crosby Sweet corn, 6. Wh09009, 7. Wh09137R, 8.
(F) 2-methyl butanal were analyzed in cooked cob samples. Bars are mean
Wh10127R, 9. Wh13064) were grown in the same field and kernels were
± standard error, n = 4; *significant difference levels between the two treat­
harvested 21 days after pollination (21 DAP). These flash frozen kernels or
ments; p˂0.05 by unpaired t test.
kernels from the same ears maintained for seven days at room temperature (21
DAP+7RT) before flash freezing were cooked and head-space volatiles
To assess whether genetic variation could also impact the stability of analyzed. Graphs show quantities of the major volatiles Dimethyl sulfide (A),
these aroma volatiles at ambient temperatures, we analyzed the volatiles Dimethyl disulfide (B), Dimethyl trisulfide (C), 3-methyl furan (D), 3-methyl
of kernels following storage for 7 d at 25 ºC (Fig. 4). The relatively short butanal (E) and 2-methyl butanal (F). Bars are mean values ± standard error
post-harvest storage at 25 ºC had no significant impact on dimethyl on the mean, n = 4; *significant difference levels between the two treatments;
trisulfide, 3-methyl furan, 3-methyl butanal or 2-methyl butanal pro­ P ≤ 0.05 by unpaired t test.
duction in any of the lines or populations tested. However, dimethyl
sulfide production was significantly reduced in the population Mex­ 3.4. Sugar levels and post-harvest stability in different sweet corn inbreds
ican_Dent_sh2 following this treatment (Fig. 4A), and lines C81 and C90 and populations
showed significant reductions in dimethyl disulfide production after
post-harvest storage (Fig. 4B). The other lines and populations were not To assess the impact of different genetic backgrounds on the pro­
significantly altered in their production of these volatiles after 7 d of duction and maintenance of soluble sugars in sweet corn sucrose,
post-harvest storage. These data indicate that there are genetic factors glucose and fructose content in kernels of the nine different sweet corns
underlying the stability of dimethyl sulfide and dimethyl disulfide pro­ at 21 d after pollination with or without 7 d post-harvest storage at 25 ºC
duction during post-harvest storage. was determined (Fig. 5). As anticipated the inbreds C81 and C90 and the
population Pease Crosby Sweet corn, which all carry the su1 allele, had
relatively low levels of sucrose, around 20 mg/g (Fig. 5A, B and E),

J.P. Yactayo-Chang et al. Phytochemistry Letters 52 (2022) 33–39

acetaldehyde and relatively low levels of methanethiol, ethanethiol,

acetone, and methanol in the corn. Bills and Keenan4 found dimethyl
sulfide as well as high levels of ethanol in canned corn but did not
observe the mercaptans reported by Self et al. (1963). Flora and Wiley
(1974) also found hydrogen sulfide, methanethiol, acetaldehyde,
ethanol, ethanethiol, and dimethyl sulfide, while Buttery et al. (1994)
also found 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline, 2-acetyl-2-thiazoline-hydrox­
y-2-propanone, 2-hydroxy-3-butanone, and 2,3-butanediol. The differ­
ences in cooking, sampling, analytical methods and sweet corn varieties
used, as well as growing location and environmental conditions, may
account for the detection of different compounds in the different studies.
Dimethyl sulfide is produced by thermal treatment of the amino acid
S-methylmethionine in many food products (Scherb et al., 2009). Its low
odor threshold of 0.06 ppm, distinctive smell, and high abundance make
it the primary factor for determining the characteristic aroma of cooked
sweet corn. Dimethyl disulfide and dimethyl trisulfide are produced via
thermal degradation of the amino acid methionine, via a methanethiol
intermediate, and temperature pH and antioxidant status can all impact
the rate of formation of these compounds (Pan et al., 2021). Dimethyl
disulfide and dimethyl trisulfide have odor thresholds of 7 ppm and 10
ppt respectively. Even though these sulfur compounds are less abundant
than dimethyl sulfide they could still contribute to sweet corn aroma.
The aldehydes 3-methyl butanal and 2-methyl butanal are derived
from the enzymatic break-down of leucine and isoleucine respectively
(Gonda et al., 2012). In low concentrations 3-methyl butanal gives a
fruity/cocoa aroma and 2-methyl butanal a coffee/nutty/cocoa aroma.
3-methyl furan on the other hand can be made during cooking via the
Maillard reaction from amino acids and reducing sugars, by the by the
lipid oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids, and thermal oxidation of
Fig. 5. The impact of seven-day post-harvest storage on sugars in various sweet ascorbic acid or carotenoids (Limacher et al., 2008). Different amounts
corns. Kernels from nine sweet corn inbreds and populations were harvested 21 of these volatile compounds can lead to different aroma and taste pro­
days after pollination (21 DAP) and flash frozen or harvested and stored for files in sweet corn.
seven days at 25 ºC before freezing (21 DAP+7RT). Amounts of sucrose (Suc), Our study reveals the importance of post-harvest storage at cool
glucose (Glu) and fructose (Fruc) were determined for each treatment in the temperatures (4 ◦ C) not only to maintain the levels of kernel sugars but
lines C81 (A), C90 (B), I97 (C), Mexican_Dent_sh2 (D), Pease Crosby Sweet corn also those of the aroma volatiles important for sweet corn flavor. As
(E), Wh09009 (F), Wh09137R (G), Wh10127R (H) and Wh13064 (I). Bars are active metabolism is required for kernel sugars to be converted into
mean ± standard error of the mean, n = 4; *significant difference levels be­
starch (Carey et al., 1984) it is likely that the slowdown of kernel
tween the two treatments; P ≤ 0.05 by unpaired t test.
metabolism is also responsible for the maintenance of kernel aroma
compounds at cool post-harvest storage temperatures.
compared to the lines and populations with the sh2 allele. The exception Several of the aroma compounds are produced from thermal break­
to this was Mexican_Dent_sh2 that had low sucrose levels despite having down of amino acids during cooking. Proteins and amino acids are
the sh2 allele (Fig. 5D). The sh2 containing inbreds Wh09009 and catabolized as alternate energy sources in stressed, senescent and car­
Wh09137R had three-fold higher sucrose levels, around 60 mg/g bohydrate limited plant tissues (Araújo et al., 2011). The higher meta­
(Fig. 5F and G). Glucose and fructose contents were significantly lower bolic rate of kernels at ambient temperature (25 ◦ C) compared to cool
than sucrose in all lines. temperatures (4 ◦ C) likely results in increased protein/amino acid
The materials also varied in the rate of sugar metabolism during post- catabolism during storage. The resultant predicted loss of amino acid
harvest storage. For instance, inbred C90 displayed significant decreases precursors could therefore lead to reduced production of aroma
in sucrose, fructose and glucose after seven days of storage at 25 ºC volatiles.
(Fig. 5B). Inbred I97 only displayed a significant reduction of glucose It was previously shown that QTLs exist in sweetcorn for sensory
content during this treatment (Fig. 5C). In contrast, inbreds C81 and aromas and for the abundance of dimethyl sulfide (Azanza et al., 1996b),
Wh10127R showed a significant increase in glucose content after post- though the dimethyl sulfide quantification was done on dried kernels
harvest storage (Fig. 5A and H). Materials Mexican_Dent_sh2, Pease autoclaved with toluene rather than on cooked fresh kernels. In this
Crosby Sweet corn, Wh09009 and Wh13064 showed no significant study we confirmed that genetic variation in sweet corn can contribute
impact on sugar content during seven day post-harvest storage (Fig. 5D, to dimethyl sulfide production and can also impact other aroma volatiles
E,F,I). These data show that although su1 and sh2 are major drivers of including dimethyl disulfide, dimethyl trisulfide, 2-methyl butanal and
sugar content in sweet corn, they are not the only factors involved. 3-methyl butanal.
Furthermore, additional genetic factors exist that impact post-harvest The amino acid methionine, a precursor for dimethyl sulfide,
sugar stability. dimethyl disulfide and dimethyl trisulfide, is the most abundant amino
acid in sweet corn kernels and can vary significantly between different
4. Discussion varieties (Yang et al., 2021). Genetic differences in methionine pro­
duction capacity may impact the production of these three aroma vol­
The major volatiles observed in cooked sweet corn in this study were atiles. The higher amounts of all three volatiles in inbred line C81
dimethyl sulfide, dimethyl disulfide, dimethyl trisulfide, 3-methyl compared to line C90 is a potential indicator of such a difference.
butanal, 2-methyl butanal, and 3-methyl furan. Dimethyl sulfide has Methionine in developing seeds arises from the S-methylmethionine
been observed in several studies of sweet corn aroma and Self et al. cycle (Cohen et al., 2017). In this cycle leaf derived methionine is con­
(1963) found high levels of dimethyl sulfide, hydrogen sulfide, and verted to S-methylmethionine by methionine S-methyltransferases, of

J.P. Yactayo-Chang et al. Phytochemistry Letters 52 (2022) 33–39

which there are at least 4 in corn (Ranocha et al., 2001). S-methyl­ the work reported in this paper.
methionine is then transported into the developing kernel and converted
back to methionine by homocysteine methyltransferases. Differences in Data availability
the enzymes of S -methylmethionine cycle (Cohen et al., 2017) could
therefore also contribute to the observed variations in dimethyl sulfide Data will be made available on request.
The quantities of aldehydes 3-methyl butanal and 2-methyl butanal, Acknowledgments
derived from leucine and isoleucine respectively (Gonda et al., 2012),
display correlated changes in production between different genotypes. The use of trade name, commercial product or corporation in this
High levels of both compounds are observed in inbreds C81 and publication is for the information and convenience of the reader and
Wh09009, while low levels occur in inbred C91 and population Pease does not imply an official recommendation, endorsement or approval by
Crosby. In all cases examined the 2-methyl butanal levels are higher the USDA or the Agricultural Research Service for any product or service
than those of 3-methyl butanal. These data suggest that variations in to the exclusion of others that may be suitable. USDA is an equal op­
shared enzymes in the biosynthesis pathways of these volatiles may be portunity provider and employer. The authors declare no conflicts of
contributing to the differences seen between different sweet corn in­ interest with this study.
breds and populations. Interestingly no significant variation was seen in
the amounts of 3-methyl furan produced, maybe due to its production References
during cooking from various precursors.
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showed expected variations in kernel sugar content driven, for the most Alborn, H.T., Bruton, R.G., Beck, J.J., 2021. Sampling of volatiles in closed systems: A
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aroma volatiles of all the sweet corn in this study. These data indicate Azanza, F., Bar-Zur, A., Juvik, J.A., 1996a. Variation in sweet corn kernel characteristics
associated with stand establishment and eating quality. Euphytica 87, 7–18.
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Declaration of Competing Interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial

interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence

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