Environmental Sustainability - A Definition For Environmental Professionals

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Journal of Environmental Sustainability

Volume 1 Article 2
Issue 1 (2011)


Environmental Sustainability: A Definition for Environmental

John Morelli
Rochester Institute of Technology, jxmctp@rit.edu

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Morelli, John (2011) "Environmental Sustainability: A Definition for Environmental Professionals," Journal
of Environmental Sustainability: Vol. 1: Iss. 1, Article 2.
DOI: 10.14448/jes.01.0002
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Environmental Sustainability:
A Definition for Environmental Professionals
John Morelli
Rochester Institute of Technology

ABSTRACT: While acknowledging the need for “sustainability,” this paper summarizes the
problems that have been encountered in our understanding and use of this concept. It explores the
efforts of others to define the concept within the context of specific disciplinary areas and sets forth
a proposal for a basic understanding of the term “environmental sustainability” as an expansion of
our common perception of the nature of human activity so as to more clearly connect it with the
ecological concept of interdependence and to serve as a goal for environmental managers.

KEYWORDS sustainability. In “The Concept of Environmental

Defining Sustainability, Ecological Services, Sustainability,” Robert Goodland substantiates
Environmental Sustainability, Goals of the a history documenting this need, presenting
Environmental Professional, Principles of proponents ranging from Mill and Malthus to
Environmental Sustainability Meadows and Brundtland et al., and puts forth
a definition of “environmental sustainability
I. INTRODUCTION as the maintenance of natural capital” and as a
concept apart from, but connected to, both social
In the middle of the 20th century, we saw our planet sustainability and economic sustainability. These
from space for the first time… From space, we see arguments are not repeated here but rather accepted
a small and fragile ball dominated not by human as valid, supported, and used as a basis from which
activity and edifice but by a pattern of clouds, to proceed to further develop this concept.
oceans, greenery, and soils. Humanity’s inability to
fit its activities into that pattern is changing planetary The problems with “sustainability”
systems, fundamentally. Many such changes are
accompanied by life-threatening hazards. This new On October 6, 2010, the US Federal Trade
reality, from which there is no escape, must be Commission (FTC) proposed significant revisions to
recognized - and managed (From One Earth). its Guides for the Use of Environmental Marketing
Claims also known as its “Green Guides,” which
The need for sustainability exists to help marketers avoid making deceptive
claims under Section 5 of the FTC Act. The
There is no question regarding the need for proposal lists five terms that will not be addressed

by the Guides. Number one on that list is the II. DEFINING SUSTAINABILITY
term “sustainable.” The reasons provided for this IN THE CONTEXT OF A
interesting decision include claims that there is no PROFESSION
clear understanding of the term among experts, the
term cannot be defined, and there are no accepted While the concept of sustainability is increasingly
criteria with supporting test methods to measure it discredited as a useful concept by itself, it appears
(Morelli et al., “Sustainable Consumption”). to be serving some purpose when preceded
There has been more than a decade of by a delineating modifier like “ecological” or
struggle with the definition and relevance of the “agricultural” or “economic.” Efforts have been
term among individuals in various professions (see made by members of various professions to give
Toman, Costanza, Mebratu, Vos). A debate exists meaning to the term within the context of those
between those who support a three-legged approach respective professions. Callicott and Mumford, for
(i.e., simultaneously benefitting economy-society- example, develop the meaning of the term “ecological
environment), and those who view it as a relationship sustainability” as a useful concept for conservation
between human society and nature (Robinson). biologists; In “Ecological Sustainability as a
The result is that the concept is now more open to Conservation Concept,” these authors advance an
individual political and philosophical interpretations ecological definition of sustainability that connects
than to scientific definition (Robinson). human needs and ecosystem services: “meeting
Even less progress in defining this concept human needs without compromising the health
appears to have been made by the organizations of ecosystems.” They propose this concept as a
that employ “sustainability” professionals. guiding principle for areas where human activities
“Sustainability” was recently identified in an annual take place.
guide to corporate newspeak as one of the most In “Economic Sustainability and the
abused terms in the corporate vernacular (“Urban Preservation of Environmental Assets,” Foy
Intelligence Network”). The term has become a explains that from an economic standpoint,
corporate buzzword, applied so commonly and sustainability requires that current economic activity
ubiquitously that it has become simply “a synonym for not disproportionately burden future generations.
everything that is positive,” (Kiss). This is strongly Economists will allocate environmental assets
evidenced in recent employment advertisements as only part of the value of natural and manmade
for sustainability managers and directors. In their capital, and their preservation becomes a function
analysis of posted job descriptions associated of an overall financial analysis. In contrast, the
with employment opportunities for sustainability ecologist will seek to preserve minimum levels
managers in US corporations, Greenwood and Bliss of environmental assets in physical terms. He
reported great diversity in expectations regarding the suggests that since an ecological approach will
associated scope of duties (Greenwood and Bliss). better characterize the present situation, it should
The descriptions varied in emphasis from not much serve to limit conventional economic reasoning
more than straightforward accounting to an almost to ensure sustainability. Economic sustainability
evangelistic extreme of sustainability championing, should involve analysis to minimize the social costs
(Morelli et al., “Sustainable Consumption”). of meeting standards for protecting environmental
assets but not for determining what those standards
should be.

2 Journal of Environmental Sustainability – Volume 1

In “Social Sustainability: towards some the professional goal of the environmental manager
definitions,” McKenzie identifies several attempts to as an independent and commonly held meaning of
define social sustainability and concludes it generally the profession itself.
to be, “a positive condition within communities, and In 2009 Butler concluded that a common
a process within communities that can achieve that professional goal for environmental managers
condition.” This definition is supplemented with a does exist separate from, though related to, that of
list of corresponding principles, including: the industries that employ them, and he tentatively
• equity of access to key services identified that goal as “ecological balance.” His
• equity between generations efforts were unique in that they were supported
• a system of relations valuing disparate by a collaborative international research program,
cultures established at Rochester Institute of Technology,
• political participation of citizens, called the Environmental Management Leadership
particularly at a local level Initiative (EMLI), which was created specifically
• a sense of community ownership “to define and develop the evolving role of the
• a system for transmitting awareness professional environmental manager in moving our
of social sustainability from one social economic systems toward a more sustainable
_______________ future,” (“Statement of Purpose”).
• mechanisms for a community to fulfill its The author supported and has continued
own needs where possible this work during the past four years toward further
• political advocacy to meet needs that refining this goal and vetting the evolving results
cannot be met by community action through presentations and corresponding workshops
at a series of EMLI symposia hosted by Corvinus
Others attempt to capture its use for those University in Budapest, Hungary; American
working in agriculture (Harwood) or in the College of Management and Technology in
various functional units of business organizations Dubrovnik, Croatia; Bocconi University in Milan,
(Morelli et al., “Sustainable Consumption”) Italy; Leuphana University in Luneburg, Germany;
Not surprisingly, environmental managers have and Rochester Institute of Technology in Rochester,
identified “environmental sustainability” as a New York in the US. The outcome of this process
concept that has a professional meaning for them,” was a determination of strong support by members
(Morelli and Lockwood). of the profession for establishing “environmental
There is ample evidence in the literature sustainability” as the professional goal of the
by Chan, Ionescu-Somers, Rothenberg, and others environmental manager.
indicating that above and beyond all other pursuits,
achieving regulatory compliance is the primary III. A CASE FOR
and principal role of the environmental manager ENVIRONMENTAL
in industry. Markusson enriches the related body SUSTAINABILITY
of knowledge by exploring the characteristic of
“environmental championing,” defined as “any effort Whether one considers sustainability to exist as a
made by an (individual or collective) actor in a firm three-legged table consisting of the environment, the
to promote environmental issues.” However, until economy, and society, or as a dualistic relationship
fairly recently, there had been little that discussed between human beings and the ecosystem they

Environmental Sustainability: A Definition for Environmental Professionals 3

inhabit, there should at least be agreement that production, nutrient cycling and dispersal,
ensuring the provision of clean air, clean water, seed dispersal, and water cycling; and
and clean and productive land is foundational to a • Cultural services, the nonmaterial
responsible socioeconomic system. Examining, for a benefits people obtain from ecosystems
moment, the three-legged model, the question might through spiritual enrichment, cognitive
be raised, Do these legs provide equal support or development, reflection, recreation, and
is there some associated hierarchy of values among aesthetic experiences (“Ecosystems and
them? It is apparent that, without a sustainably Human Well-Being”).
productive environment to provide a resource
foundation, it would be difficult or impossible to If it can be agreed that a sustainable environment
imagine having a sustainable society. Similarly, a is a necessary prerequisite to a sustainable socio-
sustainable economy depends upon a sustainable economic system, then it also should make sense that
flow of material, energy, and environmental the actions we take to remove threats to and foster
resources. Without it, economic systems will fail. environmental sustainability should contribute
However, a sustainable environment need not be to such a system. While ecosystems range “from
dependent on the existence of either society or those that are relatively undisturbed, such as
economy and, as evidenced in the wild, can stand natural forests, to landscapes with mixed patterns
alone as a sustainable system. As the only piece of of human use, to ecosystems intensively managed
the puzzle that can actually stand by itself, it should and modified by humans, such as agricultural
be the model to emulate, and indeed there have been land and urban areas,” the “environmental” focus
attempts to do so. proposed here delineates the portion of that range
“The human species, while buffered against where there exists significant patterns of human use
environmental changes by culture and technology, is (“Ecosystems and Human Well-Being”). A general
fundamentally dependent on the flow of ecosystem definition of “environmental sustainability” can
services.” Such services include: now be crafted in recognition of these linkages
• Provisioning services, the products between human well-being and ecosystems and, in
obtained from ecosystems, including food, particular, “ecosystem services.”
fiber, genetic resources, biochemicals,
natural medicines, pharmaceuticals, IV. A DEFINITION OF
ornamental resources, fresh water, and all ENVIRONMENTAL
forms of energy resources; SUSTAINABILITY
• Regulating services, the benefits obtained
from the regulation of ecosystem Understanding and use of the word “environmental”
processes, including air quality regulation, quite often tends to be associated with some kind
water purification and waste treatment, of human impact on natural systems. This context
pest regulation, disease regulation, climate distinguishes it from the word “ecological,” which
regulation, water regulation, erosion can be characterized as a concept of interdependence
regulation, pollination, and natural hazard of elements within a system. As discussed above
regulation; in the essay, “Ecological Sustainability as a
• Supporting services, including soil Conservation Concept,” the authors suggest that an
formation, photosynthesis, primary ecological definition of sustainability be advanced

4 Journal of Environmental Sustainability – Volume 1

that is in better accord with biological conservation. generation without compromising the ability of
Their suggestion was that ecological sustainability future generations to meet their needs,” by taking
is “meeting human needs without compromising the on the general definition “meeting the resource and
health of ecosystems.” This seems inappropriate in services needs of current and future generations
that the general perception of the word “ecological” without compromising the health of the ecosystems
is that it implies a broader context than just the human that provide them,” (“Our Common Future”).
experience. The word “environmental,” however, is More specifically, environmental sustainability
almost always used in reference to human interaction could be defined as a condition of balance, resilience,
with the ecosystem. To increase precision, it thus and interconnectedness that allows human society to
seems reasonable to view “environmental” as a satisfy its needs while neither exceeding the capacity
subset of the broader concept of “ecological,” i.e., of its supporting ecosystems to continue to regenerate
the intersection of human activities and ecological the services necessary to meet those needs nor by our
systems. actions diminishing biological diversity.
Understanding and use of the word
“sustainable” or “sustainability” endured a period V. SUPPORTING PRINCIPLES
of accelerated evolution commencing in 1987 with OF ENVIRONMENTAL
the publication of Our Common Future, which was SUSTAINABILITY
then followed by a more recent decline in coherency
to become an often-abused term simply meaning The primary purpose for this effort to develop
“good” and sometimes used even without a a definition of environmental sustainability was
connection to the natural environment or ecological to help environmental professionals and others
health (Kiss). As discussed above, meanings for operationalize a portion of the concept sustainable
this concept of sustainability have been evolving as development as set forth in Our Common Future.
individual professions have attempted to develop The general understanding and conditions proposed
definitions that make sense in the context of their in the preceding section do provide more clarity of
respective areas of expertise and contribution. purpose and direction but do not include instructions
The basic understanding of the term for serving that purpose or following that direction.
“environmental sustainability” set forth in this The list below contains 15 guiding principles,
paper essentially expands our common perception collected from a variety sources by the author and
of human activity so as to more clearly connect it his students and colleagues. They are sorted into
with the ecological concept of interdependence, five imperfect but helpful categories. They are
thus delineating the boundaries of this use of included to stimulate thought as well as provide
“sustainability” to correspond to the overlay advice. Readers are encouraged to visit the original
of human activity upon the functioning of the sources for greater depth and perspective.
supporting ecosystem. Environmental sustainability,
then, is limited to and, in fact, becomes a subset of Societal Needs
ecological sustainability. Broadly speaking, this • Produce nothing that will require future
concept of “environmental sustainability” might be generations to maintain vigilance
seen as adding depth to a portion of the meaning (“Sustainability Report”).
of the most common definition of sustainable • Design and deliver products and services
development, i.e., “meeting the needs of the current that contribute to a more sustainable

Environmental Sustainability: A Definition for Environmental Professionals 5

economy (“Moffat). per capita x technology) of the human
• Support local employment (Southampton economic subsystem should be limited
City Concil) to a level that, if not optimal, is at least
• Support fair trade (Williams). within the carrying capacity and therefore
• Review the environmental attributes of sustainable (Goodland).
raw materials and make environmental • Keep waste emissions within the
sustainability a key requirement in the assimilative capacity of receiving
selection of ingredients for new products ecosystems without unacceptable
and services (“Global Sustainability degradation of its future waste absorptive
Principles”). capacity or other important ecological
services (Goodland).
Preservation of Biodiversity • Develop transportation criteria that
• Select raw materials that maintain prioritize low-impact transportation modes
biodiversity of natural resources (“Global (Moffat).
Sustainability Principles”). • Approach all product development and
• Use environmentally responsible and product management decisions with full
sustainable energy sources and invest in consideration of the environmental impacts
improving energy efficiency (“Global of the product throughout its life cycle
Sustainability Principles”). (Moffat).

Regenerative Capacity VI. CONCLUSION

• Keep harvest rates of renewable resource
inputs within regenerative capacities of This paper defines environmental sustainability:
the natural system that generates them as meeting the resource and services needs of current
(Goodland). and future generations without compromising the
• Keep depletion rates of nonrenewable health of the ecosystems that provide them,
resource inputs below the rate at which
renewable substitutes are developed …and more specifically,
as a condition of balance, resilience, and
Reuse and Recycle interconnectedness that allows human society
• Design for re-usability and recyclability to satisfy its needs while neither exceeding the
(“Sustainable Living 101”). capacity of its supporting ecosystems to continue
• Design (or redesign, as appropriate) to regenerate the services necessary to meet those
manufacturing and business processes as needs nor by our actions diminishing biological
closed-loop systems, reducing emissions diversity.
and waste to zero (Robinson).
It is intended to help operationalize the concept of
Constraints of Nonrenewable Resources and Waste sustainability by providing more clarity of purpose
Generation and direction, particularly regarding the importance
• The scale (population x consumption of valuing ecological services and recognizing our

6 Journal of Environmental Sustainability – Volume 1

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Environmental Sustainability: A Definition for Environmental Professionals 9

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