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The fall of Credit Suisse must not be in vain EU solar industry edges out of China’s shadow

TikTok chief struggles to fend off Briefing

i Bern regulator defends
Credit Suisse bond wipeout

US ban in front of hostile Congress Finma has defended the move to

render $17bn of investments
worthless in the lender’s rescue.

3 App ‘free from manipulation’ 3 Forced sale would be ‘damaging’ 3 Lawmakers fear China surveillance i 19,000 Accenture jobs cut
The New York-listed consultancy
has announced a jobs cull over
HANNAH MURPHY — SAN FRANCISCO the next 18 months, the biggest
cut in an industry battling rising
costs and uncertainty.— PAGE 6
TikTok’s chief executive has told hostile
US lawmakers that the viral video app i German gas warning
will be kept “free from any manipula- Berlin’s energy watchdog has told
tion by any government”, as he strug- business and families the crisis is
gled to head off a potential US ban. not over and they will need to cut
Shou Zi Chew received a bipartisan consumption further to avoid a
pummelling from a congressional com- crunch next winter.— PAGE 2
mittee yesterday that threatened to ban
the Chinese-owned app as a “cancer” i Crypto fugitive arrested
and tool of surveillance. Authorities in Montenegro have
TikTok has become a flashpoint in ris- detained an individual believed
ing tensions between the US and China, to be Do Kwon, the entrepreneur
with Washington concerned it could be behind the $40bn implosion of
used to steal sensitive US data. terraUSD last year.— PAGE 3
Before the hearing, the Chinese com-
merce ministry hit out at a plan from US i Israel limits PM removal
authorities that would separate the US A law limiting the circumstances
arm of TikTok, which has 150mn US in which a premier can be ousted
users, from its Chinese owners. has been attacked as a bid to
“Forcing the sale of TikTok will seri- shield Benjamin Netanyahu, who
ously damage the confidence of inves- is on trial for corruption.— PAGE 3
tors from all over the world, including
from China, on investing in the United i Russian slips house arrest
States,” the ministry said, adding it Artem Uss, wanted in the US for
would “firmly” oppose such a move. alleged sanctions evasion and
In a series of tense exchanges in Wash- money laundering, has fled house
ington over four hours, Chew attempted arrest in Italy a day after his
to assuage concern over the social media extradition was approved.— PAGE 2
app’s links to its Chinese parent com-
pany ByteDance but met a sceptical Datawatch
“We do not trust TikTok will ever
embrace American values,” said the Here’s to EU
Republican chair of the House energy UK adults’ views of bloc’s leadership (%)
and commerce committee Cathy lawmakers. “I still believe that the Bei- cer, like fentanyl, another China export, Singapore and had a US-born wife. He Shou Zi Chew 60
McMorris Rodgers. “TikTok has repeat- jing communist government will still that causes addiction and death”. conceded that in the past employees at testifies
edly chosen a path for more control, control and have the ability to influence The hearing comes at a critical Beijing-based ByteDance were subject yesterday: ‘Our
more surveillance and more manipula- what you’re doing,” said Frank Pallone, moment for TikTok. This month, Sen- to Chinese law that would have com- commitment Disapprove
tion. Your platform should be banned.” the panel’s top Democrat. ate Democrats and Republicans intro- pelled them to co-operate with state is to move
TikTok has taken measures to resp- In addition to concerns over national duced a White House-backed bill that intelligence work. data into the 20
Don’t know/
ond to the concerns, spending $2bn on a security, lawmakers also lobbed accusa- would give the administration new pow- However, he added, its partnership United States refuse to answer
partnership with Oracle designed to tions that the app did not have adequate ers to ban Chinese apps that pose a secu- with Oracle, known as Project Texas, to be stored on
safeguard data and content from Ameri- moderation processes and was unsafe rity threat, including TikTok. would create a firewall, meaning that American soil 0
2008 12 15 20 22
can users against Chinese influence. for children, described by one as a “can- Rogers responded to the Chinese was no longer the case for TikTok staff. by an American
Source: Gallup
“Our commitment is to move data commerce ministry’s statement, telling Chew quibbled with the characterisa- company’
Jim Watson/AFP via
into the United States to be stored on Chew he had “zero confidence” that tion by lawmakers of the news that Tik- Getty Images
Britons’ approval rating of the leadership
American soil by an American company TikTok is a ‘cancer, like ByteDance and TikTok were not Tok had inappropriately obtained the of the EU, on the rise since 2013,
overseen by American personnel,” “beholden” to the Chinese Communist data of US journalists, as well as a Finan- surpassed 50 per cent last year for the
Chew said. “So the risk will be similar to
fentanyl, another China party. “The CCP believes they have the cial Times journalist, as “spying”. first time since the survey began. At
any government going to an American export, that causes final say over your company,” he said. Additional reporting by James Politi in 51 per cent, that is more than the 46 per
cent who approve of the UK’s leadership
company asking for data.” addiction and death’ Chew, a former Goldman Sachs Washington
But Chew faced overt scepticism from banker, emphasised that he was from Algorithm tug of war page 9

Hindenburg shorts Dorsey’s payments

group Block after fake accounts claims
JOSHUA FRANKLIN Block’s shares fell about 20 per cent in tion. The report helped wipe about
OLIVER RALPH — LONDON early trading in New York before paring $100bn off his empire’s market value.
losses to trade 14 per cent lower. As of Adani has denied the allegations.
Hindenburg Research, the short seller Wednesday’s close, the company had a Hindenburg alleged yesterday that
that recently targeted India’s Adani market capitalisation of nearly $44bn. Block had overstated its genuine user
Copper traders sound red Group, has accused payments com- Its two primary businesses are its counts while understating the amount it
alert over market prices pany Block of artificially inflating its Square payments services for mer- costs it to attract new customers. It cited
user numbers and facilitating fraudu- chants and the Cash App mobile pay- “former employees” as estimating that
Analysis i PAGE 10 lent transactions. ments product, which competes with 40-75 per cent of accounts they
PayPal’s Venmo and Zelle. The com- reviewed were fake, involved in fraud or
In a statement, Hindenburg said it had pany purchased Afterpay, a buy now, were users holding multiple accounts.
Austria €4.30 Morocco Dh50
Bahrain Din1.8 Netherlands €4.30
investigated Block, led by Twitter co- pay later business, for $29bn in 2021. Hindenburg said in investigating the
Belgium €4.30 Norway NKr45 founder Jack Dorsey, for two years and Hindenburg first came to prominence matter, it had opened several accounts
Croatia Kn32/€4.25 Oman OR1.60 had taken a short position in the shares. in 2020 when it claimed electric truck under fake names including “Donald
Cyprus €4.00 Pakistan Rupee350
Czech Rep Kc120 Poland Zl 24
It said the series of accusations was start-up Nikola’s business was a fraud. Trump” and “Elon Musk”.
Denmark DKr43 Portugal €4.00 based on “dozens of interviews with Founder Trevor Milton was convicted The short seller claimed that what was
Egypt E£80 Russia €5.00 former employees, partners, and indus- last year of defrauding investors by mis- portrayed as a “Wild West” approach
France €4.30 Serbia NewD530
Germany €4.30 Slovenia €4.00
try experts, extensive review of regula- leading them on Nikola’s technology. had made Block popular with criminals
Greece €4.00 Spain €4.00 tory and litigation records, and FOIA Earlier this year Hindenburg accused for processing transactions. The report
Hungary Ft1350 Switzerland SFr6.70 and public records requests”. Block did Indian billionaire Gautam Adani of “the alleges that Block has no obvious advan-
India Rup220 Tunisia Din7.50
Italy €4.00 Turkey TL80
not immediately respond to a request largest con in corporate history”, alleg- tage over rivals such as PayPal or Zelle.
Luxembourg €4.50 UAE Dh23 for comment. ing fraud and stock market manipula- Lex page 20
Malta €4.00

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2 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES Friday 24 March 2023


Energy crisis Extradition case

Germany warns of winter gas shortages businessman
Industry and households many. And there are risks,” he added.
These included China’s economic
could not afford to lose focus on conser-
vation or developing renewable energy.
higher than €300 a megawatt hour last
summer, from about €20/MWh before
using 20 per cent less gas this winter.
“They did it through fuel switching,
wanted by US
must use less to preserve
supplies, says regulator
recovery, which was accelerating “more
quickly than many predicted”, leading
Germany has been one of the biggest
casualties of the turmoil in European
the war. That forced some of Germany’s
energy-intensive companies to shut
through technical innovations they
should be really proud of, and through
escapes house
to a higher demand for gas that will have
“consequences in terms of price”.
The winter of 2023-24 will also be the
energy markets sparked by Russia’s war
in Ukraine. Before the invasion, 55 per
down production and prompted warn-
ings of blackouts and gas rationing for
industrial customers.
cutting back on production, something
that is very painful,” said Müller.
But he added he was convinced they
arrest in Italy
Berlin’s energy watchdog has warned first Germany has experienced “with- But Germany managed to reconfigure could, and might have to, go even fur-
that companies and households will out any Russian pipeline gas at all”,
‘We can — and must — do its energy system to deal with the crisis, ther. “I don’t know any businessman AMY KAZMIN — ROME
need to cut gas use further if Germany is while the global supply of liquefied nat- more [to save gas] . . . We which Müller described as a “singular who wouldn’t be prepared to make even MAX SEDDON — LONDON
to avoid a power crunch next winter. ural gas “is not expected to increase sig- achievement”. Berlin sourced new sup- more savings to prevent a gas shortage
Klaus Müller, head of the Federal Net- nificantly this year or next”.
were lucky to have had a plies of LNG from the Middle East and next winter,” he said. “I think we can —
A Russian businessman wanted in the
US for alleged money-laundering and
work Agency, said Germany’s energy Müller’s comments echo those of mild winter in Europe’ US, increased imports of pipeline gas and must — do more [to save gas].” sanctions evasion has escaped from
crisis “isn’t over” and much depended Fatih Birol, head of the International from Norway, Holland, Belgium and Much, he pointed out, depended on house arrest in Italy, a day after a court
on whether next winter would be colder Energy Agency, who warned last month cent of its gas came from Russia. Those France, and built its first LNG import the weather. “We were very lucky to approved his extradition.
than the last. that Europe had not yet won its energy supplies virtually disappeared in the terminals on the northern coast. Ger- have had a very mild winter in Europe
“The danger of a gas shortage is still war with Russia, despite a big drop in gas months after the fighting erupted, trig- many’s gas tanks are now 64 per cent [in 2022-23],” he said. “But you see what Artem Uss, the son of the governor of
there,” he said. “It depends a lot on prices. gering a rush for alternatives. full, a much higher level than a year ago. a serious impact the weather has, you the Russian province of Krasnoyarsk in
whether we continue to curb gas use and “Being overconfident for next winter The decline in Russian pipeline Companies and households also made see how much gas has to be burnt to heat Siberia, slipped out of his home in the
ensure diversified supplies into Ger- is risky,” Birol said, adding that Europe imports pushed wholesale gas prices drastic energy savings, with industry homes when it’s cold.” small town of Basiglio near Milan on
Wednesday despite the use of an elec-
tronic tag to monitor him.
“Intensive investigations are under
Foreign investment. Shared interests way to find him,” Italy’s Carabinieri
police said yesterday. Uss’s defence

Sanctions tighten Iran’s embrace with Moscow

team said it did not know where he was,
Russian state newswire Tass reported.
Uss, the subject of an international
arrest warrant, was taken into custody
at Milan’s International airport on Octo-
ber 17, weeks after US authorities
charged him with criminal conspiracy,
Two economies targeted by fraud and money laundering.
western embargoes look After about six weeks in jail, Uss was
released into house arrest — with an
for ways to forge closer ties electronic bracelet to monitor him —
following an Italian court order.
The Carabinieri said officers rushed
NAJMEH BOZORGMEHR — TEHRAN to the Russian’s home on Wednesday

Russia has become the largest foreign

investor in Iran over the past year,
The US claimed he bought
according to Tehran officials, reflecting sensitive US military
how two nations subject to heavy sanc-
tioned have stepped up co-operation
technology, then sent it
since the invasion of Ukraine. to Russian entities
Ehsan Khandouzi, Iran’s finance min-
ister, said Russia had invested $2.76bn afternoon as the bracelet alarm began
in the Islamic republic in the financial signalling his escape. They found he had
year that ended this week in industrial, already slipped away.
mining and transport sector projects. The police, whose station was just
“We define our relations with Russia 2.3km from Uss’s home, said officers
as strategic and we are working together had checked on him an hour earlier and
in many aspects, especially economic found nothing amiss.
relations,” said Khandouzi. “China and The day before the Russian’s escape,
Russia are our two main economic part- an appeals court in Milan had ruled he
ners [and] Iran is going to expand its could be extradited to the US to stand
relations with them through imple- trial on charges of bank fraud and vio-
menting strategic agreements.” lating an embargo against Venezuela.
His comments underscore how According to US prosecutors, Uss was
Tehran and Moscow have forged closer the co-owner of a Germany-based com-
ties since the west imposed sanctions on modities trading and industrial equip-
Russia after the invasion of Ukraine a ment business called Nord-Deutsche
year ago. Russian business delegations Industrieanlagenbau.
in search of deals and advice on avoiding Friends in need: ing similar products, but a western dip- month will restore diplomatic relations ‘We define protests. Khandouzi defended the gov- US authorities claimed he used the
sanctions have visited Iran, which has Iranian supreme lomat said the fear was “it’s a dynamic between Iran and rival Saudi Arabia ernment’s record and said it planned to German trading company to buy sensi-
been keen to develop trade ties to bol- leader Ayatollah that can become self-sustained”. seven years after they were severed. our relations reform the central bank to be “held tive US military technology, then sent it
ster its own sanctions-hit economy. Ali Khamenei, Iran has endured decades of sanctions Khandouzi said Iran had last month with Russia accountable to meet the inflation tar- to Russian entities, including companies
The US and Europe have accused centre, and and has been cut off from the global achieved its highest level of oil exports gets”. It would also be given the “neces- under sanction.
Tehran of selling to Moscow armed president financial system since former US presi- for at least two years, overtaking a previ- as strategic sary authority to control the procedures It said the company also smuggled
drones that have been used against Ebrahim Raisi, dent Donald Trump withdrew from the ous high of 1.3mn barrels a day, despite and we are which create money supply”, he said. hundreds of millions of barrels of
Ukraine. Iran denies its drones are used right, greet 2015 nuclear accord and launched new US sanctions. “We also managed to decrease the Venezuelan oil to buyers, including
in the war. Khandouzi said the conflict Vladimir Putin curbs against the republic. Non-oil exports of $53bn were also working money supply growth rate, which was companies controlled by oligarchs
was “unfortunate” for Iran, but did not during the This has further stymied Iran’s ability 12 per cent higher in the first 11 months together 39 per cent in the last Iranian year. By under sanction.
respond when asked if Tehran had ben- Russian leader’s to attract foreign investment; the largest of this year than the same period the the end of this financial year, it is pro- While the Italian court ruled the US
efited from arms sales to Russia. visit to Tehran inflow after Russia was £256mn from previous year, he said. Imports in the in many jected to be 30 per cent. We are deter- could not try the Russian on the charges
The Iranian and Russian central in July — Office of the Afghanistan. Chinese investment was same period were $60bn, which com- aspects’ mined to decrease the inflation rate.” of smuggling military technology or
Iranian Supreme Leader/AP
banks signed a deal in January to link $131mn, behind Iraq and the United bined with the export data showed that Khandouzi said the government had money laundering, it said he could be
their interbank communication sys- Arab Emirates, showing it is not only “Iran’s economy cannot be isolated”. boosted tax collection and clamped held to answer the other two charges.
tems in an effort to boost bilateral trade. western companies that are being Yet the government has struggled to down on evasion while reducing corpo- Shortly after Uss’s arrest in October,
“Russia and some other countries are deterred from doing business in Iran. contain the economic malaise that has rate tax by 5 percentage points. police in Moscow put together a money-
keen to use mechanisms such as mutual Russia accounted for two-thirds of the gripped the republic, with inflation Yet the government’s biggest chal- laundering case against him in Russia
monetary agreements or trade-based total foreign direct investment of about higher than 47 per cent and the rial lenge is easing the pressure on ordinary and secured a court order for his extra-
swaps. We have negotiated not only with $4.2bn in Iran this financial year, down 60 per cent under Raisi’s watch. Iranians, with analysts warning that dition. The hasty request probably indi-
Russia, but also with China and partners according to finance ministry data. Iran Iranian economists blame the authori- economic grievances remain a ticking cated that Russia wanted to rescue him
including Turkey,” he said. attracted FDI of just $1.45bn in 2021, ties for fuelling inflation by excessively bomb amid wider public anger at the from US prosecution by remanding him
“Technically speaking, this financial according to UN trade data. printing money. Tehran in December regime. there, the Kommersant newspaper
network is in a better situation between President Ebrahim Raisi’s hardline replaced the central bank governor who “When the country is struggling with reported. Uss himself asked the court to
Iran and Russia than others,” he said. government has prioritised regional and had been in the post for just 15 months economic problems, officials definitely extradite him to Russia instead of the US
Analysts are sceptical about how far Asian trade relationships since taking as the national currency slid to record make more efforts than before and in January.
the two can develop trade as they have office in 2021 to counter the sanctions. A lows against the US dollar, while the spend more time serving people,” Additional reporting by Giuliana Ricozzi in
commodity-based economies produc- Chinese-brokered deal signed this regime battled months-long nationwide Khandouzi added. Rome

Energy expansion

Hungary eyes bigger French role at Russian-led nuclear plant

MAKE A WISE MARTON DUNAI — SOFIA Framatome, France’s state-owned states to place Rosatom under sanc- The German government has been
nuclear reactor maker, is a subcontrac- tions, there is increased pressure on the reluctant to give Siemens permits to
tor to Rosatom in Hungary, working on bloc to find ways to restrict the com- deliver its part of the project, however,
Subscribe today at Hungary and France are discussing the control systems for the plant with pany’s business and find alternatives for leading Hungary to consider whether greater involvement for French com- Siemens, the German engineer. countries that rely on the company to Framatome could play more of a role.
panies in the expansion of the central “We will further increase the role of service their power plants. Orbán and French president
European country’s Russian-led Framatome at the Paks investments,” “There is a discussion [over rethink- Emmanuel Macron discussed the Paks
nuclear power plant. Péter Szijjártó, Hungarian foreign min- ing Paks] because we are worrying,” project and co-operation on nuclear at a
FINANCIAL TIMES 28821, Coslada, Madrid. Legal Deposit Number
(Deposito Legal) M-32596-1995; ister, said last week after a visit to Fla- said Balázs Orbán, the premier’s politi- dinner meeting in Paris last week.
Bracken House, 1 Friday Street, London EC4M 9BT.
Publishing Director, Roula Khalaf; Such a move would mark a shift in the manville, the French town where Fram- cal director, who is not related to him. The German government and Sie-
Subscriptions & Customer service Publishing Company, The Financial Times Limited,
Subscription offers: registered office as above. Local Representative office; pro-Moscow stance of Viktor Orbán, atome is building a nuclear power plant. But, he said, experts had warned a mens declined to comment. Framatome
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Hungarian prime minister, who has Budapest has defied western pressure change of design would set the project did not respond to a request for com-
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Tel: +44 20 7873 4000, Dubai. Editor in Chief: Roula Khalaf. for sanctions on nuclear exports from to add two new Russian reactors to the it’s just it’s a waste of years and then Hungary is not yet ready to abandon
Letters to the editor France: Publishing Director, Jonathan Slade, 46 Rue La Boetie, 75008 Paris, Tel. +33 (0)1 5376 8256; Fax: +33 (01) Russia after the invasion of Ukraine. Paks facility, increasing its capacity by really we will be in trouble in 2030.” the project altogether or replace the
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Russia’s state-owned nuclear develop- forcing Hungary to look for alternatives. to be phased out.
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For both services phone +44 20 7873 4816, or email ers, and financed mostly from a Russian While Hungary and France have Budapest is reviewing its €12bn Additional reporting by Laura Pitel in
state loan. blocked efforts by other EU member expansion of the Paks power plant Berlin and Sarah White in Paris
Friday 24 March 2023 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES 3


Macron the ‘master of clocks’ plays for

Fugitive hunt

Arrest made
in Montenegro
time as pensions backlash intensifies over collapse
of terraUSD
French president attempts to restore calm but ignites fresh indignation as protesters take to streets digital tokens
Faced with a political crisis largely of his
own making, Emmanuel Macron has Authorities in Montenegro have
resorted to a trademark tactic to salvage arrested an individual believed to be
his second term: playing for time. South Korean fugitive Do Kwon, the
In his first public statement since crypto entrepreneur behind the $40bn
ramming through his unpopular pen- implosion of the terraUSD and luna
sions reform without a parliamentary digital tokens last year.
vote, the French president defended
both the policy and the method and In a statement on Twitter, Montenegro’s
tried to calm public anger that has interior minister Filip Adzic said “the
sparked protests from Paris to Rennes. former cryptocurrency king” was
“We must move forward,” he said in a detained by police at Podgorica Airport
televised interview on Wednesday. “We with falsified documents.
have to restore calm and rebuild a The collapse of terraUSD coin last
parliamentary and reform agenda by re- year unleashed an unprecedented crash
engaging with labour unions and any in crypto markets which engulfed many
political parties who are ready to do so.” of the industry’s leading companies.
But in what was perceived as an Kwon, co-founder of Terraform Labs,
inflammatory comment, he also was charged with fraud and breaches of
appeared to compare protesters who capital markets law in his home country
threatened MPs and defaced their and sparked an international manhunt.
offices with those who stormed the US South Korean authorities said last
Capitol in 2021: “When the US experi- year he had travelled to an unknown
enced what it went through on Capitol country, believed to be Serbia, via Dubai
Hill, when Brazil experienced what it after leaving Singapore, where Terra-
experienced, when you had the extreme form was based. His South Korean pass-
violence in Germany, in the Nether- port was also revoked. “We are waiting
lands or sometimes here, we must say: for official confirmation of identity,”
we respect, we listen . . . but we cannot Adzic added.
accept rebels and factions.” The meltdown of terraUSD and luna
Union chief Laurent Berger said
Macron’s interview amounted to a prov-
ocation and called on “workers to turn
Last year, terraUSD’s
out en masse” at protests yesterday to peg collapsed, sparking
show their discontent.
That rallying call was heeded as hun-
an unprecedented
dreds of thousands of people took to the crisis of confidence
streets across France.
Many participants spoke of fresh coins affected hundreds of thousands of
anger against the government. They investors, many of whom were drawn in
chanted “Macron out” as they marched by a scheme in which clients could lend
and brandished signs that condemned their terra coins for a yield of up to 20
the president for using clause 49.3 of the Worker anger: Some unions are increasing the pres- trying to secure a deal with the conserv- ‘Macron France’s heavy public debt and pressure per cent.
constitution — which allows the govern- protesters sure, including dockers who blocked the ative Les Républicains, only for them to from Brussels to bring deficits back TerraUSD, a stablecoin, was designed
ment to pass laws without a vote unless march through port of Le Havre yesterday. prove too divided to deliver the votes. cannot get within EU guidelines. to connect traditional and crypto mar-
opposition parties bring it down with a Nantes, The pensions debacle has severely Macron then decided to trigger clause out of this Macron acknowledged that his pivot kets. Traders use them like cash or a
no-confidence vote — to pass the western France, compromised Macron’s ability to 49.3 in a move that has deepened the to a simpler, quicker pensions reform store of value between crypto trades.
increase to the retirement age. yesterday after deliver on the reform agenda he prom- crisis, with the opposition accusing the mess by was partly motivated by such consider- Most track the value of the dollar one-
“We’ve been going to protests since a television ised when re-elected 11 months ago, government of running roughshod over changing ations. “We had Covid-19, the war in for-one but terra was supposed to be
January and originally it was against the interview by with goals such as reaching full employ- parliament. It also revived familiar Ukraine and inflation, and we spent kept in line by algorithmic coding, so it
pensions reform. Now it’s transformed Emmanuel ment and fighting climate change, say attacks on Macron by his critics — that the prime heavily to protect people, so our public did not need to be backed by hard
into anger about our democracy,” said Macron, below some of his allies. he is out of touch, arrogant and governs minister. finances are degraded,” he said. assets.
Loic Venance and Ludovic
Simon Duquerroir, a project manager in His hand was weakened when his in a top-down manner. In his interview, Macron cast the pen- Kwon and Terra have also been sued
France’s social security department.
Marin/AFP/Getty Images
party lost its majority in the National The sentiment was mirrored in public He has to sions overhaul as a painful necessity by the US Securities and Exchange Com-
“Treading on our democracy like this Assembly in June, leaving its centrist opinion polls, with about two-thirds negotiate before going back to the “battle to mission for allegedly arranging a
has created a second chapter for this alliance about 40 votes short of a major- opposed to raising the retirement age achieve full employment and reindus- cryptocurrency fraud that led to billions
movement.” ity and facing an emboldened far right and more than three-quarters against for real’ trialise France”. of dollars in losses by selling a number of
Despite the protests, Macron has and a hardline far left. using clause 49.3 on the pensions bill. It remains unclear whether such digital assets not properly registered
decided not to make any big political The government’s strategy has been It was not supposed to be this way. changes will be possible, given the par- with regulators. The SEC said the
moves for now: he will not replace the to form ad hoc coalitions with opposi- Reforming France’s costly and complex liamentary complications and the vola- alleged fraud took place between April
prime minister or call for early elec- tion lawmakers on each draft law, but pension system was unfinished business tile mood in the country. Macron’s 2018 and May 2022.
tions, nor will he give in to opponents’ the approach failed on pensions. Prime from Macron’s first term when he approval ratings have fallen 4 percent- In May last year, terraUSD’s peg col-
demands to put pensions reform up for minister Élisabeth Borne spent months attempted a much more ambitious age points in the past month to 28 per lapsed, sparking an unprecedented cri-
a referendum. overhaul, only to abandon it because of cent, according to an Ifop poll, their low- sis of confidence in crypto markets that
Instead, Macron — who sometimes the Covid-19 pandemic. est since the gilets jaunes crisis. plunged companies such as Celsius and
calls himself “master of the clocks” for During his 2022 campaign, Macron Some members of Macron’s govern- Three Arrows Capital into bankruptcy.
how he sets the tempo of France’s politi- said that if re-elected he would simply ment have called for a governing pact The collapse of terraUSD fuelled con-
cal agenda — and his supporters will raise the retirement age to 65 or 64, and with Les Républicains, which would cerns among international regulators
take a few weeks to figure out their next not seek to construct a new system that include naming a new prime minister that the stablecoin industry poses sta-
steps. One MP from a party allied with would treat workers more fairly, as he from the right, such as interior minister bility risks to established finance as
Macron’s Renaissance grouping said the had before. That scaled-back ambition Gérald Darmanin or finance minister crypto becomes more integrated with
country faced “a quite grave moment” symbolised how much Macron has Bruno Le Maire. But others argue the conventional payment systems.
and Macron had only “difficult options”. changed since first taking office in 2017 divisions in the ranks of Les Républic- In September last year, Interpol
Haunted by the sometimes violent on a promise to modernise France and ains make such a bet unwise. The party issued a red notice against Kwon, repre-
gilets jaunes movement of 2018 that practise politics differently. leaders have also ruled it out. senting a plea to worldwide law enforce-
forced him to U-turn on a fuel tax, “The old pensions reform was Macron “Macron cannot get out of this mess ment to arrest the Terraform boss. Since
Macron and his allies also want to see 1.0: an innovative and bold policy fix for by changing the prime minister,” said his disappearance, Kwon has continued
how the protest movement evolves. a perennial problem in France,” said one one former adviser. “He has to negotiate to make statements on social media
In recent days, demonstrators burnt longtime ally now in government. “This for real now and this runs against not without sharing his location.
Macron effigies, cut off electricity to one is Macron 2.0: just get something only how French institutions work but Terraform and Montenegro’s interior
banks, defaced politicians’ offices and done even if it’s not ideal.” also against his nature. It’s not obvious ministry did not respond to a request for
tossed Molotov cocktails at town halls. Looming in the background is to me that he is capable of changing.” comment.

Turkish election Legal reforms

Pro-Kurdish party switches ticket to avoid bar Israel makes removal of premiers tougher
AYLA JEAN YACKLEY — ISTANBUL Damocles hanging over us as we go to who is backed by a six-party alliance JAMES SHOTTER — JERUSALEM with hundreds of navy veterans setting judicial overhaul owing to a conflict of
elections . . . For this reason, we have that does not formally include the HDP, fire to tyres outside the port of Ashdod, interest stemming from his corruption
Turkey’s pro-Kurdish People’s Demo- Israel’s parliament has passed a law
concluded that contesting the elections ahead of Erdoğan but with both candi- and protesters blocking main roads as trial, where he is fighting allegations of
cratic party is to field candidates in limiting the circumstances in which a
as the HDP carries serious risks.” dates short of the 50 per cent needed to part of an attempt to “paralyse” the fraud, bribery and breach of trust.
May’s election under another political prime minister can be removed from
The HDP this week announced it clinch the presidency without a runoff. country for a day. Baharav-Miara’s order came amid
banner in an effort to circumvent a office, the first in a series of contentious
would not field a candidate for presi- The HDP has faced a crackdown since Government officials say the changes speculation, which she denied, that she
likely legal ban. legal changes that have sparked
dent, signalling its support for the joint 2015, when peace talks between the gov- are needed to rein in an activist judici- was considering ordering Netanyahu to
months of protests.
The move underscores the challenge opposition candidate, Kemal ernment and the PKK collapsed. ary that has pushed a partisan leftwing step aside, something she would not be
facing opposition groups in mounting a Kılıçdaroğlu, who leads the centre-left At least four of the HDP’s predeces- The amendment, passed after a rancor- agenda. But critics see them as a funda- able to do after yesterday’s amendment.
campaign against president Recep Republican People’s party. The HDP, sors have been banned in Turkey since ous debate that stretched into the early mental threat to Israel’s checks and bal- Netanyahu has dismissed the charges
Tayyip Erdoğan’s ruling party. 1993 while thousands of Kurdish activ- hours of yesterday, intensifies the battle against him as a politically motivated
The HDP, the country’s third-biggest ists, including former HDP leader Sela- over a judicial overhaul pushed by witch-hunt and has denied that the judi-
party, faces court charges of having ties
‘We have concluded hattin Demirtaş, are in prison for their Benjamin Netanyahu’s far-right govern- Critics say the cial reforms would have any impact on
amendment is
to the armed Kurdistan Workers party, that contesting the political activities. ment that has plunged Israel into its designed to his personal situation.
labelled a terrorist organisation by Tur- Demirtaş had positioned the HDP as a deepest political crisis for years. Ofir Katz, an MP from Netanyahu’s
key, the US and the EU. The HDP denies
elections as the HDP leftwing party advocating for minority Critics have denounced the amend-
protect Benjamin
Netanyahu, right, Likud party who sponsored yesterday’s
links with the militants and accuses carries serious risks’ rights, gender equality and environ- ment as designed to protect Netanyahu, who is on trial bill, said it would provide “stability” by
Erdoğan of politicising the judiciary to mental protection to appeal to non- who is on trial for corruption, from limiting the circumstances in which a
suppress its vote in the May 14 poll. whose base is largely Kurdish and Kurdish voters. being removed from office over his legal ances that will eviscerate minority pro- prime minister could be removed.
Anticipating a ban, the HDP said yes- attracts about 12 per cent of the elector- Soner Cağaptay, director of the Tur- woes. Supporters deny this, arguing that tections, foster corruption and damage Yair Lapid, head of Yesh Atid, the
terday that it would contest the vote ate, is widely seen as the swing vote. key programme at the Washington the new rules are needed to prevent the the economy. largest opposition party, accused the
under the allied Green Left party’s Erdoğan faces his toughest election Institute of Near East Policy, said the “annulment” of the democratic process. Existing Israeli law allowed a prime coalition of ratifying “a contemptible
ticket. Green Left, which campaigns for after two decades in power, a task that HDP was “doing the safe thing” given The move is part of a broader set of minister to be removed but did not spell and corrupt personal piece of legisla-
ecological sustainability and equal has been complicated by the devastat- the risk of its candidates being barred. changes — including giving the govern- out the circumstances in which this tion”, adding that “Netanyahu has once
rights, has backed the HDP since the ing earthquake that killed more than “Turkey’s pro-Kurdish opposition has ment and its allies control over the could occur. The new rules specify that a again taken care of only himself”.
party first contested elections in 2014. 57,000 people in Turkey and Syria last been brutalised for so long, it’s become a appointment of judges and limiting the premier can be removed only on Avigdor Lieberman said his Yisrael
Turkey’s constitutional court this month. Voters have expressed unhappi- master of getting around bans and limi- top court’s ability to strike down laws — grounds of mental or physical ill health, Beiteinu party would petition Israel’s
week rejected the HDP’s request to post- ness at his stewardship of the $800bn tations,” he said. “They [the HDP] have that have drawn hundreds of thousands and only by the cabinet or parliament. top court to strike down the law.
pone its defence in the case by a month. economy, with inflation running at 55 an extremely well-organised and disci- of Israelis on to the streets since the gov- Gali Baharav-Miara, Israel’s attorney- “We won’t allow the state of Israel to
Mithat Sancar, HDP co-chairman, per cent. plined voter base, and voters will ernment proposed them in January. general, this year ordered Netanyahu be turned into a monarchy of the Netan-
said the threat was akin to a “sword of Recent polls have shown Kılıçdaroğlu, migrate en masse to the new party.” Demonstrations continued yesterday, not to get involved in his government’s yahu family,” he said.
4 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES Friday 24 March 2023


Inflation fears US. Monetary policy

Switzerland ploughs on with rate Credit crunch risk

piles pressure on Fed
increase despite bank upheaval Worst financial turmoil since
tion to come down,” said Swonk. “But
what is hard at this point is that the Fed
2008 throws central bank’s doesn’t have as much control as it once
SNB opts for half-point was concerned about upward price out the turmoil, the SNB may have Montpellier, senior economist at Credit thought it had. It’s lost some of its ability
rise and says it has ‘put a
pressures becoming entrenched even as accelerated the rate hike cycle . . . In the Suisse. rate-raising drive off course to determine the path.”
the global economy stagnates. circumstances, a steady pace was proba- Norges Bank, the first western central Benson Durham, head of global policy
halt’ to Credit Suisse crisis It now expects inflation of 2.6 per cent bly safer, but significantly more is bank to start tightening monetary pol-
at Piper Sandler and a former senior
in 2023 and 2 per cent in 2024 and 2025. needed,” said Christian Schulz, econo- icy after the Covid-19 pandemic, also staffer at the Fed, pointed out: “They
SAM JONES — ZURICH The central bank targets inflation of mist at Citi. raised rates yesterday and warned that As Jay Powell fielded questions from always wanted financial conditions to
RICHARD MILNE — OSLO below 2 per cent. “The economy is resilient, probably more increases were to come. journalists on Wednesday after the US tighten, but to tighten in an orderly way.
“Ensuring price stability is and will also to the domestic financial turmoil, Norway’s central bank increased bor- Federal Reserve’s decision to plough for- Having bank runs is the disorderly way.”
Switzerland has raised interest rates by remain the core objective of the SNB,” so we expect 50 basis points in June and rowing costs by 0.25 percentage points ward with another interest rate rise, he In its statement on Wednesday, the
half a percentage point, despite the central bank chief Thomas Jordan said another 50 basis points at the remaining to 3 per cent and suggested it would go quipped that it had been “quite an inter- Federal Open Market Committee said
financial turmoil that this week led to a following the decision, which leaves the meetings this year.” higher at its next meeting as it tries to esting seven weeks”. the banking-related turmoil was “likely
rescue-takeover of one of the country’s policy rate at 1.5 per cent. Others disagreed with Jordan’s view bring inflation under control. The Fed chair was speaking after the to result in tighter credit conditions for
largest lenders. Jordan spent last weekend brokering that the banking turmoil had been con- “There is considerable uncertainty bank raised rates by a quarter point and households and businesses and to weigh
The Swiss National Bank opted to discussions between Credit Suisse and tained, saying there were likely to be about future economic developments, signalled it might be close to concluding on economic activity, hiring and infla-
plough ahead with its fourth consecu- UBS, which was forced by the authori- economic repercussions. but if developments turn out as we now its campaign to stamp out inflation fol- tion”. The “extent of these effects is
tive interest rate rise, saying the chances ties into a rescue-takeover of its rival. “There is little doubt that fears about expect, the policy rate will be raised fur- lowing the most aggressive monetary- uncertain”, it warned.
of inflation becoming entrenched had “Our monetary policy assessment has financial stability will have an impact on ther in May,” said Norges Bank governor tightening campaign in decades. Powell rammed that point home.
risen. It follows a half-point rise by the taken place in an exceptional situation,” the availability of credit and thus on the Ida Wolden Bache. The end of painful rate rises would “Such a tightening in financial condi-
European Central Bank last week. Jordan said, referring to the near col- economic situation and the inflation The Bank of England also raised rates normally be a cause for relief, even cele- tions would work in the same direction
Inflation in Switzerland, at 3.4 per lapse of Credit Suisse, adding that the environment in the coming months, by a quarter point, leaving the bench- bration, but for one inconvenient fact: as rate tightening,” he said, adding that
cent in February, remains far lower than SNB had “put a halt” to the crisis. which will ultimately influence the path mark bank rate at 4.25 per cent. the reason the Fed thinks it can afford to it could potentially be the equivalent of
elsewhere in Europe. But the SNB said it Analysts expect further rises. “With- of interest rates,” said Charlotte de See Opinion let up is the worst bout of banking tur- a “rate hike or perhaps more than that”.
moil since the financial crisis of 2008, “Of course, it’s not possible to make
and one that critics of the US central that assessment today with any
bank argue it should have seen coming. precision whatsoever,” he pointed out.
“They’re afraid that they are getting According to a new set of economic
close to thin ice,” said Diane Swonk, projections, known as the dot plot, most
chief economist at KPMG, of the predic- Fed officials still see the federal funds
ament facing the Fed. It must now
decide whether to keep applying the
brakes to the economy, or whether a
‘They always wanted
looming credit crunch precipitated by conditions to tighten, but
the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and
Signature Bank will do the job for it.
in an orderly way. Having
“They want to cool inflation without bank runs is disorderly’
sending the economy into a deep freeze
and that is just a very hard thing to do.”
’rate peaking at between 5 per cent and
Powell is right that the US central 5.25 per cent this year, a quarter point
bank has been on a rollercoaster ride higher than the level reached after
over the past two months or so, as Wednesday’s rate rise. That is un-
have the investors and traders who hang changed from the December forecast.
on its every word. After its February In a sign that the FOMC could be
meeting, Powell seemed optimistic it closer to ending its rate-rising cam-
had turned the corner on inflation and paign, the policy statement said “some
that a “soft landing”, where price pres- additional policy firming may be appro-
sures ease without a painful recession, priate”. Powell urged reporters to focus
was in sight. on the “some” and “may” in that phrase,
That quickly gave way to renewed although he was adamant that rate cuts
concern that the economy was again were not expected this year.
gaining momentum. Just two weeks ago, Ellen Zentner, chief US economist at
Powell even floated the idea that the Fed Morgan Stanley, said the complex eco-
could jettison the gradual quarter-point nomic backdrop meant Powell was right
rate rise it had opted for in February and to send a “very vague, very soft” signal.
move back to a half-point increase this “The Fed is making no promises here”
month. He also warned the Fed would Tom Porcelli, chief US economist at
probably have to tighten more than RBC Capital Markets, detected a more
expected to bring inflation back to the definitive message: that the “hiking

Africa alert The World Health Organization has

urged African authorities to step up
monitoring regimes and clinical care
illness, with treatment focusing on the
rehydration and clinical care of
The cases that were reported in
Equatorial Guinea were about
150km apart, “suggesting wider
central bank’s 2 per cent target.
Now that hawkishness has evapo-
rated, thanks to the implosion of SVB
cycle is now over”, adding: “In terms of
action, it screams that they recognise
the gravity of the moment.
WHO warns after Tanzania reported its first
outbreak of the virulent Marburg virus.
Tanzania’s Marburg outbreak
involved 161 contacts. Its east African
transmission of the virus”, according
to the WHO.
and Signature. Indeed, on Wednesday
Powell admitted the Fed had considered
Given the tumult in the banking sec-
tor, it is perhaps unsurprising that the

of Marburg Marburg spreads to humans from

fruit bats and is passed on through
direct contact with the bodily fluids of
neighbours Uganda and Kenya have
enhanced border surveillance to help
reduce transmission.
Mahamud said the global health
body was working “very closely”
with Cameroon and Gabon,
taking a pause, that is forgoing a rate rise
altogether, this month.
The collapse and government take-
Fed slightly downgraded its outlook for
the economy, which it expects to grow
only 0.4 per cent this year before
virus spread infected patients. The disease is highly
virulent, causing haemorrhagic fever
Ummy Mwalimu, Tanzania’s health
minister, said her government had
Equatorial Guinea’s neighbours, as
some of the latest cases were in
over of the two lenders resulted in stress
across the banking industry, especially
expanding 1.2 per cent in 2024. Such
anaemic growth is a daunting prospect
and killing up to 88 per cent of those it “managed to control the rate of the border areas. The subregional risk for smaller operators, prompting emer- for President Joe Biden, who has said he
infects. It belongs to the same family of new infections of Marburg. So far it has was “very high”, he added. gency measures from the Fed and other plans to run for re-election next year.
viruses as Ebola, another deadly not been reported anywhere else apart “It’s happening right at the arms of the US government designed to In an early sign of a bipartisan consen-
disease whose most severe outbreak from the affected area. border,” he said, urging Cameroon to ward off further contagion. sus that the Fed erred in its duty, two
occurred across several west African “We’re determined to end the “increase readiness”. It is unclear whether policymakers senators who could not be further apart
countries from 2013-16. outbreak within the shortest period of Marburg incubation ranges from have done enough, with already on the political aisle introduced legisla-
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the time,” she added. two to 21 days, according to the depressed shares of banks selling off tion that would replace the central
WHO director-general, said yesterday Abdirahman Mahamud, interim WHO. The virus is traced back to again on Wednesday after Janet Yellen, bank’s internal investigator with a presi-
that eight Marburg cases had been director of the WHO’s alert and laboratory work on African green the Treasury secretary, appeared to rule dential appointee.
reported in Tanzania, five of them response co-ordination department, monkeys in the German city of out blanket guarantees in the near term “After the Federal Reserve’s failure to
fatal. Nine cases have been confirmed praised the countries’ swift reaction in Marburg, where the first cases were for deposits over $250,000. properly identify and prevent the
in Equatorial Guinea after an outbreak dealing with the outbreaks, as the cases detected along with simultaneous The turmoil could result in exactly shocking failures of Silicon Valley Bank
was first reported in the west African were located in remote regions. outbreaks in Frankfurt and Belgrade the same kind of credit crunch the Fed and Signature Bank, it’s clear we can’t
country last month. The WHO said it assessed the risk in 1967. There have been regular had hoped to precipitate with tighter wait any longer for big change at the
The WHO was “leading trials of posed by the outbreak as “very high” at outbreaks in Africa since the first monetary policy, albeit one over which Fed,” said Rick Scott, a Republican from
Virulent: a haemorrhagic fever vaccines in the context of the the national level, “moderate” at the cases in South Africa in 1975. the central bank has far less sway, econ- Florida, who is being supported by
victim is taken away by Angolan emergency”, he added. There are no regional level and “low” at the global Donato Paolo Mancini in London and omists warn. Democrat Elizabeth Warren.
medics — Alvaro Canovas/Paris Match/Getty vaccines or antivirals approved for the level. Andres Schipani in Mogadishu “We’re still in a position where finan- Gillian Tett see Opinion
cial conditions need to tighten for infla- See Lex

India Chinese economy

Gandhi handed jail term over Modi remarks Billionaires pay price for Xi’s tighter policies
JOHN REED AND JYOTSNA SINGH Amit Malviya, who heads the BJP’s winning next year’s election. Many in JOE LEAHY — BEIJING ther down the rankings, barely scraping Beijing had the most billionaires of
information and technology depart- India hold Gandhi, a member of the into the top 10 of the country’s most any city in the world — 109, compared
China’s population of super-rich fell
Rahul Gandhi has been sentenced to ment, said yesterday that Gandhi was fourth generation of the family that wealthy. with 105 in New York and 103 in Shang-
more than 14 per cent last year as Presi-
two years in jail for remarks he made “flippant and dangerous” and accused ruled India for decades, responsible for Ma has spent much of the past year in hai. London was ranked fifth behind
dent Xi Jinping’s zero-Covid policy, reg-
about Narendra Modi by a court in the him of “deriding India and Indians”. feckless leadership and corruption that Japan after he and other ecommerce the southern Chinese tech capital of
ulatory crackdowns and a property
prime minister’s home state of Gujarat, The ruling party has also accused contributed to its defeats by the BJP in magnates were targeted by regulators as Shenzhen.
collapse took their toll on the nation’s
raising the temperature of Indian poli- Gandhi of defaming India on a trip to the 2014 and 2019. Beijing sought to tighten its control over Asia, with 57 per cent of the world’s
tics a year ahead of a national election. UK this month. He quit as the Congress party’s presi- data and the financial system. population, accounted for 49 per cent of
“The cowardly, authoritarian BJP gov- dent after the 2019 election. His 76- The number of billionaires in China fell the world’s billionaires and 39 per cent
The court in Surat sentenced Gandhi, ernment has been shaken by Rahul year-old mother, Sonia Gandhi, took on by 164 to 969 compared with a decline of of its wealth while North America and
the best-known figure in the Congress Gandhi and the opposition because we the role until last year, when the party 25 to 691 in the US, according to the
The number of billionaires Europe combined had 15 per cent of the
party that dominated Indian politics for are exposing their black deeds,” said appointed Kharge to the post. 2023 M3M Hurun Global Rich List, after in China fell by 164 and world’s population, 46 per cent of its
decades, for comments he made in a Mallikarjun Kharge, the Congress Some observers argue that Rahul depreciating currencies and falling billionaires and 57 per cent of its total
2019 speech in which he asked “why all party’s president, in a tweet. Gandhi has made a slow but discernible stocks battered the wealthy across the
the total wealth of its wealth.
thieves have the name Modi, Modi, Analysts give Congress little chance of political comeback in recent months, globe. richest plunged 15% India had the third-highest number of
Modi”. seizing on the Adani affair and eco- “This past year has been tumultuous billionaires at 187 while Germany over-
The court granted Gandhi bail and nomic issues such as India’s stubbornly for wealth creation,” the report said. Property tycoons also suffered dra- took the UK for fourth place with 144,
suspended the sentence for 30 days to high unemployment rate as weapons While China was still the “world capital matic losses following a government compared with 134. Russia’s total
give him time to appeal. against Modi. for billionaires”, the total wealth of the campaign to reduce leverage in the sec- number of billionaires declined by two
Modi’s dominant Bharatiya Janata Hindenburg’s short seller attack was country’s richest plunged 15 per cent. tor that sparked a meltdown in prices. to 70, leaving it in eighth in spite of west-
party will face voters in April and May published shortly after Gandhi com- China’s economy expanded only 3 per Many of the country’s wealthy started ern sanctions imposed after Moscow’s
2024 as the prime minister seeks a third pleted a 4,000km Bharat Jodo Yatra, or cent last year as Xi sealed borders and moving money to havens such as Singa- invasion of Ukraine.
term in office. Unite India March, a trek from the coun- locked cities down in an ultimately pore after Xi began pursuing a “com- Despite China’s vast number of bil-
Gandhi, who holds no formal position try’s southern tip to Kashmir, in which futile attempt to keep the Omicron vari- mon prosperity” policy aimed at reduc- lionaires, none of them ranked in the
in the Congress party but is its best- thousands joined him along the route. ant at bay. The Shenzhen stock market ing social inequality. report’s top 10 global rich list, which was
known personality, has gone on the “It was a stroke of good fortune for in southern China ended the year down But even with the fall in the number of led by Bernard Arnault of LVMH with
attack against Modi in recent weeks Gandhi that the Adani scandal broke 17 per cent and the renminbi depreci- super-wealthy in China, the country $202bn followed by Elon Musk with
over his ties to Gautam Adani, the during the yatra,” said Asim Ali, an inde- ated 6 per cent against the dollar. remained the world’s “absolute No1” for $157bn. The only Asian billionaire in the
industrialist whose group is facing scru- pendent political analyst. “But in terms Some old faces, such as internet entre- billionaires, the report said, led by the top 10 was Mukesh Ambani, the Indian
tiny after an attack by short seller Rahul Gandhi has homed in on the of capitalising on it, I’m not sure it’s preneur Jack Ma, who three years ago capital Beijing, where Xi and many oil, petrochemicals, telecoms and retail
Hindenburg Research. premier’s business connections going to be an easy task.” was China’s richest man, toppled fur- other Communist party leaders reside. magnate, with $82bn.
Friday 24 March 2023 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES 5
6 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES Friday 24 March 2023

Toshiba takeover Japanese group’s board approves $15bn offer from JIP-led consortium ahead of shareholder vote y COMPANIES

Finma defends Still charging Ford says EV unit will lose $3bn
this year and should be viewed as a ‘start-up’
Accenture to
cut 19,000 jobs
as consulting
writedown of sector retreats

Accenture is to axe about 19,000 jobs

Credit Suisse over the next 18 months, the largest in a

series of cuts across the consulting sec-
tor as companies battle rising costs and
an uncertain economic outlook.
The New York-listed group said yester-
3 Watchdog faced urgent need to act day that it expected to incur staff sever-
ance costs of $1.2bn and a further
3 ‘Extremely fragile’ conditions cited $300mn of expenses from the “consoli-
dation of office space”.
The retrenchment will hit about 2.6
SAM JONES — ZURICH financial markets in general,” Jordan per cent of Accenture’s 738,000 staff,
OLIVER RALPH — LONDON said. “Resolution in those circum- who provide consultancy and outsourc-
Swiss regulator Finma has defended its stances would have triggered a bigger ing services to large companies.
decision to wipe out a swath of risky financial crisis, not just in Switzerland Accenture has enjoyed explosive
subordinated bonds as part of the Credit but globally.” growth in recent years as demand for
Suisse rescue deal. The regulator decided, in conjunction advice on tech projects from multi-
Sunday’s move, which rendered with the SNB and the Swiss finance min- nationals ballooned. It has been on a hir-
SFr16bn ($17bn) of investments worth- istry, to preserve some value for Credit ing binge, adding more than 230,000
less, has become one of the most contro- Suisse shareholders, who would nomi- staff since August 2020.
versial elements of the shotgun mar- nally be subordinated to any bondhold- Half of the 19,000 employees will
riage between Credit Suisse and larger ers in the capital structure. UBS will pay leave by the end of August, the company
rival UBS brokered by Swiss authorities. SFr3.25bn for Credit Suisse’s shares. told analysts. More than half the cuts are
Just hours after the deal was The tier 1 (AT1) bonds in question expected to affect staff who work in cor-
announced, other regulators began to contained explicit contractual language porate functions rather than serve cli-
distance themselves from the decision, that they would be “completely written ents directly, the company said.
fearful that it would endanger banks’ down in a ‘viability event’ in particular if Chief executive Julie Sweet character-
ability to raise capital. Enraged bond- extraordinary government support is ised the cuts as “offensive” rather than
holders have pledged to sue the Swiss granted”, Finma said. This allowed the defensive, to ensure Accenture kept to
government and Finma. regulator to prioritise equity holders its long-term profitability targets in a
Finma said yesterday that all the con- ahead of AT1 holders. AT1s are a type of high-inflation environment.
hybrid instrument created after the “We’ve been dealing with the chal-
crash of 2008 to give banks greater capi- lenges of compounding wage inflation,”
‘A solution was found to tal flexibility in the event of crises. Driving change: Ford’s Explorer electric sport utility vehicle launch in London this month — Chris J Ratcliffe/Bloomberg she said. “We’ve been doing that with
protect clients, the financial As part of the acquisition deal by UBS, pricing but [also] with cost efficiencies
the combined bank will receive SFr9bn CLAIRE BUSHEY — CHICAGO combustion, vehicles powered by bat- cent from the year before. Tesla lost and digitisation and we’ve identified an
centre and the markets’ of government guarantees and a teries, and commercial vehicles. money for a decade before reporting opportunity to go after structural cost.”
Ford said it expected to lose $3bn
Urban Angehrn, regulator chief SFr100bn liquidity lifeline from the
making electric vehicles this year, as
The financials, which Ford planned its first quarterly profit in 2013. Accenture is the latest big consulting
SNB. An additional emergency govern- to explain yesterday in a “teach-in” Ford’s losses in the Model e business group to cut jobs, following moves last
it gave investors their clearest look
tractual and legal obligations had been ment ordinance issued by Bern on Sun- for investors, are meant to convey a stem from spending on projects such month at McKinsey and KPMG’s US and
yet at the outlook for the company’s
met for it to act unilaterally given the day had further confirmed the power to more detailed view of the carmaker’s as building new assembly and battery Australian businesses. McKinsey will
nascent battery-powered car and
urgency of the situation. take decisions over elements of a bank’s costs and revenues to produce EVs as plants in Tennessee and Kentucky, as dismiss up to 2,000 of its 45,000 work-
truck business.
“On Sunday, a solution was found to capital structure, Finma said. it pursues a goal of selling only zero- well as adding a new type of battery force. KPMG is eliminating almost 700
protect clients, the financial centre and Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan The EV business, known as Model e, emission vehicles by 2040. technology, Lawler said. jobs in its US advisory business and
the markets,” Finma chief executive and Pallas Partners are among law firms reported a $900mn loss in 2021, The new structure also gives more Ford plans to manufacture 2mn about 200 in Australia — roughly 2 per
Urban Angehrn said. “In this context, it representing bondholders that have which rose to $2.1bn in 2022 as it detail on Ford Blue, the traditional- EVs a year by the end of 2026, hitting cent of its total in each country.
is important that Credit Suisse’s bank- pledged to fight the decision. Quinn accelerated production of models engine vehicle division that will fund an operating profit margin of 8 per Accenture announced the cuts along-
ing business continues to function hosted a call on Wednesday joined by such as the Mustang Mach-E. “Ford its transition to clean energy vehicles. cent for the division. The target for side its results for the three months to
smoothly and without interruption.” more than 750 participants. Partner Model e is an EV start-up within Ford Ford Blue will earn $7bn before the company as a whole is 10 per cent. February, reporting revenues of
Swiss National Bank chair Thomas Richard East said that the deal was “a and, as everyone knows, EV start-ups interest and tax this year, the com- As the company tries to convert its $15.8bn, a 5 per cent increase on the
Jordan said yesterday that the purchase resolution dressed up as a merger” and lose money while they invest in capa- pany said, compared with $6.8bn last EV losses into profits in three years, same period a year earlier. Consulting
by UBS had been the only option for pointed to statements by the ECB and bility, develop knowledge, build vol- year. Profit at the commercial vehicle investors are interested in “knowing revenues fell 1 per cent to $8.3bn, while
Credit Suisse, saying that a takeover of the Bank of England, which distanced ume and gain share,” said Ford’s chief unit, Ford Pro, is projected to nearly how that path looks”, said Stephen sales by the managed services, or out-
the bank by the government and its sta- themselves from the Swiss approach. financial officer John Lawler. double this year to almost $6bn. Brown, analyst at Fitch Ratings. sourcing, division grew 12 per cent to
bilisation in a process known as resolu- “You know something has gone wrong The Michigan carmaker released Ford’s EV sales place it a distant sec- Lawler said the company would $7.5bn. Operating income dropped 5.8
tion would have risked a systemic crisis. when other regulators come and recast financials yesterday based on ond behind electric-car maker Tesla, clear that hurdle through a combina- per cent to $1.9bn in the quarter.
“Resolution in theory is possible politely point out that in a resolution new business units it announced last which had two-thirds of the US mar- tion of building production, competi- US technology companies had slowed
under normal circumstances, but we [they] would have respected ordinary year. The company is now reporting ket last year. The Texas company led tive pricing and changes to the design their spending, Sweet said. “This will
were in an extremely fragile environ- priorities,” he said. profits and losses in three categories: by Elon Musk reported net income of and engineering of the company’s sec- last for a bit of time but it will eventually
ment, with enormous nervousness in See Letters and Opinion cars and trucks powered by internal $12.6bn in 2022, an increase of 123 per ond generation of EVs. come back. These are great companies.”

Legal Notices
AI revolution ‘industrial capture’ risks loss of public control
than the overall increase in computer the money for generative AI in the past
INSIDE BUSINESS science research faculty. “Many of the six years had gone to start-ups like
researchers we spoke to had abandoned Anthropic, Inflection, and
TECHNOLOGY certain research trajectories because Adept AI, and larger efforts like OpenAI
they feel they cannot compete with that are building their own large mod-
Madhumita industry — they simply don’t have the
compute or the engineering talent,” said
els. In 2019, OpenAI pivoted from a non-
profit into a profitmaking enterprise
Murgia Nur Ahmed, author of the paper.
In particular, he said academics were
with a $1bn investment from Microsoft,
citing a need “to rapidly increase our
unable to build large language models investments in compute and talent”.

like GPT-4, a type of AI software that The consequences of this shift are
generates plausible and detailed text by manifold. It means public alternatives
here’s a colossal shift going predicting the next word in a sentence to corporate AI tech, such as models and
on in artificial intelligence with high accuracy. The technique data sets, are becoming increasingly
— but it’s not the one some requires enormous amounts of data and scarce. And new applications are likely
Business Opportunities
Readers are strongly recommended to take appropriate Businesses might think. While
advanced language-gener-
computing power that primarily only
large technology companies like Google,
to be commercially driven rather than
in the broader public interest, several

For Sale
professional advice before entering into obligations. ating systems and chatbots have domi- Microsoft and Amazon have access to. researchers pointed out. Hanna, whose
nated news headlines, private AI com- Ahmed found companies’ share of the work is funded by non-profits, agrees.
panies have quietly entrenched their biggest AI models had gone from 11 per “If you want to work on specialised AI
power. Recent developments mean that cent in 2010 to 96 per cent in 2021. tasks like ensuring biodiversity, or cli-
a handful of individuals and corpora- A lack of access mate science or agriculture, there is not
tions now control much of the resources means researchers ‘If you want to work on a lot of appetite for that,” she said.
and knowledge in the sector — and will cannot replicate Meredith Whittaker, president of
ultimately shape its impact on our col- the models built in specialised AI tasks like encrypted app Signal, has compared the
lective future. corporate labs, and climate science or situation with the US military’s domi-
The phenomenon, which AI experts can therefore nei- nance over scientific research during
refer to as “industrial capture”, was ther probe nor agriculture, there is not the cold war in a seminal paper in 2021.
quantified in a paper published by audit them for a lot of appetite for that’ “It is here, in these darker histories, that
researchers from the Massachusetts potential harms we confront the steep cost of capture —
Institute of Technology in the journal and biases very easily. whether military or industrial,” she
Science this month, calling on policy- The paper’s data also showed a big dis- wrote. “And its perilous implications for
makers to pay closer attention. Its data parity between public and private academic freedom . . . capable of hold-
is increasingly crucial. Generative AI — investment in AI technology. In 2021, ing power to account.”
the technology underlying the likes of non-defence US government agencies Researchers and policy experts con-
Notice to Advertisers ChatGPT — is being embedded into soft- allocated $1.5bn to AI. The European cur on the diagnosis but not on the solu-
Calls to the Financial Times Advertising Department ware used by billions of people, such as Commission planned to spend €1bn. tions — some, like Ahmed, believe gov-
may be monitored. Microsoft Office, Google Docs and Meanwhile, the private sector invested ernments should set up academia-only
Acceptance of any advertisement for publication will be Gmail. And businesses from law firms to more than $340bn on AI in 2021. data centres to allow researchers to run
subject to the then current terms and conditions of the media and educational institutions “There is such a concentration of experiments but others, like Whittaker,
insertion of advertisements in FT publications. Business for Sale, Business Opportunities,
Business Services, are being upended by its introduction. wealth and investment in a very narrow believe that would further concentrate
A copy of the terms and conditions of insertion of Business Wanted, Franchises The MIT research found that almost set of techniques,” said Alex Hanna, power among those who own infrastruc-
advertisements in FT publications can be obtained Runs Daily 70 per cent of AI PhDs went to work for director of research at the Distributed ture, like cloud services. But they all
from .............................................................................................................................
companies in 2020, compared with 21 AI Research Institute and a former agree on the one thing policymakers
+44 (0)20 7873 3000, or viewed at Classified Business Advertising UK: +44 20 7873 4000
per cent in 2004. Similarly, there was an member of Google’s Ethical AI team. simply can’t do: turn a blind eye.
Email: eightfold increase in faculty being hired She pointed to investment data from
into AI companies since 2006, far faster PitchBook showing that the majority of
Friday 24 March 2023 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES 7
8 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES Friday 24 March 2023


Industrials Technology. Royalties

Toshiba backs $15bn buyout offer Arm seeks to lift

chip design prices
Board approves JIP bid to ¥2tn bid but stopped short of recom- If it wins the backing of Toshiba’s resents a 21 per cent premium to
pave the way for Japan’s
biggest take-private deal
mending it to shareholders, saying a
special committee would further review
the deal before the tender offer is
shareholders, the deal will lead to the
company’s delisting — a fate it narrowly
avoided in 2017 when the failure of its
Toshiba’s share price before CVC’s offer
came to light.
After CVC’s offer collapsed and
in profits drive
expected to be launched in July.
“We reached the conclusion that this
transaction would reasonably contrib-
US nuclear business took it to the edge
of bankruptcy.
As a result of its financial troubles,
Toshiba’s plan to split the company was
also rejected by shareholders, the group
began soliciting new bids last spring, ini-
ahead of IPO
Toshiba’s board approved a $15bn offer ute to enhancing our corporate value if Toshiba in 2017 opted for an emergency tially attracting interest from the
from a consortium led by a Japanese it leads to creating a stable management issuance of $5.4bn worth of new equity world’s largest buyout funds. But JIP was Cortex-A designs, essential for develop-
buyout fund, paving the way for the structure and if it can win unified sup- in a deal engineered by Goldman Sachs. chosen as the preferred bidder in Octo- Customers prove resistant to ment of smartphone processors.
country’s biggest ever take-private deal. port from shareholders,” Toshiba said. The transaction radically altered ber and Toshiba said no other fund sub- shake-up of payments model Charging based on device price is a
Toshiba said Japan Industrial Part- People close to several of Toshiba’s Toshiba’s shareholder register, packing mitted a concrete proposal. widespread practice across the telecoms
ners has offered to buy the group for largest shareholders said they were it with aggressive foreign activist funds, Yesterday, the company said JIP was by SoftBank-owned business equipment market, with Qualcomm,
¥4,620 ($35) a share. Shares in Toshiba, “comfortable” with the formula used to which have called on the company to unlikely to seek a major change in its Nokia and Ericsson all using a similar
Japan’s best-known conglomerate, value the group. At its peak last year, find better ways to unlock value. business strategy and indicated that a model for their patents. The problem
closed at ¥4,213 yesterday. when higher bids were expected from For the past six years, the company’s buyout would not lead to the complete LONDON for Arm is that it is attempting to change
The 147-year-old group will be taken Bain Capital and other global private largest shareholder has been Effissimo replacement of its management. KANA INAGAKI — TOKYO its pricing strategy long after it estab-
private by a consortium backed by 17 equity funds, it was valued at ¥2.5tn. Capital Management, a secretive Singa- At the same time, M&A bankers and Arm is seeking to raise prices for its chip lished a different sales model.
domestic companies and six financial The board’s approval of JIP’s bid her- pore-based fund run by Japanese man- lawyers said they believed that, once designs as the SoftBank-owned group The average price for a smartphone
institutions. According to people famil- alds the end of an eight-year saga featur- agers that has put pressure on Toshiba. privatised, Toshiba was likely to put a aims to boost revenues ahead of a hotly chip is about $40 for Qualcomm, $17 for
iar with the matter, the group includes ing an accounting scandal, a brush with Shares in the Japanese group soared number of non-core units up for sale. anticipated initial public offering in MediaTek and $6 for Unisoc. Arm
financial services group Orix, Chubu delisting and a fire sale of the company’s after it received a $20bn take-private Toshiba reported worse than expected New York this year. charges royalties of about 1 to 2 per cent
Electric Power and chipmaker Rohm. most valuable asset, the flash memory offer from European private equity firm results in February, with quarterly oper- The UK-based group, which designs of the value of each chip sold based on
Toshiba’s board said it approved JIP’s business now known as Kioxia. CVC in April 2021. JIP’s latest offer rep- ating profit falling almost 90 per cent. blueprints for semiconductors found in its designs, according to Sravan Kundoj-
more than 95 per cent of smartphones, jala, an analyst at TechInsights.
has told several of its biggest customers By contrast, the average smartphone
of a radical shift to its business model, sold for $335 in 2022. While it is unlikely
according to industry executives and Arm would seek as much as 1 to 2 per
former employees. cent of the value of each device, those
These people said Arm planned to familiar with the matter said it would
stop charging chipmakers royalties for set its new pricing in a way that signifi-
using its designs based on a chip’s value cantly increases overall earnings.
and instead charge device makers based “The [royalty] amount will be at least
on the value of the device. This should several times higher than what Arm gets
mean the company earns several times now,” said an executive from a leading
more for each design it sells, as the aver- Chinese smartphone maker which has
age smartphone is vastly more expen- so far refused to back the proposed plan.
sive than a chip. “We are told that they hope such
The changes represent one of the big- changes could start from 2024.”
gest shake-ups to Arm’s business strat- Some of Arm’s customers, including
egy in decades, at a time when SoftBank Apple, are both chipmakers and device
chief executive Masayoshi Son is seek- makers, and have special licensing and
ing to drive up Arm’s profits and attract royalty agreements with Arm. The
investors to its impending return to the iPhone maker is not involved in discus-
public markets. sions about the change to Arm’s busi-
“Arm is going to customers and saying
‘We would like to get paid more money
for broadly the same thing’,” said one
‘Arm is going to customers
former senior employee who left last and saying, we would like
year. “What SoftBank is doing at the
moment is testing the market value of
to get paid more money
the monopoly that Arm has.” for broadly the same thing’
SoftBank, which acquired Arm for
£24.3bn in 2016, plans to retain a major- ness model, said executives with knowl-
ity stake following the IPO. It was aiming edge of the recent discussions.
to start pushing through the pricing Arm, SoftBank, Qualcomm, Medi-
shake-up at the chip designer by as early aTek, Unisoc, Xiaomi and Oppo
as next year, but has so far been frus- declined to comment.
trated by customers’ reluctance to Son is relying on a blockbuster Arm
accept the new arrangement. IPO to help mount a turnround at Soft-
MediaTek, Unisoc and Qualcomm, Bank, which has suffered heavy losses
and multiple Chinese smartphone mak- during the past year as the value of its
ers including Xiaomi and Oppo, are tech investments was hammered in a
among the companies that have been broader industry downturn.
made aware of the proposed change to Son announced last year that he
pricing policy, according to several peo- would step back from day-to-day opera-
Journalists at France’s largest business publisher Pearson, the former owner of A relative latecomer to media, ple familiar with the talks. tions at SoftBank to devote himself to
Hacked off newspaper are protesting against the
abrupt removal of their editor-in-chief,
the Financial Times, in 2007 and
signed an accord intended to protect
Bolloré, the largest shareholder in
Vivendi, has proved the most
The Cambridge-headquartered com-
pany licenses its designs to various chip-
turbocharging Arm’s growth.
People close to Son said he felt Arm
Editor’s exit which they say was decided by the
publication’s billionaire owner Bernard
Arnault in breach of the daily’s
the newsroom’s independence.
Staff at Les Echos said Arnault
removed Barré because he was
interventionist at his group’s TV
news channel, radio and newspaper,
often replacing editors and
makers for them to use to make the
semiconductors found in smartphones,
computers and cars. It charges a licence
had taken a smaller slice of industry
profits over the past decade than chip-
makers such as Nvidia, Broadcom and
sparks protest editorial independence.
Reporters at Les Echos would not
unhappy about a review in Les Echos of
Story of an Ogre, a book critical of fellow
journalists and shaping the editorial
line. Under his ownership, CNEWS
fee for obtaining its blueprints, and a
recurring royalty for each chip shipped.
Qualcomm, especially considering how
crucial its designs were in mobiles.
at Les Echos sign their names to their articles online
and in print for 24 hours from noon
yesterday to protest against the “forced
billionaire Vincent Bolloré, who has
risen as a powerful media owner.
has been revamped as a
conservative debating forum,
playing a role in French media akin
Arm has also become more aggressive
in pushing price increases within its
existing sales model for royalties and
Investors in the US, the UK and Japan
have told the Financial Times that they
have applied valuations to Arm of
departure” of Nicolas Barré by Arnault, to Fox News in the US. licences over the past year, particularly between $30bn and $70bn. They say
according to a statement from a group
Barré was ‘removed by Barré will “pursue new for customers making chips for smart- that the broad range stems from the dif-
representing the newsroom. the owner in contradiction challenges” in a new role within the phones, where it has a dominant market ficulty in identifying any comparable
“We are undertaking this action for company, LVMH’s media arm said position, according to people with companies, and a lack of clarity over the
24 hours to highlight our
of the guarantees of in a statement announcing the knowledge of the recent moves. company’s precise growth strategy in
determination and our anger that the independence negotiated’ editor’s departure on Wednesday. Arm has been in a bitter legal battle recent years.
owner has not respected the Francois Vidal, Barré’s deputy, will with its largest customer, Qualcomm, For several years under SoftBank’s
independence of our publication,” said France’s biggest newspaper and take over his responsibilities on an since last year, accusing the mobile chip- ownership, Arm posted stagnating reve-
Leila de Comarmond, president of the television channels are owned by interim basis until a new editor is maker of using its intellectual property nue and falling profits. Costs increased
journalist’s association at Les Echos, billionaire industrialists who use them appointed. without permission. from $716mn in 2015 to $1.6bn in 2019,
adding that “the vast majority” of as tools of influence. In addition to Les “I am very happy Nicolas Barré In its counterclaim, the chipmaker according to SoftBank data. Revenues
journalists would participate. Echos, LVMH owns Le Parisien daily has chosen to pursue new alleged Arm had told “one or more of gained 20 per cent to $1.9bn over the
The company “cannot mask the newspaper and a classical radio station. opportunities at the group in a new Qualcomm’s customers” that it would same period, while profits fell almost 70
reality” that Barré was “removed by The Bouygues family behind the role. I want to thank him for his cease licensing central processing units per cent to $276mn by 2019.
the owner in contradiction of the construction-to-telecoms eponymous work over the past decade leading (CPUs) to all chip companies and only It has since reversed its fortunes, post-
Question of independence: Les guarantees of independence conglomerate owns TF1, the biggest editorial where he has proven his provide licences to device makers. ing a 35 per cent rise in revenues to
Echos editor-in-chief Nicolas negotiated” at the time of the sale of private broadcasting company. The great value as an editor and a According to the new business model $2.7bn in 2021, the latest date for which
Barré, fourth from left, leads an the newspaper to LVMH, the luxury Dassault family, owner of defence manager,” Arnault said. being presented by Arm, royalties there are annual figures, and a 68 per
editorial meeting at the paper’s group owned by Arnault, the company Dassault Aviation, owns Le LVMH and Barré did not respond would be set according to the average cent rise in adjusted earnings to $1bn.
headquarters in Paris last year journalists’ association said. Figaro newspaper. Telecoms billionaire to a request for comment. selling price of mobile devices rather Additional reporting by Qianer Liu in Hong
Cristophe Archambault/AFP via Getty Images
LVMH bought Les Echos from British Xavier Niel owns a stake in Le Monde. Additional reporting by Leila Abboud than that of the chips. The changes will Kong and Leo Lewis in Tokyo
mainly involve Arm’s most prominent See Lex

Telecoms Technology

Billionaire Hohn urges overhaul at Cellnex Chip businesses fight ‘forever chemicals’ curbs
ANNA GROSS — LONDON believe that the . . . hiring process for a forceful advocate of Ferrovial’s plan to PATRICK TEMPLE-WEST — NEW YORK In Minnesota, bills would ban by 2025 will disrupt semiconductor supplies.
new CEO has been mishandled by the shift its head office from Madrid to the certain products that contain added Long-term PFAS exposure can weaken
Intel and other semiconductor compa-
Billionaire hedge fund manager Chris board and resulted in insufficient Netherlands in order to facilitate the PFAS — which is short for perfluoroalkyl the immune system, decrease infant
nies have joined industrial materials
Hohn is attempting to oust three board progress to recruiting a suitable replace- listing of its shares in New York. and polyfluoroalkyl substances — in leg- and foetal growth and increase kidney
businesses to fight US clampdowns on
members at Cellnex and hasten the ment,” he wrote, as he called for the The infrastructure group sparked islation considered to be some of the cancer risk in adults, according to a
“forever chemicals”, substances used
appointment of a new chief executive departure of chair Bertrand Kan and fury in the Spanish government when it toughest in the country. 2022 report by the US National Acade-
in myriad products that are slow to
amid a challenging period for Europe’s two directors. announced its plan. mies of Sciences, Engineering and Medi-
break down in the environment.
largest mobile-tower company. TCI, which owns 3 per cent of This year TCI also demanded that Air- cine. Widely used in products from non-
Cellnex’s share capital and a further 6 bus, the world’s largest plane maker, The lobbying push broadens the opposi- Semiconductor stick cookware to firefighting foam to
groups including
Hohn’s hedge fund TCI, which has a per cent in derivatives, is hoping that abandon its bid for a stake in the cyber tion to new rules and bans for chemicals Intel say there are ski wax, PFAS are also widely used in
record of embarking on boardroom bat- one of its own directors, Jonathan security arm of French IT company known as PFAS. The substances have no alternatives to semiconductor manufacturing.
tles, said that it had concerns about Amouyal, will be appointed via “con- Atos. been found in the blood of 97 per cent of PFAS for their Chip groups say there are no alterna-
“governance” at the Spanish group, par- structive dialogue”. However, if this is The last time Hohn moved against a Americans, the US government says. manufacturing tives to PFAS for their manufacturing.
ticularly surrounding the replacement not possible, it says that it will propose a chair, however, was when he called for More than 30 US states are consider- Last week the US Environmental Pro-
of Tobias Martínez Gimeno, who vote at the company’s next AGM. the resignations of the chief executive ing legislation to address PFAS, accord- The Semiconductor Industry Associa- tection Agency proposed limiting the
stepped down as chief executive in Janu- Cellnex declined to comment. and chair of Montreal-based railway ing to Safer States, an environmental tion — whose members include Intel, chemicals in drinking water.
ary. He will leave in June. The group’s share price has fallen 20 group Canadian National in 2021, after advocacy group. Bills in California and IBM and Nvidia — has cosigned letters If fully implemented, “the rule will
“We believe that Cellnex is a great per cent over the past 12 months, at a the company’s failed attempt to buy Maine passed in 2022 and 2021. “I think opposing the Minnesota legislation. prevent thousands of deaths and reduce
company, but in our opinion it cannot time when rising interest rates and high Kansas City Southern. clean drinking water and for farmers to Chipmakers also opposed the California tens of thousands of serious PFAS-at-
reach its full potential because it is held levels of debt have shaken up its acquisi- Martínez resigned after eight years at be able to irrigate their fields is far more and Maine laws. tributable illnesses”, the EPA said.
back by poor corporate governance,” tive business strategy. the helm of Cellnex, during which time important than a microchip,” said Stacy The pushback in the US echoes a dis- Fay said companies were reviewing
Hohn wrote in a letter to the Cellnex TCI is already involved in corporate it became Spain’s largest telecoms group Brenner, a Maine state senator who pute in Europe, where chipmakers have the EPA’s proposal. Intel declined to
board, seen by the Financial Times. “We controversy in Spain as it has been a amid a dealmaking spree. backed the state’s bipartisan legislation. warned that a proposed ban on PFAS comment.
Friday 24 March 2023 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES 9


TikTok caught in tug of war over its algorithm

Parent company ByteDance stuck between US and Chinese legal manoeuvres aimed at controlling video app’s future
HANNAH MURPHY — SAN FRANCISCO Cfius process. This includes Lisa
Monaco, the US deputy attorney-
general who has emerged from within
The US and Chinese governments are President Joe Biden’s administration as
battling for control over the algorithm one of the fiercest advocates for a sale,
that powers TikTok, with the short- according to a person familiar with the
form video app trapped in a geopolitical matter. Her office did not respond to a
tug of war over its future. request for comment.
ByteDance, the Beijing-based com- Another difficulty is that any US com-
pany that owns TikTok, has faced US panies that could afford to buy TikTok,
demands that the app be sold to cut ties such as Meta or Google, would probably
to its home country, while the Chinese face antitrust challenges. In 2020 a coa-
government has taken legal measures to lition of Oracle and Walmart emerged as
prevent divestment without its consent. a likely buyer that could appease the
The heart of the conflict is which White House, and some have suggested
country can lay claim to TikTok’s pow- a similar solution now could be revived.
erful algorithm, according to several Oracle did not respond to a request for
people familiar with deliberations and comment.
international legal experts. Another route to divestment would
The Chinese government is likely to be an initial public offering. But ByteD-
block ByteDance from selling TikTok’s ance has shelved plans to list overseas
algorithm technology, according to after Beijing cracked down on big tech
experts and TikTok insiders. Beijing groups, and the public markets cooled
introduced a new export restriction to amid a broader downturn.
squash any deal without its approval Chew has said the company has “no
when the Trump administration tried to concrete plan” to launch an IPO. TikTok
ban the app in 2020. said: “If protecting national security is
TikTok’s algorithm has been touted as the objective, divestment doesn’t solve
one of the most advanced uses of artifi- the problem: a change in ownership
cial intelligence in consumer technol- would not impose any new restrictions
ogy. It is considered more effective than on data flows or access.”
rivals such as Meta at presenting users Meanwhile, a group of Silicon Valley
with content they are likely to be inter- investors and tech executives, including
ested in that does not necessarily come Peter Thiel, Vinod Khosla and Keith
from friends’ recommendations. Rabois, have formed an anti-China alli-
That has given the app an uncanny ance to lobby for protecting US tech
ability to serve up addictive lip-sync and interests. The Hill & Valley Forum, as it
dance videos that capture the attention is known, is convening a dinner with
of its 1bn users worldwide. But critics about 200 expected attendees, includ-
contend that, under pressure from the ing elected officials. TikTok will be
Chinese government, it could be manip- among the talking points. The Wall
ulated to serve up propaganda or polar- Street Journal first reported news of the
ising material — a claim denied by dinner.
ByteDance. Show of support: China’s foreign ministry last week ‘China concerns is not through divestiture but called “Project Clover”, to fence off data “There is a near unanimity among
“China won’t allow TikTok’s algo- US opponents of demanded that Washington “stop through “transparent, US-based protec- in three centres: two in Ireland and one attendees that TikTok poses a serious
rithm to be exported,” said Keith Krach, a TikTok ban unreasonably suppressing” TikTok, won’t allow tion of US user data and systems, with in Norway. national security risk to the US and that
a US businessman and former politician demonstrate on noting that the US had failed to produce TikTok’s robust third-party monitoring, vetting After ByteDance’s run-in with the the status quo cannot continue,” said
who led the Trump administration’s Capitol Hill this any evidence to show the app threat- and verification, which we are already Trump administration, the group Jacob Helberg, a former Google policy
attempted crackdown on TikTok. “You week. Below, ened its national security. algorithm implementing”. moved strategically to add additional adviser who is leading the group and
can’t split the baby in two.” TikTok CEO China last year introduced the world’s to be To address the backlash, TikTok has American stakeholders in December who was recently appointed as a com-
The predicament has created a high- Shou Zi Chew first rules for regulating and monitoring spent $2bn so far on “Project Texas”, a 2020. The company had benefited from missioner on the US-China Economic
stakes moment for TikTok’s chief exec- has sought to tech algorithms — with the one that exported. partnership with cloud software group the help of shareholder Bill Ford at Gen- and Security Review Commission, a US
utive, Shou Zi Chew, who was set to tes- reassure US underpins TikTok listed in the country’s You can’t Oracle. User data will be routed through eral Atlantic, a big Republican donor, government agency.
tify before the US Congress yesterday. politicians that official algorithm database. its servers and access to US data will be navigating the tense political waters. Whether there is a forced sale or a
According to written testimony the app would The database also lists the algorithm’s split the restricted to those with authorisation. Despite not needing more capital, ban, some experts warn of China possi-
posted ahead of the hearing, he was to not share user owner as Beijing Douyin Information baby in two’ Oracle is also reviewing TikTok’s ByteDance raised about $5bn at a bly retaliating and of that spreading
tell the House of Representatives energy data with Beijing Technology, ByteDance’s main Chinese source code, the technological architec- $180bn valuation to broaden its base of beyond internet companies.
Brendan Smialowski/AFP via
and commerce committee: “TikTok has Getty Images; Bryan van der
entity, where an official from China’s ture underpinning the app, to assess its US shareholders, including Washington- “The risk that the US faces is that
never shared, or received a request to Beek/Bloomberg internet regulator is a director and has a security risk. Under current proposals, based private equity group Carlyle, China may respond,” said Anupam
share, US user data with the Chinese say over any acquisition or spin-off. third parties, including Cfius and the US according to people familiar with the Chander, a professor in global internet
government. Nor would TikTok honour TikTok has also become a flashpoint government, will have approval author- matter. regulation at Georgetown University.
such a request if one were ever made.” for tensions between the west and China ity over parts of TikTok’s business. These changes have not proved “[Any] TikTok ban could be devastat-
Separately, he appealed directly to the over concerns that user data could be ‘TikTok TikTok has a similar plan in Europe, enough to satisfy those overseeing the ing for modern international trade.”
app’s 150mn US users in a video showing transferred to China’s communist gov-
the US Capitol in the background on ernment. Critics say the Chinese state poses a
Tuesday. “Some politicians have started could use this for espionage. serious
talking about banning TikTok,” he said. TikTok has always denied it would
“Now this could take TikTok away from submit to such demands. However, local national
all 150mn of you.” laws could mandate that Chinese com- security
Concerns over the algorithm, along- panies disclose data to the state.
side national security fears that US user Growing concerns over TikTok have risk to the
data could be harvested for espionage led to the app being banned on official US and the
purposes, have led the Committee on government devices in the US, UK, Can-
Foreign Investment in the US (Cfius) — ada and the EU, as well as on official status quo
an inter-agency panel that evaluates work devices for staff at news organisa- cannot
foreign investment — to demand that tions such as the BBC and Danish broad-
its Chinese owners sell their stakes in caster DR. continue’
TikTok or potentially face a ban. “The CCP has a record for using social
TikTok said 60 per cent of ByteD- media as a tool for repression. This isn’t
ance shares were owned by global abstract to think of how they might use
investors, while 20 per cent were this data. It is simply applying the
owned by employees and a fur- norms they have in their own country,”
ther 20 per cent by its said James Bethell, a member of the
founder Zhang Yiming. UK’s House of Lords and of the Inter-
But Zhang has control Parliamentary Alliance on China. “I
over the company by way don’t see how a Chinese-owned
of owning a separate class TikTok solves that problem . . .
of shares with additional and I am sceptical a UK govern-
voting rights, people ment can ever trust [one].”
close to ByteDance TikTok has said that the best
have said. way to address national security

Financial services

EY’s US boss says jury is still out on split plan

MICHAEL O’DWYER — LONDON “I think we all recognise what’s out- top national bosses had agreed unani-
standing, and what needs to happen,” mously to put the break-up to country-
Julie Boland, the head of EY’s US busi- said Boland, who has led the US busi- by-country votes among its 13,000 part-
ness, said it was too soon to predict ness, the largest of EY’s member firms, ners but Boland’s comments highlight
whether the plan to break up the Big since last July. the depth of disagreement among its
Four firm could be salvaged, two weeks The proposed break-up is designed to most senior leaders.
after she pitched the group into tur- liberate EY’s consultants and much of Carmine Di Sibio, who leads EY’s glo-
moil by pausing work on the deal. its tax practice from independence reg- bal business and has been the driving
ulations that restrict them from advis- force behind the split, said in February
The decision to halt preparations for the ing the firm’s audit clients. that the deal faced “no tremendous hur-
split of EY’s audit and consulting arms Boland’s comments came after four of dles” apart from a possible downturn in
has prevented an escalation in costs tied EY’s most senior former leaders, includ- public markets delaying a stock market
to the deal, known as Project Everest, ing Steve Howe, who led EY’s US busi- listing of the consulting arm. If the split
while important issues remained unre- ness for 12 years until 2018, told retired goes ahead, Di Sibio would lead the
solved, Boland told the Financial Times. partners of fears that the plan was fun- spun-out consulting arm.
Boland cast the split into doubt this damentally flawed and threatened audit “I think it was probably a misnomer
month when she told almost 4,000 US quality, according to an email seen by to say just because we came out of feasi-
partners that it was being put on the FT. bility [planning] everything was done
“pause”, as she raised concerns over the The pause meant being “very judi- and dusted,” said Boland.
“health” of the audit business and the cious about what we’re spending” on The intention in September had been
ability of the standalone consulting arm transaction costs before resolving the to move to a new phase to “identify all
to meet its profit targets. points of disagreement, Boland said. the details that we could provide to our
The firm’s leaders have committed to The costs of the transaction were set partners in order for them to vote on
a negotiation “sprint” to resolve the to run to several hundred million dol- any transaction”, she said.
issues raised by Boland, but she told the lars by this month and reach $2.5bn, Partner votes were intended to begin
FT it was “premature” to say whether excluding bankers’ fees, by completion, in November but were delayed repeat-
the deal could be rescued without being said people familiar with the matter. edly before being postponed indefi-
fundamentally redrawn. EY announced in September that its nitely after Boland’s intervention.
10 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES Friday 24 March 2023


Commodities. Supply woes Crypto

Copper set for record high shares slide
after SEC alert
on rise in Chinese demand on legal action

Shares in Coinbase fell more than a

tenth in afternoon trading yesterday
after the US markets regulator warned it
was considering potential enforcement
action against the crypto exchange over
possible securities laws violations.
The Nasdaq-listed group confirmed
late on Wednesday it had received a
“Wells Notice” from the Securities and
Exchange Commission, which warns
companies they may face legal action.
The SEC is looking at Coinbase’s crypto
staking business, as well as investment
and custody services, and part of its spot
trading business, the company said.
The notice is the latest in a growing
line of actions the SEC has taken against
prominent crypto companies in the US
as the agency’s chair, Gary Gensler,
takes a tougher stance on an industry he
deems largely non-compliant with secu-
rities law. Since the start of this year, the
financial markets watchdog has fired off
a blitz of enforcement actions, including
suing lender Genesis and exchange
Gemini for failing to register a crypto-
lending scheme as a securities offering.
On Wednesday, the agency sued
crypto entrepreneur Justin Sun, whose
companies include Tron and BitTor-
rent, and a host of celebrities it alleged
had improperly touted digital assets.

Inventories of the industrial Copper has been performing ... and stockpiles are running Rich resource: which is ramping up to supply 600,000 ‘We estimate about 35 per
workers at a tonnes by the end of next year. “We are
strongly this year ... low cent of net revenue is
metal have sunk to their lowest Price ($ per tonne) Visible inventories (mn tonnes)
copper mine in heading towards a train wreck,” he said.

seasonal level since 2008 12,000 1.2

Zambia. Mining S&P Global estimates that 40mn potentially at risk, depending
executives say it tonnes of copper will be consumed a
1.0 is increasingly year by 2030, up from 25mn tonnes in on SEC’s course of action’
HARRY DEMPSEY — LAUSANNE 10,000 difficult to boost 2021.
0.8 2020
new supply of Depleted inventories can make com- The notice, the second served to Coin-
Copper prices will surge to a record high 8,000 0.6 2019 copper with modity prices volatile and a sudden base by the SEC, has made a “prelimi-
this year as a rebound in Chinese 0.4 2021 declining grades price surge can cause problems for pro- nary determination” to recommend
Zinyange Auntony/
demand risks depleting the lowest 6,000 2023 2022 Bloomberg
ducers, traders and consumers in find- action against the exchange, according
March stockpiles in 15 years, the world’s 0.2 ing enough cash to cover margin to a copy seen by the Financial Times. A
Goldman Sachs
largest private metals trader has pre- 4,000 0 Current demand forecast requirements and avoiding running into potential civil action may involve a
dicted. 2020 21 22 23 Jan Apr Jul Oct Dec a liquidity crunch. request for an injunction, a cease-and-
Global inventories of the metal used 1 1 1 1 31 However, some in the market see rea- desist order or civil money penalties,
Sources: Bloomberg; Goldman Sachs
in everything from power cables and son to expect the copper shortages and among other measures.
electric cars to buildings have dropped price surge to be felt later this decade. Trevor Williams, an analyst at Jeffer-
rapidly in recent weeks to their lowest in China continues to power ahead as failing to reflect sufficiently market BHP, the world’s largest mining com- ies, described the notice as an “ominous
seasonal level since 2008, leaving little strongly as it did in February. expectations of supply deficits. pany, told the conference that new sup- sign” that could put revenue from trad-
buffer if demand in China continues to Chinese copper demand was up 13 per Guillaume de Dardel, head of energy ply from Peru, Chile and the DRC would ing alternative coins and staking in jeop-
pace ahead. cent year on year last month, according transition metals at Mercuria, a Swiss- keep the market in surplus for the next ardy if they were required to register
The benchmark three-month copper to the bank, after activity picked up fol- based trader, said current prices “don’t two to three years. with the SEC as securities. “We estimate
contract is trading at $8,865 a tonne, lowing the lunar new year, which took fully reflect the anticipation of supply Marc Bailey, chief executive of Sucden around 35 per cent of net revenue is
having gained 30 per cent since falling place earlier this year than last. It pre- and demand shocks in the future” and Financial, a London-based commodity potentially at risk, depending on the
sharply in the three months after Rus- dicts that copper could hit $10,500 a commodities “price the present more brokerage, agreed, saying he expected a SEC’s course of action,” he said.
sia’s invasion of Ukraine when investors tonne in the near term, before reaching than the future”. rebuilding of copper stocks this year as Last month another exchange,
fretted that soaring energy prices would $15,000 by 2025. Copper is crucial to decarbonisation lockdowns were lifted in China. Kraken, agreed to pay a $30mn settle-
dent metals demand. “The forward outlook is extraordi- because the replacement of fossil fuels “It’s the same way that we reopened ment and end its staking business, in
Kostas Bintas, co-head of metals and narily positive,” said Jeffrey Currie, glo- with renewable power requires vast our economy, which is that we wanted which customers agree to lock up their
minerals at Trafigura, the Singapore- bal head of commodities research at amounts of the metal to distribute elec- to look after ourselves and feel good, we tokens in other crypto projects, in
based trading house, said that copper Goldman Sachs. tricity longer distances from diffuse wanted to go to restaurants, travel, see return for a high yield.
prices would probably surpass the He added that “like oil in the 2000s, wind and solar farms to households and friends. We didn’t want to buy houses,” In a post Coinbase’s chief legal officer
$10,845 a tonne peak achieved in March you’ve got to absolutely love copper in factories that consume it. he said. Paul Grewal said Coinbase was “prepar-
2022 and could even hit $12,000 a the 2020s”, referring to the 5 per cent Metals analysts said demand for cop- ‘What’s But others said copper’s role in decar- ed for this disappointing development.”
tonne. supply-demand gap that led Brent per had accelerated and been pushed bonising the economy together with the “We asked the SEC specifically to
“I think it’s very likely in the next 12 crude to rally from $20 to almost $150 a higher by clean energy industrial poli- the price of difficulties in developing new mines identify which assets on our platforms
months that we will see a new high,” Bin- barrel versus an expected 15 per cent cies in the US and Europe that rely on something meant prices of the red metal were cer- they believe may be securities, and they
tas said at the FT Commodity Global deficit for copper this decade. electrification. tain to shoot higher soon. declined to do so,” he said, adding that
Summit in Lausanne, Switzerland. Copper has been the best-performing Mining executives say it is increas- the whole “You can think of copper almost like Our global Coinbase was confident in the legality of
“What’s the price of something the industrial metal this year, gaining 6 per ingly difficult to boost new supply of world needs being a house in a casino,” said Nick Pop- team gives you its assets and services.
whole world needs but we don’t have cent while others such as zinc and nickel copper with declining grades. Mining ovic, joint head of copper and zinc trad- market-moving Coinbase chief executive Brian Arm-
any of?” have fallen on broader financial market billionaire Robert Friedland told the but we ing at Glencore, referring to the high news and views, strong tweeted that “after years of ask-
Goldman Sachs expects the world to weakness. Financial Times it took him 28 years to don’t have likelihood of rising prices. “The house 24 hours a day ing for reasonable crypto rules, we’re
run out of visible copper inventories by Despite that, several strategists and develop the vast Kamoa-Kakula mine in always wins no matter what permuta- disappointed that the SEC is considering
the third quarter of this year if demand traders said prices of commodities were the Democratic Republic of Congo, any of?’ tion we look at and the bottlenecks.” courts over constructive dialogue.”

Equities Monetary policy

Evergrande restructuring plan sends Investors bet Fed has finished raising
domestic property stock peers lower interest rates after squeeze on banks
CHAN HO-HIM — HONG KONG EV arm “may not provide much actual for Country Garden Services, the prop- KATE DUGUID AND HARRIET CLARFELT financial institutions expected to driven by regional banks, have spread.
security” as well. erty management arm of the country’s increasingly pull back credit lines to “Banks are under pressure on three
Chinese property stocks fell yesterday “Evergrande continues to represent a biggest developer, and a 0.7 per cent fall Investors are betting that the Federal protect their own balance sheets. different fronts: funding costs, the
after the long-delayed release of devel- very significant credit risk,” Silvers said. for China Resources Land. Reserve’s interest rate rise this week Markets are not excluding the possi- declining value of assets and regulatory
oper Evergrande’s restructuring plan, “The announced restructuring also The restructuring plan is expected to will be the last in its campaign to curb bility of one more quarter-point rise in scrutiny. If you combine these things,
highlighting doubts about the com- remains silent on any immediate pay- take effect in October. It comes at a time inflation, with the failure of two May, but a hold followed by a series of you do begin to wonder about banks’
pany’s prospects of recovery. ment to bondholders or any capital when sluggish growth poses a challenge regional US banks and a rescue deal for cuts later in the year is now seen as the willingness to lend over the coming
injection from chairman Hui Ka Yan.” to Chinese policymakers who are trying Credit Suisse aiding the central bank’s most likely scenario. quarters,” said Torsten Slok, chief econ-
Evergrande was at the centre of a crisis The Hang Seng Mainland Properties to revitalise an economy weakened by mission to tighten financial conditions The angst in the banking sector has omist at Apollo Global Management.
in the Chinese property sector after it index, which tracks 10 of the country’s years of Covid-19 restrictions. and turn the screws on borrowers. already damped banks’ willingness to “The Fed was already in the process of
defaulted in 2021 with liabilities of largest developers listed in Hong Kong, Yan Yuejin, analyst at the E-house tightening credit conditions. Now sud-
$300bn, including offshore debt of fell 0.6 per cent yesterday. Notable China Research and Development Insti- Two weeks ago, futures markets denly we have a magnifying effect,
$22.7bn. losses included a decline of 0.9 per cent tution in Shanghai, said the plan was a reflected expectations that the US cen-
‘The Fed was already in which could potentially mean faster
The company on Wednesday released “breakthrough” after 20 months of debt tral bank’s key rate would rise as high as the process of tightening tightening of financial conditions, which
details about restructuring $19.1bn negotiations and could offer a template 5.7 per cent by the summer. in turn raises the risk of a sudden stop in
worth of debt, about 84 per cent of its for other distressed developers. But the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank
credit conditions. Now we the economy.”
total offshore leverage. The plan allows “The deal will win time for debt dis- and its peer Signature — and the shot- have a magnifying effect’ Fed chair Jay Powell on Wednesday
creditors to swap debt into new notes posal and create better conditions for gun wedding of Credit Suisse and UBS admitted the events of the past fortnight
with a maturity of 10-12 years. Evergrande to reduce debt and focus on after a tense weekend of negotiations — lend to businesses and individuals, the were “likely to result in some tightening
Another option is to convert them the delivery of houses,” said Yan. have forced a drastic repricing of how same effect produced by higher interest of credit conditions”. In turn, that mar-
into new notes with a five- to nine-year In its restructuring proposal, Ever- much further the Fed will need to act to rates. The ripples are likely to continue. ket-induced tightening will work “in the
maturity or to swap to equity-linked grande said it planned to get investors’ pursue its policy goals. US corporate debt and equity issuance same direction as rate tightening”, he
instruments tied to its two Hong Kong- sign-off by the end of March. The com- The Fed has jacked up interest rates in has slowed in the past two weeks, and a said, implying the central bank may not
listed units in electric vehicles and prop- pany added it hoped the proposal would the world’s largest economy from near market measure that quantifies bank need to raise borrowing costs as aggres-
erty management. “incentivise” onshore creditors to reach zero at the start of last year to a range of funding stress — the FRA-OIS spread — sively as previously anticipated because
Brock Silvers, chief investment officer an agreement on debt. The vast major- 4.75 to 5 per cent after its latest policy on Wednesday rose to its highest level in investors will do the job instead.
at private equity firm Kaiyuan Capital, ity of Evergrande’s assets and liabilities announcement on Wednesday — the more than three months. Also released on Wednesday, the Fed’s
said “creditors should need substantial are in mainland China. highest rate since 2007. But ructions in Investor fears of a dramatic slowdown “dot plot” showed officials still expect at
inducement” to accept the long-matu- Evergrande’s proposal could offer a Additional reporting by Cheng Leng and the banking industry have sparked fears in mortgage lending, particularly in least another interest rate rise this year.
rity notes, adding the equity tied to its template for other distressed groups William Langley in Hong Kong about tougher lending conditions, with commercial real estate, which is mainly See Lex
Friday 24 March 2023 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES 11


The day in the markets Banks turmoil

What you need to know
risks overdoing
3 US equities return to form as Fed
rate-setters’ job
Pound hits 6-week high after UK raises interest rates
signals rate rises may be nearing peak
3 European indices close with mixed $ per £
results as region-wide Stoxx 600 dips
3 Dollar drops while sterling strengthens
in wake of central bank moves
Claire Jones
Markets Insight
US equities advanced yesterday as
investors digested another central bank

interest rate rise that has come despite 1.22
turbulence in the banking sector.
The blue-chip S&P 500 gained 1 per entral bankers have been at and $2tn in Treasuries during the previ- banks are tightening lending standards
cent in early afternoon trade while the 1.21 pains to stress that they can ous 12-month period. in response to higher interest rates and
tech-heavy Nasdaq Composite climbed maintain a neat dividing line The renewed expansion of the bal- lower levels of liquidity.
1.7 per cent as both indices recouped between actions taken to ance sheet is expected to continue in Powell acknowledged more tighten-
some losses of the previous session. 1.20 quell inflation, and those to coming weeks. Michael Howell, manag- ing was on the way, not only from rate
Late on Wednesday the US Federal fix turmoil in the banking system. ing director at Crossborder Capital, said: rises, but from the banking turmoil,
Reserve proceeded with the So much so that the US Federal “In a world of massive debts, global which would have an effect “equivalent
0.25 percentage point interest rate 1.19 Reserve on Wednesday raised interest markets must act as a whopping refi- to a hike”. But no one knows how strong
increase markets expected, but signalled rates a quarter point, despite the recent nancing system where the capacity of that turmoil-related “hike” will be.
its policy of further rate rises to curb collapse of three midsized US lenders. capital — that is, balance sheets and As Claudia Sahm, a former Fed econo-
1.18 Take a look at the central bank’s bal-
inflation might be nearing its peak. liquidity — is key.” mist and founder of the Stay at Home
The Bank of England followed suit Jan 2023 Mar ance sheet, however, and it is clear For some Fed watchers like Ed Price of macro blog, puts it: “No one put bank
yesterday by raising its benchmark Source: Refinitiv financial instability has had an impact Ergo Intelligence, the reversal from con- failures in the toolkit, but the reality is
interest rate by 0.25 percentage points, on monetary policy. Last week, the Fed traction to expansion also fuels the that’s what’s happened.”
also anticipated by markets. The Swiss pumped almost $300bn into the US sense that we are living through an era Torsten Slok, chief economist at
National Bank and Norwegian central In its monetary policy statement on US Treasuries advanced yesterday, banking system after unveiling a new of “handbrake-turn” central banking. Apollo Global Management, adds: “This
bank also increased interest rates Wednesday the Fed omitted previous with the yield on the 10-year note falling facility, the Bank Term Funding Pro- is a case of being careful what you ask
yesterday. references to the need for “ongoing” rate 0.05 percentage points to 3.44 per cent. gram. The facility, which offers to take for. Global central banks have over the
The rise on Wall Street came despite rises. Swaps markets are pricing in no The yield on the two-year note, which is lenders’ US Treasuries off them at par ‘No one put bank past year tried to tighten credit condi-
mixed movements in Europe. The region- change at the next meeting in May, with more closely linked to short-term value in exchange for cheap central failures in the toolkit, tions gradually, and with the ongoing
wide Stoxx 600 closed down 0.2 per cent an outside chance of one more increase. interest rate expectations, was down bank loans, is a direct response to the headwinds to the banks, the tightening
and London’s FTSE 100 lost 0.9 per cent. The dollar fell 0.2 per cent against a 0.9 percentage points at 3.89 per cent. problems that befell the now defunct but the reality is that’s may come a lot faster.”
However, Germany’s Dax was flat and the basket of other currencies. Yields move inversely to price. Silicon Valley Bank. what’s happened’ It is possible that bank turmoil could
CAC 40 in Paris was 0.1 per cent stronger. “Balancing the Fed’s desire to keep its Sterling rose 0.5 per cent against the Those problems owed a lot to poor dissipate, especially if the US limits the
“If you take the view the Fed will ease pressure on inflation, and the reality of dollar to $1.23 after the BoE decision. The risk management, with SVB making an threat of bank runs through moves to
rates more compared to European tightening credit conditions and bank yield on two-year gilt contracts was down ill-judged, oversized bet on long-dated Fed chair Jay Powell has gone from hint- guarantee all deposits, insured or other-
central banks then that supports the lending appetite, we think the Fed could 0.2 percentage points at 3.29 per cent. US government bonds, which have ing at a return of large half a percentage wise. “Households and businesses built
divergence [between US and European still deliver one more 25bp hike in May,” The yield on the 10-year note was down plummeted in value over the past year. point rises to pumping hundreds of bil- up excess savings during the pandemic
equities],” said Geoffrey Yu, a strategist said Tai Hui at JPMorgan Asset 0.08 percentage points to 3.36 per cent. At root, however, the sharp reversal in lions into the banking system. and there is not so much excess leverage
at BNY Mellon. Management. Martha Muir and William Langley the price of those bonds is down to the In theory, the balance sheet expan- in the system,” Sabrina Khanniche, sen-
actions of the US central bank. sion ought to offset the impact of the ior economist at Pictet Asset Manage-
In the past year, the Fed focus on fight- Fed’s monetary tightening. That does ment. “The situation now is very differ-
Markets update ing inflation has led not only to bumper not, however, mean prices are about to ent to 2008 as a result.”
rate rises. It has also resulted in the run- spiral. Milton Friedman might have said But the risk of an uncomfortable sce-
off of more than $400bn of US debt from inflation is always and everywhere a nario still looms for the Fed, where a
the central bank’s balance sheet as monetary phenomenon, but the money combination of rapid monetary tighten-
US Eurozone Japan UK China Brazil bonds matured and were not replaced. central banks produce is only a small ing and banking stress triggers a lending
Stocks S&P 500 Eurofirst 300 Nikkei 225 FTSE100 Shanghai Comp Bovespa That came after a long period when amount of overall supply. In the UK, the crunch that will have a far more dra-
Level 3995.68 1764.55 27419.61 7499.60 3286.65 99494.30 the Fed massively expanded its balance reserves, notes and coins linked to the matic impact on demand than desired.
% change on day 1.49 -0.22 -0.17 -0.89 0.64 -0.72 sheet under its quantitative easing pro- Bank of England make up just under a A lending crunch and slowdown in the
Currency $ index (DXY) $ per € Yen per $ $ per £ Rmb per $ Real per $ gramme to support markets and the fifth. The rest comes from deposits held economy might help rein in inflation,
Level 102.249 1.089 130.995 1.232 6.827 5.269 economy by buying bonds to counter at private financial institutions. but it may not be in a way central banks
% change on day -0.095 0.927 -1.266 0.736 -0.917 0.185 the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. The corollary of those deposits is are keen to take credit for.
Govt. bonds 10-year Treasury 10-year Bund 10-year JGB 10-year Gilt 10-year bond 10-year bond The Fed bought $800bn-worth of bonds credit creation. There have already been
Yield 3.448 2.190 0.301 3.502 2.883 12.725 between March 2021 and March 2022, signs on both sides of the Atlantic that
Basis point change on day -12.140 -13.600 -2.830 -8.900 0.600 13.300
World index, Commods FTSE All-World Oil - Brent Oil - WTI Gold Silver Metals (LMEX)
Level 415.72 76.31 70.47 1949.35 22.35 3925.00
% change on day 1.10 -0.50 -0.61 -0.16 -0.53 1.12
Yesterday's close apart from: Currencies = 16:00 GMT; S&P, Bovespa, All World, Oil = 17:00 GMT; Gold, Silver = London pm fix. Bond data supplied by Tullett Prebon.

Main equity markets

S&P 500 index Eurofirst 300 index FTSE 100 index
4320 1840 8320

4160 1800
4000 1760 7360

| | | | | | | | |
3840 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
1720 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 7040 | | | | | | | | | | |

Jan 2023 Mar Jan 2023 Mar Jan 2023 Mar

Biggest movers
% US Eurozone UK
Netflix 9.56 Sanofi 5.19 Melrose Industries 3.70
Accenture 7.75 Grifols 4.28 Endeavour Mining 2.90

Regeneron Pharmaceuticals 6.76 Asml Holding 2.88 Ocado 2.83

Monolithic Power Systems 5.37 Terna 2.71 Scottish Mortgage Investment Trust 2.17
First Solar 5.36 Infineon Tech 2.31 Bae Systems 1.77
Comerica -5.64 Casino Guichard -9.32 British American Tobacco -5.54
First Republic Bank -4.80 Jeronimo Martins -3.96 Schroders -3.88

Factset Research Systems -3.92 Commerzbank -3.61 Standard Chartered -3.01

Genuine Parts -2.98 Caixabank -3.49 Hsbc Holdings -2.90
Zions Ban Na -2.82 Saipem -3.43 Legal & General -2.80
Prices taken at 17:00 GMT Based on the constituents of the FTSE Eurofirst 300 Eurozone
All data provided by Morningstar unless otherwise noted.

Wall Street Europe London

Plans to reduce its overheads sent Germany’s Nemetschek, which develops Guarantor loans provider Amigo
Accenture to the top half of the S&P 500. software for the construction and media plummeted to an all-time low on news it
The consulting company said it planned sectors, jumped off the back of a rosy had halted lending and planned to wind
to axe about 19,000 jobs. medium-term outlook. Growth in revenue down its operations. The announcement
Near the bottom of the blue-chip index was expected to ramp up in 2025, hitting came just weeks after the lender warned
were regional lenders First Republic and “at least mid-teens . . . well above the it had not “received sufficient . . .
Zions as jitters across the sector market average”, said the group, which indications of interest” to hit its £45mn
persisted. Janet Yellen, the US Treasury has been moving its clients over to a equity funding target.
secretary, a day earlier ruled out a broad subscription-based model. Amigo, which has been embroiled in a
expansion of deposit insurance to protect Buoying French healthcare group tussle over compensation for historic mis-
savers with balances above $250,000. Sanofi were positive results for an selling, had its “scheme of arrangement”
Crypto exchange Coinbase fell sharply experimental asthma drug it developed sanctioned by the High Court in May but
after disclosing in a regulatory filing that alongside US partner Regeneron, which this rescue plan rested on completion of a
it had received a “Wells Notice” from the also rallied on Wall Street. capital raise by May 26 this year.
Securities and Exchange Commission, A late-stage trial showed that Dupixent Rallying to the top of the FTSE 250
which warns companies they may face met its goals for treating chronic index was PureTech Health, which
legal action. obstructive pulmonary disease, a life- announced that Royalty Pharma — a US
“The SEC staff told us they have threatening lung condition. buyer of biopharmaceutical royalties —
identified potential violations of Assuming a second phase 3 study in had agreed to acquire a stake in the
securities law, but little more,” said the 2024 was also positive, Sanofi could raise biotherapeutics group’s royalties for
group, which added it was “confident in its guidance for peak Dupixent sales to schizophrenia treatment KarXT, invented
the legality of our assets and services”. more than €20bn, said Citi — a total that by a team at PureTech.
Block dived after investment firm would comfortably exceed the €17bn PureTech would receive $100mn in
Hindenburg Research disclosed a short analysts were forecasting. cash upfront and up to $400mn in
position in the payments platform Online pharmacy chain Zur Rose fell additional payments linked to regulatory
headed by Twitter founder Jack Dorsey. sharply after pushing back by a year its and commercial milestones for the drug.
The short seller alleged that Block had target for when it expected to break even Joining PureTech at the top of the mid-
artificially inflated its user numbers and for adjusted core profits, now scheduled cap index was oil and gas group
facilitated fraudulent transactions. for 2024. Energean, which released 2022 results
Block said it would work with the The delay was due in part to the Swiss that reinforced its “sector-leading growth
regulator to explore legal action against group’s focus on its business in Germany, credentials”, said Jefferies. Lifting
Hindenburg “for the factually inaccurate where electronic prescriptions were being sentiment further was Energean’s goal for
and misleading report” about its Cash rolled out and would be mandatory by “cumulative dividends of at least $1bn by
App business. Ray Douglas January 2024. Ray Douglas end-2025”. Ray Douglas
12 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES Friday 24 March 2023



Change during previous day’s trading (%)
S&P 500 Nasdaq Composite Dow Jones Ind FTSE 100 FTSE Eurofirst 300 Nikkei Hang Seng FTSE All World $ $ per € $ per £ ¥ per $ £ per € Oil Brent $ Sep Gold $

-0.89% -0.22% -0.17% -1.266% -0.48% -0.16%

1.49% 2.14% 1.23% 2.34% 1.10% 0.927% 0.736% 0.227%
Stock Market movements over last 30 days, with the FTSE All-World in the same currency as a comparison
Feb 24 - - Index All World Feb 24 - Mar 23 Index All World Feb 24 - Mar 23 Index All World Feb 24 - Mar 23 Index All World Feb 24 - Mar 23 Index All World Feb 24 - - Index All World

S&P 500 New York S&P/TSX COMP Toronto FTSE 100 London Xetra Dax Frankfurt Nikkei 225 Tokyo Kospi Seoul
3,991.05 3,995.48 7,930.63 15,399.89
20,193.33 15,220.45 27,531.94 27,419.61
19,625.86 7,499.60

Day 1.49% Month -0.41% Year -10.33% Day 0.48% Month -2.77% Year -10.50% Day -0.89% Month -5.12% Year 0.57% Day -0.04% Month 1.63% Year NaN% Day -0.17% Month 1.27% Year 0.82% Day NaN% Month NaN% Year NaN%

Nasdaq Composite New York IPC Mexico City FTSE Eurofirst 300 Europe Ibex 35 Madrid Hang Seng Hong Kong FTSE Straits Times Singapore
11,919.25 20,423.84 3,300.04
53,239.95 52,941.46 1,826.14 9,172.70 20,049.64
11,507.07 8,970.00 3,219.00

Day 2.14% Month 2.85% Year -14.38% Day 0.74% Month -0.21% Year -3.96% Day -0.22% Month -3.35% Year -0.65% Day -0.44% Month -2.83% Year 7.70% Day 2.34% Month -2.01% Year -8.57% Day -0.06% Month -2.41% Year -3.87%

Dow Jones Industrial New York Bovespa São Paulo CAC 40 Paris FTSE MIB Milan Shanghai Composite Shanghai BSE Sensex Mumbai
107,152.05 60,672.72
33,045.09 7,299.26 27,101.53 3,291.15 3,286.65
32,423.81 7,139.25 26,482.21
Day 1.23% Month -2.19% Year -5.62% Day -0.72% Month -7.39% Year -15.17% Day 0.11% Month -2.44% Year 8.48% Day -0.16% Month -2.80% Year 9.11% Day 0.64% Month -0.14% Year 0.82% Day -0.50% Month -3.07% Year -0.13%

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 7UDYHO /HLVXUH        

)76($OO6KDUH7REDFFR             )76((PHUJLQJ/DUJH&DS       
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,QFKFDSH 3UH     /      
2VLULXP7HFKQRORJLHV 3UH   / / / /     
3ROOHQ6WUHHW 3UH       0DU  
6RSKHRQ 3UH     /      
:LFNHV*URXS 3UH           
=LQQZDOG/LWKLXP 3UH   / / / /     

Figures in £m. Earnings shown basic. Figures in light text are for corresponding period year earlier. †Placing price. *Intoduction. ÁWhen issued. Annual report/prospectus available at
For more information on dividend payments visit For a full explanation of all the other symbols please refer to London Share Service notes.
Friday 24 March 2023 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES 13



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14 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES Friday 24 March 2023




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Friday 24 March 2023 ★ 15
16 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES Friday 24 March 2023


This week’s film releases Infinity Pool

Brandon Cronenberg
reviewed by Leslie Felperin AAAAE
and Danny Leigh

John Wick: Chapter 4
Chad Stahelski
y all accounts, Alexander AAEEE
Skarsgård is a nice guy,
surprisingly down to earth The Beasts
for one so uncannily good- Rodrigo Sorogoyen
looking and abdominally AAAAA
chiselled. And yet you can’t help
worrying what the actor’s recent roles A Good Person
have done to his mental health. There Zach Braff
have been sadists (Big Little Lies), men AAEEE
turned violent by trauma (The North-
man) and entitled creeps who think it’s
their right to shag their girlfriend’s
underage daughter (The Diary of a Teen- Does Florence Pugh need to fire her
age Girl) or toy with people’s lives for fun agent or start listening to her agent?
(Straw Dogs), profit (Succession) or food Either way, the actress could use a new
(True Blood). strategy. Last year, the gossip-plagued
In Infinity Pool, he plays a character Don’t Worry Darling proved a garish non-
with all the colours from the victimised, event. No less flawed is A Good Person,
violent posh-nob monster rainbow. the candyfloss tale of loss and addiction,
James Foster is a blocked novelist holi- written and directed by Zach Braff.
daying on the (made-up) island of La Certain fortysomethings may see that
Tolqa with his rich wife Em (Cleopatra as a Bat Signal. Back in 2004, Braff made
Coleman). Bored with the idle luxury of Garden State, a twee indie movie with an
the gated resort they’re not supposed to outsize cultural footprint. Braff himself
leave, James and Em take a day trip with starred as a sad-eyed New Jersey man-
another couple, giggly Gabi (horror child, but the spotlight fell too on
high-priestess Mia Goth) and Alban Natalie Portman, cast as a young woman
(Jalil Lespert). whose eccentric antics defined a much-
When James accidentally kills a mocked trope of 2000s American cin-
farmer and flees from the scene, local
law demands he must pay reparations
with his own life. But there’s a get-out-
of-execution-free card: James can have
a “double” of himself made and killed in
Cocktail of wealth, sex and violence ema. She was the Manic Pixie Dream
Girl: kooky, quirky and devoted to her
hopeless boyfriend.
A Good Person often suggests that
Braff, now 47, has been comatose since.
his place. Later, as things get worse, we The setting remains suburban New Jer-
start to wonder which one was really sey. And while we and the director have
bumped off, given that now there’s a aged a couple of decades, his choice of
“wrongness” around his eyes, “like a adaptation). But Cronenberg fils has his Above: Mia Goth (Luis Zahera and Diego Anido), middle- protagonist has not. Pugh’s character
crab at the dump”, as Em puts it. own aesthetic sensibility, palpable in the and Alexander aged brothers either found in the bar or Allison is in her mid-twenties and a bun-
Writer-director Brandon Cronenberg macro and ultra-wide angle lenses used Skarsgård in the slogging in the scrap of land they share dle of live-wire vibes.
definitely has a way with words, but he’s by his cinematographer Karim Hussain. nihilistic sci-fi with their elderly mother next door to And yet at last reflecting changed
even more of a craftsman when it comes (They collaborated on the director’s two ‘Infinity Pool’. Antoine and Olga. An ugly campaign of times, she is not here to save a lost-soul
to visuals, especially trippy, CGI-laced other, equally compelling-repellent fea- Left: Laurence harassment begins. There are small, boyfriend — but to be lost herself. The
montages. These accompany the char- tures, Possessor and Antiviral.) Fishburne and gross violations; then darker aggres- cause comes five minutes in, when her
acters’ drug binges, masked orgies and It’s bracingly nihilistic stuff, and in Keanu Reeves in sions. And the mood is expertly taut, car is involved in a horrific crash. Her
crazed crime sprees, which turn exqui- Skarsgård, Cronenberg has found his ‘John Wick: even if it can feel director Rodrigo two passengers are killed: the sister and
sitely violent. Like a run of other recent perfect leading man, a beautiful Über- Chapter 4’ Sorogoyen is simply telling with great brother-in-law of her fiancé Nathan
films and TV shows (The White Lotus, mensch full of boundless cruelty and skill a tale we have seen before. (Chinaza Uche). The deaths orphan the
The Menu, most JG Ballard adaptations), self-loathing. Let’s hope he gets to do a Not quite. The Beasts is skilful, and couple’s teenage daughter Ryan (Celeste
Infinity Pool plays with the viewer’s lust kids’ film next. LF filled with deft performances. (Foïs
for the trappings of wealth and repul- In UK cinemas now comes to the fore, but the movie is domi-
sion for the people who have it. nated by Zahera as the type of loud-
In ‘Infinity Pool’, trippy,
As sophisticated, morally murky The number four is considered unlucky mouth most dangerous when quiet.) CGI-laced montages
sci-fi, this is as good as Cronenberg’s in much of Asia because the word in Chi- But what gives the film its grip is the
father David Cronenberg at his best, up nese (“si” or “sei”) sounds similar to the Why of it all, which emerges under the accompany drug binges,
there with the likes of Dead Ringers,
eXistenZ and Crash (itself a Ballard
word for death. So it proves in the
fourth, and hopefully last, instalment of
queasy, thriller-ish escalations.
Xan and Loren are crude and cruel
masked orgies and
but not, in their own minds at least, crazed crime sprees
without reason. The well has been poi-
the John Wick franchise, in which there soned between the families by a pro- O’Connor), left to live with her gruff ex-
are many, many deaths, from scores of posed wind farm crossing the area. The cop grandfather Daniel (Morgan Free-
nameless extras to several major char- brothers were meant to sell up grate- man). That makes a lot of characters for
acters. It’s also fitting that of all the big, fully; their dearest wish to quit the land the film to hand a lot of grief. But Alli-
globe-trotting action movies series to Antoine adores, and drive a cab in the son’s remains the central focus.
come out of Hollywood in recent years, nearest city. But Antoine has vetoed the Her pain is addressed with Oxy-
this is the one most indebted to Asian scheme. Xan demands an explanation. Contin. (Again, a repeat prescription:
filmmaking, especially the wuxia mar- “Because this is my home,” he replies. Braff’s character in Garden State took
tial arts tradition. Even its star, Keanu The endless complexities inside that lithium for depression.) Early on, the
Reeves, is himself part Asian, though simple statement nag through the film: script gestures vaguely at the wider US
John Wick is meant to be Belarusian. the gulf between the home you choose opioid crisis but, Lord knows, Braff is no
Those who’ve been following the saga and the one you’re stuck with. The ques- social realist. The stuff of addiction and
will know that it all started when some tion of which should take precedence loss is instead sprinkled with cuteness,
minor-league Russian gangsters killed may be mixed up with money and edu- then smothered with a custard of
the hitman’s dog, setting off a falling- cation. It also has no correct answer. speeches about us all being works-in-
domino cascade of revenge murders by And so the knots of logic draw ever progress. And the cure comes out of the
Wick. Every film since has built a bigger tighter around the necks of all parties. movie-magic medicine chest: an
picture of a world secretly run by a guild Yes, The Beasts could be read as a unlikely friendship.
of assassins governed by ancient tradi- fable: an allegory for every newcomer The friend is Daniel. Re-connecting
tions and a strict hierarchy, like the who ever followed a dream into the with Allison, his rage over her possible
Mercers or the Haberdashers but with country. But the film feels hauntingly manslaughter of his daughter varies
more bloodshed. particular too. It shouldn’t surprise us to according to Braff’s story arc. Other
At this point, Wick is still on the outs learn that it is inspired by real events. (A family members are still more forgiving.
with the guild (see chapters 2 and 3), 2016 documentary, Santoalla, presents And so a film that begins out of its depth
leading head honcho Marquis (Bill those still more plainly.) And so just keeps on swimming.
Skarsgård) to put a bounty on his head. Sorogoyen has made a brilliantly Braff clearly has good intentions, but
This brings various killers out hunting, written, superbly acted film with the the road to hell is tough on his actors.
including Wick’s supposed old friend grave heft of non-fiction: a glimpse of Still, Freeman is craftsman enough to
Caine (Hong Kong legend Donnie Yen), stark truths behind that lush Galician sell even the hokiest line in the moment.
who is blind but deadly, and an landscape. DL And Pugh remains a bona fide film star.
unnamed scruffy American (Shamier In UK cinemas and on Curzon Home Just one in need of better films. DL
Anderson) who insists he’s “nobody” Cinema now In cinemas now
but we’re clearly meant to like because
he has a dog. Reeves still moves with Left: Florence
grace even if his line readings are as stiff Pugh goes
as ever. through grief
The almost abstract balletic inter- and pain in
ludes of fight choreography are the ‘A Good Person’.
highlights, like the scenes in a musical Below: Luis
when everyone starts singing and danc- Zahera, left, and
ing. Bravura action sequences include a Denis Ménochet
single-shot shootout filmed looking in ‘The Beasts’
down through a cutaway ceiling, an
ascent not once but twice up the hun-
dreds of steps to Sacré-Coeur and the
destruction of an antiquities and glass
art exhibition. If watching all that anni-
hilation and fake death is your idea of
fun, this will be the bomb, but for those
who like a little more emotional meat on
the bones, it’s thin broth. LF
In cinemas now

The rural bar in The Beasts is basic: a

few rough tables, local farmers setting
the world to rights. You might well see
something precious in that simplicity,
here in a remote corner of Galicia, north-
western Spain. So timeless. So authentic.
You would guess that was how Anto-
ine (Denis Ménochet) felt on arriving in
this dusting of smallholdings in the rich
Galician hills. And so the French school-
teacher settled here with his wife Olga
(Marina Foïs), starting over by growing
organic produce. What lovelier idyll? A
day working the soil; supper; sunset.
And yet as the film begins, relations with
the men in the bar have soured. That
much we glean from the wisecracks as
Antoine passes: the mirthless kind.
This excellent, hard-to-shake film
turns on how those jibes spiral into war.
The antagonists are Xan and Loren
Friday 24 March 2023 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES 17


The EU wants to accelerate its green transition but depends on China for raw materials and technology.
In the wake of the Russian fuel crisis, the bloc is wary of relying on one country to meet its power needs.
By Yuan Yang, Alice Hancock and Laura Pitel

t the annual gathering of used in the manufacture of solar cells,

Europe’s solar power lobby A worker at a says Jo Joh hannes Bernre reuuter, a marke kett
in Brussels this month, plant in res
eseearcher spec peciialising in po pollysilicon.
industry executives cele- Jiangsu Two such plants remain in Norway, run
brated the rapid rollout of province, by Norsun and Norwegian Crystal.
panels across the region after the retreat China, checks Erfurt, of Meyer Burger, describes the
from Russian gas. a solar Norwegian producers as the “two last
Standing behind a DJ deck, Walburga photovoltaic men standing”, while Bernreuter adds
Hemetsberger, SolarPowe owerr Europe’s module that so long as their output remains at
c h i e f e xe c u t i v e , s a i d t h a t t h e n i g h t FT montage: AFP/Getty about 1GW or less each year there is lit-
should be “the best party ever”, adding tle incentive for their upstream polysili-
that the European industry had broken c o n s u p p l i e r s s u c h a s G e r m a n y ’s
records on installations last year. But EU Wacker Chemie to expand their output.
officials speaking at the same event had Chinese companies have also become
their minds on an even bigg ggeer challenge. a world leader in the technology that
“Switching from fossil fuels to renew- turns the raw material into ingots and
ables should not mean replacing one w a f e r s. “ T h e E u r o p e a n e q u i p m e n t
dependency with another,” warned manufacturers retreated from the solar
energy commissioner Kadri Simson, market because the Chinese ones were
who has spent the past year marshalling more cost-effective,” says Bernreuter.
efforts to wean the bloc off Russian gas. “If they have to come back on the scene,
The EU wants to make solar power its it would be a major hurdle to provide
single biggest source of energy by 2030. competitive equipment.”
T h a t wo u l d m e a n a l m o s t t r i p l i n g i t s The question is how quickly the EU
sol ar power ge gener
ationon cap
ty over c a n c re a t e t h e n e w s u p p ly c h a i n s
the next seve venn years. Yet, as Simson needed to achieve its renewable energy
reminded delegates, more than three- goals. Bringing Chine se companie s
quarters of the EU’s solar panel imports onboard would speed the transition,
in 2021 “were from one single country”. industry players say.
That country, China, is a critical sup- Mario Kohle, chief executive of solar
plier for Europe’s green transition. Yet panel installer Enpal, says that the “Chi-
in the wake of a Russian fuel crisis and nese manufacturing capacities are abso-
pandemic supply-chain disruptions, lutely excellent and way ahead of west-
European officials and companies are ern manufacturing capacities when it
i n c re a s i n g ly w a r y o f re ly i n g o n o n e comes to solar and batteries”. Another
country to meet its generation equip- industry executive comments that “if
ment needs — especially given that pro- we really want to be successful in re-
d u c t i o n i s c o n c e n t r a t e d i n a re g i o n establishing the value chain in Europe,
where there have been widespread alle- we need China . . . Chinese companies
gations of human rights abuses. should be welcome to invest in Europe.”
With the Biden administration pour- But they warn that energy costs will
ing hundreds of billions of dollars into n e e d t o f a l l b e f o re t h a t c a n h a p p e n .
c l e a n e n e r gy u n d e r t h e U S I n f l a t i o n Polysilicon production and ingot fabri-
Reduction Act, and amid growing Sino- cation are both energy intensiv ivee and
scepticism in Europe, some EU officials China’s industrial elect ctrricity prices are
are making the case for an industrial in the range of $60 -$80 per MWh
resurgence at home. exclu
cludindingg sub
subsid sidieiess, acc
ing to the
“It’s a Hamiltonian moment,” says IEA. Even before Russia’s invasion of
Raphaël Glucksmann, a European par- Ukraine sent European energy prices
l i a m e n t m e m b e r w h o s e r ve s o n t h e sharply higher, the average EU power
international trade committee, refer- price was $130 per MWh.
ring to the creation of a strong American
federal state. “Thirty years of deregula-
tion and free-trade policy in Europe has 30% $50bn
ironically led to the triumphs of the Chi- Europe’s share of What China has
nese Communist party. the PV panel market spent on solar panel
“Europe has to produce things again. in 2007, when it was manufacturing
We cannot be a continent of consumers. production leader capacity since 2011
We’ve learnt from the pandemic and the

Europe’s push
war, when there’s a market disruption, t o r i s k t h e i r o w n t r a d e re l a t i o n s w i t h d r a f t i n g o n e o f t h e E u ro p e a n p a r l i a - “We’re not going to invest billions [in
then we are lost and naked.” China while also benefiting from cheap ment’s positions on the forced labour Europe] if we don’t know we’re going to
The commission’s response has been solar panels that eased pressure on their regulation, proposes an approach simi- get competitive, predictable energy
to introduce a Net Zero Industry Act own green-e -en nergy subsidies. lar to the one favoured by Maria Manuel costs,” says a senior executive from a
designed to boost the manufacture of T h e re s u l t w a s t h e e m e r g e n c e o f Leitão Marques, a Portuguese lawmaker large European company in the solar

to get out of
“strategic” technologies, including solar China as the undisputed world leader in leading the negotiations on the file. It supply chain.
and other renewable energy infrastruc- solar-power technology. Since 2011, the involves companies operating in high- The Breakthrough Institute, a Califor-
ture, on home turf. The law, proposed country has invested over $50bn in new r i s k i n d u s t r i e s a n d a r e a s h av i n g t o nia-based think-tank, says the carbo bon n
last week, states that the EU should have solar panel manufacturing capacity, 10 prove that their product ctss are not made intensity of manufac turing in China,
enough clean energy manufacturing times more than Europe pe,, according to using poor working conditions — a mir- where electricity is mostly produced by
capacity to meet at least 40 per cent of the International Energy Agency. ro r i n g o f t h e U S “ p re s u m p t i o n o f burning coal, is a powerful argument for
its generation needs.
But the continent currently produces
less than half that, and there are already
warnings that the proposals are unreal-
istic. “We can’t scale quickly enough to
China’s solar This capacity growth has led to the
cheap prices that enabled Europe’s
record-breaking solar installations.
According to the IEA, Europe imported
26GW of photovoltaic modules in 2021
denial” model for Xinjiang imports.
Activist groups under the umbrella of
the Coalition to End Forced Labour in
the Uyghur Region are also bringing
lawsuits in countries such as the UK and
moving supply chains into more renew-
able-e-rreliant regions in Europe.
But Seaver Wang, co-director of the
institute’s Climate and Energy Program,
says the continent will also need foreign
meet European demand,” says Steven
Xuereb, direct ctoor of solar quality assur-
ance company PI Photovoltaik-Institut
Berlin. “Everyone’s excited about the
new plant in Sicily, which will produce
3GW. The Chinese giants are announc-
shadow — but the bill was just a third of what it
paid in 2010, when it imported 15GW.
Dependence on Xinjiang
Businesses and governments in Europe
are already concerned about the risks of
Ireland to block imports from Xinjiang.
G u n t e r E r f u r t , c h i e f e xe c u t i v e o f
Swiss solar technology manufacturer
Meyer Burger, says smaller companies
in the solar supply chain fear the forth-
coming EU rules “might block supply
partners. “Based on industrial experi-
ence and low energy costs, Scandinavia,
the US, Canada, Korea and Malaysia
c o u l d b e p ro m i s i n g re g i o n s f o r n e w
polysilicon production.”
Assembling solar cells and modules —
ing new 20GW factories.” over-reliance not only on a single coun- and not do enough to ensure alternative a broader aim of the EU net zero legisla-
Eur opeanean sol
ar com
compan panieiess sa
ay tha
thatt try, but on a small number of very large resources are being provided”. tion — is less energy-intensive and can
more funding needs to be available to China’s share of production at all stages of the solar supply producers. A series of explosions in China’s own government is also start- be viable with lower investment. “With
bring the industry up to that level. They 2 0 2 0 a t a m a j o r p o ly s i l i c o n p l a n t i n ing to limit the export of some technolo- relatively modest public incentives you
also say that measures in the proposed
chain has vastly expanded ... China run by GCL-Poly Energy removed gies used in the production of the wafers could probably place cell and module
act, to prioritise local production in Solar PV manufacturing capacity, by region (%) about 10 per cent of global supply and that form the basis of solar cells. assembly anywhere,” says Wang.
public procurement contracts and for China Europe North America Rest of the world pushed prices up by 50 per cent. Rebecca Arcesati, an analyst focusing Solving such sectoral co-ordination
consumer subsidies, could incre reaase Polysilicon Silicon wafers Therre ar
The aree als
alsoo ser
iouss eth
ethicaicall que
ques-s- on China-Europe innovation at think- problems is the traditional role of indus-
costs to a degree that affects take-up. tions surrounding China’s production of tank Merics, says Beijing’s proposals to trial policy, which could also help drive
“If badly designed, the NZIA risks pollysilicon, tth
po he main raw material for restrict technology transfer are a “coun- the kind of vertical integration that has
sending the sector back 20 years,” says solar panels. About two-fifths of global ter” to the US and EU’s attempts to build made the Chinese giants so competitive.
Kareen Boutonnat, chief executive for production is concentrated in Xinjiang, alternative clean-tech supply chains. But the EU would have to bridge large
Europe and Asia Pacific at Lightsource 40 the northwestern region where the gov- “Like the US, China wants to be able to price gaps; European-assembled mod-
bp, one of the region’s largest solar ernment has orchestrated a vast crack- defend and weaponise the tech choke- ules are about a third more expensive
developers. “No one is interested in 2010 15 22 2010 15 22 down on Uyghur and other Muslim resi- points it controls,” she says. than Chinese ones.
costly renewables.” dents. Journalists and researchers using “If there is demand for a European
PV cells PV modules satellite imagery and interviews with Europe’s chokepoints onshore supply chain, then there will be
The solar factory of the world 100 release
eleased d det
aineees ha hav
ave do docum
cument enteed B u t e ve n a s re s t r i c t i o n s o n s u p p l i e s companies onshoring. The question is if
The EU’s conundrum has some histori- 80 the co -lo cation of various fac torie s from China loom, formidable obstacles people are willing to pay for it,” says a
c a l i ro n y t o i t . E u ro p e w a s o n c e t h e 60 inside detention centres, where prison- confront Europe’s plans for greater self- Europe-based executive at a Chinese
orld’ d’ss lar
st sol
ar power man manufaufacc- ers are forced to work. sufficiency in solar technology. solar company.
turer, pro ducing 30 p er cent of all 0
While Beijing says its policies in Xin- One of Europe’s main bottlenecks in To meet its target of manufacturing
photovoltaic panels in 2007. But a big 2010 15 22 2010 15 22 jiang are to counter terrorism and pro- the supply chain is the production of 40 per cent of clean energy generation
industrial policy push caused Chinese mote development, the high levels of the silicon ingots and wafers that are equipment within the EU, the commis-
production to increase and prices to ... and its production of solar panels dwarfs that of all other coercion in its policies to “assimilate” sion has proposed measures to incentiv-
decline, just as Europe was suffering the countries combined Uyghur Muslims mean that it is difficult ise investment in clean tech industrial
after-e -efffects of the 2008 financial crash. Cumulative solar PV production, 2017-21 (GW) t o d i s e n t a n g l e f o rc e d l a b o u r p ro - plants and allowed member states to
In 201
2012, 2, the EurEurop
opeanean Comm
ommiss issio
ionn g r a m m e s f ro m vo l u n t a r y o n e s. disregard environmental protections
launched an anti-dumping investiga- China Europe North America Rest of the world Reseseearch from Laura Murphy at Shef- when permitting certain facilities.
tion into Chinese solar panel imports; field Hallam Universityhas also found But Xuereb, of PI-Berlin, says the
the following year, it imposed an almost 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 that at least two major companies in the challenges and timescales of building
50 per cent duty on those imports. silicon supply chain, Xinjiang Hoshine supply infrastructure closer to home
That decision pitched the EU into its Polysilicon and JinkoSolar, have plants in industrial mean that the next 420GW of capacity,
biggest trade dispute with China yet. parks that also house prisons or intern- which the EU aims to install by 2030,
Beijing threatened retaliatory tariffs on m e n t c a m p s. Ne i t h e r c o m p a n y “will primarily come from China”.
wine and luxury cars. The European Silicon wafers responded to an emailed request for Jan Krueger, managing director of
Commission climbed down from its ini- comment. Pelion, a Munich-based fund financing
tial proposals, instead agreeing a price In 2022 the US started blocking g r e e n i n v e s t m e n t s, c o m p l a i n s t h a t
floor on solar panels with Beijing, to the
dissatisfaction of the European solar PV cells
imp orts containing content made in
Xinjiang, and two policies working their
‘European equipment E u ro p e i s “ l a c k i n g i m p l e m e n t a t i o n
speed” and that the approval process for
manufacturer lobby. The price floor was way through the European parliament manufacturers retreated renewable energy subsidies is very slow.
later dropped in 2018. could also lead to obstacle s for solar “There’s more than enough capital,
The trade tussle revealed elements of PV modules panel imports from China: the corpo- from the solar market there’s commitment from industry and
E u ro p e - C h i n a t e n s i o n t h a t re m a i n
today. Member states were divided over
rate sustainability due diligence direc-
tive and the forced labour regulation.
because the Chinese ones investors,” he says. Now it’s up to the EU
to incentivise this re- e-iindustrialisation.”
the commission’s proposal, not wishing
Source: IEA
Glucksmann, who is res espopon nsible for were more cost-effective’ Data visualisation by Keith Fray
18 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES Friday 24 March 2023

The FT View
The tragedy of Iraq, 20 years on
factions more interested in enriching concluded that “an emboldened and After two political factions. Despite the tens of bil-
US-led invasion has become themselves and their patronage net- expansionist Iran appears to be the only decades in lions of dollars spent on Iraq’s recon-
works than developing the nation. The victor”. The ousting of Saddam, a Sunni, struction, the oil-rich state suffers regu-
a byword for catastrophic dominant political forces are aligned to empowered groups from the Shia
which citizens
lar electricity outages, particularly in
foreign intervention armed Shia militant groups, most of majority, many with ties to the Islamic have suffered the summer when temperatures soar
which are backed by Iran. It is largely republic. cycles of horrific past 50C.
The night President George W Bush their whims that determine the coun- The weakness and chaos of the post- violence and The militias affiliated to political fac-
announced to the world that a US-led try’s stability. war state also provided the fertile ter- years of inept, tions regularly intimidate and some-
coalition was invading Iraq, he said one Instead of a liberated Iraq showing rain for the birth of the Sunni jihadist corrupt times kill those demanding better of
of the aims was helping Iraqis to achieve “the power of freedom to transform the group Isis. their leaders. When frustrated young
“a united, stable and free country”. Yet region”, as Bush promised, the US-led The US spent almost $20bn rebuild- government, Iraqis took to the streets in 2019, more
20 years since the first tanks rumbled invasion became a byword for a cata- ing Iraq’s security forces between 2003 the country is than 600 protesters were killed. At the
across the border, the one thing that strophic foreign intervention and the and 2011 after foolishly disbanding neither a latest parliamentary election, in 2021,
unites Iraqis is their sense of disillusion- perils of pursuing regime change with Saddam’s Ba’ath party and the army. functioning just 36 per cent of eligible voters cast a
ment at the state of their beleaguered no clear plan about what comes next. When faced with a major threat, a 2014 nor stable ballot, a damning indictment of Iraqis’
nation. Even worse, a war fought on a false blitz by Isis across swaths of the country, democracy despondency. It is not uncommon to
It is true that Iraqis have been able to premise that Iraq had weapons of mass the Iraqi army mostly melted away. It hear Sunnis and Shia complain that life
vote in multiple elections since the destruction damaged global trust in the took four years of yet more conflict and was better under Saddam.
monstrous dictator Saddam Hussein US, and its claims to moral leadership. the intervention of an international coa- The only bright spot is the young gen-
was toppled in 2003. But after two dec- The damage still reverberates today. lition to drive the jihadis from their eration of Iraqis who aspire for a better
ades in which they have suffered cycles The Iraq war opened the door to strongholds. future: about 60 per cent of the popula-
of horrific violence and years of inept, neighbouring Iran to extend its influ- Though the security situation in Iraq tion are aged under 25 and they will, one
corrupt government, Iraq is neither a ence across the region, shifting the has now stabilised, governance has not day, drive change. Until then, the legacy
functioning nor stable democracy. power dynamics of the Middle East and improved. Youth unemployment is rife of a badly planned and badly fought war
Successive elections have produced stoking sectarian tensions. A US army and the state struggles to deliver basic is the shattering of the Iraqi state and weak coalitions made up of rival study of the Iraq war released in 2019 services as ministries act as fiefdoms of the fabric of Iraqi society.

Opinion Data Points

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Conservatives win some to the FT Editorial Complaints Commissioner:

culture battles but they What’s overhyped is not artificial, but human intelligence
are losing the war John Thornhill (“GPT-4 is as
astonishing as it is unnerving”,
where each fully informs the other, in a
human way. I have another layer of
what might plausibly come next. Yet, I
suggest, so is this letter — a human
The philosopher Thomas Nagel’s
paper “What Is It Like to Be a Bat?”
Opinion, March 17) finds OpenAI’s language and images: memory and the creation. (1974), proposed that “an organism has
latest artificial intelligence product ability to compare memories One doesn’t have to be either a conscious mental states if and only if
John Burn-Murdoch “impressive”. Indeed, we are reaching
the point where the most overhyped
repeatedly, and thus reflect iteratively
on those comparisons.
hardcore reductionist or a mystic for
our self and identity to evaporate
there is something that it is like to ‘be’
that organism”.
system here is not artificial, but human That is my consciousness: it is less under this analysis. Some people will We still don’t know what it is like to
intelligence. than it seems; and (again) AI will find this very uncomfortable, but such be Nagel’s bat, but as humans perhaps
I think in language and images. As rapidly catch up. emotions are really only noise we already know what it is like to be a
‘Culture war’ politics in anglophone countries have opened up Thornhill says, GPT-4 is “multimodal”. Those who privilege human thought generated in a flesh and blood system (future) bot.
The bot can produce and combine text argue that AI output is meaningless: a vulnerable to physical threat and other Nick Bradbury
divides across age and party affiliation where there were none and image, though not (yet) in a way statistically-generated prediction of frailties. Reading, Berkshire, UK
Immigration preferences by age Immigration prefs. by political leaning
2005-2009 2017-2022 2005-2009 2017-2022
Swiss central bank has put America can learn from Peabody property woes
immig- Anglophone
its independence at risk Macron’s pensions battle point to a historic failure
Like a gravitational pull, the takeover It remains to be seen whether France’s Your investigation into the Peabody
of Credit Suisse by its bigger rival UBS president Emmanuel Macron and his Trust housing association’s
has attracted press coverage on an government will be able to reform the mismanagement of its 104,000
unprecedented scale (“How the Swiss French social security system, but the properties points to a historic policy
orchestrated a rescue”, The Big Read, constitutional mechanism they are failure (The Big Read, March 16). It
developed March 21). using is a remarkably elegant solution was the Thatcher government that
Tighten countries In all this, one aspect of the “rescue to the problem of how to overcome decided to promote housing
immig- package” has slipped through the parliamentary division and associations as the preferred providers
ration cracks unnoticed: the fact the Swiss obstructionism (“Macron’s pension of social housing, because of poor
Age 15-24 65+ 15-24 65+ Left Right Left Right National Bank, Switzerland’s central reform muddle”, FT View, March 20). management by the then dominant
bank, has lost its independence. Article 49.3 of the French local authority landlords.
Source: FT analysis of World Values Survey

According to the Swiss Central Bank constitution allows the prime minister Presenting legislation to parliament
Act, the SNB is not permitted to seek or to remove the “responsibility” for a in 1987, environment secretary
he 2010s were a fruitful since the global financial crisis, with accept instructions either from the proposed law from the National Nicholas Ridley observed: “Local
decade for culture warri- home-ownership lagging behind that federal council or from the federal Assembly, France’s lower house of authorities have found themselves
ors on the right. There was of previous generations and poverty assembly. By demanding and accepting parliament, and take it on to the landlords of vast numbers of
a particularly rich seam in rates rising among under-40s while a loss guarantee from the federal executive branch, at least for measures houses . . . about 50,000 is not
2016, with the Brexit ref- they fall for pensioners. But if this council on a SFr100bn liquidity relating to finance and social security. uncommon . . . As a result councils
erendum and the election of Donald were repelling millennials from their assistance loan (the “public liquidity The National Assembly is, however, have faced an enormous
Trump. Three years later, Scott Morri- traditional political journey, we would backstop”) for the combined new able to take back that “responsibility” administrative and management task.
son and Boris Johnson exploited the see it everywhere. We don’t, and in bank, the SNB has violated this government bonds like a money- by a vote of a majority of the full Almost inevitably it has led
culture wars on their way to win victo- fact millennial homeowners in Britain principle. market fund. At first glance, this seems membership of the National Assembly, to . . . tenants feel[ing] like
ries in Australia and the UK. have turned away from the conserva- It is time to define who is responsible like a reasonable idea. However, banks thus nullifying the new law. supplicants. Often cumbersome,
Much has been made of campaigns tives more sharply than renters. for fulfilling the monetary policy are currently responsible for creating But it may be far more difficult for remote and inflexible arrangements for
that identify “wedge issues” to split This is not to say that economics mandate and who stands accountable the majority of deposit money — members of the National Assembly to the management and maintenance of
the electorate — immigration being a doesn’t matter. Indeed, anglophone for the stability of Switzerland’s typically at least 80 per cent of the vote for raising the retirement age from properties have grown up.”
common example — but there has countries — and particularly their financial system. While the former is money supply, broadly measured — 62 to 64, however much this might He was right, and his successors have
been little consideration of the down- youth — have tilted more firmly to the clear, the latter is now firmly in the and they do so predominantly by actually be needed to save their social let tenants down by allowing the
side. Fracturing the electorate tends to left as a result of the financial crisis hands of the federal council. making loans. Tying deposit money security system, than to abstain from a economies of scale associated with
do lasting damage and could come than other nations have done. Jacob Bjorheim exclusively to government debt would vote censuring the government. finance to create housing associations
back to hurt you. In 2009, the average anglophone Visiting Fellow, University of Zurich give finance ministries a dominant role Today in America, lawmakers in the with more than 100,000 units under
Late last year, I observed that mil- adult was much less likely to hold the Switzerland in monetary policy, force every hard-right House Freedom Caucus are management, when it is obvious that
lennials were shattering the oldest government responsible for providing investment to be matched by savings, threatening to play Russian roulette the optimal size for management
rule in politics by no longer adopting welfare than their European counter- Limited liability is crux of and push all private sector finance into with the national credit rating, thus purposes is much smaller.
conservative views as they age. It parts. But 10 years later that gap had the capital markets. creating problems that would vastly Regulation alone won’t be enough to
closed, and young English-speakers the moral hazard problem The problem facing the banking dwarf the current banking malaise improve matters. Separating finance
had shifted even further left. There is yet another way to fix the system thus far is neither liquidity nor (“New donors boost hardline from management is the key, along
The realignment Finally, there is some direct evi-
dence that the realignment of anglo-
bank problem, besides those that
Martin Wolf has discussed (Opinion,
leverage, as in the last crisis. Rather, it
is a problem of financing long-duration
Republicans”, Report, March 6)
I wish we had something like the
with reinvigorating the housing
management profession.
of anglophone politics phone politics over the past decade, March 22). assets when rising rates are telling French Article 49.3 to defend the Professor Mark Stephens
is pushing millennials with cultural and economic axes now The main cause of moral hazard is households and firms to redeploy their country against them. Ian Mactaggart Chair in Land, Property &
parallel, is pushing millennials away limited liability, especially when this capital elsewhere. Going forward, Jim Linford Urban Studies, University of Glasgow, UK
away from the right from the right. applies to bank managers’ large monetary policy and bank regulation Marinwood, CA, US
In 2009, views on immigration were shareholdings, mostly from bonuses. need to position banks for a “post-zero- Why housing associations
wasn’t clear at the time what was caus- not delineated according to party or We cannot go back to the pre-Victorian interest-rate-policy” world in which An ‘incomplete picture’ of have all lost their way
ing this break with the past, but my age divides. But 10 years and several approach of unlimited liability for all, capital and finance turn over more
further analysis suggests that fuelling culture battles later, younger adults because it would mean that banks quickly and depend less on inflated Singapore MPs’ interests It’s worth recalling that Peabody was
the culture wars may only benefit the are now far more pro-immigration could never get equity capital from capital asset valuations. Your piece, “Singapore MP’s tech job penalised in the early 2000s, instead of
right in the short term. than their elders, and those on the left outsiders. Steve H Hanke puts spotlight on politicians’ interests”, being praised, for BedZED, a housing
For one thing, this millennial voting are far less anti-immigration than the But there is no reason why we could Professor of Applied Economics (Report, March 8) presents an development that pioneered
pattern appears to be almost exclu- right. not require senior bank management Matt Sekerke incomplete picture. Singapore members environmental construction but which,
sively anglophone, according to work The same is true with attitudes to to face multiple liability, and in the Fellow, Johns Hopkins University of parliament receive an allowance of because it was so untried, went well
by Morten Støstad, a researcher at the LGBT issues, where a divide between case of chief executives possibly to Baltimore, MD, US S$192,500 ($145,200) per year. over budget — as in fact almost every
Paris School of Economics. Across progressives and conservatives now have unlimited liability. Ministers may earn an annual salary of construction scheme does (The Big
continental Europe, the same genera- neatly maps on to age. In both cases, If senior management faced a really Troubling crackdown on S$1.1mn. Beyond this, neither MPs nor Read, March 16).
tion continues to follow its ancestors conservatives successfully drove a serious loss when their bank failed, ministers receive any perks such as BedZED was developed by Dickon
gradually rightward, but from the UK wedge between one generation and there would be far less need for shed human rights in Sri Lanka personal cars or housing allowances. Robinson. When I met him in the late
and US to Canada, Australia and New the rest — but the cohort they dis- loads of restrictive regulations. It’s good that the IMF is moving to help Backbench MPs are allowed to hold 1990s he was installing solar panels on
Zealand, they have veered away from carded is growing steadily larger. Charles Goodhart Sri Lanka (Report,, March 21). private sector jobs, but not ministers. the roofs of Victorian blocks, not, he
the traditional path. No trend in politics lasts forever. London School of Economics However, the country’s crisis isn’t just Singapore is not the only said, merely to save energy but because
This is a smoking gun for three The “demography is destiny” argu- London W14, UK economic and social. A human rights Commonwealth country that allows their tenants were poor and it would
reasons. ment — that increasing racial diversity crisis has continued too. this. Indeed, it remains the case in the save them money.
First, continental multi-party sys- would lock in dominance for progres- A word of caution around Sri Lanka’s president Ranil UK, despite restrictions put in place Peabody does seem to have lost its
tems allow voters to switch their alle- sive parties in the west — has already Wickremesinghe has governed in an after a recent lobbying scandal. way, but so, I suggest, has just about
giances away from anti-immigrant proved overstated because race and one of your banking ‘fixes’ increasingly authoritarian fashion In the case of Tin Pei Ling, chair of every other association, whether
parties while still staying within the ethnicity have proved less politically We agree with Martin Wolf (“Four since he came to power last year. Under the parliamentary committee for founded by Victorian philanthropists
right or leftwing bloc in a way that the monolithic than once thought. But ways to fix the bank problem”, Wickremesinghe’s leadership, the communications and information, she or by hippy squatters in the 1970s who
predominantly two-party Anglo- hand-crafting the formative political Opinion, March 21) that market government has regularly cracked and her employer acknowledged, in the prevented the destruction of swaths of
sphere system does not. If millennials events that can shape a generation’s discipline and consistently-applied down on peaceful protests. wake of public controversy, the historic London earmarked for
were being alienated solely by eco- worldview and then expecting them to rules are essential to any sound As international actors focus on problem that her position could have redevelopment. All have become
nomic injustice, we might see the same forget it all is quite something. banking regime. But one of the ways to alleviating the island nation’s economic caused. They then changed her overblown, have lost their local
desertion of the right in Europe as in Conservative parties may have won “fix” the banks presented by Wolf pain, they shouldn’t lose sight of a company responsibilities to avoid connections, and it seems their
the English-speaking world. A growing some culture battles, but they’re losing would “save” the system by narrowing human rights situation that’s becoming compromising her role as an MP. thoughtful workers, all in the name of
cultural disillusionment makes more the war. it and thereby killing it. ever more troubling. TK Lim market forces.
sense. That narrow option would require Taylor Dibbert Singapore High Commissioner Judith Martin
Young adults have had a torrid time banks to hold their depositors’ funds in Pacific Forum, Washington, DC, US London SW1, UK Winchester, Hampshire, UK
Friday 24 March 2023 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES 19

Credit Suisse’s fate casts a shadow over the banking sector Asia needs a
more effective
this rescue. Since I left the bank in
February 2020, I have mostly refrained
risk management systems. We also
increased compliance staff by more
as much profit as its new owner UBS. Its
current plight saddens me. But we need
have some of their US peers rubbing
their hands. AT1s or “cocos” are an financial
Thiam from commenting on Credit Suisse, than 40 per cent, even when we were to focus on what happens now. important source of capital for Euro-
but the turn of events now compels
me to speak.
conducting a major cost-cutting pro-
gramme across the bank.
UBS has said it will keep Credit
Suisse’s “crown jewel”, the standalone
pean banks, and because of the market
appetite, interest rates may not have
safety net

A big part of my job as chief executive It was clear that until risk and Swiss bank I created that has been a fully reflected the risks involved. This
— helped by a dedicated team — was set- compliance systems were materially consistently strong performer despite new layer of uncertainty will have an
ike everyone else, I watched ting a new course towards wealth man- improved, behaviour and culture would the wider group’s issues. However, adverse impact on the competitiveness
the events unfolding in Zurich agement and away from investment be more important than ever. After the regulators should look again at whether of the European banking sector. Net net, Rhee
in recent days with something banking to fully realise the potential of initial and well-publicised losses in dis- they ought to allow a single domestic US and Asian rivals could come out of all
akin to stunned disbelief. the franchise. But just as big a task was player of this size in the Swiss market. this relatively stronger. Chang-yong
When I stepped down as the strengthening the balance sheet, which Arguably, UBS attempting to absorb A related issue is that shareholders

chief executive of Credit Suisse, it
had just posted its highest profits for 10
ranked bottom of the list of systemically
important banks when I joined. So we
It was ushered into the CS’s Swiss universal bank would
do little except add thousands more
were denied a vote with emergency law
changes, which shocked many investors
years after a deep restructuring. And raised SFr10bn of equity, tackled arms of its biggest rival, job losses to those already expected in and market participants. Of course, this arch 24 marks the 13th
though I managed the tricky situations multibillion-dollar legacy issues, from UBS, over the course investment banking. was an emergency. The alternative anniversary of the Chiang
that developed under my watch the US mortgage securities market From a wider perspective, policy- could have been far worse. But after the Mai Initiative Multilater-
effectively, things have gone wrong in to Mozambique, cut risk exposure of a frantic weekend makers need to raise investors’ confi- thousands of hours spent working on alisation (CMIM), a cur-
the years since. by 45 per cent and eliminated more dence in the European banking sector. things like resolution plans since 2008, rency swap network
Little more than three years later, than SFr100bn of impaired assets. tressed debt experienced in late 2015, I The treatment of the holders of addi- the episode shows the need for further designed to ensure financial stability
the same bank, part of Switzerland’s Risk was always a priority for me. It shut that business down, reduced our tional tier 1 bonds (AT1s) has created work to codify approaches to banking among member states of the Associa-
national fabric for more than 160 years, was clear that the bank’s risk systems risk appetite and made sure everybody significant uncertainty. What happened crises and be more transparent with tion of Southeast Asian Nations, as well
was ushered into the arms of its needed a major investment and that this understood I wanted to hear bad news will play out in the courts for years. investors over the likely response from as China, Japan, and Korea.
biggest rival, UBS, over the course of a would be a large, multiyear undertak- when it happened. We managed to get There is a basic principle that policymakers. We must learn the lessons The devastating impact of the 1997
frantic weekend. ing. I often described this as a 10-year through 16 quarters without a serious common equity takes the hit first. It from the past few days — otherwise Asian financial crisis led to the estab-
Sadly, there will be a human impact job, which was clearly not complete issue, had more than $200bn of wealth seems that the treatment of AT1s — even Credit Suisse will have fallen in vain. lishment of a regional safety net to
on the many thousands of people, by the time I left. A few days into the management inflows, cut risk and cut if correct under the current Swiss rules address short-term liquidity difficulties
and many former colleagues, who are role, one of my first decisions was to both operating and legacy costs. By — will raise the cost of capital for Swiss The writer is a former chief executive of in the region and to serve as an alterna-
likely to lose their jobs following approve $150mn of new investment in 2019, Credit Suisse was making nearly banks and for European banks. This will Credit Suisse tive to the IMF.
Since its inception, the CMIM’s lend-
ing capacity has doubled to $240bn, a
significant number even when com-
Efi Chalikopoulou pared to the IMF’s $1tn in firepower. It
has also added a crisis prevention facil-

US lenders ity and extended its lending programme

But despite these impressive strides,
the CMIM’s effectiveness has not been
market-tested as member countries have

face a looming
not utilised it. This raises serious con-
cerns about the network’s functionality.
It is unfortunate that the CMIM has
lagged behind the European Stability
Mechanism, which was established two
years later. The ESM was used several

new risk times to prevent contagion effects dur-

ing the European debt crisis, and it has
established a solid market-tested
record. As a result, it is now a well-re-
garded regional financing arrangement,
despite being a relative latecomer.
Why doesn’t the CMIM inspire confi-
cally important” reason to extend wider dence in its effectiveness, unlike the
FINANCE coverage. ESM? The answer lies in the fact that it
Before SVB collapsed it seemed that uses a pledge-based system that relies
Gillian “systemic” meant big banks. Hence
Tett when SVB and Signature wobbled, cus-
tomers moved funds to the too-big-to-
fail giants. However, the FDIC then sub-
The Chiang Mai Initiative
has to transition from a

tly reinterpreted this mandate, and pro-
tected all deposits at SVB and Signature, pledge-based system
s Jay Powell, Federal supposedly because of systemic conta-
Reserve chair, faced the gion risks. As Powell noted on Wednes- to a fully-funded one
media on Wednesday after day, “history has shown that isolated
a 25 basis point rate hike, banking problems, if left unaddressed, rate swings have created unrealised is that it is extremely hard to predict the lems do not seem to be nearly as grave as on bilateral swaps, which fundamen-
he tried to put a brave face can undermine confidence in healthy losses in banks’ securities portfolios, impact of a credit squeeze since it can the issues in subprime mortgages in tally limit the network’s ability to instil
on his country’s bank turmoil. “Our banks and threaten the ability of the totalling $620bn across the industry at create a self-reinforcing downward spi- 2008. And there is plenty of capital in confidence during a crisis. The Covid-19
banking system is sound and resilient, banking system as a whole”. the end of 2022, according to the FDIC. ral of recession and defaults. So while the American bank system as a whole to pandemic is a case in point, as it has
with strong capital and liquidity,” he But Janet Yellen, US Treasury secre- Thankfully these do not usually need the crisis in American banks was ini- absorb such credit losses. affected not only swap-recipient coun-
declared, promising that the Fed, Treas- tary, also revealed on Wednesday that to be booked, unless a bank fails. And tially sparked by interest rate (and Moreover if the problems at small tries but also swap-providing ones,
ury and Federal Deposit Insurance Cor- the Treasury and FDIC do not plan to most banks are less likely to fail than liquidity) risks, it could now slowly banks spark consolidation, via mergers potentially placing significant political
poration would do everything to quell offer blanket guarantees for depositors SVB, because they have fewer unin- morph into a problem of credit risk too. or failures, this would be welcome. In the burdens on the latter when they are pro-
the panic unleashed by the failure of Sil- in advance, without Congressional sup- sured depositors. But even if SVB-style The $5.6tn commercial real estate past, American politicians have taken viding funding.
icon Valley Bank. port. Ambiguity still reigns. This will dramas can be avoided, the pattern is lending market illustrates the problem. pride in their country’s large number of A new IMF policy states that money
Maybe so. The Fed supplied an eye- almost certainly spark more outflows creating “a long tail of zombie banks”, At present 70 per cent of these loans banks — currently sitting at more than disbursed through bilateral swap
popping $152bn of liquidity to banks from smaller banks. as the hedge fund Bridgewater says. comes from small and medium-sized 4,000 — as a sign of competition and con- arrangements may not qualify as for-
last week. But investors remain decid- The next issue is the banks’ business “Policymakers can stop a bank run but groups. “Small banks’ absolute dollar sumer choice. But it does not serve the eign exchange reserves of swap-provid-
edly unimpressed — shortly after Powell models. During the past decade banks unless the Fed cuts rates they can’t stop exposure to CRE lending has grown at country well to have a long “zombie tail”. ing countries if it supports balance-
spoke, bank stocks slid, with particular enjoyed abundant cheap funding the repricing in banks funding costs.” an accelerating rate over the past ten However, the bad news is that this tri- of-payment needs in recipient coun-
declines in weaker groups such as First because their customers left their That feeds into a third issue: a credit years,” notes Morgan Stanley; fecta of problems means that anyone tries. This reduces the swap-providing
Republic. money in low-yielding bank accounts crunch. As funding costs rise, banks will Even before the interest rate cycle who hopes for a quick resolution to the countries’ incentive to keep their
It might be tempting to blame the due to a lack of better alternatives. The cut loans. In some senses this is what turned, CRE values were starting to bank woes will be disappointed. If the pledges, as they would have to accept a
malaise on the Fed’s hike, but that is only banks then made profits by extending Fed officials want, since slower credit come under pressure because the rise of FDIC extends insurance, that would decrease in their foreign reserves. In
a small(ish) part of the tale. The bigger loans at slightly higher rates and buying creation will curb inflation. But the rub internet shopping and homeworking reduce the panic. A halt to rate rises contrast, the ESM uses a funding system
issue is that small and medium-sized long duration assets such as treasuries. hurt retail and office space. But with would reduce the business squeeze. But based on paid-in capital that provides
banks are grappling with three interre- But customer behaviour is shifting. rates rising, “all of a sudden those assets today’s mess is the result of a decade of greater assurance and stability during
lated problems: a deposit flight; an erod-
ing business model; and a credit crunch.
Not only is there a flight from smaller
banks to larger ones, but deposits overall
One might be tempted to become very hard to roll over” as Rick
Rieder of BlackRock says. Since $2.5tn
policy mistakes and will not be fixed in
10 days or 10 months; particularly if the
a crisis.
To be more effective, the CMIM needs
Take the deposit problem. This has are moving into money market funds. blame the malaise on the of loans are due to be refinanced in the next chapter of the drama now moves to transition from a pledge-based sys-
arisen because the FDIC’s mandate only And the loss of cheap funding hurts Fed’s rate rise, but that is next five years, this will eventually cre- from interest rate risks to credit woes. tem to a fully-funded one. This would
protects deposits up to $250,000 if a since banks still have loans on their ate pain for borrowers — and banks. separate its balance sheet from those of
bank fails, unless there is a “systemi- books extended at low rates. Worse still, only a small part of the tale The good news is that the CRE prob- its member countries, alleviate funding
uncertainty, and increase its credibility
during crises.
As the region’s member countries lack
convertible currencies, finding ways to

How European entrepreneurs can live the American dream recognise paid-in capital to the CMIM as
foreign exchange reserves, similar to
capital subscriptions at the IMF, is
Technological advances and interest
building globally relevant tech compa- the novelist Jeanette Winterson’s adop- report. Picking up on the trend, storied One European country that shows in improving cross-border payment sys-
TECH NOLOGY nies and accept the “radically inegalitar- tive mother on hearing her daughter had US venture capital firms, including how to combine societal happiness and tems through central bank digital cur-
ian” outcomes that result, says Alex fallen in love with another woman. “Why Sequoia Capital and Bessemer Venture entrepreneurial dynamism is Sweden, rencies also present opportunities to
John Karp, the American co-founder of the be happy when you could be normal?” Partners, have set up shop in Europe. which has one of the highest rates of enhance the CMIM. Hong Kong, Singa-
Thornhill US data company Palantir. Describing
himself as a “classic European progres-
she asked. If economic “normality”
results in societal unhappiness, maybe it
“Europe really is becoming a tech
hotspot,” says Roxanne Varza, director
social mobility in the world and has cre-
ated more tech unicorns (start-ups val-
pore and other Asian economies are
conducting CBDC pilot experiments,
sive” who wants poor people to have is better just to stay happy after all. of the Paris tech campus Station F, ued at more than $1bn) per head than which have already demonstrated

“healthcare and teeth”, he argues that The second, more defiant, response is which has worked with 5,000 start-ups almost any other country. potential benefits in reducing cross-bor-
the whole European experiment will be that Europe is “getting serious” about since it opened in 2017. Whereas a dec- The idea that the US is the land of der transaction costs and settlement
his year, I have heard in question “if everyone with a high- tech, albeit in its own patchy, culturally ade ago the most ambitious European opportunity is only true until you want risks.
several visiting Americans value revenue is sitting in America”. diverse way. Over the past decade, tech- entrepreneurs would automatically to get into school or pay your healthcare However, further research is needed
berate Europe for its While accepting the urgent need to head to Silicon Valley, many are now bill, according to Sebastian Siemi- to ensure the system can function
lack of innovation and raise their technological game, Europe- staying at home and recruiting top-tier atkowski, co-founder of the Swedish fin- properly on a large scale, especially in
entrepreneurial success,
with some justification.
ans answer in two ways. First, they say
Europe’s social model is not optimised
It is only the land of talent from around the world, including
the US, Varza tells me.
tech giant Klarna and son of Polish
immigrants. With free education and
times of crisis. If the liquidity provision
mechanism can be programmed in
Since the start of the century, Europe’s for maximising gross domestic product opportunity until you In spite of the global tech market free healthcare, Sweden is a “fantastic advance by using the digital currencies
share of the world’s top 100 most valuable so much as eudaimonia, the ancient Greek want to get into school or downturn that is hitting the industry, society” where everyone is equally val- of global and regional safety nets, such
companies has fallen from 38 to 18, while concept of happiness. On that score, Europe’s upbeat entrepreneurs are ued. “It is one country where if you want as the IMF and the CMIM, it can
that of the US has risen from 54 to 61, several European countries outperform pay your healthcare bill quick to list the region’s advantages: to make it, it is up to yourself,” Siemi- enhance the current cross-border CBDC
boosted by the giant west coast tech the US. Europe shows up strongly in the some great technical universities, many atkowski told me at a Sifted event in platform.
firms. Part of the reason is US-style latest World Happiness Report, which enabled start-ups have exploded across highly skilled, and relatively cheap, soft- Stockholm earlier this month. Asian policymakers have long sought
“permissionless innovation” is far more asks people how satisfied they are with Europe, benefiting from some imported ware engineers and plenty of ambition At least in some parts of Europe, to establish an effective regional safety
adaptable to disruptive technological their lives. Eight European countries, Silicon Valley mindset and methodol- to tackle the world’s biggest problems, entrepreneurs succeed because of its net. Upgrading the CMIM to a new insti-
change than Europe’s regulation-heavy led by Finland, Denmark and Iceland, ogy. Up until the end of October, last such as climate change. But they are social model, not in spite of it. The rest tutionalised fund system based on
“upstream governance”, says Andrew are among the world’s top 10 happiest year, early stage European start-ups equally quick to identify the remaining of Europe, and some US critics, should paid-in capital should be a top priority.
McAfee, the Massachusetts Institute of nations (Israel and New Zealand are the attracted 31 per cent of total global constraints on growth: an incomplete take note. Beyond their pledges, member coun-
Technology scientist and author. other two). The US ranks 15th. investment in this sector compared single market, making it hard to expand tries need to have skin in the game.
To defend its technological sover- That makes some of the US criticism of with 33 per cent in the US, according to across borders, overly restrictive regu- The writer is founder of Sifted, an FT-
eignty, Europe must “get serious” about Europe sound like the question posed by Atomico’s State of European Tech lations and a later-stage funding gap. backed site about European start-ups The writer is governor of the Bank of Korea
20 ★ † FINANCIAL TIMES Friday 24 March 2023

Ferrexpo: iron plan

Shares in the Ukrainian iron ore producer have trailed peers in the year following Russia’s invasion.
Insufficient power supplies and restricted export routes have forcibly reduced its sales volumes. These are
half of pre-invasion levels. Despite lower pellet prices and volumes, Ferrexpo is expected to stay profitable.

Iron ore producers Trend for iron ore pellets

Twitter: @FTLex Share prices (rebased) China import price per tonne ($)
140 220
Federal Reserve/ECB: move in earnings per share on average,
says Citigroup. A lagged effect on loan 120 160 Coinbase/Block:
big bang theory pricing should keep NII rising this year
money problems
in Europe, but probably not in 2024. 100 100
Throughout economic history, interest This boom period for Europe’s banks 2022 23 It has hardly been a banner fortnight
rate tightening cycles tend to end with could be as good as it gets. 80
Source Bloomberg for traditional US banking. But life
a bang, not a whimper. Whether the Ferrexpo pellet sales volumes looks no easier for businesses tipped to
multiple bank failures in the past two Tonnes mn disrupt the financial services industry
weeks were loud enough is moot.
US Federal Reserve chair Jay Powell
Arm/SoftBank: Ferrexpo 12
by intention rather than by accident.
On Wednesday, Brian Armstrong,
Rio Tinto
raised rates by a quarter rather than a open ended BHP
40 10 the outspoken founder and chief
half percentage point on Wednesday. 8 executive of Coinbase, said the listed
Fortescue Metals
The Bank of England raised by the For SoftBank’s Masayoshi Son, 20 6 crypto exchange was the subject of an
FTSE 350 Industrial Metals and Mining index
same amount yesterday. The question improving growth at Arm is a priority 4 SEC probe. Coinbase has held itself up
is whether any more rises will follow. before an IPO of the UK chip designer. 2 as a beacon of respectability in crypto,
ECB president Christine Lagarde, who To achieve this, he will raise prices for 0 pointing to its public listing and the
defended rate rise policy last week, final users of Arm’s chip designs. 2021 22 23 2019 2020 2021 2022 rules and scrutiny that this invites.
FT graphic Source Refinitv Source: Ferrexpo
softened her tone this week. Boosting sales at the SoftBank-owned At the same time, Jack Dorsey’s
Though European bank shares have group this way is harder than it looks. Block finds itself in the crosshairs of
dropped recently, they are up 7 per It may backfire faster than expected. What does it take to make a company reflects the monumental challenges it and reroute some through other another method of accountability.
cent in the year to date, helped by Son should expect reluctance from uninvestable? In theory, bad news is faces. Ferrexpo’s operations have not ports. The short selling firm Hindenburg
rising rates and the boost to their net all its design users. These include US no reason not to buy a stock, perhaps been directly affected by the fighting, Last year it produced about 6.2mn Research has accused Block of
interest income (NII). The Stoxx 600 chip group Qualcomm and Chinese offering savvy investors a bargain. but about 10 per cent of its staff have tonnes, down by half since 2021. exaggerating user metrics and the
European bank index has royally smartphone makers such as Xiaomi. But a beaten-up company is worth left the country. Another 6 per cent is Though costs per tonne are up by marketing costs of its Cash App money
outperformed the KBW US bank index. True, Arm’s plans to alter its royalty buying only if its potential to earn in active military service, of which 20 almost half, the miner still earns a transfer unit. Hindenburg added that a
Some say that stricter European programme make sense. Its original money in the future is preserved. have died in service. profit and sufficient cash flow to core customer included criminals using
regulation, including tougher capital business model charges chipmakers Bank investors worldwide will be Though there are other reasons for a cover its needs. That matters because Cash App for wrongdoing. Block has
buffers, has made all the difference, fees, reported to be about 2 per cent, pondering this question this year. At discounted valuation. Founder and Ferrexpo’s access to capital markets denied wrongdoing.
despite the woes of Credit Suisse, for using its designs, based on a chip’s some point so will those watching majority shareholder Kostyantin is pretty much closed. Coinbase must first cope with the
forcibly sold to UBS last weekend. value. Charging device makers based Ferrexpo, the London-listed iron-ore Zhevago has been arrested. Its auditor For now, Ferrexpo has the balance crypto winter. Falling prices of digital
Liquidity was what mattered there. on the value of the device — top phone group, which has struggled on with quit in April 2019 amid discrepancies sheet to cope — with no debt (apart currencies led to plummeting trading
Contagion and deposit withdrawal can prices can run over $2,000 — would its operations in war-torn Ukraine. about the use of Ferrexpo funds. from leases) and $113mn of cash. volumes on the Coinbase platform in
occur rapidly. A flood of withdrawals add several multiples more in fees. In peacetime, Ferrexpo has an Under the circumstances Ferrexpo Iron ore prices have rebounded, and 2022. Commensurately, Coinbase’s
can quickly turn into a credit crunch as There are good reasons why Arm has attractive position. Its huge, low-cost has done a remarkable job. Power its pellets sell at a premium. transaction revenue fell by two-thirds
banks pull back on lending. become the global standard — with its resource base means it should trade outages affect its production. Its main Barring more disruption, it should last year, relative to 2021. Its shares are
Credit markets are already fragile. designs powering nearly all of the at a valuation closer to its peers at 4-5 export route — through the Black Sea survive this period. Nevertheless its down 80 per cent from their peak.
Bank of America’s high-yield spread world’s smartphones. The processors times forward ebitda. It is closer to 3 port of Pivdennyi — remains closed as depressed valuation means that the Block’s market capitalisation has
index has widened by a quarter to 500 are energy efficient, using less battery times, on depressed earnings. the area is under Russian control. It persistently high risk will only appeal dropped by about the same amount
basis points over risk-free rates in power while generating less heat. Most Its valuation, of course, also still manages to sell pellets into Europe to the hardiest investors. from its own high. It earns revenue
March alone. Trading volumes in importantly for clients, they are cheap. from fees paid on Cash App transfers,
secondary debt markets have Attractive pricing enables Arm to and also its buy-now, pay-later unit,
plummeted. Primary issuance has retain its leading position. China, one Afterpay. It acquired this as well from
vanished altogether. Borrowing is as of its biggest markets, has long been solution. But given the longer term Aim market dropped to a 20-year low For FinnCap, a merger is preferable fees on customer bitcoin transactions.
costly as it has been in a decade. developing RISC-V, an open-source risks, finding investors who will stick last year. New issues fell to the lowest to a potential takeover. It rebuffed last Both Block and Coinbase are
Any further rate increases would chip-design architecture. Local tech with Arm is the true problem. since Aim’s creation in 1995. year’s approach from Panmure unprofitable on a net basis owing to
ignore the impact of previous rises. US groups have turbocharged investment The deal, through which Cenkos Gordon, led by ex-Barclays Capital heavy spending on overhead,
Fed rates have risen more than twice as in this alternative to Arm designs in the investors will receive 3.19 new FinnCap banker Rich Ricci. Competition technology and marketing.
fast in the past year as they did in the past year since US export controls ban Cenkos/FinnCap: shares for each of their existing stock, concerns could yet be a risk. Coinbase faces a novel and genuinely
run-up to the financial crisis. them using its advanced US technology. is a defensive move against the dismal Combining their client books would interesting question: do its lending
Everywhere, bank lending rates are Arm’s entrenchment in the supply the repair shop backdrop. Revenues and profitability easily hand the new company the offerings constitute securities?
still catching up with central bank chain and a lack of technical support at both have collapsed. Including greatest number of brokerage clients Block may well offer a better
policy rates. from open-source alternatives mean During tough times in the City of expected dividends, FinnCap will own on Aim, says Adviser Rankings. customer experience than a traditional
Since the ECB began tightening last the price move will boost Arm’s top London, it is better to drink with 50.1 per cent of the pro forma total. A roll-call of venerable City bank but its compliance is now under
summer, only half of that increase on line. But higher costs for device makers company than drown sorrows alone. Cenkos fell to a £2.7mn loss last year financiers who own shares in the two the spotlight. At this time of economic
average has passed on to borrowers as will only encourage them to invest in Cenkos Securities and FinnCap, two after a 46 per cent dive in revenue to have offered their blessing. These turmoil, coping with rule books seems
of January this year, according to S&P. alternative design sources. well-known names in the UK’s clubby £20.3mn. FinnCap has yet to publish include Jim Durkin, one of Cenkos’s to be particularly hard for financial
A trend of using expensive high-yield Amid a chip sector decline, Arm small-cap broker world, intend to its full-year results. In the six months founding shareholders and its former services companies with newfangled
bonds to refinance the disappearing would fetch less than $34bn based on share the tab after agreeing to a £43mn to September 30, it made an adjusted chief, and, on the FinnCap side, business models.
supply of bank loans has begun. an average industry earnings multiple all-share nil premium deal yesterday. pre-tax loss of £0.6mn on revenue of venture capitalist Jon Moulton.
Bank investors can sense a shift, — far below the $60bn that SoftBank No wonder they seek strength in £16.4mm, down nearly half year on Given the turmoil in equity markets, Lex on the web
pricing in a peak in NII growth, the reportedly expected last year. numbers. The industry is fighting some year. While Peel Hunt and Numis have Cenkos and FinnCap may not be the For notes on today’s stories
driver of bank profits. Every 25 bps If Son seeks a quick boost for a listing of the harshest conditions in memory. not been immune to the downturn, only small-cap brokers to elbow up go to
shift in ECB rates drives a 4 per cent this year, he might have found a Total money raised on London’s junior both rivals stayed profitable last year. together to the bar this year.

No 17,366 Set by ZAMORCA

 1 Recalled problem with one key set for

clockwork instrument (5,3)
5 Religious leader and bishops, in the
main, rejected Sunday opening (6)
10 Drum and bass on the never-ending
radio outside (5)
11 Vociferously moaned, fed up with old
  dining room furniture (9)
12 Jeopardises aims when filled with
rage (9)
13 Index includes unknown composer (5)
   14 Jack gets toes crushed crossing large
crowd (6)
 15 Humorous stage show’s almost at
capacity (7)
   18 Drew again, boxing ringleader so had
another go (7)
 20 Play around with complex clue over a
couple of days (6)
   22 Crop off sign for island (5)
24 RuPaul maybe agreed, sort of, to host
question session at the end (4,5)
25 Show’s design caught at heart of story
26 Record old church’s age (5)
27 Partner in game getting bored,
becomes foul-mouthed (6)
28 Dr Spooner’s darling impudence is
  popular at kids’ party (5,3)
1 Catch boy to return glove (6)
2 Walk fast, second time lift’s gone (6,3)
JOTTER PAD 3 Chancellor’s a bit insincere, somehow
concealing tax matters at first (7,8)
4 Stink raised by part of a play that’s
Solution 17,365 very rude (7)
6 Yelp after pan with no lid boiled over
$ / $ & $ 5 7 ( , ' < / / 6 for cabbage and potato dish (6,3,6)
1 6 3 2 % 5 $ + 7 Each cross in margins voided
1 ( : 7 ( 5 0 ( 4 8 $ 7 2 5 questions (5)
( ( 1 ' $ , , (
8 See Democrat in constituency going
ahead quietly (8)
; < / $ 1 , 1 8 1 ' $ 7 ( '
9 Reckons Dad’s confused by drink (4,2)
( / , & 7 8 ' 16 Represent self as endlessly tough,
2 1 $ . 1 , ) ( ( ' * ( which is not true (9)
3 + ( 2 ) 1 ( 5 17 Worth wearing comfortable shoes to
5 ( $ 6 6 ( 5 7 , 2 1 6 see flowers (8)
( , + & 2 & 3 19 University college indeed cultivated
0 $ 5 , - 8 $ 1 $ % 5 $ 6 6 reason (6)
, * $ 5 7 / 3 $ 20 Leaves twice, heading for uncle’s
8 3 5 , 9 ( 5 , 1 , 7 , $ /
house in France (7)
You can now solve our crosswords 21 Push in rudely to get off boat (6)
0 , $ < 2 1 7 0 in the new FT crossword app at 23 Note American Vice-President’s rising
6 8 3 , 1 ( $ 1 $ * 5 $ 0 6 irritation (5)*

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