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S. No. Circular Summary

1. Policy Circular No. 20 /2002-2007 The circular specifies that the import of Plastic
Date: 12/03/2003 Waste/Scrap (except PET Bottle Waste/Scrap) and
Subject: Procedure relating to import animal dung or animal excreta is not permitted without
of Plastic Waste/Scrap a license. Applicants must follow guidelines and
Issuing Authority: Government of provide specific information when applying for a
India, Ministry of Commerce & license. The entitlement for importing plastic
Industry, Department of Commerce waste/scrap is determined based on criteria and
Directorate General of Foreign Trade guidelines suggested by the Department of C&PC.
2. Policy Circular No. 27 (RE The circular clarifies that size restrictions mentioned in
–2000)/1997-2002 Public Notice No. 392/92-97 dated 01.01.1997 for the
Dated: 13.9.2000 import of plastic scraps/wastes apply only to pieces of
Subject: Import retractions vide Public irregular shape and not to other types of scraps/wastes
Notice No. 392/92-97 regarding specified in the notice. This clarification is issued with
import of Plastic Scrap/Waste the approval of the Director General of Foreign Trade.
materials –Clarification regarding.
Issuing Authority: Government Of
India Ministry Of Commerce
Directorate General Of Foreign Trade
3. Public Notice No. 58(PN)/9702 The circular outlines the procedure for importing
Date: 23.12.1998 plastic waste and scrap for Export Processing Zones
Subject: Import Of Plastic (EPZs). It prohibits the sale of products made from
Wastes/Scrap By EPZs imported plastic waste/scrap in the Domestic Tariff
Issuing Authority: Government Of Area (DTA) and restricts their use to physical exports
India, Ministry Of Commerce only. No new units for importing plastic waste/scrap
will be allowed in EPZs. The definition of plastic
waste/scrap is provided, and specific forms of import
are permitted. Only EPZ units with recycling facilities
and the required registrations and clearances can
import such materials. Each consignment must be
accompanied by a certificate and undergo scrutiny and
testing. Misdeclaration can lead to legal action,
including environmental and trade regulations. The
document is issued in the public interest.

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