Economics - Course Syllabus

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course syllabus for the academic year 2022/2023

Basic Meeting times & place:

information • In-person: to be determined, Main Building WUT

• Prof. pHd Janusz Gudowski
• E:mail:

Brief course The course is designed as an introduction to economy for students with varied backgrounds and
description specialties. It covers the history of economy, as well as its main terms and concepts.

Assessment The final grade results from:

criteria • Preparation of short essay presented during the class – max 5 points each.
• Completion of the final test (multiple choice test) – max of 20 points.

Overall point cutoffs are as follows:

• 0-15 points = 2.0. (fail)
• 16-18 = 3.0
• 19 = 3.5
• 20-23 = 4.0
• 24-25 = 4.5
• 26-30 points = 5.0

Additional requirements to be met:

• At least one essay needs to be turned in.
• Class participation throughout the semester.

Course • Introduction. Understanding economics. Definition, objectives, methods. The source of economic
content value
• Historical development of economics
• Micro approach to economics. Supply and demand. Costs, profit, elasticities, marginal analysis, the
principle of diminishing marginal returns and its application
• Consumer’s analysis. Factors influencing consumer’s decision. Practical use
• Gros domestic product (GDP) & Gros National Product (GNP). National product measurement
methodology, SNA categories, Nominal and real GDP, factors of economic growth
• Measurement of inflation: cost of living index - CPI and deflator
• Unemployment rate - Phillips curve - basics of the labor market
• Interest rate - money market basics
• The debate: how much State in practical economic policy? Active versus Passive State
Tentative Samuelson W.F., Marks S.G., Managerial economics, latest available edition, pdf online available
source Samuelson W.F., Introduction to economics, latest available edition
materials Griffin R.W., Fundamental management in organizations, latest issue
and other
(subject to

Teaching Interactive lecturing

and learning Case study analysis
methods Source material analysis and interpretation (with discussion)

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