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Citizen participation in decision-making process

Democracy Rule by majority

Protection of individual rights and freedoms

Rule by a single individual or group

Dictatorship Limited or no citizen participation

Authoritarian control

Free and fair elections

Democracy Separation of powers

Identify the main features of each Protection of civil liberties

type of government. Centralized power in the hands of a few

Dictatorship Suppression of political opposition

Limited freedom of speech and expression

One-party rule with a dictatorial leader

Fascism Extreme nationalism

Suppression of political dissent

Describe fascism and communism. Government ownership of resources and means of

Communism Equal distribution of wealth

Classless society

Emerged in Italy under Benito Mussolini in the early

20th century
Fascism Spread to Germany and other countries in Europe

Appealed to economic and political instability

POWER IN THE EARLY 20TH Explain where and how these two
Originated from the works of Karl Marx and Friedrich
CENTURY extreme political beliefs took hold. Engels

Revolutionary movements in Russia and China led

to communist governments

Promoted economic equality and empowerment of

the working class

Economic instability and hyperinflation

Describe the changes taking place Social and political unrest
in Germany in the 1920s.
Rise of extremist political parties, including the Nazi

Hitler's failed coup attempt in Munich

Examine Hitler's attempted Imprisonment and writing of Mein Kampf
takeover of Germany.
Use of propaganda and manipulation to gain support

Economic depression and discontent

Explain the growth of the Nazi
Party in the late 1920s and early Charismatic leadership of Hitler
1930s. Anti-Semitic and nationalist ideologies

Promised to restore German pride and power

Examine key factors in Hitler's rise Blamed Jews and other groups for Germany's
in popularity. problems

Effective propaganda and public speaking skills

German rearmament and territorial expansion

Examine the build up to the Attempts to appease Germany through diplomacy
outbreak of war in 1939.
Invasion of Poland leading to the start of World War

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