Essay Question1

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Essay Questions

What do they mean?

Key Word Meaning
Comment Make observations about some aspect
of the text, without necessarily giving
an argument or a detailed explanation
of how it works.
Outline Briefly describe some aspect of the
text, such as the main ideas or
techniques, without going into
detailed discussion.
Discuss Examine from various angles, to arrive
at an understanding. A discussion is
usually a broad exploration of an
issue, taking a variety of viewpoints
into account.
Compare Discuss similarities and differences
between texts, or between aspects of
a text.
Argue Make assertions about the topic, and
back them up with an explanation and
examples. An argument is intended to
prove and persuade a particular view.
Explain Make clear how some aspect of the
text works, by giving the reader a
detailed account of features,
techniques, causes, effects etc.
Describe Give a detailed account of features or
ideas in the text.

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