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Unit 1 – Activity 9: Style, Diction, and Tone Worksheet


Question 1:

Identify the tone and type of language used in each of the following passages (informal,
general, or formal).

1. Several factors that caused the destruction of corn crops in the mid-west, but we
are not certain which one was the most damaging.


2. Language is a social practice that has been developed as a collective endeavour

between many subjects over time.


3. Yesterday, Shelly and I hung out at the mall, but since the grocery store was
nearby I picked up a couple of things for dinner while I was at it.


4. The current economic downtown has had widespread implications for all classes,
however, lower-middle class families have been hit the hardest.


5. Race is a socially constructed notion that refers to real or imagined differences in

appearance, intelligence, or ability.


6. I didn’t know I was supposed to close the door after I left.


Question 2:

Indicate whether the words below have a negative or positive connotation. Identify any
word pairs that have the same denotation.
7. Confident (Positive)
1. Nosy (Negative) 8. Fat (Negative)
2. Overweight (Negative) 9. Prudent (Positive)
3. Cowardly (Negative) 10. Perseverance (Positive)
4. Stubborn (Negative) 11. Modest (Positive)
5. Conceited (Negative) 12. Procrastination
6. Inquisitive (Negative) (Positive)

Question 3:

Read the passage below and do the following:

 Identify the tone of this passage
o What is the intended audience?
o What is the purpose?
 Correct any diction errors and explain why they do not fit in.

“Excessive wordiness should be avoided in effective writing. While it is important

to have a broad vocabulary, one should not opt for complex words merely to impress the

reader. Although synonyms listed in a thesaurus may have similar definitions, they ain’t

necessarily interchangeable; it could cause grammatical errors or convolute the message.

Readers may even think the author is nuts. Filler words also distract readers from the

main point. For instance, it is more effective to say: “racial stereotypes should not be

used” rather than “classifications of racial groupings that are negative should not be

implemented by people to judge others”. While the first message is direct, the second is

awkward, cumbersome, and fatiguing to read. It’s bad. Sometimes, less is more.”

 The intended audience is for the people that are interested in enhancing their
writing skill such as students or writers.
 The purpose is to guide the audience write and emphasize text and passages

Ain’t = are not

Nuts = too informal
It’s bad = not needed

Question 4:

Write your own passage on a topic of your choice (approximately 100-125 words). Select
a style, purpose, and audience. Use appropriate diction.

In the captivating realm of Wonderland, Alice, an inquisitive girl, journeys through a

fantastical landscape, encountering peculiar characters and surreal scenes. Crafted in an
enchanting and imaginative style, the narrative engages readers, catering to both college
students and adults who appreciate the timeless charm of Lewis Carroll's literary
masterpiece. The purpose is to transport readers into a magical world where nonsensical
elements prevail, fostering a sense of wonder and creativity. The diction maintains a
playful and academic tone, balancing the fantastical nature of Alice's adventures with a
sophisticated approach suitable for a university audience, creating an enjoyable and
intellectually stimulating reading experience for all.

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