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An examination of the candidates for Confirmation will be conducted by the priests. Every
candidate will be expected to know the answers to the following questions.
1. Who is God?
God is the loving source and sustainer of all that exists outside of God.

2. Where did God come from?

God did not come from anywhere; God has no beginning and will have no end; God always was
and always will be.

3. How many Gods are there?

There is only one God and God exists as the communion of three Divine Persons, the Father, the
Son and the Holy Spirit.

4. Where is God?
God is everywhere.

5. What are other important traits of God?

God sees and watches over us.
God knows all things (is omniscient) and can do all things (is omnipotent)
God is supreme Truth, Beauty and Love.

6. How do we know about God?

We know about God because He has made himself known to us in various ways: Through creation,
through communication with the Prophets, and most especially through the incarnation of the
Eternal Son of God in Jesus Christ.

7. Is Jesus Christ God?

Yes, Jesus Christ is God, the eternal Son of God who became fully human and like us in all things
but sin. He is the “human face of God.”

8. Why did God become a human being?

In Jesus, God became a human being:

- to reconcile us with the Father
- to show us God’s love;
- to show us how to be human;
- to share with us His own divine life.

9. What is grace?
Grace is God’s divine life which He desires to share with us.

10. What is the Church?

The Church is the Body of Christ, the assembly of all baptized people.

11. What is a Sacrament?

A sacrament is an outward sign instituted by Christ to give us grace.

12. Name the Sacraments

The Seven Sacraments are: Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation, Penance, Anointing of the Sick,
Matrimony, and Holy Orders.

13. What are the effects of the Sacrament of Baptism?

In the sacrament of baptism:
- we are freed from original sin and all personal sin
- we become adopted sons and daughters of God
- we are made heirs of heaven
- we become members of the Church

14. What is the Sacrament of the Eucharist?

In the Eucharist, Jesus shares His divine life with us as we receive His body and blood under the
appearances of bread and wine.

15. When did Jesus institute the Eucharist?

Jesus instituted the Eucharist at the Last Supper when He took bread and wine and said, “This is
my Body” and “This is my Blood.” He commanded His disciples to “Do this in memory of me.”

16. What is the Sacrament of Confirmation?

The Sacrament of Confirmation is the completion of Christian initiation which was begun in

17. Where is Confirmation found in Scripture?

The Scripture (Bible) tells us about Confirmation in the Acts of the Apostles (Acts 8:14-16): “Now
when the apostles in Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the word of God, they sent to
them Peter and John. On their arrival they prayed for them, that they might receive the Holy Spirit;
for as yet he had not come upon any of them, but they had only been baptized in the name of the
Lord Jesus.”

18. What are the effects of the Sacrament of Confirmation?

In the Sacrament of Confirmation:
- we are brought to maturity in Christ
- we are consecrated to be Christ’s witnesses in the world
- we receive an increase of grace
- we receive a strengthening of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit
- a lasting character is imprinted our souls.

19. What does the word confirmation mean?

“Confirmation” means “strengthening” because we are strengthened by the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.
(See Isaiah 11:2)

20. What do the Gifts of the Holy Spirit do for us?

The Gifts of the Holy Spirit make us sensitive to the promptings of the Holy Spirit.

21. Name the seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit.

The seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit are:
-Understanding (the gift of insightful faith)
-Knowledge (the gift of mature faith)
-Fear of the Lord (the gift of wonder and awe before God)
-Wisdom (the gift of love-knowledge of God)
-Piety (the gift of being a good son or daughter of God)
-Fortitude (the gift of courage)
-Counsel (the gift of decision making)

22. Why do we call Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation “Sacraments of Initiation”?

Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation lay the foundation for the Christian life. They mark the
beginning of the life-long journey that is Christian life.

23. Who is the usual minister of Confirmation?

The Bishop is the usual minister of Confirmation but a priest can also administer Confirmation
with the permission of the Bishop.

24. What does the Bishop do when he gives Confirmation?

He first extends his hands and prays for the coming of the Holy Spirit. He then anoints the one to
be confirmed with sacred chrism and says, “[Your name], be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit.”
The Bishop extends a handshake of peace, saying, “Peace be with you.” The newly-confirmed
responds, “And with your spirit.”

25. What is sacred chrism?

Sacred chrism is a mixture of olive oil and balsam blessed by the Bishop traditionally on Holy
Thursday in the cathedral.

26. What does the anointing of the forehead with chrism in the form of the cross signify?
The anointing on the forehead in the form of a cross signifies that the person being confirmed
must always be ready to witness to his or her faith openly and to practice it fearlessly.

27. What is the character of Confirmation?

The character of Confirmation is a spiritual and indelible sign which marks the Christian as a
witness of Jesus Christ.

28. How do we receive the Sacrament of Confirmation properly?

We receive the Sacrament of Confirmation properly:
- by being baptized
- by going to confession if there is need
- by knowing well the basic truths and teachings of the Faith.

29. Can the Sacrament of Confirmation be received more than once?

No. Like Baptism, the Sacrament of Confirmation can only be received once.

30. Why do we take a Saint’s name at Confirmation?

Saints are the friends of God; we take the name of a Saint as our model for living the Gospel.

31. Who is your patron Saint and what did he/she do? How will you model your life on
his/her life?

32. What is the role of the Confirmation Sponsor?

The Confirmation Sponsor:
- helps the person confirmed to be a true witness of Christ and to live a good Christian life.
-presents the candidate to the Bishop, placing his or her right hand on the Candidate’s shoulder
while the Bishop anoints the candidate with sacred chrism.

33. What are the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy?

The Corporal and Spiritual works of Mercy are ways in which we witness to Christ by attending to
the bodily and spiritual needs of our neighbors.

34. List the Corporal Works of Mercy

The Corporal Works of Mercy are:
- Feed the hungry.
- Give drink to the thirsty.
- Clothe the naked.
- Visit the imprisoned.
- Shelter the homeless.
- Visit the sick.
- Bury the dead.

35. Name the Spiritual Works of Mercy and give an example of each one.
The Spiritual Works of Mercy are:
- Admonish the sinner.
- Instruct the ignorant.
- Counsel the doubtful.
- Comfort the sorrowful.
- Bear wrongs patiently.
- Forgive all injuries.
- Pray for the living and for the dead.

Religious Education Program

St. Vincent Ferrer Catholic Church
River Forest, IL
April 12, 2016

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