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Beloved my name is Evangelist Paul Lawrence Amofah and GOD through His mercies and grace has
revealed a lot of mysteries to me this end time to share with the world, that, He will use these
revelations to gather His people; because the coming of JESUS CHRIST is imminent.

As I have already shared with you about my encounter in the Satanic and Marine Kingdoms on how
GOD took my soul out of my body and took me to a very high mountain to meet HIS Angel; where he
told me brother Amofah, GOD loves you and wants me (Angel) to show you some things so that you
can go back to the earth and tell HIS children so that HE can gather them this end time through this

Beloved, what I want to share with you now is Hell. The moment we left the Marine Kingdom (under
sea), the Angel took me to hell, and the things I saw there in hell are what I want to share with you
today and anytime you are hearing or reading this so please don't listen or read this alone but make
sure your family, friends and all beloved ones get to also listen or read this message. share to
everyone you know, because this will save someone and when JESUS appears in HIS glory, you will
also not be a lost soul.

So when we left the Marine Kingdom, the Angel took me through a path, and on the way, we went
as far as close to 200meters and when we were going, we came across a junction, one to the left and
the other to the right. I saw a huge and tall demon standing at the gate of the road that leads to the
left, where the road was very broad, and with how the demon looks, I don't know the words to
describe him that human beings will understand. He is very thick and tall and his teeth are like rod
and his eyes are red like fire, his wings are also black, in-fact he is very horrible.

The road to the right has a small gate; it's very tiny that if someone is going through the gate, he or
she will need to squeeze himself or herself before he or she could enter.

So the moment we got to this junction, the Angel said, we should take the road to the left which has
a huge horrifying demon standing at the gate and I said no because I didn’t want to go there and I
told the Angel we should take the right because that is where I have seen a brilliant bright sparkling
Angel of GOD standing at the gate; the Angel was indeed shinning and from his head to toes were
full of light, and his eyes-balls were like some beautiful flaming fire and he has a beautiful smiling
facial expression.

The junction has two roads beloved and the road that leads to the left where a demon is standing at
the gate has countless people lined up and walking on that path. The gate is very big and the cue to
entering the gate is very long. So the moment we got there, the Angel said we should enter. But as
we were about to enter, I looked back and within some few seconds where nobody was behind me, I
saw almost about five thousand people following me on to entering the gate and that’s where I

knew that people who die every second to hell are more than five thousand.

Beloved, good Christians, good Evangelist we have a lot of work to do this end time. And you will not
see anyone on the road to the right that leads to Salvation but once a while, one person will enter,
but the road that leads to Hell has numerous uncountable souls walking on it and you cannot see the
first and last person, they are indeed plenty.

So, as I was pleading with the Angel not to take me to the left but rather to the right, he said no, and
told me that, though I am dead but he wants me to go and see something in hell and since it's not
my natural death that is taking me to Hell, no one can torment me, not even the demon because he
is an Angel, GOD has sent to go and show me something, he will guard me so that no demon will
torment me, and I won’t go through any punishment they are going through or no fire will burn me
because he wants me to go and see things there and come back to proclaim what I will see to the
earth to desist from sin.

So the moment he said that, we entered the huge horrifying gate and if you enter, going forward for
20meters, the road is very smooth but after that 20meters, the rest of the road is full of big sharp
nails and the road doesn't go straight but descends so you automatically summersault on the big
sharp nails before you get to hell.

So since GOD had shown me MERCY and it was not my natural death that was taking me to Hell,
when we got there and the Angel showed me how the road to hell is, the Angel took me in his palm
and we started flying and we passed through the darkness but since there was light on the Angel, we
could see everything happening on the road. Because we were flying in the air, I could see thousands
of people summersaulting on the nails to that valley, and how they were screaming beneath us on
was horrendous and the force and speed at which they were rolling on the nails to that valley,
beloved , was very disheartening. You could see them crying and wailing.

Hell is deep beneath the earth and the darkness in that place is so thick that you can touch it, very
deep thick darkness that you can't see anything. There were swords placed upside down with the at
the bottom of this valley where after summersaulting on these nails, you fall on the sword which will
pierce through your body before the punishment of the sin or sins that took you there will begin.

My beloved hell is not good for human beings, if you are listening to me, please don’t live your life
the way you like because this life is short and you have up to about Eighty, Seventy and hundred
years to just live but if you go to hell, its forever and ever, the suffering and torture is forever and
ever, you will never get the opportunity to come out.

When we got to the Hell gate, the gate was very big, and I saw hell like the form of a human, it has all
the parts of a human; a stomach, hand and leg etc and in fact the city is very horrible and it is written
at the gate no exit which means that, when you get to this city, you can't go out or there is no way
for you to go out. Within seconds, the people who summersaulted on these nails to hell were

beloved!, beloved!!, hell is not good for humans but people are also trooping to hell always because
of our sinful lives and attitude. We don't want to change our mind. The stench in hell cannot be
compared to any stench here on earth, even just the scent in hell without fire is a serious torment,
the place smells so bad.

So when we got to the Hell gate itself, I saw six huge demons standing at the entrance of the gates
and they wanted to force and drag me inside the fire because Satan has commanded them not to let
anyone escape hell. Their aim is to take all souls to Hell so they are very aggressive and their eyes are
full of fire and they wanted to drag me inside the fire.

And before we even got to hell, for about 2000meters away from Hell, I was feeling an intense heat
like I have been placed in fire here on earth and I started screaming and shouting and the Angel used
one of his wings to cover me then I felt no heat again. Beloved, again, hell is not good for humanity
my dear brothers and Sisters, and if you are listening to me, this is the time for you to repent
because hell is real and it doesn’t matter the sins you have committed, once you repent, JESUS
CHRIST will forgive and accept you.
So the Angel told me that this is hell and everything that I needed to know to go and warn people, he
will let me know. He said that, there are many things going on here but what you need to know is
what I will let you know because some of your brothers and Sisters have come to witness some. So
go and tell the world what you will see for people to know that the Hell they've heard of is no joke, it
is real, deep down beneath the earth and full of fire.

Beloved, the way people were screaming in Hell was unbearable and the noise from their screams
will damage your ears. They shout like a lot of dogs barking due to the heat and excruciating pain
they are going through in hell. They can't cry like how humans do on earth, they gnash their teeth
and scream like a lot of dogs barking but beloved, these are not dogs but human beings just like me
and you who lived anyhow they liked when they were on earth and didn’t use their lives to worship
JESUS. When they died, their bodies were buried but their souls are suffering in hell. Beloved when
we talk about the soul, the person you see in your dream when you are asleep is the soul.

The Angel told me that, it has now gotten to the time I have to show you things in Hell and I heard all
of them in hell shouting and saying, we are thirsty!, we are thirsty!!, we are thirsty!!!, we are
hungry!, we are hungry!!, we are hungry!!!, we are suffering, this place is hot; this is what they were
saying which means if you get to hell, you will be hungry but no food will be available, you will be
thirsty but no water, people are suffering and wailing in hell but is too late for them, they don't have
any chance neither is there hope for them.

They are suffering and asking for water but to no avail; and this is where the Richman in the Bible's
story came into my mind where he drank good water, ate good food and slept on proper bed on
earth but when he died, the BIBLE said he went to hell and saw Abraham and Lazarus from afar. My
beloved, all those in hell can see paradise through a small window so that if they didn't believe there
is HEAVEN when they were on earth, in hell they will believe there is HEAVEN and that makes their
torment even worse.

And that was where the Richman was telling Abraham to send Lazarus to dip his finger into water
and drop it on his tongue to cool his tongue because he was suffering. Beloved, you might be
listening to me and you have money, you sleep on good bed, you drink good water and eat good
food but you don’t have JESUS CHRIST in your life, then please seek for JESUS CHRIST now because if
you appear in the city called hell, it is written no exit, no mercy, there is no food nor water, and their
beds and coverings are worms and maggots.

My brethren don't sleep on good mattresses on earth and sleep on worms and maggots after your
death, just as Isaiah 13: 8-9 said. My beloved, its very true, the Bible does not lie and everything the
Bible said is true. You might not believe what I as am saying but I am glad that one day, you will die
and be buried the way you buried your mother, sibling and a friend and by the time you open your
eyes and see yourself in this city since you didn't live right on earth, you will now say, you heard a
guy talking about this place but you thought he was telling lies but you now know that it is true and
you would have wanted to come back to earth to repent but it would be too late.

Everyone in hell is pleading with GOD for a second chance but if they plead and GOD does not mind
them, they start blaspheming. Beloved, don't go to hell before you call on GOD and if HE does not
respond to you, you will blaspheme. GOD has not done anything, it was not HIS intention to create
hell for humanity, HE created hell for the devil and his agents but stubborn human beings who do
not respect and regard the Word of GOD also end up in hell; But in hell, the devil and demons are
not been tortured by the fire but only the human beings are being tortured because for Satan, GOD
has created the lake of fire that in the end, GOD will throw him(devil) and his agents, fake prophets
and stubborn children into it.

But in Hell, only humans are suffering and the demons tormenting people are very wicked. Don’t
appear in this city before you plead with GOD for mercy because HE will not listen to you. it doesn't
matter the sin you've committed, since you have life, if you repent, God will listen to you and give
you another Grace and Chance but if you don’t repent and you die, there is no chance and the mercy
does not work for you again. All those in hell are naked and from their heads to their toes are full of
worms and maggots and you could see some from their nose, mouth, everywhere there is hole. I
saw snakes and scorpions also tormenting them.

Beloved hell is not good for human beings, this is the time you can give your life to JESUS, because if
you let this Grace pass, it will be too late for you. So when the Angel opened the Hell gate, beloved, I
saw numerous souls that you can't count and I can't give you any number for they are countless.

So the first thing I saw are our Ghanaian leaders who have passed on from Kwame Nkrumah to Atta
Mills, they are all in hell screaming, and their bodies have been destroyed to the extent that if the
Angel doesn't point to you that this is Kwame Nkrumah or Atta Mills you will never recognize them.
Their images have been destroyed as if they have not been Presidents before. In fact, Everyone who
has been a leader in Ghana from the dispensation of Kwame Nkrumah to Atta Mills was revealed to
me by the Angel and how they are suffering in Hell is extremely horrendous and disheartening.

Don’t say you have money, you built bigger mansions on earth or etc. I want to tell you that hell
doesn't regard your riches so if you don't give your life to the LORD who gives life and takes people
to HEAVEN and live your life anyhow you want and rely on your money and property and think after
death, there is nothing, you will put your hand in your mouth and gnash your teeth after your death
but it will be too late for you. Beloved these Leaders I saw, are suffering and screaming in an
unbearable pain that I believe, in spite of all the enjoyment they had on earth, if they get the chance
to come back on earth again, they will choose to become very poor and give all their lives to JESUS
CHRIST but it too late for them.

And I also saw a prophet who had died in our Country Ghana known by people as Dito-dito. I saw
him too, and where he is, crying and wanting another chance to come on earth which he is not
getting is so pathetic. And if I remember his lifestyle on earth as compared to his state in Hell, if he is
not mentioned to you that it is him, you will not recognize him. my beloved he gave me a warning
message to the false Prophets in Ghana, Africa and the world that the power you've acquired from
the dark kingdom but use the name of JESUS to deceive people and seek for fame and riches didn’t
help him but has rather taken him to a place where there’s no rest, a place where there’s gnashing
of teeth, place the worms and fire of their bodies do not quench, a place where there is no food and
water, a place where their cloth and bed is full of worms.

So he even mentioned the names of some of the false Prophets but I know if you hear this message
you know yourself already. He is warning you change your minds, give your lives to CHRIST, throw all
the charms and powers away, and give your lives to CHRIST. But what really hurt me is that,
everyone who followed this Prophet are all gathered around him and suffering together, that is
where the Angel told me that if a Pastor is not from GOD and you follow him, where he’s heading to
after death is where you will also go and that was where this scripture came to my mind that a blind
man cannot lead another blind man because they will all fall into a pit.

Don’t follow a Pastor who is not from GOD. Today, in Ghana, Africa and the whole world, false
Prophets have emerged immensely and with the Marine Kingdom message, I mentioned some signs
to identify them so that you will be vigilant. if you see that sign on any Pastor, please run ok. And if
you go to a church and by one month, the Pastor has not preached about end time, hell and
HEAVEN, please run for your life or else you will follow him to where he will be going and you will cry
but it will be too late for you.

I also saw young guy in Hell, who told me that, he went to borrow money from a friend to travel and
said he will pay back but when he returned, he didn't take the money back to his friend and died
within that time and he was taken to Hell.

I saw a young girl who said she was a student and took her friend’s pen to write exams and that, she
would return the pen after she was done with it but she didn't return the pen after she was done
and the friend too didn't ask so she thought it was just a mere pen but she died and was taken to
hell for that.

Another man also said, he was an Elder in church and he took someone’s Bible to read and thought
that not returning the Bible is nothing, so he didn't return the bible after reading and the person also
didn't ask him and he died within that period and was taken to hell and that is where the Angel told
me to come and tell the world that if you are having anything, whether Bible, Money, Dress,
Compact Disk, pen, anything from someone which you promised to return after use and you have
not because you think it’s small or petty, return it now or you will go to hell after your death. Sit
down and remember anything you have taken from someone and return it now before you die.

Also to Marriage couples, where the wife doesn't know the amount of money and property the man
has, the Bible says that, if you marry, you've become one flesh, you are no more two so if you don’t
let your wife know the amount of money you have and what you are saving, you will go to Hell, you
might doubt it but this is actually someone telling me why he came to hell that he was saving money
but the wife didn't know the amount of money in his account and the Angel told me that after
marriage, you've become one so there should be transparency.

A woman who also takes certain amount from money given to her by her husband for housekeep
without the husband’s knowledge will go to hell if she doesn’t repent and dies.

And I saw a Pastor who was suffering in hell and this Pastor had a misunderstanding with the wife
and base on that, he left her to marry another woman and when he died, he was taken to Hell. The
Angel told me that, apart from death, nothing can separate marriage and if you leave your wife or
husband and he/she is not dead and you remarry, you commit Adultery and whether you are a
Pastor, Elder or anyone, when you die, you will go to hell because GOD only knows the first wife or
husband and this is a Pastor who left the wife for another woman not because of death or Adultery
in hell suffering.

I also saw another young lady in hell who was crying and wailing, and I could hear her cursing the
mother, Father, and her Pastor and I asked her why and she told me that her Pastor, Father and
Mother didn't teach her that if you wear trousers as woman is not good, using make-ups, weaveons,
nails, eyelashes and naked dressing are not good. They didn’t teach her, so she thought that after
accepting JESUS CHRIST, that is all, what you wear and anything you use on your body doesn't
matter to your salvation and that is what her Pastor taught her which has lead her to hell after death
so in hell, she is cursing the mother, Father and Pastor.

Beloved please don't let any Pastor deceive you that the things you put on yourself don’t matter in
serving God. It has taken many people to hell and this lady was sharing her story and she said I
should tell the whole world especially women, that anyone who uses weaveon, wears trousers,
eyelashes, nails, jewelries especially earrings and all kinds of adornments on the body and thinks
they don’t matter in Christianity will die and go to where she is.

I saw that those in Hell didn’t want anyone to come to where they are, even if they were to be their
enemies on earth, because the punishments they are going through are unimaginably unbearable.
They really don't want anyone to come there, that is why they are signaling warning to the world to
repent from all these sins so that you might not come there.

Also, I saw another group of people, both men and women who were naked and demons with sharp
iron or kind of metal teeth were chewing their private Parts and I asked them why they were being
punished this way, and they told me that, when they were on earth, they allowed their Husbands or
wives to lick or suck their Private parts and that’s why they are suffering like this because it’s not
pleasant to the Lord.

We now have Pastors, Counsellors and people who teach that, it’s ok to do these things once you are
married but these things make you filthy in the spirit because it is an abomination unto God because
GOD didn't create that for the mouth, HE created the Private part for its own purpose so repent
from these things or you go to hell to face the same punishment they are going through.

I also saw a naked young lady and she had a very long big spear pierced through her private part and
appeared at her back and she also told me that, the reason why she is being punished this way is
that, she always sat on her husband during sexual intercourse and I saw that she sat on the spear like
the way a woman would sit on a man during sexual intercourse but this time, the manhood to sit on
is this long spear which teared her private Parts and her whole body into pieces.

Beloved it is very sad and that is where I knew that GOD wants only men to be on top of women
during sexual intercourse and that any other style is from the devil. Today, men teach different ways
to have sex, we have oral sex, anal sex and a whole lot of styles which they think it’s just another
way of having fun but they are strategies from the devil to take people to hell. The Angel told me
that, even animals have not changed the way they mate so why do we think we are more wiser than
God? Please repent. Well, you can choose to doubt what I’m saying but you can never escape it.

I saw another group of people whose eyes were being plucked out by the demons with very sharp
objects and these people said that, the reason why they are going through this severe torture is
because they used their eyes to watch filthy things like pornography, nudes and other things which
didn’t glorify God. Beloved, don’t use any part of body, from your hair to your toe to glorify the devil.
What kind of song do you use your mouth to sing or your ears to listen to? Where do use legs to go
to? Is it night club or church? What do you do with you hands? Please repent.

I saw another group of people being pounded by demons in a very big barrel on fire which is also full
of fire and the Angel told me that these people used their bodies to love the world and the things in
the world. These are people who bleached, did makeups, hair attachments, artificial nails etc. They
were created natural but they chose to be more artificial and that’s the reason why they are being
punished this way. The way the demons pound them is so sad and they will go through this forever
and ever. I saw that the soul is more sensitive than the body so the pains the soul feels in hell is 1000
times the pains the body will feel when going through the same thing. Please this is the time to
repent beloved because souls are going through a lot in hell and I will plead with you to escape hell
at all cost because the real life is after death which is also eternity.

I saw another group of people with their tongues being pulled out long from their throat by the
demons with something like a metal hook and after that, they punch nails on their tongues and they
will do this till their tongues will be torn off from their throat. Oh Jesus. Then after that, the demons
will force these people to swallow hot burning stones and the scene was so awful to watch. Beloved,
these are humans not animals who have lived once on this earth like you and I and going through
this unbearable punishment. Then the Angel told me that these are the people who lied with their
tongues, they didn't speak the truth with their tongues and that’s why they are being punished this
way so if you are listening to me and you lie, please stop ok, for the Angel told me that, most lies on
Mobile phone will take many to hell and this is the same punishment they will go through. Beloved,
please repent because it will be good for you to speak the truth and die than to tell lies and be happy
on earth and suffer after your death. These people are suffering because of lies. Today as you are
listening to me, this is the time you have the chance, this is the time you can change your mind, if
this time passes, there is no repentance for you again.

And I also saw another group of people going through this punishment, where demons would throw
a big sharp hook around their necks and pull it to cut off their heads and the Angel told me that the
reason why they are going through this is that, they always had bad thoughts for their fellow
humans, Pastors and they also criticized others. They didn’t think about good things for their fellow
brothers and sisters and that is why after their death they are suffering this way. Beloved, think
about good things ok, never have bad thoughts for your brother or else when you die you will pay
the prize. Please don't die and appear in this city, for people are suffering in this city and seeking for
help but there is no Savior.

Another thing I also saw was, in Hell, people are cursing and mentioning the names of people who
were supposed to preach to them and if the one who was supposed to preach to them is also in hell,
the people who were supposed to be preached to gather around him and beat him and tell him that,
he was supposed to speak the Word of God to them but he or she didn’t. so my fellow Christians,
there are some people we need to save. That brother in the same house, that friend, that friend in
the same area, the one you attend the Same church with. Please don’t pass by but speak the Word
of GOD to him or her . Today Christians have become so weak that, we can't go for Evangelism.
Sometimes, we think we are bigger than the one who preaches in buses, road sides or Market
places. The sad thing is that, those who are even preaching in all these places are preaching with the
motive of getting money as offering so they can’t even speak the truth and only talk about what
people want to hear to feel comfortable in their sins so they can also bless the Preachers with
offering. Beloved, please lets speak the Word of GOD because many people are going to hell and the
number of souls who go to hell within a second is uncountable.

The Angel also told me that there are some Christians who accepted our Lord JESUS as their Saviour
but because of something they failed to do, are here in hell. My beloved the things that took them to
hell are what I’m about to tell you.

Those who didn't pay their Tithes faithfully. Christians who didn't see Tithe as anything are suffering
here. There are even some churches teaching that paying of Tithe has passed. Beloved one, it hasn't
passed away, there are many Christians in hell because they didn't pay their Tithes and the Angel
told me that Tithe is paid according to how you work and receive money, that is, if you work and
receive money daily, take out your Tithe daily, if it’s weekly, pay weekly, if it’s monthly, do same and
also if your Tithe is not given to a genuine Man of GOD who knows the purpose of it, you're just
throwing your money away. A lot of people pay their tithes to false Prophets, pastors, teachers or to
the wrong persons so HEAVEN does not recognize it.

The Angel also taught me what Tithes are used for. Firstly, we use tithes to help orphans, because
Tithe is GOD'S money and these people too are the children of GOD.
Also Tithe is used to cater for the poor and a full time Pastor who is doing the work of GOD genuinely
without any other work. So Tithe is not all for the Pastor. It is used for these things and others so any
Pastor you pay Tithe to, who is not using the tithe for these things is just throwing your money away
so beloved, please look for a genuine Pastor from GOD and pay your Tithe to him so that you might
not die and go to hell.

The next thing which takes Christians to hell is offering. He said offering is a sort of appreciation to
telling GOD how grateful you are for HIS protection, for the air you breath, for none of you nor your
family being admitted at the hospital and a lot more. Yet, there are some people who could have
paid good offering but don't and even if they will, they will give little amount. Beloved, offering is
very necessary unto the LORD, pay your offering well just as GOD also looked after you well, so that
the Pastor will use it to help the work of GOD.

Another Christians in hell are those who didn't intercede for others. As a Christian you need to
intercede for the lost souls, your Pastor and everyone. He said none of the prayers we pray today
like killing our enemies, throwing fire to our household witches etc reach out to God. The prayer God
requires is to intercede for each other, praying for our nations, praying for our Pastors, praying for
the lost souls and many more. And those judgmental prayers where you picture someone you think
is a witch or wizard to pray against are all sinful in the sight of GOD because HE said we should even
pray for our enemies and those who are after us, but HE didn't tell to pray and kill them. Beloved
beloved you are not the one to pray to kill the witches in your life but your LORD GOD will in HIS
OWN right time do what’s best you. HE said the prayer HE listens to is intercessory prayers mostly
for your nation, lost souls and your Pastor.

Another thing I saw are Christians who do not Evangelize. There are a lot of people in hell because of
Evangelism and the Angel told me that, Evangelism is not the duty of the Pastor or the Evangelist
alone, but the moment you become a Christian, you need to Evangelize. Today Christians can't speak
the word of GOD when they board cars etc. We see people with lifestyles leading them to Hell and
we keep mute. As a Christian, you need to win Souls. You’re entitled to Evangelize and if you don't
do that GOD will not see your importance and the Bible also says that the tree that doesn't bear fruit
will be cut into the fire. Beloved start today ok. Maybe you didn't know, you can start in the car you
board, in your house, anyone you will have the opportunity to meet and even this piece you are
listening to or reading can be shared to many people and it will change their lives and is all part of
the Evangelism. We are in dangerous times and JESUS can appear at anytime and if HE has not yet
come, death is also there awaiting because GOD has hidden that time and the hour from us so we
need to prepare everyday so that we don't die and appear in this city. Beloved please listen to me ok
because we are in the End time.

Lastly, what takes many Christians to hell is the fact that they don’t serve in any capacity in church.
They don’t use their bodies, strength, minds etc to serve God. They are not in any department of the
church, not in Prayer Warrior, Usher or anything. Don’t just be in the Church doing nothing because,
you become irrelevant in the sight of GOD but even more importantly, make sure the Church is from
GOD before you serve because if the Church is not from GOD, everything you do will be in vain. Let
GOD see your positive impact in HIS Kingdom this End time because the end is near. My brother, my
Sister, listen to me ok. You are not listening to a fairytale, I know many will contemplate on this but
I’m happy that one day, you will die and after your death is when you will know that all what you
heard was true and would have wanted to come back but it would be too late. This is the time you
can change your mind, this is the time you can give your life to CHRIST. The Angel told me that any
sin one commits on earth has its own punishment in Hell, aside the general punishment which is
intense heat and fire burning you, worms and maggots penetrating the whole of your body, snakes
and scorpions tormenting you, and the Angel of torture giving you severe lashes.

Satan has created departments of torture for every kind of sin here on earth in Hell so the sin or sins
that took to hell will determine the department or departments you will be where the demons will
torture you all the days of your life. The torture, torments, pains, agony and punishment in some of
the departments I saw souls going through, are what I want to share with you so beloved, if you are
a culprit, you repent from it.

The Angel said that the departments are many but I would be allowed to see few which means that, I
might not mention a particular sin you are committing but it doesn’t mean that is not a sin or you
are free but it means that I wasn’t allowed to see that department so please be very careful.

So the first department I saw, is the department for abortion; those who aborted babies have their
punishment in hell. I saw a big barrel full of blood boiling on fire, and the blood seemed to be on fire
for like a thousand years where no one can even stand its vapour and the vapour alone will melt
your body. And the demons will hold their heads and dip their mouth in this hot barrel full of blood
on fire and force them to drink that blood in the barrel which has been on fire for over thousand
years within seconds. It’s very painful. Please change your mind my dear Sister who is pregnant and
wants to abort the baby, don't do it, give birth and GOD will take care of you ok. Don’t abort the
baby as you are listening to me or else you will go and drink boiling blood on fire forever and ever.
And I saw that since the blood was boiling terribly hot, the moment they drank it, it exploded their
stomach and body as well and after that, they will form back to humans as they were again and go
through the same punishment again forever and ever. Beloved change your mind today ok. Just put
water on fire for two hours, and try to dip your mouth into it and see whether you can and this
experiment is even nothing compared to hell, it’s like a million times in hell so please repent.

Another thing I saw was those who spoke vain words, those who lied and those who insulted elderly
people. In their department, I saw demons holding sharp knifes and slicing their mouths like one
slicing tomatoes into pieces and the way the demons do it, is very painful and these souls were
shouting uncontrollably. Please if you are listening to me and you don't respect elderly people,
repent from that. If you are listening to me and you always speak vain words, please repent and if
you are also listening to me and has a lying tongue, repent or else, you will face this punishment
forever and ever.

In another department, I saw some people being bound by the demons and the demons were using
something like axe to butcher their stomach like someone cutting firewood into pieces, and the way
the demons do this beloved, is very sad, and the Angel told me that, these are the people who were
rich and wealthy but didn’t help the work of GOD, orphans, prisoners and sick people etc. They
thought it was by their strength that made them wealthy so they only thought of themselves and
their families and didn't help others. They were very stingy, greedy and wicked and that is why the
demons are tormenting them in that manner. Beloved, repent because this is when you have the
advantage of being alive. Please any little you get, please try and share with others Ok, if your
brother is not having a dress, buy some for him, the person in need of help, help him with all you
can, don't be wicked because all greedy people will go to hell.

Again, I saw the department for drunkards or those who take alcohol and those who smoke. I saw
very hot acid on fire for about numerous years and the demons will forcefully dip all those who
drank alcohol’s mouth into it forcing them to drink just as how those who did abortion are being
tortured; and the moment they drank the acid, it exploded their whole body and I don't know the
words to use to explain how it does to their bodies for you to understand. If you're listening to me
and you drink Alcohol, change your mind, what GOD says He hates, HE hates. Whether big or small,
don't say just one tot, don't say you drink but you don't get drunk, don't say you are taking alcohol as
an appetite to eat your food. GOD doesn't want it, resist Alcohol or else you will be given boiling acid
to drink after your death. And with the Smokers, I saw that they were given something like lava and
the demons forced them to drink. I don't know how to say it for people to understand me, but what I
want to tell you is, if you're in this behaviour, repent before it’s late for GOD needs your soul.

Also I saw the department for Idolaters and lovers of money. Those who used their bodies to
worship Idols and those who loved money. These people are in the hottest part of hell. Please don't
love or use all your time on earth searching for money, worshipping idols, going to shrines and other
places for help etc. The Angel told me that, idolatry is not only bowing down to worship an idol but
anything you love more than GOD is your idol. Beloved don't love anything more than your GOD. If
you have idols, throw them away. You always visits the shrine and other places for help or to get
money and to those who have also dedicated and sacrificed their lives for money, especially our
Leaders and Chiefs who don't practice the truth because of money, your time on earth is short but
after your death you will go and pay the price. Don’t use all your time in search for money. Don't
waste all your time following idols because beloved, in their department, they've been bound with
ropes and the demons will push them into a big grinding machine which will grind them and
immediately after they have been grinded, they form back to their bodies again and go through the
same punishment repeatedly forever and ever and the Angel told me that, these people didn't use
their bodies to worship GOD, they used their bodies to always seek for things in the world. They
always thought about how to get cars, buildings and things in the world. They didn't use their bodies
to serve GOD and that is why they are going through this severe unbearable torment and torture.
Beloved, please give your whole self to CHRIST because it will hurt me that, after all your money,
buildings and achievement, your Master’s Degree and PHD, your soul will end up in hell. It will hurt
me that, after being a lawyer, a Doctor, a big time Politician, a very renowned person, a Prophet
hailed by everyone, your soul will end up in hell where their beds are worms and maggots and their
fire is unquenchable. Search for the way of CHRIST and repent for the second coming of CHRIST is
near and even if JESUS CHRIST has not yet come, death is closer to us and if you gave your life to the
world, you will go and pay the price forever and ever after your death.

Another thing I saw was the department for Prostitutes and Fornicators. You are not yet married but
sleeps with men or women and you are also married but cheats on your husband or wife, those who
are gay, Lesbians, those who practice Masturbation and all sort of sexual immoralities are all in the
same department. If you are in this attitude, repent because with their punishment, they've been
crucified against the walls of Hell which is full of fire, and the demons use a long sharp Spear to
pierce into their private parts and the way they do it is very sad and so sorrowful and after that,
another demon holding a big Snake, will put the snake in their private Parts and the snake will eat or
chew from your private Parts through your belly and appear in your mouth and they couldn’t bear
the pain and screamed for help but who is there to save them? It’s too late for them. This time that
you have life is your hour of Salvation, if you don’t take advantage, you will miss Salvation.

The Angel also made me see the department for Murderers, Armed Robbers and Unforgiving
people. The Angel told me that, anyone who does not forgive his fellow is like a murderer in the sight
of God and that’s why they are all in the same department with the Murderers and Armed Robbers.
You are always being paid to kill people, and you think you've gotten a job to do right, continue, but
remember that, someone will also kill you one day and you will suffer after your death if you don't
repent. You have taken Robbery as your Profession and you are always chasing people with gun for
their money, this is the time for you to repent or else there is no other chance for You again. You are
also listening to me and you can’t forgive because you think what people have done to you is too big
to forgive but sit down and reminisce the sins you've committed against GOD and if HE also says, HE
won’t forgive you, where will be your stand. Repent my dear Sisters and brothers. And with their
punishment, they've been bound with ropes and placed on a table where the demons chop them
into pieces with a very sharp knife like someone chopping onions and the way it is done is
unbearably painful, and after chopping them into pieces, the demons will throw them into fire and
immediately, they will form back again and go through this excruciating pain forever and ever. Every
punishment in hell is eternal, that is why I want you to resist. My dear Sister in Prostitution, so is it
because of money you are engaging in this act? So will you live in this this short while and appear in
hell after your death forever? The same to you my friends in gay and Lesbianism, will you be in this
act and go to hell just because of money? To my brother who has been given a gun to kill someone,
is it because of money you are doing this? Then please change your mind because hell has opened its
mouth swallowing uncountable number of people which I don't want you to be part. This is the time
you can run from your sins to be saved, but if you let this opportunity pass by, there is no chance for
you again. For I am a servant who has been sent to deliver this message so after listening or reading
this, it will be up to you to accept and practice it or ignore and if you regard and practice it, you will
laugh in HEAVEN in the future but if you ignore and live anyhow you want, you will also wail and
gnash your teeth in hell but it will too late because there will be no hope for you.

The next thing I saw is the department for Witches. And with these people I saw snakes and
maggots coming out of every part of their bodies and the demons were forcing them to chew or eat
their own flesh and the way they were being forced by the demons to chew or eat their whole body
was abnormally sad. You might be a witch or a wizard listening to me, and you are happy eating
human flesh and drinking blood but if you don’t repent, you will drink blood on fire and chew or eat
your own flesh as well and the people you've eaten into your stomach are the same thing that will
torment you by coming out of your body as snakes, worms and Maggots and you will have to eat
them as well. My dear brothers and Sisters in Occult, Freemason, Illuminati, and other secret
societies, is it because of money you've joined these secret dark cults? Then repent because Satan is
deceiving you and if you do not repent, you will be grinded in excruciating pain and agony by
machine after your death. JESUS needs you so change your mind because hell is not good for even
animals, to talk of human beings. The Angel said, look, here was not created for human beings but
for the devil and his agents but since people are stubborn and don’t regard the things of GOD, they
die and also come to this place to suffer forever and ever so go and warn humanity of what you've
seen so that they can run from their sins and be saved. It doesn't matter the sins they have
committed, since they are still alive, they have the chance so if they cry unto GOD, HE will listen to
them and give them life. Brethren, this is the period of Salvation and if you let this time and
opportunity pass, there is no more chance. Why do you want to follow this world and lose your soul

And lastly, I saw the department for worldliness. Those who use make-ups thinking it has nothing to
do with their salvation, those with artificial attachments, being artificial hair, artificial nails, artificial
eyelashes etc. telling GOD indirectly that, HE didn't create them well so they will beautify themselves
and also say that worshiping God is in the heart. The Angel told me to tell you to repent, for the body
is the Temple of GOD and any one who destroys this temple of GOD will be destroyed also. Don’t let
this body which will go back to the ground where it came from, deceive your soul to hell to suffer
because this body you are heeding to it's desires is already judge and condemned to the grave and
when it leaves you, the actual you which is your soul will suffer in hell forever and ever. Now, this is
the department for the Worldliness and their punishment, that is, those who love the world and
things in the it, example weave-ons, women wearing trousers, Make-Ups, Eye- Lashes, Jewelries
especially earrings which I have heard some pastors saying that wearing the big earrings is a sin but
wearing the smaller ones is not a sin but where has the BIBLE said this? What GOD says He doesn't
want, HE doesn’t want no matter how small or little it is just as I said in the Marine Kingdom
message. Beloved don't be confused, for I am telling you the truth. Why is it that, if someone puts
ring in the nose or on the tongue, we think it is not good or its a sin but when put in the ears, we see
that to be normal. Don’t let anyone deceive you my Sister, throw all of them away or you will go to
hell if you have all these things on you.

And with their punishment, they are pounding them like fufu, which is so sad. Beloved, I am
recommending our LORD JESUS CHRIST to you. With what you have just heard or read, if you want to
give your life back to JESUS CHRIST and don’t want to die and appear in this city where they are
gnashing their teeth, screaming and wailing but no help, this is the time. There are many people who
have “Rest in Peace” written on their grave but the fact is that, Majority are resting in Punishment,
very severe punishment. The Angel also told me that, the reason why they are all suffering like that
is because, they didn't see the value and essence of the death of CHRIST. And the Angel showed me
how JESUS died on a Giant screen, and beloved, there is a movie called the PASSION OF CHRIST
which they did well to portray how JESUS CHRIST suffered in a very sorrowful way but what they did
to JESUS CHRIST in reality which I saw is nothing compared to that movie. HE was actually dripped
naked wearing nothing and they beat him mercilessly until all HIS flesh and eyes were damaged and
destroyed. It was so sad and disheartening that I couldn't even watch and the Angel told me that,
anyone who does not see the relevance of this death will also go and suffer and pay the price in hell
but theirs will be forever and ever. Please listen to me so that you don’t go and suffer all the days of
your life after death. If you want to give your life to JESUS CHRIST, please say this after me;

Oh LORD JESUS, this morning, afternoon, evening.

I have listened to Salvation message from your Servant.

I don't want to die and end up in this city.

I don't want to die for my soul to suffer all the days of my life.

Today I believe that only YOU can save me and YOU alone are the way, truth and life.

Today I give all my self to YOU.

Come and take me as yours. Come and stay in my heart all the days of my life.

Let YOUR SPIRIT strengthen me so that I can worship YOU well so that if I die, I may not end up in a
place where their beds are worms and their coverings are maggots, a city where their fire do not
quench and their worms do not die and if YOU come and take the righteous to HEAVEN, I can go
with YOU. Thank you for saving me in the name of JESUS, AMEN.

Beloved if you said these words, GOD has saved you so seek for a Bible believing and Salvational
church to attend

Upon what you've heard, if want to ask me any question, my numbers are +233574003297 /
+233274834990/ +233246436351

The person you listened to is Evangelist Paul Lawrence Amofah. JESUS CHRIST Loves your Soul. GOD
richly bless you Amen.


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