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Building Dimension

Length L 100.000 m
Breadth B 40.000 m
Height H 7.000 m

Seismic Parameters
Seismic Zone Factor Z 0.16 P10, Table 3
Importance Factor I 1 P19, Table 8
Response Reduction Factor R 3 P20, Table 9
Translational Natural Tx= 0.085*H0.75= 0.366 Sec
P21, Cl 7.6.2
Period of Oscillation Tz= 0.085*H =
0.366 Sec
Design Accelaration (sa/g)x= 2.5= 2.50 X-Direction
P9, Cl 6.4.2
Coeffecient for Soil Type (sa/g)z= 2.5= 2.50 Z-Direction

Design Horizontal Ahx= ((Z/2)*((Sa/g)x))/(R/I)= 0.0667 X-Direction

Seismic Coeffecient Ahz= ((Z/2)*((Sa/g)z))/(R/I)= 0.0667 Z-Direction

Seismic weight of building (W) 3680 kN 0.75

Manual Calculations Vb 245.33 X-Direction

Vb 245.33 Z-Direction

Staad Calculations Vb 245.34 X-Direction

Vb 219.00 Z-Direction
Building Dimension
Length L 17.374 m
Breadth B 16.813 m
Height H 30.931 m

Seismic Parameters
9.80665 m/Sec2
Gravitational Accelaration g
9806.65 mm/Sec2
Seismic Zone Factor Z 0.10
Importance Factor I 1.0
Response Reduction Factor R 5
Translational Natural Tx= 0.075*H^0.75= 0.984 Sec
Period of Oscillation Tz= 0.075*H^0.75= 0.984 Sec
Design Accelaration (sa/g)x= 1.36/Tx= 1.38 X-Direction
Coeffecient for Soil Type (sa/g)z= 1.36/TZ= 1.38 Z-Direction

Direction X (Z/2)*(I/R)x= X-Direction

Direction Y (Z/2)*(I/R)y= 0.010 Y-Direction
Direction Z (Z/2)*(I/R)z= Z-Direction

Scale Factor
Direction X (I*g/2R)x= X-Direction
Direction Y (I*g/2R)y= 980.665 Y-Direction
Direction Z (I*g/2R)z= Z-Direction

Design Horizontal Seismic Coefficient

Design Horizontal Ahx= ((Z/2)*((Sa/g)x))/(R/I)= 0.0138 X-Direction
Seismic Coefficient Ahz= ((Z/2)*((Sa/g)z))/(R/I)= 0.0138 Z-Direction

Base Reactions
Base Shear, EL+X 314.743
Base Shear, EL+Y 423.434
Shear for RSA EL+X 2517.642
Shear for RSA EL+Y 3715.872
Multiplying factor for U1 0.125
Multiplying factor for U2 0.114
Default SF (g value) 9806.65 mm/Sec2
Scale factor value, SFx for U1 1225.978
Scale factor value, SFx for U2 1117.495

Drift at Terrace Floor R1= 6.560 mm
Along X Direction (EQ+X) R2= 11.683 mm
Drift at Terrace Floor R3= 8.205 mm
Along Y Direction (EQ+Y) R4= 8.171 mm
Total Drift Limited is H/250
Total Drift, Permissble 123.724 mm

Story Drift
Floors clear height h1= 3200 mm
Drift at Terrace Floor (EQ+X) d1= 11.6830 mm
Drift at Sixth Floor (EQ+X) d2= 10.6860 mm
Story Drift d1-d2= 0.9970 mm
(Story drift/Clear height) Along X (d1-d2)/h1= 0.000312

Floors clear height h2= 3200 mm

Drift at Terrace Floor (EQ+Y) d3= 8.1710 mm
Drift at Sixth Floor (EQ+Y) d4= 7.2800 mm
Story Drift d3-d4= 0.8910 mm
(Story drift/Clear height) Along Y (d3-d4)/h2= 0.000278

Torsional Irregularity
Torsional Irregularity Exists, If Dmax/Davg > 1.2
Extreme Torsional Irregularity Exists, if Dmax/Davg > 1.4

Drift Along X Direction atTerrace R1= 6.560 mm

Floor (EQ+X) R2= 11.683 mm
Maximum drift, along X Dmax= 11.6830 mm
Average drift, along X Davg= 9.1215 mm
(Dmax/Davg) along X= 1.2808

Drift Along Y Direction at Terrace R3= 8.205 mm

Floor (EQ+Y) R4= 8.171 mm
Maximum drift, along Y Dmax= 8.2050 mm
Average drift, along Y Davg= 8.1880 mm
(Dmax/Davg) along Y= 1.0021

Center of Rigidity & Center of Mass

Center of Rigidity Has to be obtained from Display Table options in ETABS.

Center of Mass Has to be obtained from Display Table option in ETABS.

Center of Rigidity & Center of Ma

Mass X Mass Y
Story Diaphragm
kg kg

MLB1 D1 8058 8058

First Floor D2 538105.8 538105.8
MLB2 D3 8058 8058
Second Floor D4 537186.01 537186.01
MLB3 D5 8058 8058
Third Floor D6 537186.01 537186.01
MLB4 D7 8058 8058
Fourth Floor D8 537186.01 537186.01
MLB5 D9 8058 8058
Fifth Floor D10 537186.01 537186.01
MLB6 D11 8058 8058
Sixth Floor D12 537186.01 537186.01
MLB7 D13 8058 8058
Terrace Floor D14 340307.35 340307.35
MLB8 D15 8058 8058
OHWT/Lift Room D16 313719.09 313719.09
Mumty D17 48414.3 48414.3

Soft Story & Extreme Soft Story in X Di

Soft Story Irregularity Chec
Stiffness in X-Direction Ki
(EL+X) in kN/M Ki+1 check
Mumty 15558.834 - -
OHWT/Lift Room 62462.475 4.01 Regular
MLB8 20429.57 0.33 Soft Story
Terrace Floor 281528.794 13.78 Regular
MLB7 246649.133 0.88 Regular
Sixth Floor 352121.825 1.43 Regular
MLB6 317898.043 0.90 Regular
Fifth Floor 400068.127 1.26 Regular
MLB5 365475.756 0.91 Regular
Fourth Floor 434531.914 1.19 Regular
MLB4 403518.095 0.93 Regular
Third Floor 470145.962 1.17 Regular
MLB3 440705.773 0.94 Regular
Second Floor 513121.743 1.16 Regular
MLB2 492029.745 0.96 Regular
First Floor 580976.749 1.18 Regular
MLB1 459866.622 0.79 Regular
Plinth Beams 339863.16 0.74 Regular

Soft Story & Extreme Soft Story in Y Di

Soft Story Irregularity Chec
Stiffness in Y-Direction Ki
(EL+Y) in kN/M Ki+1 check
Mumty 24902.441 - -
OHWT/Lift Room 256469.886 10.30 Regular
MLB8 24185.043 0.09 Soft Story
Terrace Floor 398762.799 16.49 Regular
MLB7 373836.576 0.94 Regular
Sixth Floor 514834.988 1.38 Regular
MLB6 480370.304 0.93 Regular
Fifth Floor 571492.07 1.19 Regular
MLB5 538995.4 0.94 Regular
Fourth Floor 609466.012 1.13 Regular
MLB4 582759.94 0.96 Regular
Third Floor 651268.622 1.12 Regular
MLB3 634789.84 0.97 Regular
Second Floor 721308.746 1.14 Regular
MLB2 730020.125 1.01 Regular
First Floor 1020841.506 1.40 Regular
MLB1 923001.663 0.90 Regular
Plinth Beams 812160.267 0.88 Regular

Modal Participati
Case Mode UX
Modal 1 1.825 0.661
Modal 2 1.357 7.23E-06
Modal 3 1.111 0.1389
Modal 4 0.587 0.088
Modal 5 0.512 0.0043
Modal 6 0.404 9.37E-07
Modal 7 0.357 0.0015
Modal 8 0.299 0.0638
Modal 9 0.245 0.0001
Modal 10 0.203 0
Modal 11 0.191 0.0012
Modal 12 0.189 0.0021

Seismic weight of building (W) 3680 kN

Manual Calculations Vb 50.88 X-Direction

Vb 50.88 Z-Direction
Staad Calculations Vb 245.34 X-Direction
Vb 219.00 Z-Direction

1 What is Response?
Structure response is the behavior of the structure to lateral loading.
When any effective lateral load, F acts ona structure, then the structure gets deflected, Δ.
For Seismic force, structure gets different deflections ( Δ1, Δ2, Δ3, ….) at different time periods.
This deflections are structural response/behavior due to lateral/seismic forces. This response
depends on the magnitude and time period of the force, stiffness of the structure and mass of the

2 What is Response Spectrum Analysis, RSA?

Response Spectrum Analysis, RSA is a linear-dynamic statistical analysis method which measures the
structural response to seismic events. RSA calculates and combines max modal responses from
Spectra Curves using modal superposition. Response spectrum curve found by plotting Time Perio on
horizontal axis and response quantities on vertical axis. Response quantities can be max displacement, max
velocity or max acceleration.

3 Why is Response Spectrum Analysis, RSA?

It is done to find out the max deflection/displacement of the structure involving response spectral
curve generated for possible seismic events by incorporating previous seismic records. Our target is
to keep the max displacement within the allowable limit. So by the RSA we can design a sustainable
structure during the possible seismic events.
With RSA we can review the response of the structure how it may behave during earthquake before
constructing it.

4 What are Time Periods, Velocity & Acceleration?

When structure deflection/displacement, Δ in a time period, t then we get the structural velocity,
Sv= Δ/t. Structural Acceleration, Sa= δSv/δt.
When seismic force in ground travels distance, d in a time period, t then we get the Ground Velocity,
Gv= d/t.
Due to changes in velocity for different distance and time periods we get Ground Acceleration,
Ga= δGV/δt.

Structures of shorter period experience greater acceleration, whereas those of longer period
experience greater displacement as time period, t is the dividing factor.

5 What is Peak Ground Acceleration, PGA?

Peak Ground Acceleration, PGA is equal to the max ground acceleration that occurs during the
earthquake shaking at a location. PGA is equal to the amplitude of the largest absolute acceleration
recorded on an accelerogram at a site from different time periods. PGA is most typically expressed as a
fraction of gravitaional acceleration, g= 32.2 ft/s 2 or 9.81 m/s2.
6 Pseudo and Relation with RSA:
In earthquake engineering, the prefix pseudo usually refers to the equivalent Single Degree of
Freedom (SDoF) characteristics. All typical buildings have Multiple Degree of Freedom (MDoF) but
taking advantage of modal orthogonality (each mode is orthogonal i.e.,. statistically dependent to
the other modes), we can convert the behavior of the MDoF building in each mode to an equivalent
SDoF system.

The response of the equivalent SDoF system depends on 2 things. Natural frequeny (f=1/T) or Time
Period and Damping.
If we assume a constant 5% damping, the response of the equivalent SDoF structure will vary with
time period and frequency. But for the design earthquake, depending on the natural frequency, there
is only one value of max response we get. And that is our concern. The term is denoted with the
prefix Spectral.
Spectral displacement, SD= Max displacement response of equivalent SDoF.
Spectral Velocity, SV= Max velocity response of equivalent SDoF.
Spectral acceleration, SA= Max acceleration response of equivalent SDoF.
We need the whole displacement response (u(t)) along with the peak displacement, SD. So that we
can take derivative with respect to time and find velocity and taking second derivative, find the
acceleration response (a(t)) of the structure.

From these derivations we get velocity and acceleration response are related as,
SA= w*SV= w*w*SD
Where w= natural frquency of SDoF system.
Note: Purpose of this was to calculate the spectral displacement SD and the relation result fulfilled
our target, because response of a structure is not a simple sine or cosine curve, especially with

If the purpose was to calculate spectral displacement then why do need spectral velocity and
acceleration also? Is spectral displacement not enough?

The answer is, It is easier to apply force using accelerations, F= MA, rather than displacement, F=KX,
on the structure to calculate internal forces as we know stiffness matrix is often complex whereas
mass matrixx is usually easy.

And all structures can be converted to equivalent SDoF systems. All these systems relates to the
properties of Pseudo spectral responses as pseudo displacement, pseudo velocity & pseudo acceleration.

Once we convert back from equivalent SDoF system to the original MDoF building through modal
transformation/superposition (for this modal tranformation we define modal case in analysis
program), we cannot usethe prefix Pseudo anymore. The final response are just peak values of structural
responses (displacement, velocity or acceleration) belongs particularly to that structure.

7 Advantage of Pseudo Acceleration Spectrum:

As pseudo acceleration, PSA is rewritten aproximate acceleration proportionate to relative
displacement. Pseudo acceleration, PSA spectrum can be calculated directly from displacement
spectrum without resorting to the solution of the differential equations.

8 How to Idealize Response Spectrum Curve?

A whole series of SDoF oscillators at a given damping level are subjected to the analysis. The peak
relative displacement, ymax value from each oscillator are determined and then converted into Pseudo
Spectrum Acceleration, PSA (Sa) by multiplying natural frequeny (ω= 1/T) squared.
Sa= ω2*ymax.
This values are then plotted against the period of the oscillator.
Connecting these intersecting points we get response spectrum curve for considered damping. Different
curve can be generated for different level of damping.
A whole series of SDoF oscillators at a given damping level are subjected to the analysis. The peak
relative displacement, ymax value from each oscillator are determined and then converted into Pseudo
Spectrum Acceleration, PSA (Sa) by multiplying natural frequeny (ω= 1/T) squared.
Sa= ω2*ymax.
This values are then plotted against the period of the oscillator.
Connecting these intersecting points we get response spectrum curve for considered damping. Different
curve can be generated for different level of damping.

9 Modal Superposition in RSA:

RSA is based on Modal Superposition.
First Modes of the structure are calculated.
Then corresponding Pseudo Acceleration for each mode is determined from the response spectrum
curve that matches the damping of the mode.
Then the Pseudo acceleration can be converted into displacement using mode shapes ans mass
participation factors. Also force and stress can be determined for each mode. The process is known
as Modal Superposition.

10 Modal Combination & Directional Combination:

Peak responses of each mode are combined to give total building response. So the responses from
different mode must be combined.
We have 2 combination section in RSA. One is Modal Combination and another one is Directional
A. Modal Combination:

1. Absolute (ABS). Sum of all the peak responses together (this is not very realistic as it assumes all peak
responses occur at same time). Lets say we just have 2 modes to combine in a response spectrum analysis
from equations we end up with an equation like the following;
R2= R12 + 2*ε*R1*R2 + R22
Now one extreme s where ε=1. This is basically just summing up the modal response.
R2= R12 + 2*R1*R2 + R22= (R1+R2)2
R= R1+R2
R= |R1|+|R2| (in practise).
Which is very conservative.

2. Square Root Sum of the Squares (SRSS). This can be used, however when terms are squared all values are
positive and there is no correspondence between reponse results like that would be in
time history analysis.
Lets say we just have 2 modes to combine in a response spectrum analysis. Now, consider, ε=0. Then we
have the following,
R2= R12+R22
R= SRSS(R12+R22).
This is the SRSS method. Basically another way to think of it is that we dont account for modal interaction
(interaction of modes 1 and 2) since we neglet the R 1*R2 term and just take the SRSS.
For structures with well frequencies, SRSS provides a good estimate of total peak response.

3. Complete Quadratic Combination (CQC) This is commonly used. The CQC uses value of ε in between 0 and
1 (0 < ε/damping coeff < 1) to calculate the total response, so we get somewhere in between. In other words,
CQC account for some interaction of nodes when the modes are closely spaced.
CQC is used for structures having closely spaced frequencies. This is default and preferred modal

4. General Modal Combination technique (GMC) is used to combine the modal results. This is the same as
the complete modal combination procedure described by equation 3.31 by Gupta (1990). The GMC method
takes into account the statistical coupling between closely spaced modes similarly to the CQC method, but
also includes the correlation between modes with rigid response content.
4. General Modal Combination technique (GMC) is used to combine the modal results. This is the same as
the complete modal combination procedure described by equation 3.31 by Gupta (1990). The GMC method
takes into account the statistical coupling between closely spaced modes similarly to the CQC method, but
also includes the correlation between modes with rigid response content.
B. Directional Combination:
For Each displacement, force or stress quantity in the structure, modal combination produces a single
positive result for each direction of acceleration. These directional values for a given response quantity are
combined to ptoduce a single, positive result. Thats why we need to apply the directinal combination type to
specify directional scale factor (drift) to be used.
Here Combination types for Directional Combination:
1. Select DCT as Absolute to combine the directional results by taking the sum of their absolute
values. This method is usually over conservative.

2. Select DCT as SRSS to combine the directional results by taking the square root of the sum of
their squares. This method is invariant with respect to coordinate system i.e.,. The results do not
depend upon your choice of coordinate system when the given response spectrum curves are the
same. This is the recommended and default method for directional combination. Dr.Wilson explains that
combined directional effects may be accounted for more effectively by using an alternative method in which
the SRSS combination of two 100 percent spectra analyses is applied in any direction, or along either
orthogonal axis. This method is valid because design forces and results are
independent of the reference system used. Further, this method also accounts for independent and
simultaneous ground motion which occur normal to those along the principal direction.

3. The Complete Quadratic Combination CQC in 3 directions CQC 3method is the full expansion of SRSS
method. Its generic expression accounts for the model correlation coefficient among vibration modes and
the critical angle θ between the seismic excitation and the structural axis. It offers the most critical
orientation of the ground motion components.

Conclusion: From the discussion on modal combination method and directional combination method
we can understand that CQC is default and preferable for modal combination ad SRSS is default and
preferable for directional combination in usual practise.

Translational Natural Period of Oscillation, T

0.983687 Tx= 0.075*H^0.75= RC Structures

0.983687 Tz= 0.075*H^0.75=
P16, Table 2
P18, Table 6 1.114845 Tx= 0.085*H^0.75= Steel Structures
P23, Table 7 Reference is 1.114845 Tz= 0.085*H^0.75=
from IS 1893
P24, Cl 7.6.2 2002 Code
0.667862 Tx= (0.09*H)√L= All other Buildings
0.678913 Tz= (0.09*H)√B=
P16, Cl 6.4.5

in Response

For ETABS After using the scale factor we have to run analysis to check the base shear
in Response ELX & ELY with RSA ELX & RSA ELY. RSA ELX & RSA ELY must match with ELX & ELY. If not
Spectrum matched then we have to rescale the SF to match the base shear.

From ETABS. Under Analysis→ Structure Output→ Base Reactions→ Base Reactions.
From ETABS. Under Analysis→ Structure Output→ Base Reactions→ Base Reactions.
From ETABS. Under Analysis→ Structure Output→ Base Reactions→ Base Reactions.
From ETABS. Under Analysis→ Structure Output→ Base Reactions→ Base Reactions.


Story Drift: Relative displacement of a story with respect to its adjacent story

To be Matched/Checked in ETABS. Under Analysis→ Joint Output→ Displacements→ Story Drifts.


To be Matched/Checked in ETABS. Under Analysis→ Joint Output→ Displacements→ Story Drifts.



What is Center of Rigidity? Center of rigidity is the stiffness centroid within a floor-diaphragm pl
What is Center of Mass? It is the average position of all the parts of the system, weighted accord
To be Checked in ETABS. Under Analysis→ Structure Output→ Other Output Items→ Centers of Mass & Ridigity.
To be Checked in ETABS. Under Analysis→ Structure Output→ Other Output Items→ Centers of Mass & Ridigity.

er of Rigidity & Center of Mass

Cum Cum
Mass X Mass Y

m m kg kg m m m m

8.572 0.322 8058 8058 8.572 0.322 8.401 1.934

8.571 8.284 538105.8 538105.8 8.571 8.284 8.571 14.763
8.572 0.322 8058 8058 8.572 0.322 8.491 2.460
8.571 8.284 537186 537186 8.571 8.284 8.565 14.155
8.572 0.322 8058 8058 8.572 0.322 8.504 2.720
8.571 8.284 537186 537186 8.571 8.284 8.562 13.562
8.572 0.322 8058 8058 8.572 0.322 8.507 2.946
8.571 8.284 537186 537186 8.571 8.284 8.564 13.031
8.572 0.322 8058 8058 8.572 0.322 8.508 3.156
8.571 8.284 537186 537186 8.571 8.284 8.570 12.549
8.572 0.322 8058 8058 8.572 0.322 8.509 3.347
8.571 8.284 537186 537186 8.571 8.284 8.577 12.086
8.572 0.322 8058 8058 8.572 0.322 8.512 3.512
8.575 8.116 340307.4 340307.4 8.575 8.116 8.587 11.598
8.572 0.322 8058 8058 8.572 0.322 8.523 3.535
8.576 9.056 313719.1 313719.1 8.576 9.056 8.590 11.232
8.574 8.851 48414.3 48414.3 8.574 8.851 8.595 11.385

& Extreme Soft Story in X Direction

Soft Story Irregularity Check Extreme Soft Story Irregularity Check
Ki Ki Ki
Kmi = Kmi Ki+1 Kmi = Kmi
check check check
avg(Ki-1,i-2,i-3) avg(Ki-1,i-2,i-3)
0.8 0.6 0.7
32816.96 8.58 Regular 13.78 Regular 32816.96 8.58 Regular
121473.61 2.03 Regular 0.88 Regular 121473.61 2.03 Regular
182869.17 1.93 Regular 1.43 Regular 182869.17 1.93 Regular
293433.25 1.08 Regular 0.90 Regular 293433.25 1.08 Regular
305556.33 1.31 Regular 1.26 Regular 305556.33 1.31 Regular
356696.00 1.02 Regular 0.91 Regular 356696.00 1.02 Regular
361147.31 1.20 Regular 1.19 Regular 361147.31 1.20 Regular
400025.27 1.01 Regular 0.93 Regular 400025.27 1.01 Regular
401175.25 1.17 Regular 1.17 Regular 401175.25 1.17 Regular
436065.32 1.01 Regular 0.94 Regular 436065.32 1.01 Regular
438123.28 1.17 Regular 1.16 Regular 438123.28 1.17 Regular
474657.83 1.04 Regular 0.96 Regular 474657.83 1.04 Regular
481952.42 1.21 Regular 1.18 Regular 481952.42 1.21 Regular
528709.41 0.87 Regular 0.79 Regular 528709.41 0.87 Regular
510957.71 0.67 Soft Story 0.74 Regular 510957.71 0.67 Ex-Soft Story

& Extreme Soft Story in Y Direction

Soft Story Irregularity Check Extreme Soft Story Irregularity Check
Ki Ki Ki
Kmi = Kmi Ki+1 Kmi = Kmi
check check check
avg(Ki-1,i-2,i-3) avg(Ki-1,i-2,i-3)
0.8 0.6 0.7
101852.46 3.92 Regular 16.49 Regular 101852.46 3.92 Regular
226472.58 1.65 Regular 0.94 Regular 226472.58 1.65 Regular
265594.81 1.94 Regular 1.38 Regular 265594.81 1.94 Regular
429144.79 1.12 Regular 0.93 Regular 429144.79 1.12 Regular
456347.29 1.25 Regular 1.19 Regular 456347.29 1.25 Regular
522232.45 1.03 Regular 0.94 Regular 522232.45 1.03 Regular
530285.92 1.15 Regular 1.13 Regular 530285.92 1.15 Regular
573317.83 1.02 Regular 0.96 Regular 573317.83 1.02 Regular
577073.78 1.13 Regular 1.12 Regular 577073.78 1.13 Regular
614498.19 1.03 Regular 0.97 Regular 614498.19 1.03 Regular
622939.47 1.16 Regular 1.14 Regular 622939.47 1.16 Regular
669122.40 1.09 Regular 1.01 Regular 669122.40 1.09 Regular
695372.90 1.47 Regular 1.40 Regular 695372.90 1.47 Regular
824056.79 1.12 Regular 0.90 Regular 824056.79 1.12 Regular
891287.76 0.91 Regular 0.88 Regular 891287.76 0.91 Regular

Modal Participating Mass Ratios

Translation Rotation


1.46E-05 1.56E-06 0.661 1.46E-05 1.56E-06 0 0.0723 0.2158 0

0.8079 1.86E-05 0.661 0.8079 2.01E-05 0.136 2.30E-06 2.82E-05 0.136
1.50E-05 0 0.7998 0.8079 2.02E-05 1.45E-06 0.0885 0.6352 0.136
4.81E-06 1.05E-05 0.8878 0.8079 3.07E-05 1.55E-05 0.2808 0.0026 0.136
0 9.85E-07 0.8921 0.8079 3.17E-05 1.68E-06 0.014 0.0002 0.136
0.1265 0.0001 0.8921 0.9344 0.0002 0.4127 1.30E-06 5.56E-06 0.5488
5.09E-06 0 0.8936 0.9344 0.0002 3.33E-05 0.004 0.0492 0.5488
2.08E-06 4.47E-06 0.9574 0.9344 0.0002 0 0.1291 0.0425 0.5488
5.41E-06 8.75E-06 0.9574 0.9344 0.0002 3.79E-05 0.0023 0.0087 0.5488
0.0357 0.0014 0.9574 0.9701 0.0016 0.0494 3.21E-06 9.34E-07 0.5982
0.0015 0.0062 0.9587 0.9716 0.0077 0.0083 0.0041 1.52E-05 0.6065
0.0008 0.0089 0.9608 0.9725 0.0167 0.0082 0.0034 1.53E-05 0.6147
80.79 85.10

time periods.
nd mass of the

ch measures the
onses from
ng Time Perio on
max displacement, max

ponse spectral
ds. Our target is
gn a sustainable

rthquake before

tural velocity,

Ground Velocity,


er period

during the
ute acceleration
cally expressed as a
Degree of
m (MDoF) but
dependent to
to an equivalent

(f=1/T) or Time

e will vary with

l frequency, there
ted with the

SD. So that we
ve, find the

result fulfilled
ecially with

ocity and

lacement, F=KX,
mplex whereas

elates to the
pseudo acceleration.

hrough modal
n analysis
k values of structural


ysis. The peak

nverted into Pseudo

d damping. Different
ysis. The peak
nverted into Pseudo

d damping. Different

ponse spectrum

es ans mass
rocess is known

esponses from

is Directional

s it assumes all peak

nse spectrum analysis


re squared all values are


nsider, ε=0. Then we

for modal interaction


ue of ε in between 0 and
between. In other words,

ferred modal

ts. This is the same as

1990). The GMC method
o the CQC method, but
ts. This is the same as
1990). The GMC method
o the CQC method, but

produces a single
n response quantity are
tinal combination type to

eir absolute

the sum of
esults do not
curves are the
.Wilson explains that
rnative method in which
n, or along either

ndependent and

expansion of SRSS
g vibration modes and
he most critical

mbination method
SS is default and
RC Structures

Steel Structures

All other Buildings

ith ELX & ELY. If not
within a floor-diaphragm plan.
he system, weighted according to their masses
ss & Ridigity.
ss & Ridigity.

edi=1.5esi+0.05bi edi=esi-0.05bi
XCM-XCR YCM-YCR Eccentricity in X-D(edi) Eccentricity in Y-D(edi) XCM-XCR YCM-YCR
bi=16.813 m(Length of bi=17.374m(Length of
esi esi esi esi
building in Y-D) building in X-D)
0.171 -1.612 1.097 -1.549 0.171 -1.612
0.000 -6.479 0.841 -8.849 0.000 -6.479
0.081 -2.138 0.961 -2.338 0.081 -2.138
0.006 -5.870 0.850 -7.937 0.006 -5.870
0.068 -2.398 0.942 -2.728 0.068 -2.398
0.009 -5.278 0.855 -7.048 0.009 -5.278
0.065 -2.624 0.938 -3.068 0.065 -2.624
0.007 -4.746 0.852 -6.251 0.007 -4.746
0.064 -2.834 0.936 -3.382 0.064 -2.834
0.002 -4.264 0.844 -5.528 0.002 -4.264
0.063 -3.024 0.935 -3.668 0.063 -3.024
-0.006 -3.802 0.832 -4.834 -0.006 -3.802
0.059 -3.190 0.930 -3.916 0.059 -3.190
-0.012 -3.483 0.822 -4.355 -0.012 -3.483
0.048 -3.213 0.913 -3.951 0.048 -3.213
-0.013 -2.175 0.821 -2.395 -0.013 -2.175
-0.021 -2.534 0.810 -2.932 -0.021 -2.534
0.000 0.000 0.841 0.869 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.841 0.869 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.841 0.869 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.841 0.869 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.841 0.869 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.841 0.869 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.841 0.869 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.841 0.869 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.841 0.869 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.841 0.869 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.841 0.869 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.841 0.869 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.841 0.869 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.841 0.869 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.841 0.869 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.841 0.869 0.000 0.000

Stiffness – Soft Story Irregularity: It is defined to exist where there is a story in which the lateral stiffness is less than 70% of
Stiffness – Extreme Soft Story Irregularity: It is defined to exist where there is a story in which the lateral stiffness is less tha

To be Checked in ETABS. Under Analysis→ Structure Output→ Other Output Items→ Story Stiffness.
Note:- If there is a soft story or extreme soft story irregularities found. Then, to overcome this irregularities one has to revis

Stiffness – Soft Story Irregularity: It is defined to exist where there is a story in which the lateral stiffness is less than 70% of
Stiffness – Extreme Soft Story Irregularity: It is defined to exist where there is a story in which the lateral stiffness is less tha

To be Checked in ETABS. Under Analysis→ Structure Output→ Other Output Items→ Story Stiffness.

Note:- If there is a soft story or extreme soft story irregularities found. Then, to overcome this irregularities one has to revis

0.0723 0.2158
0.0723 0.2158
0.1608 0.851
0.4417 0.8537
0.4556 0.8539
0.4556 0.8539
0.4597 0.9031
0.5888 0.9455
0.5911 0.9542
0.5911 0.9542
0.5952 0.9542
0.5986 0.9542
First 3 Modes Summation should be > 65.00%.
edi=esi-0.05bi Check
Eccentricity in X-D(edi) Eccentricity in Y-D(edi)
bi=16.813m(Length of bi=17.374m(Length of
m m
building in Y-D) building in X-D)
-0.670 -2.480 0.171 -1.612 0.982
-0.840 -7.348 0.000 -6.479 0.002
-0.760 -3.007 0.081 -2.138 0.463
-0.834 -6.739 0.006 -5.870 0.036
-0.773 -3.266 0.068 -2.398 0.391
-0.831 -6.147 0.009 -5.278 0.054
-0.776 -3.493 0.065 -2.624 0.374
-0.833 -5.615 0.007 -4.746 0.042
-0.777 -3.703 0.064 -2.834 0.365
-0.839 -5.133 0.002 -4.264 0.011
-0.778 -3.893 0.063 -3.024 0.363
-0.847 -4.671 -0.006 -3.802 0.035
-0.781 -4.059 0.059 -3.190 0.342
-0.853 -4.351 -0.012 -3.483 0.070
-0.793 -4.082 0.048 -3.213 0.277
-0.854 -3.044 -0.013 -2.175 0.075
-0.861 -3.403 -0.021 -2.534 0.119
-0.841 -0.869 0.000 0.000 0.000
-0.841 -0.869 0.000 0.000 0.000
-0.841 -0.869 0.000 0.000 0.000
-0.841 -0.869 0.000 0.000 0.000
-0.841 -0.869 0.000 0.000 0.000
-0.841 -0.869 0.000 0.000 0.000
-0.841 -0.869 0.000 0.000 0.000
-0.841 -0.869 0.000 0.000 0.000
-0.841 -0.869 0.000 0.000 0.000
-0.841 -0.869 0.000 0.000 0.000
-0.841 -0.869 0.000 0.000 0.000
-0.841 -0.869 0.000 0.000 0.000
-0.841 -0.869 0.000 0.000 0.000
-0.841 -0.869 0.000 0.000 0.000
-0.841 -0.869 0.000 0.000 0.000
-0.841 -0.869 0.000 0.000 0.000

ateral stiffness is less than 70% of that in the story above or less than 80% of the average stiffness of the three stories above.
ich the lateral stiffness is less than 60% of that in the story above or less than 70% of the average stiffness of the three stories above.
this irregularities one has to revise the columns/shear walls section or reduce the story heights.

ateral stiffness is less than 70% of that in the story above or less than 80% of the average stiffness of the three stories above.
ich the lateral stiffness is less than 60% of that in the story above or less than 70% of the average stiffness of the three stories above.

this irregularities one has to revise the columns/shear walls section or reduce the story heights.


e three stories above.

ess of the three stories above.
e three stories above.
ess of the three stories above.
Building Dimensions
Length L 23.110
Breadth B 8.020
Height H or h 24.750

Seismic Parameters
Gravitational Accelaration g
Seismic Zone Factor Z 0.16
Importance Factor I 1.2
Response Reduction Factor R 5
Translational Natural Tx= 0.075*H^0.75= 0.832
Period of Oscillation Tz= 0.075*H^0.75= 0.832
Design Accelaration (sa/g)x= 1.36/Tx= 1.63
Coeffecient for Soil Type (sa/g)z= 1.36/TZ= 1.63

Direction X (Z/2)*(I/R)x=
Direction Y (Z/2)*(I/R)y= 0.019
Direction Z (Z/2)*(I/R)z=

Scale Factor
Direction X (I*g/2R)x=
Direction Y (I*g/2R)y= 1176.798
Direction Z (I*g/2R)z=

Design Horizontal Seismic Coefficient

Design Horizontal Ahx= ((Z/2)*((Sa/g)x))/(R/I)= 0.0314
Seismic Coefficient Ahz= ((Z/2)*((Sa/g)z))/(R/I)= 0.0314

Storey Lvl Lix of Wall Wix of Wall
Foundation 3.640 0.300
3.640 0.300
0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000
Base Reactions
Base Shear, EL+X 758.275
Base Shear, EL+Y 758.275
Shear for RSA EL+X 314.655
Shear for RSA EL+Y 227.496
Multiplying factor for U1 2.410
Multiplying factor for U2 3.333
Default SF (g value) 9806.65
Scale factor value, SFx for U1 23632.669
Scale factor value, SFx for U2 32686.894

Drift at 8F Floor R1= 51.271
Along X Direction (EQ+X) R2= 62.661
Drift at 8F Floor R3= 79.142
Along Y Direction (EQ+Y) R4= 72.038
Total Drift Limited is H/250
Total Drift, Permissble 99.000

Story Drift
Floors clear height h1= 3000
Drift at 8F Floor (EQ+X) d1= 62.6610
Drift at 7F Floor (EQ+X) d2= 58.7840
Story Drift d1-d2= 3.8770
(Story drift/Clear height) Along X (d1-d2)/h1= 0.001292

Floors clear height h1= 3000

Drift at 8F Floor (EQ+Y) d3= 79.1420
Drift at 7F Floor (EQ+Y) d4= 75.8940
Story Drift d3-d4= 3.2480
(Story drift/Clear height) Along Y (d3-d4)/h2= 0.001083

Torsional Irregularity
Torsional Irregularity Exists, If Dmax/Davg > 1.2
Extreme Torsional Irregularity Exists, if Dmax/Davg > 1.4

Drift Along X Direction at 8F Floor R1= 51.271

(EQ+X) R2= 62.661
Maximum drift, along X Dmax= 62.6610
Average drift, along X Davg= 56.9660
(Dmax/Davg) along X= 1.1000

Drift Along Y Direction at 8F Floor R3= 79.142

(EQ+Y) R4= 72.038
Maximum drift, along Y Dmax= 79.1420
Average drift, along Y Davg= 75.5900
(Dmax/Davg) along Y= 1.0470

Center of Rigidity & Center of Mass

Center of Rigidity Has to be obtained from Display Table options in ETABS.

Center of Mass Has to be obtained from Display Table option in ETABS.

Mass X
Story Diaphragm

MLB1 D1 8058
First Floor D2 538105.8
MLB2 D3 8058
Second Floor D4 537186.01
MLB3 D5 8058
Third Floor D6 537186.01
MLB4 D7 8058
Fourth Floor D8 537186.01
MLB5 D9 8058
Fifth Floor D10 537186.01
MLB6 D11 8058
Sixth Floor D12 537186.01
MLB7 D13 8058
Terrace Floor D14 340307.35
MLB8 D15 8058
OHWT/Lift Room D16 313719.09
Mumty D17 48414.3

Stiffness in X-Direction Ki
(EL+X) in kN/M Ki+1
8F 60323.892 #DIV/0!
7F 81136.025 1.35
6F 87429.663 1.08
5F 89798.911 1.03
4F 91050.296 1.01
3F 92635.879 1.02
2F 96352.593 1.04
1F 106663.59 1.11
S 131926.612 1.24
B 7256373.467 55.00
Stiffness in Y-Direction Ki
(EL+Y) in kN/M Ki+1
8F 73329.505 #DIV/0!
7F 77980.227 1.06
6F 75575.608 0.97
5F 73836.845 0.98
4F 72070.08 0.98
3F 70322.728 0.98
2F 68830.137 0.98
1F 68251.376 0.99
S 68168.912 1.00
B 35984056.946 527.87

Case Mode
Modal 1 3.145
Modal 2 2.904
Modal 3 2.593
Modal 4 0.982
Modal 5 0.884
Modal 6 0.762
Modal 7 0.551
Modal 8 0.472
Modal 9 0.389
Modal 10 0.369
Modal 11 0.3
Modal 12 0.276
Modal 13 0.243
Modal 14 0.24
Modal 15 0.202
Modal 16 0.195
Modal 17 0.167
Modal 18 0.158
Modal 19 0.148
Modal 20 0.134
Modal 21 0.128
Modal 22 0.127
Modal 23 0.12
Modal 24 0.111
Modal 25 0.103
Modal 26 0.092
Modal 27 0.083
Modal 28 0.081
Modal 29 0.069
Modal 30 0.061
Modal 31 0.041
Seismic weight of building (W) 3680

Manual Calculations Vb 115.46

Vb 115.46

Staad Calculations Vb 245.34

Vb 219.00

1 What is Response?
Structure response is the behavior of the structure to lateral loading.
When any effective lateral load, F acts ona structure, then the structure gets deflected, Δ.
For Seismic force, structure gets different deflections ( Δ1, Δ2, Δ3, ….) at different time periods.
This deflections are structural response/behavior due to lateral/seismic forces. This response
depends on the magnitude and time period of the force, stiffness of the structure and mass of the
For Seismic force, structure gets different deflections ( Δ1, Δ2, Δ3, ….) at different time periods.
This deflections are structural response/behavior due to lateral/seismic forces. This response
depends on the magnitude and time period of the force, stiffness of the structure and mass of the

2 What is Response Spectrum Analysis, RSA?

Response Spectrum Analysis, RSA is a linear-dynamic statistical analysis method which measures the
structural response to seismic events. RSA calculates and combines max modal responses from
Spectra Curves using modal superposition. Response spectrum curve found by plotting Time Perio on
horizontal axis and response quantities on vertical axis. Response quantities can be max displacement, max velocity

3 Why is Response Spectrum Analysis, RSA?

It is done to find out the max deflection/displacement of the structure involving response spectral
curve generated for possible seismic events by incorporating previous seismic records. Our target is
to keep the max displacement within the allowable limit. So by the RSA we can design a sustainable
structure during the possible seismic events.
With RSA we can review the response of the structure how it may behave during earthquake before constructing it

4 What are Time Periods, Velocity & Acceleration?

When structure deflection/displacement, Δ in a time period, t then we get the structural velocity,
Sv= Δ/t. Structural Acceleration, Sa= δSv/δt.
When seismic force in ground travels distance, d in a time period, t then we get the Ground Velocity,
Gv= d/t.
Due to changes in velocity for different distance and time periods we get Ground Acceleration,
Ga= δGV/δt.

Structures of shorter period experience greater acceleration, whereas those of longer period
experience greater displacement as time period, t is the dividing factor.

5 What is Peak Ground Acceleration, PGA?

Peak Ground Acceleration, PGA is equal to the max ground acceleration that occurs during the
earthquake shaking at a location. PGA is equal to the amplitude of the largest absolute acceleration
recorded on an accelerogram at a site from different time periods. PGA is most typically expressed as a fraction of g
acceleration, g= 32.2 ft/s2 or 9.81 m/s2.

6 Pseudo and Relation with RSA:

In earthquake engineering, the prefix pseudo usually refers to the equivalent Single Degree of
Freedom (SDoF) characteristics. All typical buildings have Multiple Degree of Freedom (MDoF) but
taking advantage of modal orthogonality (each mode is orthogonal i.e.,. statistically dependent to
the other modes), we can convert the behavior of the MDoF building in each mode to an equivalent
SDoF system.

The response of the equivalent SDoF system depends on 2 things. Natural frequeny (f=1/T) or Time
Period and Damping.
If we assume a constant 5% damping, the response of the equivalent SDoF structure will vary with
time period and frequency. But for the design earthquake, depending on the natural frequency, there
is only one value of max response we get. And that is our concern. The term is denoted with the
prefix Spectral.
Spectral displacement, SD= Max displacement response of equivalent SDoF.
Spectral Velocity, SV= Max velocity response of equivalent SDoF.
Spectral acceleration, SA= Max acceleration response of equivalent SDoF.
We need the whole displacement response (u(t)) along with the peak displacement, SD. So that we
can take derivative with respect to time and find velocity and taking second derivative, find the
acceleration response (a(t)) of the structure.

From these derivations we get velocity and acceleration response are related as,
SA= w*SV= w*w*SD
Where w= natural frquency of SDoF system.
Note: Purpose of this was to calculate the spectral displacement SD and the relation result fulfilled
our target, because response of a structure is not a simple sine or cosine curve, especially with

If the purpose was to calculate spectral displacement then why do need spectral velocity and
acceleration also? Is spectral displacement not enough?

The answer is, It is easier to apply force using accelerations, F= MA, rather than displacement, F=KX,
on the structure to calculate internal forces as we know stiffness matrix is often complex whereas
mass matrixx is usually easy.

And all structures can be converted to equivalent SDoF systems. All these systems relates to the
properties of Pseudo spectral responses as pseudo displacement, pseudo velocity & pseudo acceleration.

Once we convert back from equivalent SDoF system to the original MDoF building through modal transformation/s
modal tranformation we define modal case in analysis
program), we cannot usethe prefix Pseudo anymore. The final response are just peak values of structural response
velocity or acceleration) belongs particularly to that structure.

7 Advantage of Pseudo Acceleration Spectrum:

As pseudo acceleration, PSA is rewritten aproximate acceleration proportionate to relative
displacement. Pseudo acceleration, PSA spectrum can be calculated directly from displacement
spectrum without resorting to the solution of the differential equations.

8 How to Idealize Response Spectrum Curve?

A whole series of SDoF oscillators at a given damping level are subjected to the analysis. The peak
relative displacement, ymax value from each oscillator are determined and then converted into Pseudo Spectrum A
by multiplying natural frequeny (ω= 1/T) squared.
Sa= ω2*ymax.
This values are then plotted against the period of the oscillator.
Connecting these intersecting points we get response spectrum curve for considered damping. Different curve can
different level of damping.

9 Modal Superposition in RSA:

RSA is based on Modal Superposition.
First Modes of the structure are calculated.
Then corresponding Pseudo Acceleration for each mode is determined from the response spectrum
curve that matches the damping of the mode.
Then the Pseudo acceleration can be converted into displacement using mode shapes ans mass
participation factors. Also force and stress can be determined for each mode. The process is known
as Modal Superposition.
10 Modal Combination & Directional Combination:
Peak responses of each mode are combined to give total building response. So the responses from
different mode must be combined.
We have 2 combination section in RSA. One is Modal Combination and another one is Directional
A. Modal Combination:

1. Absolute (ABS). Sum of all the peak responses together (this is not very realistic as it assumes all peak responses
Lets say we just have 2 modes to combine in a response spectrum analysis from equations we end up with an equa
R2= R12 + 2*ε*R1*R2 + R22
Now one extreme s where ε=1. This is basically just summing up the modal response.
R2= R12 + 2*R1*R2 + R22= (R1+R2)2
R= R1+R2
R= |R1|+|R2| (in practise).
Which is very conservative.

2. Square Root Sum of the Squares (SRSS). This can be used, however when terms are squared all values are positiv
correspondence between reponse results like that would be in
time history analysis.
Lets say we just have 2 modes to combine in a response spectrum analysis. Now, consider, ε=0. Then we have the f
R2= R12+R22
R= SRSS(R12+R22).
This is the SRSS method. Basically another way to think of it is that we dont account for modal interaction (interacti
since we neglet the R1*R2 term and just take the SRSS.
For structures with well frequencies, SRSS provides a good estimate of total peak response.

3. Complete Quadratic Combination (CQC) This is commonly used. The CQC uses value of ε in between 0 and 1 (0 <
to calculate the total response, so we get somewhere in between. In other words, CQC account for some interactio
modes are closely spaced.
CQC is used for structures having closely spaced frequencies. This is default and preferred modal

4. General Modal Combination technique (GMC) is used to combine the modal results. This is the same as the comp
combination procedure described by equation 3.31 by Gupta (1990). The GMC method takes into account the stati
between closely spaced modes similarly to the CQC method, but also includes the correlation between modes with
B. Directional Combination:

For Each displacement, force or stress quantity in the structure, modal combination produces a single positive resu
acceleration. These directional values for a given response quantity are combined to ptoduce a single, positive resu
to apply the directinal combination type to specify directional scale factor (drift) to be used.

Here Combination types for Directional Combination:

1. Select DCT as Absolute to combine the directional results by taking the sum of their absolute
values. This method is usually over conservative.

2. Select DCT as SRSS to combine the directional results by taking the square root of the sum of
their squares. This method is invariant with respect to coordinate system i.e.,. The results do not
depend upon your choice of coordinate system when the given response spectrum curves are the
same. This is the recommended and default method for directional combination. Dr.Wilson explains that combined
may be accounted for more effectively by using an alternative method in which the SRSS combination of two 100 p
2. Select DCT as SRSS to combine the directional results by taking the square root of the sum of
their squares. This method is invariant with respect to coordinate system i.e.,. The results do not
depend upon your choice of coordinate system when the given response spectrum curves are the
same. This is the recommended and default method for directional combination. Dr.Wilson explains that combined
may be accounted for more effectively by using an alternative method in which the SRSS combination of two 100 p
analyses is applied in any direction, or along either orthogonal axis. This method is valid because design forces and
independent of the reference system used. Further, this method also accounts for independent and
simultaneous ground motion which occur normal to those along the principal direction.

3. The Complete Quadratic Combination CQC in 3 directions CQC 3method is the full expansion of SRSS method. Its
accounts for the model correlation coefficient among vibration modes and the critical angle θ between the seismic
structural axis. It offers the most critical orientation of the ground motion components.

Conclusion: From the discussion on modal combination method and directional combination method
we can understand that CQC is default and preferable for modal combination ad SRSS is default and
preferable for directional combination in usual practise.
m From ETABS

m/Sec2 0.832
mm/Sec2 0.832
P10, Table 3
P19, Table 8 Reference 0.888
P20, Table 9 from IS 0.888
Sec 1893
P21, Cl 7.6.2 Part 1
Sec 0.943
X-Direction Code 0.943
P9, Cl 6.4.2

X-Direction For STAAD 0.498
Y-Direction in Response
Z-Direction Spectrum 0.463

X-Direction For ETABS
After using the scale factor we have to run analysis to check
Y-Direction in Response
Z-Direction Spectrum

mic Coefficient

Translational Natural Period of Oscillation, T for Buildings with RC Structural Walls

Awix= Lix*Wix (Awix*(0.2+(Lwix/h)^2)) Awx Tx= (0.075*H^0.75)/√Awx Storey Lvl
1.092 0.242 Foundation
1.092 0.242
0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000

0.484 1.196
0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.484 1.196
0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000

From ETABS. Under Analysis→ Structure Output→ Base Reactions→ Base Reactions.
From ETABS. Under Analysis→ Structure Output→ Base Reactions→ Base Reactions.
From ETABS. Under Analysis→ Structure Output→ Base Reactions→ Base Reactions.
From ETABS. Under Analysis→ Structure Output→ Base Reactions→ Base Reactions.

mm/Sec2 From ETABS 9806.65




mm Story Drift: Relative displacement of a story with respect to
To be Matched/Checked in ETABS. Under Analysis→ Joint Output→ Displacements→ Story Drifts.

To be Matched/Checked in ETABS. Under Analysis→ Joint Output→ Displacements→ Story Drifts.

> 1.2
Davg > 1.4



enter of Mass
What is Center of Rigidity? Center of rigidity is the stiffness c
What is Center of Mass? It is the average position of all the p
ble options in ETABS. To be Checked in ETABS. Under Analysis→ Structure Output→ Other Output Items→ Centers of Mas
ble option in ETABS. To be Checked in ETABS. Under Analysis→ Structure Output→ Other Output Items→ Centers of Mas

Center of Rigidity & Center of Mass

Mass Y XCM YCM Cum Mass X Cum Mass Y

kg m m kg kg

8058 8.572 0.322 8058 8058

538105.8 8.571 8.284 538105.8 538105.8
8058 8.572 0.322 8058 8058
537186.01 8.571 8.284 537186.01 537186.01
8058 8.572 0.322 8058 8058
537186.01 8.571 8.284 537186.01 537186.01
8058 8.572 0.322 8058 8058
537186.01 8.571 8.284 537186.01 537186.01
8058 8.572 0.322 8058 8058
537186.01 8.571 8.284 537186.01 537186.01
8058 8.572 0.322 8058 8058
537186.01 8.571 8.284 537186.01 537186.01
8058 8.572 0.322 8058 8058
340307.35 8.575 8.116 340307.35 340307.35
8058 8.572 0.322 8058 8058
313719.09 8.576 9.056 313719.09 313719.09
48414.3 8.574 8.851 48414.3 48414.3

Soft Story & Extreme Soft Story in X Direction

Soft Story Irregularity Check
Ki Ki
Kmi = Kmi Ki+1
check check
0.8 0.6

#DIV/0! -
Regular -
Regular 47153.31 1.85 Regular 1.08
Regular 76296.53 1.18 Regular 1.03
Regular 86121.53 1.06 Regular 1.01
Regular 89426.29 1.04 Regular 1.02
Regular 91161.70 1.06 Regular 1.04
Regular 93346.26 1.14 Regular 1.11
Regular 98550.69 1.34 Regular 1.24
Regular 111647.60 64.99 Regular 55.00
Soft Story & Extreme Soft Story in Y Direction
Soft Story Irregularity Check
Ki Ki
Kmi = Kmi Ki+1
check check
0.8 0.6

#DIV/0! -
Regular -
Regular 50436.58 1.50 Regular 0.97
Regular 75628.45 0.98 Regular 0.98
Regular 75797.56 0.95 Regular 0.98
Regular 73827.51 0.95 Regular 0.98
Regular 72076.55 0.95 Regular 0.98
Regular 70407.65 0.97 Regular 0.99
Regular 69134.75 0.99 Regular 1.00
Regular 68416.81 525.95 Regular 527.87

Modal Participating Mass Ratios

Translation Translation


0.0067 0.6718 0 0.0067 0.6718

0.0552 0.0617 0 0.0619 0.7335
0.6351 0.0001 0 0.697 0.7337
0.0004 0.0734 0 0.6974 0.8071
0.0063 0.0038 0 0.7036 0.8108
0.0927 9.62E-07 0 0.7963 0.8108
0.0001 0.0245 0 0.7964 0.8353
0.0021 0.0004 0 0.7984 0.8358
0.0313 2.09E-05 0 0.8298 0.8358
0.0001 0.0111 0 0.8298 0.8469
0.0008 4.75E-05 0 0.8307 0.847
0.0002 0.0045 0 0.8308 0.8515
0.014 0.0005 0 0.8448 0.8519
0.0021 0.0018 0 0.8469 0.8537
0.0005 0.0006 0 0.8474 0.8543
0.0001 0.0021 0 0.8475 0.8564
0.0085 0 0 0.8559 0.8564
1.82E-06 0.0014 0 0.8559 0.8578
0.0003 0 0 0.8563 0.8578
0 0.0005 0 0.8563 0.8583
1.72E-05 0 0 0.8563 0.8583
0.0045 0 0 0.8608 0.8583
0 0.0001 0 0.8608 0.8584
0.0002 1.78E-06 0 0.8609 0.8584
0.0033 0 0 0.8642 0.8584
0.0001 6.01E-07 0 0.8643 0.8584
0.0026 0 0 0.8669 0.8584
1.49E-05 0 0 0.8669 0.8584
0.0015 0 0 0.8685 0.8584
0.0005 0 0 0.869 0.8584
0.1301 0 0 0.999 0.8584
69.70 73.36

kN 0.75



ets deflected, Δ.
different time periods.
rces. This response
ructure and mass of the
different time periods.
rces. This response
ructure and mass of the

ethod which measures the

modal responses from
d by plotting Time Perio on
es can be max displacement, max velocity or max acceleration.

olving response spectral

mic records. Our target is
e can design a sustainable

during earthquake before constructing it.

the structural velocity,

we get the Ground Velocity,

Ground Acceleration,

se of longer period

hat occurs during the

gest absolute acceleration
most typically expressed as a fraction of gravitaional

ent Single Degree of

of Freedom (MDoF) but
atistically dependent to
ach mode to an equivalent

frequeny (f=1/T) or Time

F structure will vary with

he natural frequency, there
m is denoted with the

lacement, SD. So that we

nd derivative, find the

ted as,

he relation result fulfilled

urve, especially with

pectral velocity and

than displacement, F=KX,

often complex whereas

systems relates to the

velocity & pseudo acceleration.

building through modal transformation/superposition (for this

e just peak values of structural responses (displacement,

onate to relative
ly from displacement

o the analysis. The peak

d then converted into Pseudo Spectrum Acceleration, PSA (Sa)

considered damping. Different curve can be generated for

m the response spectrum

mode shapes ans mass

de. The process is known
e. So the responses from

other one is Directional

realistic as it assumes all peak responses occur at same time).

s from equations we end up with an equation like the following;

al response.

n terms are squared all values are positive and there is no

s. Now, consider, ε=0. Then we have the following,

nt account for modal interaction (interaction of modes 1 and 2)

al peak response.

C uses value of ε in between 0 and 1 (0 < ε/damping coeff < 1)

r words, CQC account for some interaction of nodes when the

lt and preferred modal

odal results. This is the same as the complete modal

GMC method takes into account the statistical coupling
udes the correlation between modes with rigid response

mbination produces a single positive result for each direction of

mbined to ptoduce a single, positive result. Thats why we need
(drift) to be used.

sum of their absolute

are root of the sum of

.e.,. The results do not
spectrum curves are the
nation. Dr.Wilson explains that combined directional effects
which the SRSS combination of two 100 percent spectra
are root of the sum of
.e.,. The results do not
spectrum curves are the
nation. Dr.Wilson explains that combined directional effects
which the SRSS combination of two 100 percent spectra
method is valid because design forces and results are
ounts for independent and
ipal direction.

d is the full expansion of SRSS method. Its generic expression

d the critical angle θ between the seismic excitation and the

tional combination method

tion ad SRSS is default and
Translational Natural Period of Oscillation, T

Tx= 0.075*H^0.75= RC Structures

Tz= 0.075*H^0.75=

Tx= 0.080*H^0.75= RC-Steel Composite Structures

Tz= 0.080*H^0.75=

Tx= 0.085*H^0.75= Steel Structures

Tz= 0.085*H^0.75=

Tx= (0.075*H^0.75)/√Aw= ≥ (0.09*H)/√d Structures with RC Structural Walls

Tz= (0.075*H^0.75)/√Aw= ≥ (0.09*H)/√d

Tx= (0.09*H)√L= All other Buildings

Tz= (0.09*H)√B=

have to run analysis to check the base shear

ELY. RSA ELX & RSA ELY must match with ELX & ELY. If not matched then we have to rescale the SF to match the base shear.

h RC Structural Walls
Liz of Wall Wiz of Wall Awiz= Liz*Wiz (Awiz*(0.2+(Lwiz/h)^2)) Awz
8.020 0.300 2.406 0.734
4.460 0.300 1.338 0.311
4.920 0.300 1.476 0.354
4.920 0.300 1.476 0.354
4.460 0.300 1.338 0.311
8.020 0.300 2.406 0.734
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000

0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 2.797
0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000

ase Reactions.
ase Reactions.
ase Reactions.
ase Reactions.

nt of a story with respect to its adjacent story

splacements→ Story Drifts.

splacements→ Story Drifts.

ter of rigidity is the stiffness centroid within a floor-diaphragm plan.

e average position of all the parts of the system, weighted according to their masses
utput Items→ Centers of Mass & Ridigity.
utput Items→ Centers of Mass & Ridigity.


m m m m

8.572 0.322 8.401 1.934

8.571 8.284 8.571 14.763
8.572 0.322 8.491 2.460
8.571 8.284 8.565 14.155
8.572 0.322 8.504 2.720
8.571 8.284 8.562 13.562
8.572 0.322 8.507 2.946
8.571 8.284 8.564 13.031
8.572 0.322 8.508 3.156
8.571 8.284 8.570 12.549
8.572 0.322 8.509 3.347
8.571 8.284 8.577 12.086
8.572 0.322 8.512 3.512
8.575 8.116 8.587 11.598
8.572 0.322 8.523 3.535
8.576 9.056 8.590 11.232
8.574 8.851 8.595 11.385

Extreme Soft Story Irregularity Check

Kmi = Kmi
check check

Regular 47153.31 1.85 Regular

Regular 76296.53 1.18 Regular
Regular 86121.53 1.06 Regular
Regular 89426.29 1.04 Regular
Regular 91161.70 1.06 Regular
Regular 93346.26 1.14 Regular
Regular 98550.69 1.34 Regular
Regular 111647.60 64.99 Regular
Extreme Soft Story Irregularity Check
Kmi = Kmi
check check

Regular 50436.58 1.50 Regular

Regular 75628.45 0.98 Regular
Regular 75797.56 0.95 Regular
Regular 73827.51 0.95 Regular
Regular 72076.55 0.95 Regular
Regular 70407.65 0.97 Regular
Regular 69134.75 0.99 Regular
Regular 68416.81 525.95 Regular



0 0.2719 0.0031 0.0413 0.2719

0 0.0294 0.0248 0.4741 0.3013
0 4.45E-06 0.3184 0.1035 0.3013
0 0.3205 0.0009 0.0028 0.6218
0 0.0164 0.0192 0.0591 0.6382
0 7.67E-07 0.2543 0.0125 0.6382
0 0.0201 0.0001 0.0005 0.6582
0 0.0002 0.0021 0.0225 0.6585
0 0.0001 0.032 0.0035 0.6586
0 0.0323 0.0001 1.60E-05 0.6908
0 3.70E-06 0.0016 0.0107 0.6909
0 0.0048 0.0003 0.0006 0.6957
0 0.001 0.0286 0.0006 0.6966
0 0.0039 0.0044 0.0016 0.7006
0 0.0013 0.0008 0.005 0.7018
0 0.0044 0.0001 0.0007 0.7062
0 0 0.0127 0.0006 0.7062
0 0.0022 2.96E-06 3.83E-06 0.7084
0 5.69E-07 0.0006 0.003 0.7084
0 0.0011 0 0 0.7095
0 0 3.27E-05 0.0007 0.7095
0 0 0.0087 0.0001 0.7095
0 0.0002 0 0 0.7097
0 3.51E-06 0.0003 0.0014 0.7097
0 0 0.0061 0.0001 0.7097
0 1.06E-06 0.0001 0.0007 0.7097
0 0 0.0048 6.95E-06 0.7097
0 0 2.76E-05 0.0002 0.7097
0 0 0.003 5.21E-06 0.7097
0 0 0.001 1.18E-05 0.7097
0 5.93E-07 0.2698 0.0742 0.7097
RC Structures

RC-Steel Composite Structures

Steel Structures

Structures with RC Structural Walls

All other Buildings

SF to match the base shear.

Tz= (0.075*H^0.75)/√Awz


XCM-XCR YCM-YCR Eccentricity in X-D(edi) Eccentricity in Y-D(edi) XCM-XCR

bi=16.813 m(Length of bi=17.374m(Length of
esi esi esi
building in Y-D) building in X-D)
0.171 -1.612 0.657 -1.262 0.171
0.000 -6.479 0.401 -8.563 0.000
0.081 -2.138 0.522 -2.051 0.081
0.006 -5.870 0.410 -7.650 0.006
0.068 -2.398 0.503 -2.441 0.068
0.009 -5.278 0.415 -6.762 0.009
0.065 -2.624 0.498 -2.781 0.065
0.007 -4.746 0.412 -5.964 0.007
0.064 -2.834 0.496 -3.096 0.064
0.002 -4.264 0.404 -5.241 0.002
0.063 -3.024 0.496 -3.381 0.063
-0.006 -3.802 0.392 -4.547 -0.006
0.059 -3.190 0.490 -3.630 0.059
-0.012 -3.483 0.383 -4.068 -0.012
0.048 -3.213 0.473 -3.664 0.048
-0.013 -2.175 0.381 -2.108 -0.013
-0.021 -2.534 0.370 -2.646 -0.021
0.000 0.000 0.401 1.156 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.401 1.156 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.401 1.156 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.401 1.156 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.401 1.156 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.401 1.156 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.401 1.156 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.401 1.156 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.401 1.156 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.401 1.156 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.401 1.156 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.401 1.156 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.401 1.156 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.401 1.156 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.401 1.156 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.401 1.156 0.000

Stiffness – Soft Story Irregularity: It is defined to exist where there is a story in which the lateral stiffness is less than 70% of
Stiffness – Extreme Soft Story Irregularity: It is defined to exist where there is a story in which the lateral stiffness is less tha

To be Checked in ETABS. Under Analysis→ Structure Output→ Other Output Items→ Story Stiffness.

Note:- If there is a soft story or extreme soft story irregularities found. Then, to overcome this irregularities one has to revis
Stiffness – Soft Story Irregularity: It is defined to exist where there is a story in which the lateral stiffness is less than 70% of
Stiffness – Extreme Soft Story Irregularity: It is defined to exist where there is a story in which the lateral stiffness is less tha

To be Checked in ETABS. Under Analysis→ Structure Output→ Other Output Items→ Story Stiffness.

Note:- If there is a soft story or extreme soft story irregularities found. Then, to overcome this irregularities one has to revis


0.0031 0.0413
0.0279 0.5153
0.3462 0.6188
0.3472 0.6215
0.3664 0.6806
0.6208 0.6931
0.6208 0.6936
0.623 0.7161
0.6549 0.7196
0.655 0.7196
0.6566 0.7304
0.6569 0.731
0.6856 0.7316
0.6899 0.7332
0.6907 0.7382
0.6908 0.739
0.7036 0.7396
0.7036 0.7396
0.7041 0.7425
0.7041 0.7425
0.7042 0.7432
0.7128 0.7433
0.7128 0.7433
0.7131 0.7448
0.7192 0.7449
0.7193 0.7455
0.7241 0.7455
0.7241 0.7457
0.7271 0.7457
0.7281 0.7457
0.9979 0.82
First 3 Modes Summation should be > 65.00%.
edi=esi-0.05bi Check


YCM-YCR Eccentricity in X-D(edi) Eccentricity in Y-D(edi)
bi=16.813m(Length of bi=17.374m(Length of
esi m m
building in Y-D) building in X-D)
-1.612 -0.230 -2.767 0.171 -1.612 0.738
-6.479 -0.401 -7.634 0.000 -6.479 0.001
-2.138 -0.320 -3.293 0.081 -2.138 0.348
-5.870 -0.395 -7.026 0.006 -5.870 0.027
-2.398 -0.333 -3.553 0.068 -2.398 0.294
-5.278 -0.392 -6.434 0.009 -5.278 0.041
-2.624 -0.336 -3.780 0.065 -2.624 0.281
-4.746 -0.394 -5.902 0.007 -4.746 0.032
-2.834 -0.337 -3.990 0.064 -2.834 0.275
-4.264 -0.399 -5.420 0.002 -4.264 0.008
-3.024 -0.338 -4.180 0.063 -3.024 0.273
-3.802 -0.407 -4.957 -0.006 -3.802 0.026
-3.190 -0.342 -4.346 0.059 -3.190 0.257
-3.483 -0.413 -4.638 -0.012 -3.483 0.052
-3.213 -0.353 -4.368 0.048 -3.213 0.208
-2.175 -0.414 -3.331 -0.013 -2.175 0.057
-2.534 -0.422 -3.690 -0.021 -2.534 0.089
0.000 -0.401 -1.156 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 -0.401 -1.156 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 -0.401 -1.156 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 -0.401 -1.156 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 -0.401 -1.156 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 -0.401 -1.156 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 -0.401 -1.156 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 -0.401 -1.156 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 -0.401 -1.156 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 -0.401 -1.156 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 -0.401 -1.156 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 -0.401 -1.156 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 -0.401 -1.156 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 -0.401 -1.156 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 -0.401 -1.156 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 -0.401 -1.156 0.000 0.000 0.000

ness is less than 70% of that in the story above or less than 80% of the average stiffness of the three stories above.
teral stiffness is less than 60% of that in the story above or less than 70% of the average stiffness of the three stories above.

ularities one has to revise the columns/shear walls section or reduce the story heights.
ness is less than 70% of that in the story above or less than 80% of the average stiffness of the three stories above.
teral stiffness is less than 60% of that in the story above or less than 70% of the average stiffness of the three stories above.

ularities one has to revise the columns/shear walls section or reduce the story heights.


ories above.
ories above.
Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Moment
Node L/C Fx kN Fy kN Fz kN Mx kNm My kNm Mz kNm

57 1 SEISMICX -18.799 -89.144 0.769 0.764 0.083 28.538

2 SEISMICZ -1.201 -54.117 -13.868 -14.223 0.199 1.716
58 1 SEISMICX -28.524 33.848 0.093 0.109 0.047 32.601
2 SEISMICZ -1.815 -52.325 -14.722 -15.102 0.026 1.973
59 1 SEISMICX -26.656 -22.655 -0.239 -0.28 0.374 31.775
2 SEISMICZ -1.824 -76.848 -10.438 -11.437 0.02 1.986
60 1 SEISMICX -16.384 66.836 -0.694 -0.586 0.211 27.47
2 SEISMICZ -1.214 -112.392 -17.794 -16.817 0.157 1.74
61 1 SEISMICX -18.152 -86.617 1.207 0.977 0.142 27.689
2 SEISMICZ -0.049 -0.236 -22.034 -18.158 0.126 0.083
62 1 SEISMICX -14.376 -65.545 0.824 0.794 0.248 21.629
2 SEISMICZ 1.366 55.561 -13.86 -14.219 0.213 -2.009
63 1 SEISMICX -21.74 23.458 0.084 0.101 0.142 24.723
2 SEISMICZ 2.034 51.323 -14.677 -15.082 0.042 -2.284
64 1 SEISMICX -20.228 7.247 -0.336 -0.327 0.204 24.116
2 SEISMICZ 1.798 58.407 -9.39 -11.082 0.05 -2.181
65 1 SEISMICX -12.818 37.452 -0.416 -0.451 -0.006 21.017
2 SEISMICZ 1.114 28.368 -12.696 -14.398 0.172 -1.895
66 1 SEISMICX -0.468 44.489 -0.85 -0.66 0.304 13.821
2 SEISMICZ 0.157 85.852 -24.255 -19.943 0.15 0.431
67 1 SEISMICX -28.039 27.956 0.158 0.137 0.177 31.81
2 SEISMICZ -0.028 0.793 -23.33 -19.25 0.032 0.073
68 1 SEISMICX -16.28 30.543 -0.283 -0.297 -0.469 26.757
2 SEISMICZ 0.042 16.844 -17.543 -14.883 -0.03 0.039
69 1 SEISMICX -22.884 -7.867 -0.317 -0.314 -0.34 21.992
2 SEISMICZ -0.378 -1.229 -24.454 -18.135 0.156 0.629
Node L/C Force-Y kN
15 WEIGHT 55.076
16 WEIGHT 77.435
17 WEIGHT 79.685
18 WEIGHT 83.855
19 WEIGHT 50.408
20 WEIGHT 90.039
21 WEIGHT 54.278
22 WEIGHT 79.931
23 WEIGHT 47.269
24 WEIGHT 114.712
25 WEIGHT 156.602
26 WEIGHT 120.703
27 WEIGHT 97.813
28 WEIGHT 91.522
29 WEIGHT 81.137
30 WEIGHT 43.61
31 WEIGHT 36.273
32 WEIGHT 52.992
33 WEIGHT 57.924
34 WEIGHT 68.634
35 WEIGHT 52.259
36 WEIGHT 75.194
37 WEIGHT 68.592
38 WEIGHT 69.644
39 WEIGHT 94.562
40 WEIGHT 138.58
41 WEIGHT 105.904
42 WEIGHT 89.378
43 WEIGHT 119.85
44 WEIGHT 67.479
45 WEIGHT 112.529
46 WEIGHT 58.117
47 WEIGHT 160.385
48 WEIGHT 256.057
49 WEIGHT 172.177
50 WEIGHT 139.597
51 WEIGHT 133.553
52 WEIGHT 94.3
53 WEIGHT 67.541
54 WEIGHT 64.173
55 WEIGHT 92.571
56 WEIGHT 78.06
57 WEIGHT 95.982
58 WEIGHT 80.335
59 WEIGHT 99.947
60 WEIGHT 75.309
61 WEIGHT 68.802
62 WEIGHT 95.599
63 WEIGHT 146.533
64 WEIGHT 104.303
65 WEIGHT 89.187
66 WEIGHT 116.293
67 WEIGHT 66.154
68 WEIGHT 111.341
69 WEIGHT 59.023
70 WEIGHT 160.144
71 WEIGHT 243.834
72 WEIGHT 171.36
73 WEIGHT 143.522
74 WEIGHT 138.036
75 WEIGHT 94.243
76 WEIGHT 67.389
77 WEIGHT 64.178
78 WEIGHT 92.219
79 WEIGHT 78.04
80 WEIGHT 95.936
81 WEIGHT 80.432
82 WEIGHT 99.879
83 WEIGHT 75.923
84 WEIGHT 66.133
85 WEIGHT 95.564
86 WEIGHT 135.191
87 WEIGHT 102.78
88 WEIGHT 89.334
89 WEIGHT 117.148
90 WEIGHT 64.522
91 WEIGHT 110.977
92 WEIGHT 58.113
93 WEIGHT 156.787
94 WEIGHT 242.963
95 WEIGHT 172.01
96 WEIGHT 144.505
97 WEIGHT 138.267
98 WEIGHT 94.261
99 WEIGHT 67.488
100 WEIGHT 64.175
101 WEIGHT 92.409
102 WEIGHT 78.039
103 WEIGHT 96.072
104 WEIGHT 80.326
105 WEIGHT 99.909
106 WEIGHT 75.87
107 WEIGHT 36.735
108 WEIGHT 129.209
109 WEIGHT 118.604
110 WEIGHT 58.81
111 WEIGHT 132.824
112 WEIGHT 111.948
113 WEIGHT 36.398
114 WEIGHT 64.261
115 WEIGHT 31.605
116 WEIGHT 96.521
117 WEIGHT 155.257
118 WEIGHT 102.656
119 WEIGHT 81.086
120 WEIGHT 79.991
121 WEIGHT 64.653
122 WEIGHT 35.713
123 WEIGHT 47.55
124 WEIGHT 69.212
125 WEIGHT 70.225
126 WEIGHT 81.966
127 WEIGHT 58.887
128 WEIGHT 86.283
129 WEIGHT 50.559
130 WEIGHT 31.925
131 WEIGHT 52.878
132 WEIGHT 23.538
133 WEIGHT 55.609
134 WEIGHT 23.466
135 WEIGHT 22.467
136 WEIGHT 113.998
137 WEIGHT 44.325
138 WEIGHT 113.75
139 WEIGHT 43.726
140 WEIGHT 113.585
141 WEIGHT 43.723
142 WEIGHT 108.934
143 WEIGHT 42.908
Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Moment
Node L/C Fx kN Fy kN Fz kN Mx kNm My kNm Mz kNm

57 3 DEAD LO 3.513 174.98 3.827 1.843 -0.031 -2.069

4 LIVE LOA 0.236 27.596 -0.025 -0.01 -0.008 -0.289
58 3 DEAD LO 2.825 277.053 3.758 1.89 0.002 -1.791
4 LIVE LOA 0.295 58.647 -0.024 0.01 0.005 -0.292
59 3 DEAD LO 0.902 320.634 -1.889 -0.78 -0.191 -0.976
4 LIVE LOA -0.037 72.346 -0.893 -0.45 -0.041 -0.085
60 3 DEAD LO -4.797 193.581 1.66 1.141 -0.161 1.397
4 LIVE LOA 0.12 26.024 0.087 -0.003 -0.043 -0.089
61 3 DEAD LO 3.386 301.638 0.033 0.026 -0.015 -1.772
4 LIVE LOA 0.314 62.027 -0.019 -0.015 -0.004 -0.284
62 3 DEAD LO 3.031 170.445 -3.824 -1.821 -0.033 -1.258
4 LIVE LOA 0.114 26.253 -0.005 -0.016 -0.009 -0.074
63 3 DEAD LO 2.005 274.861 -3.754 -1.724 -0.007 -0.849
4 LIVE LOA 0.062 57.948 0.009 -0.002 0.002 -0.033
64 3 DEAD LO 0.122 287.4 -4.912 -2.262 -0.087 -0.088
4 LIVE LOA -0.183 58.139 -0.276 -0.185 -0.012 0.127
65 3 DEAD LO -5.14 195.522 -7.839 -3.405 0.029 2.075
4 LIVE LOA 0.073 31.337 0.116 -0.018 0.022 0.077
66 3 DEAD LO -8.892 381.95 5.681 3.089 -0.146 6.554
4 LIVE LOA -0.326 75.545 -0.22 -0.154 -0.038 1.082
67 3 DEAD LO 2.539 449.442 0.404 0.277 -0.052 -1.4
4 LIVE LOA 0.108 128.817 0.045 0.029 -0.011 -0.154
68 3 DEAD LO -4.305 417.028 4.948 2.478 0.276 1.583
4 LIVE LOA 0.478 125.823 0.618 0.259 0.075 -0.17
69 3 DEAD LO 4.81 46.687 1.906 1.018 0.121 0.966
4 LIVE LOA -1.254 5.499 0.585 0.249 0.03 1.348
756 189 3680
As per Cl:, Page 13, IS 1893 2002 Code
1 1.5*(DL+LL) =

2 1.2*(DL+LL±EL)
1.2*(DL+LL+(± Elx ± 0.3*Elz)) =
1.2*(DL+LL+(± 0.3*Elx ± Elz)) =

3 1.5*(DL±EL)
1.5*(DL+(± Elx ± 0.3*Elz)) =
1.5*(DL+(± 0.3*Elx ± Elz)) =

4 0.9*DL±1.5*EL
0.9*DL+1.5*(± Elx ± 0.3*Elz) =
0.9*DL+1.5*(± 0.3*Elx ± Elz) =

Where, EL= (± Elx ± 0.3*Elz) & EL= (± 0.3*Elx ± Elz)


Where, EL= (± Elx ± 0.3*Elz) & EL= (± 0.3*Elx ± Elz)


Where, EL= (± Elx ± 0.3*Elz) & EL= (± 0.3*Elx ± Elz)


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