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International School
Dhamnod (Dhar)
Name = Abhivya Nyaik , Riya Choubey ,
Prajakta Patidar

Class = XII

Exam Roll No. =

Academic Year = 2023 - 2024

This is to certify that Miss Abhivya
Nyaik ,Miss Riya Choubey, Miss Prajakta
Patidar of class XII has successfully completed
the Informatics Practices project on the topic
Liabrary Management under the guidance of
Rahul Dubey sir during the academic year
2023 - 2024.

Internal Examiner Principal

I would like to express my special thanks for gratitude of
my teacher Mr. Rahul Dubey sir as well as our principal
Mr. Vishal Shah sir who gave me the golden opportunity
to do this project of informatics practices which also
helped me in doing a lot of research and I came to know
new things about it . Without their help , guidance and
support it would have been impossible to complete this

Secondly , I would also like to thank my parents and

friends who helped me a lot in finishing this project
within limited time . I am making this project not only for
marks but also to increase my knowledge.

Once again thanks to all who helped me in doing this

project .

Date External Examiner

Project on
2023 – 2024

Group Members :
 Abhivya Nyaik
 Riya Choubey
 Prajakta Patidar
Sr. No. Particulars pages

1. Project Analysis

2. Functions and Modules

3. Detailed Descripton

4. Source Code

5. Outputs and Tables

6. Bibliography

7. Remarks
Our application program is specially
Designed for the public library named

They lend books to readers who have subscribed

With the library.

We have thoroughly examined the needs of the

library and after the analysis, we have constructed
the program.
We have used PYTHON and MYSQL as our platform
to carry out the task.
Purpose of the Liabrary

Library Management System is a system that shows all the available books
and their count and also books taken by people, the date on which they took
that particular book, expected date of return, late due fees, membership
details, and so on. Everything will be crystal clear. There will be no ambiguity.
It will be beneficial for both students and librarians.

This library management is very efficient and also cost-effective. It saves a lot
of time for both librarians and also students. With this, manual work is
reduced, requiring less staff and maintenance. This system is user-friendly
and also very easy to use.
Functions and

Modules :
Import mysql.connector:
By importing this package, we are able to establish the
connection between SQL and python.
Functions :


This function establishes connection

between python and MySQL


It is a special control structure that

facilitates the row – by – row processing of
records in the result set.
The syntax is:
<cursor object > = <connection
Execute ():
This function is used to execute the sql
query and retrieve records using python.
The syntax is :
<cursor object>.execute(<sql query string>)

Def() :
A function is a block of code which only
runs when it is called.

Fetchall ():
This function will return all the rows from
the result set in the form of a tuple
containing the records.
Fetchone ():
This function will return one row from the
result set in the form of a tuple containing
the records.

Commit ():
This function provides changes in the
database physically.
Detailed Description
Our project has 3 MySQl
tables . These are :-
1. Books
2. Issue
3. Return
The table books contain the following columns :


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