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Writing a thesis is a daunting task that requires extensive research, critical analysis, and coherent

argumentation. It demands meticulous attention to detail, adherence to academic standards, and the
ability to synthesize complex information into a cohesive narrative. From formulating a research
question to conducting literature reviews and collecting data, every step of the thesis writing process
presents its own challenges.

One of the most crucial aspects of writing a thesis is citing sources accurately and appropriately.
Citing sources serves multiple purposes, including giving credit to the original authors, providing
evidence to support arguments, and allowing readers to trace the origin of ideas and information.
Failure to cite sources properly can result in accusations of plagiarism, which can have serious
consequences for academic and professional integrity.

In a research paper, all information that is not common knowledge or original must be cited. This
includes direct quotations, paraphrases, summaries, and even ideas that are inspired by other sources.
Proper citation requires identifying the source of the information, including the author's name,
publication date, title of the work, and other relevant details, and formatting it according to a
specific citation style, such as APA, MLA, or Chicago.

In addition to citing direct quotes and paraphrases, it is also important to cite sources for data,
statistics, images, graphs, and other non-textual elements used in the research paper. Providing proper
attribution for all sources not only demonstrates academic honesty but also allows readers to verify
the accuracy and credibility of the information presented.

Given the complexity and importance of citing sources in a research paper, it is advisable for students
and researchers to seek assistance from professional writing services like ⇒ ⇔.
With experienced writers and editors who are well-versed in academic citation styles and guidelines,
⇒ ⇔ can ensure that your research paper meets the highest standards of scholarly
excellence. By entrusting your thesis to ⇒ ⇔, you can save time and energy while
ensuring the integrity and quality of your work.
Reply Autumn says: 24 Oct 2011 at 4:24 pm Thank you for the clarification. I hope it helps. Reply
natalie says: 5 Jun 2011 at 8:32 pm I personally do not know how to organize my works cited list. It
is copying half of one sentence and pasting it with half of another sentence. For an MLA citation,
list the author's last name and then first name and the title of the paper in quotations. Reply Jordan
says: 9 Nov 2011 at 11:31 am Thanks, I’ll give it try. The purpose of any citation style is to make all
the citations appear in the same format for readability and consistency. Your paper is part of a larger
whole, which may be part of an even larger whole. You should: Never use first person in your
research paper unless instructed to do so. For the detailed information about ASA elements of style,
visit the American Sociological Association official website or read our Guide to ASA Citation and
Writing Style. Contributors: Tony Russell, Allen Brizee, Elizabeth Angeli, Russell Keck, Joshua M.
You can certainly compare your printout to the models on this page. Background Information and
History: The Modern Language Association was developed in 1883 and was created to strengthen
the study and teaching of languages and literature. Are you supposed to double-space throughout.or
just double space each entry. Now, no matter if you are in the classroom or engaging in virtual
distance learning you can easily use this product to fit your needs. Reply Dony says: 15 Sep 2011 at
8:36 am Thank you very much for the information. This citation provides the author with an avenue
to express accountability and credibility to related literature or references used in written material.
You have no idea how long I searched for the option to insert the page numbers in the header. Keep
up the good work and thanks for taking the time to put up this information. Papers in MLA format
provides a process of documentation. To do that, we’ve divided the guide into section, each with a
different type of citation for the paper. Reply Ramos says: 9 Oct 2011 at 6:04 pm Thank you very
much for the pointers. If your paper deals with many complicated subjects. Last Edited: 2. 01. This
page provides an example of a Works Cited page in MLA 2. I looked all through my school books
and could not find a discription of what was needed for MLA format. When citing an essay, you
include information in two places: in the body of your paper and in the Works Cited that comes after
it. Accessed 1. 2 May 2. Online Essay Writing Contest. You should also create a running header
containing your last name and the page number on each page. If you are citing a painting, or a
composer, then obviously “author” has to be interpreted a little loosely. Jerz says: 18 Oct 2011 at
10:45 pm I have never used the Modern Language Association style to cite data in the way you
describe, and I find it odd that a medical prof would require a literary citation style. He received his
PhD in English Literature and Medieval Studies from the University of Texas at Austin in 2014.
Reply Dennis G. Jerz says: 9 Sep 2011 at 11:52 pm If you’re worried, you might try turning off
“Track Changes” while you make the MLA formatting changes, then turn it back on; but really, I
don’t think it will matter.
Jerz says: 23 Oct 2011 at 4:27 pm Sorry, Gina, this page doesn’t attempt to cover APA. How to Cite
a Research Paper in APA There are specific rules to follow when citing a research paper in APA.
Major revision !!. Confession: I referee papers for scientific journals. Papers in MLA format provides
a process of documentation. Now, no matter if you are in the classroom or engaging in virtual
distance learning you can easily use this product to fit your needs. The entire paper should be double
spaced with 1-inch margins on all sides. Document Settings Your word processor comes with default
settings (margin, line height, paragraph spacing, and typeface) that will likely need adjustment. There
are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL
command or malformed data. I have searched but can’t really find an answer Reply Dennis G. For a
book, cite the author’s last name and first name, book’s title in italics, city of publication, publisher,
year of publication, and medium. Reply Big Mike says: 3 Oct 2011 at 3:53 pm Dear Dennis G. Jerz.
Let me first say that you are a beast for putting out this website. Works Cited: A Quick Guide A
Source in a Single Container An Essay in a Book Collection. Jerz says: 29 Jul 2011 at 9:21 pm MLA
style is the same no matter what word processor you use, but the default settings of various word
processors differ from what MLA style expects. Like the other format and citation styles we’ve
looked at in this guide, the APA format requires that you observe a few formatting rules as you write
your research paper. Are you supposed to double-space throughout.or just double space each entry.
He’s the author of thirteen books, including several New York Times bestsellers, the winner of the
Florida Book Award for General Nonfiction, and has been a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize in History.
Jerz says: 4 Oct 2011 at 9:38 am That brochure does not sound like the best source. Include where
you accessed the paper and the date you retrieved it. If I am using quotations to cite a book in a
sentence, then write another original sentence, then use quotations again to cite the SAME page of
that book, do i need to use the parenthetical citation both times. I looked all through my school
books and could not find a discription of what was needed for MLA format. How to Cite a Research
Paper Our goal with this guide is to make sure you have a complete and comprehensive resource that
teaches you how to cite a research paper in format. Reply Nora Fox says: 27 Sep 2011 at 2:02 pm I
have a group paper with four of us writing it. Once you’re sure that Works Cited is the format you
need, making sure that your Works Cited page is up to par can have a huge impact on both on the
professionalism of your work as well as your final grade. Last Edited: 2. 01. This page provides an
example of a Works Cited page in MLA 2. Contributors: Tony Russell, Allen Brizee, Elizabeth
Angeli, Russell Keck, Joshua M. The title of the database, Academic Search Elite, is like the title of
the streaming service you’d need to sign into. To create a page header, insert page numbers flush
right. What do we ALL ( researches and curators ) want from the papers we read. I would assume
that you should just keep the family name first, rather than reverse it and end up obscuring the family
name. If it were up to me, I would say titles should be in bold font, but that is not what the Modern
Language Association (MLA) says.
Place your cursor in front of the line to be indented and under the Home Menu, click the arrow next
to the word Paragraph. For a book, cite the author’s last name and first name, book’s title in italics,
city of publication, publisher, year of publication, and medium. The Title of work. Publisher City,
State: Publisher. Workshop Goals. To present some tips for writing good abstracts for scientific
papers. Or we have a group number, do we just use that instead of names. Article title. Magazine
Title, pp. xx-xx. Rosenberg, G. (1997, March 31). An electronic discovery proves an effective legal
weapon.The New York Times, p. D5. Website: Author, A.A. (Year, Month Date of Publication). The
first happens in the body of your paper (the “in-text citation”) and the second happens on a separate
page at the end of your paper (see “Works Cited List,” below.) 4.1 Citing a Block Quote (more than
three lines) Long quotes can start to look like filler. Year of Publication. Title. Country of Publisher:
Publisher. This format has principles rather than a set of specific rules to be followed. Jerz says: 18
Oct 2011 at 10:45 pm I have never used the Modern Language Association style to cite data in the
way you describe, and I find it odd that a medical prof would require a literary citation style. A
research paper that was published in an academic journal should be treated like any other journal
article. MLA citation format for Internet reference resources. 2019-01-09. So it would be extreme
helpful, if this website had that information. Leroux, Marcel. Global Warming: Myth Or Reality?:
The Erring Ways of Climatology. Taker easy bro and have a good one. -big mike Reply Dennis G.
Reply Zubhai says: 27 Aug 2011 at 5:49 pm Hi I don’t know how to adjust the line in Ms Word.
Scientific Soft Skill Seminar Petr Kmoch CGG MFF UK. After this, in quotations, you should enter
the full text of the tweet, including any hashtags. Page margin should be at least an inch Don’t put
spaces between paragraphs Your footnotes should be on paraphrased passages Place page number at
the top right corner of each page expect for the title page Citing Your Research Paper in Chicago
Format The following screenshot shows the right way to cite your research paper in the Chicago
format based on different sources. As a general rule, your text should be 12 points Expect for block
quotes, notes, figure captions, references entries, table titles, and bibliographies, double-space
everything else. Jerz says: 22 Aug 2011 at 6:10 pm Yes, even when you are paraphrasing rather than
using the exact words, in MLA style we still cite the source. Bless you for your patience and
thorough work on this. The ASA guide recommends that you stick to the following format when
writing your research paper in the ASA style: Each side of every page should have a margin of 1. For
in-text citations, include a superscript number after the information for which you need a citation.
Citing academic papers properly are done to counteract plagiarism. Invert the names of the authors
so that you list their last names first, followed by their first names. Reply Kim says: 23 Oct 2011 at
3:50 pm I’m sorry if I missed this in the comments or elsewhere on the page, but I am writing a
paper that is a group project using MLA. Now, no matter if you are in the classroom or engaging in
virtual distance learning you can easily use this product to fit. Additional materials required for
manuscript preparation and submission Prof Steve Leharne. Also, it clearly indicates the references
used so your instructor can have a closer look at your research process if they ever want to.
If the paper was unpublished, the date you use will be the year the paper was written. For an optimal
experience, please switch to the latest version of Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Apple Safari or
Mozilla Firefox. You can also use software, such as Zotero’s Onenote or Noodle Tools, to help you
collect the right information. You might shorten the URL to “,” because it would be a simple
matter to use a search engine to find the actual story. This page provides an example of a Works
Cited page in MLA 2016 format. Is there a particular order in which all our names should be written
at the top of the paper. We do not endorse or condone any type of plagiarism. Alphabetical order:
Starting on the next line after the page title, your references should be listed in alphabetical order by
author. Why bother? Publish or perish Publication Invention security Research success measure
Academic (tenure-track) ranking Knowledge dissemination. Example: James, Henry. 2003. The Turn
of the Screw. Taker easy bro and have a good one. -big mike Reply Dennis G. Information Security:
Concerted Effort Needed to Consolidate and Secure Internet Connections at Federal Agencies. How
do you indent every other line in Work Cited List from MS Word 2007. The Works Cited page lists
all of the sources you used in your paper and is placed at the end of the paper on a new numbered
page. Reply Chad says: 19 Aug 2011 at 12:01 pm Very nice article. Talking about how to write a
research paper in APA format, your APA paper should have four major sections: Title page Abstract
Main Body References Be sure to read about how to write an essay format. Unless your instructor
ask you to organize your Works Cited list differently, everything should be alphabetized together, in
a single list. In this article, our term paper writers have prepared information on how to format
research papers as well as how to properly reference academic papers. This website was an awesome
help as I planned and wrote my research essay. The following are the specific formats to follow:
Book: Author, A.A. (Year of Publication). It requires writers to cite sources in endnotes or footnotes.
Centered on the next line, type an informative title that actually informs the reader of your main
point (not just “English Paper” or “A Comparison between Hamlet and Macbeth”). I'm supposed to
write a 2 pg essay on a character from the book Farewell to Manzanar, and the teacher wants us to
show HOW and WHY the writer portrayed this character that way, the thing is i feel like just writing
about the character is so boring, how can i make it interesting. Your paper is part of a larger whole,
which may be part of an even larger whole. Bless you for your patience and thorough work on this.
Your best bet would be to look up page or header in your word pocessor’s help function. In addition,
PDF's have now been added alongside the Word documents. Publication Date: Page Numbers.
Medium. Example: Smith, John. “Obama inaugurated as President.” Cable News
Network, 21 Jan. 2009. Web. 1 Feb. 2009. Read more about HOW TO CITE A RESEARCH PAPER
USING MLA FORMAT Research Paper in Chicago Style The Chicago style of citing is commonly
used in humanities. Exactly how that basic format gets turned into a Works Cited entry depends on
the source. This page is where the author gives credit to the source.
Exactly how that basic format gets turned into a Works Cited entry depends on the source. Now, no
matter if you are in the classroom or engaging in virtual. The purpose of any citation style is to make
all the citations appear in the same format for readability and consistency. That would have the name
of the article and website. But if you continue on without an ellipsis, include the backslashes that
indicate line breaks. Article title. Magazine Title, pp. xx-xx. Rosenberg, G. (1997, March 31). An
electronic discovery proves an effective legal weapon.The New York Times, p. D5. Website: Author,
A.A. (Year, Month Date of Publication). Jerz says: 17 Jun 2011 at 12:05 pm Katie, it sounds like you
might need to check with your instructor. Contributors: Tony Russell, Allen Brizee, Elizabeth
Angeli, Russell Keck, Joshua M. If the brochure does not say where the quotes come from, how do
you know the quotes are accurate. Magazine: Author, A.A. (Year, a month of Publication). I'm
supposed to write a 2 pg essay on a character from the book Farewell to Manzanar, and the teacher
wants us to show HOW and WHY the writer portrayed this character that way, the thing is i feel like
just writing about the character is so boring, how can i make it interesting. I think he’s wrong about
that since Wikipedia has been scientifically proven to be more accurate than any print encyclopedia,
but he won’t change his mind. Reply Jennifer Long says: 2 Sep 2011 at 2:50 am Hi I am new at APA
style. Reply Dennis G. Jerz says: 4 Oct 2011 at 12:20 am I spoke to a visiting Chinese scholar, who
recommended that Western scholars go ahead and insert the comma, so that readers will recognize
the name as properly alphabetized. With over 35 years of experience, he specializes in investigative
journalism, nonfiction books, and editorials. The title of the paper is written in title case, meaning
that most adjectives, nouns, and verbs are capitalized, but articles and conjunctions are not. Reply
Ashley says: 22 Sep 2011 at 9:16 pm This is awesome very helpful. If your paper is long, your
instructor may request that you separate certain portions of it into various section headings. Reply
Lianne Casey says: 27 Sep 2011 at 9:00 am Hello, Thankyou for this amazing page. You can make
the formatting process easier by using a trusted citation builder, though a most academic databases
will format and export the citation for you. Most academic instructors include a paper syllabus at the
beginning of a course. If we use an author’s idea, rephrased in our own words, we must still cite the
idea. In your paper, use a parenthetical reference with the author's last name and the page number.
Now, no matter if you are in the classroom or engaging in virtual distance. Reply brandon says: 4 Jun
2011 at 5:05 pm i was on this same page a couple days ago and you had the whole steps.what
happend to that. Uzawa, Hirofumi. Economic Theory and Global Warming. Jerz says: 14 Sep 2011
at 5:50 pm Search your word processor’s “help” section for “hanging indent.” Reply Pam says: 14
Sep 2011 at 12:22 pm Dennis: How do you write a Expository Essay. You may disagree with the
way the Wikipedia article was phrased. After the publication year, include the page numbers on
which the article appears, along with a period. MLA Research Paper Format MLA (Modern
Language Association) format format is commonly used in liberal arts and humanities.
Now, no matter if you are in the classroom or engaging in virtual distance learning you can easily use
this product to fit. Uzawa, Hirofumi. Economic Theory and Global Warming. Jerz says: 4 Jun 2011
at 5:29 pm For some reason the page was truncated. I was wondering do we need to indent for each
paragraph and is the quote optional or is it a must. I’m sure your syllabus, the assignment
description, or a textbook mentions what method you are expected to use. Christopher Taylor is an
Adjunct Assistant Professor of English at Austin Community College in Texas. For the detailed
information about ASA elements of style, visit the American Sociological Association official
website or read our Guide to ASA Citation and Writing Style. If there is no known author, cite the
source by including the title of the source in alphabetical order as you would any other source.
Subsequent authors are listed as First Name Last Name. Sociological students and scholars use the
ASA citation format primarily for writing university research papers in sociology or for submitting
articles to ASA journals. See Also Integrating Sources: Using Quotations in an MLA Style Academic
Paper. Reply Dennis G. Jerz says: 17 Sep 2011 at 7:51 am Your teacher will give you your grade, not
me, so follow your teacher’s guidelines. Now, no matter if you are in the classroom or engaging in
virtual. I’ve bookmarked you and I am sending my students to this site for extra help when they’re
not in class. Now, no matter if you are in the classroom or engaging in virtual. I have no clue how to
set it to where it doesn’t do that. There is no need to provide the abbreviation 'p' for page. Now, no
matter if you are in the classroom or engaging in virtual. Jerz says: 23 Oct 2011 at 4:17 pm What did
your instructor suggest. A References page is similar to Works Cited, but is used in the APA format.
My “BibBuilder” is more like a guide than a full-fledged utility, but you may nevertheless find it
helpful. Use Times New Roman font with a size of 12 points Every page must have a page header,
which should not exceed 50 characters Citing Your Research Paper in APA Format Below is a
screenshot that shows you exactly how to cite your research paper in the APA style. Jerz says: 13
Nov 2011 at 11:31 pm I’ve never heard of anything called a “title paragraph.” This is a page about
formatting, not writing; for help on writing, including thesis statements, see Reply Nerissa says: 12
Nov 2011 at 9:04 pm How do I cite a whole paragraph when it all belongs in the same source. You
may disagree with the way the Wikipedia article was phrased. Reply Cnana says: 13 Sep 2011 at
2:54 am I’m in a group of 7 with a paper due this Thur which must be in MLA. Correlation between
the annual growth (%) in researchers and publications Euopean Commission (2001) Benchmarking
National Research Policies. Taker easy bro and have a good one. -big mike Reply Dennis G. Reply
Ashley says: 22 Sep 2011 at 9:16 pm This is awesome very helpful. Scientific Soft Skill Seminar Petr
Kmoch CGG MFF UK. Reply satyajit says: 26 Sep 2011 at 5:40 am how to cite the Japanese name
in order in the Bibliog (MLA).

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