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Criteria Poor Average Excellent Marks


Selection and Inadequate Selection of a Well-researched

Relevance of PR selection of a somewhat relevant PR selection of a highly
Professional relevant corporate professional, but with relevant corporate PR
PR professional or limited communication professional with clear
(5 marks) no evidence of attempts (2-3) communication
communication attempts and
attempts (0-1) responses (4-5)

Interview Poorly structured Moderately structured Well-structured

Structure and interview questions interview questions interview questions,
Questions with limited with some relevance to highly relevant to PR,
relevance to the the PR field (2-3) covering various
(5 marks) PR field (0-1) aspects (4-5)

Professional's Inadequate or Some relevant insights Detailed, insightful,

Insights and vague insights from from the PR and comprehensive
Responses the PR professional, but insights from the PR
professional with lacking depth and professional with depth
(10 marks) limited depth (0-3) clarity (4-6) and clarity (7-10)

Ethical Lack of exploration Some attempt to Thorough exploration

Considerations or integration of discuss ethical and clear integration of
and Integration ethical considerations, but ethical considerations
considerations in superficial or unclear into the interview (4-5)
(5 marks) the interview (0-1) (2-3)

Reflection and Limited or no Some reflection on the Comprehensive

Analysis reflection on the interview experience reflection with critical
interview but lacking depth or analysis, connecting
(10 marks) experience and its critical analysis 4-6) the interview to PR
significance (0-3) theories and concepts

Video Quality and Poor video quality, Fair video quality with Highly creative,
Creativity unclear audio, and some clarity in audio innovative, and
distracting and minimal captivating
(5 marks) background, lack of distractions, engaging presentation, excellent
creativity (0-1) content, and moderate video quality, crisp
innovation (2-3) audio, subtitle
provided, and visually
engaging background

*Total marks (40 marks) will be converted to 20%

*Please reproduce the above table at the end of your assignment

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