Group Project

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Behind the PR Lens: Crafting Stories, Building Brands, Ensuring Ethics

In this assignment, you will be excited to select and interview a corporate communication
manager/public relations professional. This interview aims to gain valuable insights into the
public relations field. The interview will shed light on various aspects, such as the role of PR,
ethics, day-to-day responsibilities, branding, campaign involvement, media relations, crisis
communication management, and all related functions.
Steps to complete this project:
1. Identify and Contact PR Professionals:
 Each group should identify and contact at least one public relations
professional for an interview. Research and identify a corporate public
relations professional willing to participate in an interview. Look for
professionals with diverse experiences and a solid background in corporate
 Provide proof of communication attempts and responses (emails, messages,
2. Requesting an Interview:
 Contact the selected professional via email, phone, or professional
networking platforms. Clearly explain the purpose of the interview, the topics
to be covered, and the expected duration of the interview.
3. Preparing Interview Questions:
 Develop a set of TEN (10) well-structured questions covering various aspects
such as ethics, daily tasks, campaign management, media relations, crisis
communication, stakeholder engagement, and career advice. The questions
should be insightful and thought-provoking.
4. Conducting the Interview:
 Schedule a suitable time for the interview with the corporate PR professional.
 During the interview, ensure a conducive environment for discussion, take
notes and record the interview (ask for permission), and encourage the
professional to share their experiences and insights openly.
5. Documenting the Interview:
 After the interview, organize and summarize the information gathered,
ensuring accuracy and relevance.
 Highlight key points, exciting anecdotes, and notable insights the PR
professional shares.
6. Writing the Assignment:
 Introduce the corporate PR professional, briefly explaining their background
and expertise.
 Detail the interview experience, including the questions and the professional's
responses, emphasizing ethical considerations, daily tasks, campaigns,
media relations, crisis, branding, and other relevant aspects.
7. Analysis and Reflection:
 Reflect on the insights gained from the interview, discussing the relevance of
ethics in the PR profession and how the professional's experiences align with
the theories and concepts studied in the course.
 After interviewing this person, are you (the student, not the practitioner) more
or less likely to want to have a career in PR? Why?

8. Conclusion:
 Summarize the interview, highlighting the most valuable takeaways, and
reiterate the importance of gaining practical perspectives from industry
experts in understanding public relations.

Submission Guidelines:
 Submit a well-structured report or essay documenting the interview, its analysis, and
reflection on the learnings. Ensure the document is appropriate and cite any sources
 Format: APA style, 11 font size, Arial, double spacing, 13-15 pages
 Written reports must be submitted via Google Classroom by the established
deadline. Turnitin will run an originality report on each assignment.
 Upload your interview to the YouTube channel. Provide the link to the interview at the
end of the report.

 Plagiarism is strictly prohibited. Quotations must be quoted accurately.

 Please utilise at least TEN (10) articles from UniSZA online database.

*If you would like the lecturer to review your assignment draft, please do so at least A WEEK
before the assignment due date. I will not proofread the assignment but will instead discuss
the merits of the project.

Date of Submission: 12 DECEMBER 2024 (TUESDAY) before 5.00 pm

1. Ethical Practices:
a. Can you share an instance where you had to navigate a challenging ethical
situation in your public relations career, and how did you address it?
b. How do you ensure that ethical considerations are integrated into your public
relations strategies and campaigns?

2. Daily Tasks and Responsibilities:

a. What are the key daily tasks and responsibilities that you handle as a public
relations professional?
b. Could you describe a typical day or week in your role, highlighting your most
frequent activities and priorities?
3. Public Relations Campaigns:
a. Can you discuss a notable public relations campaign you've worked on, its
objectives, strategies, and outcomes?
b. How do you measure the success and effectiveness of a public relations
campaign, and what metrics do you primarily focus on?
4. Media Relations:
a. How do you approach building and maintaining relationships with journalists
and media outlets for effective media coverage?
b. Can you share a successful experience of managing a media crisis and the
strategies you employed to handle it?
5. Integration of Digital Media:
a. In today's digital age, how do you integrate digital media strategies into your
public relations campaigns for maximum impact and reach?
b. What digital tools and platforms do you find most effective in engaging with
your target audience and stakeholders?

6. Stakeholder Engagement:
a. How do you identify key stakeholders for a campaign or project, and what
strategies do you use to engage and communicate with them effectively?
b. How important is stakeholder feedback in shaping your communication
strategies, and how do you manage and analyze this feedback?

7. Crisis Communication:
a. What steps do you take to prepare for potential crises, and how do you
approach crisis communication to protect the organization's reputation?
b. Could you share an example of a crisis you handled and the strategies
employed to manage communications during that time?

8. Trends and Emerging Practices:

a. What emerging trends or practices in public relations are you currently
exploring or implementing in your work?
b. How do you stay updated with the latest industry trends and technologies,
and how does this impact your strategies and approaches?

9. Measuring Impact and ROI:

a. How do you measure the return on investment (ROI) of your public relations
efforts and demonstrate the value to stakeholders?
b. Can you provide examples of key performance indicators (KPIs) you consider
crucial in evaluating the success of a public relations initiative?

10. Career Development and Advice:

a. What advice would you give to someone aspiring to build a successful career
in public relations?
b. How do you continue to develop your skills and stay ahead in the rapidly
evolving field of public relations?

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