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Assalammualaikum wr wb

Good … my teachers, my friends, and everybody here. My name is Panji, I am so happy to be here with
all of you. , Alhamdulillah, all praise to Allah. Thanks You for for the blessings, we could gather in this
place. I hope all of you are in good condition. Aamiin..

Today, I will deliver some message from Allah SWT. Let’s hear this… understand this… and do this.

The theme of my speech is taken from Al Asr. For the goodness of Time. BACA SURATNYA

Guys, I want to ask something.

What do you do after school?

What do you do on Saturday? On Sunday?

Do we make good deeds every day?

Do we spend our time praying, worshipping, reciting Al Quran? Or Do we spend our time playing?
Playing roblox, FF, MInecraft, computer, or watching TV? No, no.. please don’t do that my friends.

Don’t play games all the time, day and night, no… no..

Don’t watch TV, youtube, or Tiktok all day long,

You will forget to pray

You will forget to help your parents

And you will forget to study! This is not good, that is why Time is very important in our life. Use your
time wisely, fill the time with good things.

In Al Asr, verse 2, it says “Surely humans are in big loss, they lose, they are loser.

But, if you have faith and you support each other to do good things, you and your friends or your family
do good things together, then all of you are the winner. You will get Allah’s mercy in return and Allah
promises you Heaven. Paradise.

That is why, let’s do good things to reach the Heaven, tell people to pray, to give charity, to help
parents, support your friend to study. Then we can enter the Heaven together.

Do you want to enter Heaven? Yes, of course!

My friends, I think this is the end of my speech. I hope we learn a lesson. Thank you for listening. Let’s
do some action!

Wassalammualaikum wr wb.

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