Script Movie Project Udah Jadi

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Movie project script

Shanda :”good afternoon everyone, there’s new student. Please come on in”
Alin enters the room
Shanda : “Alin please introduce yourself”

Alin : “thank you miss”

Alin : “Hello everyone, Alin is my name”

(Alin can’t speak English fluently)

Shanda : “ok thank you Alin you can sit next to Anggit”
Alin : “thank you miss”

Alin sits next to Anggit

Shanda : “now, Fathiya, Alin, Anggit, and Kelfin please introduce yourself”

And then, they introduce gradually

Fathiya: “Fathiya”

Kelfin: “Kelfin”

Tia: “Tia”

Anggit: “hi, I’m Anggit”

Shanda : “ok everyone today we will learn about…..”

Fathiya: “hei, did you see that? Is she Vicky Prasetyo or what?”
Kelfin : “you’re right, what a shame”

Tia: “yeah, I don’t wanna be friend with her”

Anggit : ......

Not long after that...

Shanda leaves the class and the bullies come over to Alin

Fathiya: “Hei, you’re the new student, right? What was that? You can’t even introduce yourself”
Kelfin: “Yeah, are you not ashamed?”
Tia: “Oh look at this! Dictionary! Is this still a thing?”
The bullies leave after mocking Alin, Alin just look down and don’t have a courage
to face them. And then someone pats Alin’s shoulder.
Anggit : “Hi Alin
Alin : “Eh hi Anggit, right?”
Anggit : “yeah, Alin are you ok?”
Alin : “I’m ok, thanks”
Anggit : “Alin, I heard that before, don’t listen to them! They’re just bullies, they also bully me sometimes”
Alin : “Oh sorry that happened to you too, but they’re right, my English is not good”
Anggit : “no need to be worried. If you want, I can help you. Let’s study together”
Alin : “that’s great idea, thanks a lot Anggit”
Anggit : “Don’t mention it”

Anggit dan Alin study together day after day. Alin is excited to catch up all the material.

-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈ (Anggit & Alin)

they study together at the park. when they study together, Anggit's phone rings. She checks a
notification on her phone.

Miss Shanda as their teacher sends a long chat on class group. oh, that's a competition
information. Anggit is very excited and she tells Alin

Anggit: "hey, check this out!"

Alin: "What is it about?”
anggit: "it’s speech competition”

Anggit reads a long chat from Miss Shanda. after Anggit finishes, Alin is not excited. after
that, Anggit asks Alin.

Anggit: "Hey, you don’t look excited, you don't care about this competition?"
Alin: "Do you want to join this competition?"
Anggit: "Yes sure. How about you Alin? I think you should join it too"
Alin: "I don't think so. you know, my English is so bad. I'm shy too. I'm sure Fathiya will join
that competition. if Fathiya and her friends know I join the competition, they will bully me
again. I'm tired, Anggit"

After hearing that, Anggit gets angry and tells her.

Anggit: "Oh, please! Your English has improved a lot Alin! You have to believe in yourself
that you can do it! Come on, let’s join this competition"
Alin: "hmm… I think you’re right. Let’s give it a try! Thanks a lot, Anggit, you’re a good
anggit: "if you never try, how'll you know?"

after Alin thinks again, she joins the competition. but Alin still can't be confident with herself,
and she says to Anggit.

Alin: "Anggit, please don't let fathiya and their friends know about this"
anggit: "Okay. I'll only say this to miss shanda"

Alin and Anggit practice day by day. One day, Fathiya amazes with Alin’s improvement.

today is Thursday, their course on this day. it's 04.30 pm but Fathiya still hasn't arrived at
English course. kelvin, Tia, Anggit, and Alin have arrived at course. don't panic, Kelvin and
Tia will not bully Alin if Fathiya isn’t there”

it's 5.00 pm and Fathiya arrives when Miss Shanda is teaching. Fathiya doesn't greet anyone.
yes, Fathiya is like that. she is very rude and annoying.

a few moments later, Miss Shanda says to her students about the competition

Miss Shanda: "Okay guys, miss has sent the information about the competition. only three
students that will join this competition, they're Fathiya, Anggit, and Alin"

when Fathiya hears that, she is mad at Alin. Fathiya feels she will lose if Alin join the
competition because Alin's English improves so much.

after the class is over, Fathiya and her friends bully Alin again because Alin joins the
competition. Alin runs away from course and meets Anggit.

Alin: "Anggit, Fathiya and her friends bully me again because I join the competition."
anggit: "Put yourself together Alin! We just have a little time to prepare for the competition. "
Alin: "you’re right, let’s practice it again!"
anggit: "Yeah! We can defeat them!"

Alin and Anggit go to their house, while Fathiya and her friends make a plan to make Alin
can't join the contest.

fathiya: "Hey, I have an idea. we can steal Alin's script, so she can't win the competition"

no one answer Fathiya. Fathiya’s friends don’t say anything, and they think that Fathiya is very
selfish and exaggerated

Fathiya: "Come on guys, you must help me"

Tia: "Are you sure about this?"
Fathiya: "yes, why?"
Kelvin: "Sorry but I think you are exaggerated. I can't help you"

Fathiya is mad at Tia and Kelvin. she is very selfish; she still wants to do the plan.

Fathiya: "How about you Tia? you must help me, please. I'll buy anything you want if you help
Tia: "For real? umm okay"

Tia always does anything Fathiya asks to her because Fathiya always buys anything that she

and the competition day begins

(Kelfin puts hidden camera to film Fathiya)

Fathiya: “Ok Tia, now you have to help me get Alin’s Script. We'll do it when she’s getting
ready. all you have to do is look around if there is anyone sees me steal Tia’s Script.
Tia: “Are you sure about this?”
Fathia: “there’s not time Tia, look around!”

Fathiya finally gets Alin’s script

The time has ended, and the competition gets started

Fathiya : “Yeay mission accomplished!!!”

Kelfin : “oh, you still on that thing?”

Fathiya : “Yeah. I will definitely be the winner on this competition”

Tia : “Haha, yeah!”

Tia whispered to Kelfin about the tragedy later at Fathiya’s competition

Tia : “Fathiya is stubborn, I’m so sick of her!”

Kelfin : “Yeah, She is out of her mind. But don’t worry, I have a plan”

Alin is worried. She doesn’t know where her speech contest text is because her script is
Anggit: “Alyne what’s going on? Are you looking for something?”
Alyne: “I put my script on this table. But now it’s gone!”

Anggit : “Don’t worry Alin, you got this! You’ve practiced a lot. I’m sure you can remember
your speech without your script”

Alin : “Thank you Anggit for supporting me, either win or lost we never know”

And now the competition begins and her words are strummed
After that Alin starts the competition. Alin’s Competition is successful

Rasya: “way to go Fathiya! I like your confidence!”

Shanda: “well done, Anggit. You seem nervous at first but that’s ok, it’s your first time.”
Rasya: Ok Alin good job Thank you so much, I’m so touched by your speech, your speech is
so inspiring.

The announcement begins

Rasya: “Good Afternoon everyone, all contestants has given the motivational, inspiring, and
beautiful speech. Now I will announce the winner of this speech competition. And the winner
goes to……… Fathiya, congratulation Fathiya!!!

(Kelfin plugs his phone into laptop)

Tia: “hey look at the screen”

Rasya: “Oh my God! What happen? I can’t believe this!”
Shanda: “Someone please turn off the video!!”
Rasya:”Fathiya, I’m so disappointed on you, you are disqualified!” (pull the trophy)
Rasya :”I think we have a new winner, congratulation Alyne!”
Alin: “Wow, this is unbelievable”
Anggit: “congratulation Alin, I’m happy for you, you deserve it!”
Alin: “I don’t know what to say Anggit! But thank you for your help all this time”
Anggit:”Don’t worry about it!”
Speech Contest

Good afternoon, everyone

With all due respect to my teacher, jury and as well as to my dearest friends. First of
all, let’s say thanks to God for giving the health so that on this competition today we can still
gather here on this beautiful day.

Ladies and Gentlemen

As we know, English is not our mother language. We have to learn it before we master
it. A lot of people judge if we don’t speak English well nowadays, and if we try to speak
English, people will correct our grammar and mock our accent. I got bully from my friends
because I can’t speak English fluently. But you know what? Native speaker will not do that!
They will understand that English is just our second language.
But still, I don’t want to give up! I want to speak Englis fluently, I want to be confident
to speak English. Therefore, I practiced over and over again. I practiced my speaking on my
mirror, wrote down all the vocabularies I got from movies, and listened to the music.
Thankfully, now I’m confident to speak English. English is all about confidence.
Instead of mocking people who try to speak English, let’s help them be confident with their

Thank you for your attention. Good afternoon.

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