Concept Paper Literacy Skills Group 2

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Literacy is the ability to read, write, speak and listen in a way that lets us communicate
effectively and make sense of the world. Literacy in its broadest sense describes "particular ways of
thinking about and doing reading and writing" with the purpose of understanding or expressing
thoughts or ideas in written form in some specific context of use. by Michael Apple in his book "Literacy:
Reading the Word and the World" (1996).

At its core, literacy encompasses more than just the ability to read and write. It involves critical
thinking, comprehension, and communication skills that enable individuals to navigate an increasingly
complex world. Literacy opens doors to education, employment, and economic opportunity,
empowering individuals to fulfill their potential and contribute meaningfully to society. By Michael
Apple in his book "Literacy: Reading the Word and the World" (1996).

In education, literacy forms the foundation upon which all other learning is built. Proficient
reading and writing skills are essential for success in virtually every academic subject, from mathematics
to history to science. Without literacy, students may struggle to grasp concepts, engage with
coursework, and excel academically. Moreover, literacy enables lifelong learning, empowering
individuals to continue expanding their knowledge and skills throughout their lives. By Robert F. Smith
Published Sept 20, 2023

Developing strong literacy skills is of utmost importance in education. Literacy is not just about
as the basis for gaining knowledge of in all topics and is crucial for educational success and non-public
growth. By fostering robust literacy skills, students are equipped with the tools to navigate thru
complicated texts, suppose critically, and categorical themselves confidently. Moreover, literacy skills
are necessary for success in the contemporary world, where verbal exchange and facts are
predominantly text-based.

In recent times, lack of literacy skills persists. This problem is evident in lots of students that still
struggles in reading and writing. Some students reach senior high with too little proficiency in literacy. In
Nasugbu, East, Senior High School lack of literacy is still seen. When teachers ask student to read what is
on the board, students struggle to read. Some students, rely on the internet for answers for their
activities instead of doing on their own which completely invalidates their reason for learning. In
Nasugbu, East, Senior High School have a 1304 student with 0.30% not being able to read

We come up with a project entitled "PROJECT SPARKLE (Skillful Progression And Readiness: Key
Literacy Enhancement)” to contribute in the enhancements of literacy skills of students. Activities such
as symposium about the importance of literacy and a reading comprehension will help guide the
students about the various information about literacy skills and as well contributing in their literacy skill
enhancement. On the other hand, this project will be conducted in Nasugbu East Senior High School.

Key Concepts

Comprehensive Communication- literacy involves more than just reading and writing; it encompasses the
ability to speak and listen effectively, enabling individuals to communicate comprehensively in various
Critical Thinking – a key component of literacy is the capacity for critical thinking, which allows individuals to
analyze information, evaluate its relevance and reliability, and form informed opinions.

Foundation of Education-literacy serves as the foundation upon which all other learning is built, enabling
students to engage with academic subjects, understand complex concepts, and excel academically across

Lifelong Learning- literacy empowers individuals to continue learning and expanding their knowledge
throughout their lives, enabling personal growth and adaptability in an ever-changing world.

Empowerment and Opportunity- proficient literacy skills open doors to education, employment, and
economic opportunities, empowering individuals to fulfill their potential and contribute meaningfully to


This concept paper has the following objectives:

1. Creates a culminating activity plan that will complete and justify all the academic learning under
the Humanities and Social Sciences strand.

2. Implements a program called, PROJECT SPARKLE (Skillful Progression And Readiness: Key Literacy
Enhancement) that will focus on helping students in enhancing their literacy skills.

3. Collects outputs in preparation for the exhibition that showcases an understanding of literacy


Preparation, implementation, monitoring, and exhibition involve the following:

1. Prepare communication letters with concept paper attachments and a plan of activities for the
project implementation.

2. Identify the target audience and possible.

3. Implement the project along with the activities according to plan and with proper coordination.

4. Collect pictures and videos for documentation of outputs that will showcase an understanding of
issues about the lack of literacy skills among students

5. Showcase and exhibit a creative portfolio with the collection of outputs prior to the project.

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