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Big Data & Society

January–June: 1–10
Smart forests and data practices: ! The Author(s) 2020
DOI: 10.1177/2053951720904871
From the Internet of Trees to

planetary governance

Jennifer Gabrys

Environments are increasingly becoming technologized sites of data production. From smart cities to smart forests,
digital networks are analyzing and joining up environmental processes. This commentary focuses on one such under-
studied smart environment, smart forests, as emerging digital infrastructures that are materializing to manage and
mitigate environmental change. How does the digitalization of forests not only change understandings of these environ-
ments but also generate different practices and ontologies for addressing environmental change? I first analyze smart
forests within the expanding area of smart environments, and then discuss five digital practices that characterize smart
forests. Based on this analysis, I suggest that forests are not only becoming highly digital environments but also that
forests are transforming into technologies for managing environmental change. Smart forest interventions therefore
expand the scope of what could count as a technology, especially in the context of data-oriented planetary governance.

Smart environments, smart forests, environmental data, environmental change, data practices, planetary governance

Imagine the replanting of a forest. A common image installed on tree trunks and embedded in forest soil
that springs to mind might be of individual cultivators (Figure 1). They are floating airborne through forest
walking a terrain and planting trees by hand. The pro- canopies, and they are located in distant clouds and
cess can be careful yet slow. While these practices are servers where data analytics unfold. Forest technolo-
still important and widespread, start-up drone compa- gies include unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), or
nies are now developing digital techniques for mass- drones, for planting trees and monitoring forest fires;
planting forests from the sky. Working toward the sensor networks for monitoring forest processes that
objective of planting a billion trees per year, these tech- (in a play on the “Internet of Things”) have been
nologies are meant to offer rapid and “industrial-scale” dubbed the “Internet of Trees” (Figure 2); Light
reforestation techniques to compensate for industrial- Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) scanning for assess-
scale deforestation. Forests, digital technologies, ing changes in forest structure; machine learning for
and data analytics are shifting in potentially automating or responding to forest events such as wild-
“revolutionary” ways through these new approaches fires; remote sensing for detecting changes in forest
to reforestation and environmental change. cover and detecting deforestation in real time; and
Smart forests are one among many environments civic apps, platforms for monitoring forest conditions
that are increasingly becoming technologized sites of
data collection, processing, and analysis. Not just
drones but also sensors, artificial intelligence, and Department of Sociology, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK
robots are transforming forest environments in order
Corresponding author:
to manage their environmental contributions through Jennifer Gabrys, Department of Sociology, University of Cambridge, Free
data collection and data analytics. The digital technol- School Lane, Cambridge CB2 3RQ, UK.
ogies that comprise these smart environments are Email:
Creative Commons Non Commercial CC BY-NC: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-
NonCommercial 4.0 License ( which permits non-commercial use, reproduction and dis-
tribution of the work without further permission provided the original work is attributed as specified on the SAGE and Open Access pages (https://us.
2 Big Data & Society

Figure 1. Experimental forest with sensors, photo by author.

and search engines for contributing to reforestation Forests are crucial to acting on environmental
initiatives. change. They are key contributors to the carbon cycle
While these technologies are proliferating, they are and biodiversity, as well as air and water quality. Given
also generating new forms of data and social–political the urgency of addressing environmental change, poli-
impacts that have yet to be extensively researched. In cymakers, scientists, and communities have identified
this overview of smart forests, I ask: How does digita- forests as important spaces to conserve and cultivate.
lization not only change understandings of environ- Meeting climate targets requires both halting defores-
ments but also generate different practices and tation and contributing to practices of mass-scale refor-
ontologies for addressing environmental change? To estation. In this context, forest practices are emerging
address this question, I first look at how smart environ- together with environmental policies and sustainable
ments are expanding across multiple different areas. development goals that attempt to conserve forests as
Second, I consider five specific digital practices that carbon sinks, and to sustain and cultivate forests as
are materializing within smart forests, including obser- green infrastructure. In diverse regions around the
vation, automation and optimization, datafication, world—from Germany to New York City to
participation, and transformation and regulation, as Thailand—smart forests are now emerging where dig-
data-based operations with distinct social–political ital technologies are used to manage, monitor, enhance,
effects. Third, I consider how the digitalization of and expand these rural and urban spaces in response to
forest environments is leading to a condition where environmental change. There are increasing numbers
forests also begin to operate as technologies. In this and types of smart forests being developed to address
sense, I further analyze not just how digital technolo- environmental change, at the same time that forests are
gies are remaking forests but also investigate how for- under threat from deforestation and land use change.
ests are becoming social–political technologies for This text then considers how these digital and data-
addressing environmental change. Forests and the based reworkings of forests potentially lead to
social–political relations that sustain them are shifting significant changes in environmental engagement and
so that forests function as technical instruments planetary governance.
informed by data that are meant to mitigate and even
solve the problem of environmental change. Yet this
Smart environments: From smart cities to
reworking of forests also involves a reworking of tech-
nology toward new conjugations of humans, smart forests
nonhumans and environments—through digital and While there is now extensive research on smart cities
data-intensive operations. and data, other “smart” environments have been less
Gabrys 3

Figure 2. Internet of Trees, European Space Agency.

well studied within the social sciences.1 Smart cities identified with smart cities (Shelton et al., 2015;
research has focused on the complex entanglements Zook, 2017).
of digital technologies, governance, and social–political Smart cities literature has demonstrated how the
life (Antenucci, 2019; Datta, 2015; Dourish, 2016; digital rewiring of environments has consequences for
Gabrys, 2014b; Marvin et al., 2016; Tironi and the experience, governance, and organization of smart
Valderrama, 2018). However, environments that are urban environments (Bulkeley et al., 2016; Luque-
becoming sites for smartification such as forests have Ayala and Marvin, 2015; Rose, 2017). Furthermore,
yet to be extensively analyzed for their social and polit- “smart” is a contested term, operationalized by tech-
ical impacts, even when forests have been test sites for nology companies, governments, NGOs, and commu-
developing smart city technologies (Cuff et al., 2008; nity groups to advance distinct development or
Gabrys, 2016a; cf. Bakker and Ritts, 2018). For governance agendas (Hollands, 2008; cf. Dalton
instance, digital technologies facilitate practices orient- et al., 2019; Schick and Winthereik, 2013). The prolif-
ed toward measurement, data collection, and automa- eration of smart technologies, infrastructures, and ini-
tion, often by expert or elite actors through processes tiatives can shift the locus of governance from often
that can exacerbate inequalities. These dynamics have local or urban governmental actors to more remote
been extensively studied within online spaces and in and global corporate actors that control technologies
relation to economic and racial inequality (Benjamin, and networks, thereby transforming governance and
2019; Eubanks, 2017; Noble, 2018), yet are less well participation (Barns et al., 2017; Meng and DiSalvo,
understood in relation to the environmental inequal- 2018; Shelton and Lodato, 2019). While some insights
ities that materialize or are reinforced, especially in from smart cities and smart infrastructure literature are
locations that span from the urban to the rural, and transferrable to an understanding of wider smart envi-
from the Global North to the Global South.2 The influ- ronments, there also are numerous unstudied effects
ence of emerging digital technologies on the inhabited and transformations that are unique to these locations.
and social spaces of forests is less well documented. At By focusing on overlooked environments, technologies,
the same time, diverse types of “forests” can emerge and communities, research on smart environments such
through digital technologies, which differently sense, as forests can investigate what “smart” as a concept
value, and assess forest processes and relations and development framework operationalizes within a
(Gabrys, 2012). The promissory aspects of the wider range of locations.
Internet of Trees thus present as many points of con- Such research can also address how planetary gov-
sideration as the more comprehensively discussed ernance, democratic engagement, and environmental
Internet of Things. Research in this area is needed in processes and relations are transformed through these
order to further establish how these technologies both technologies. These transformations can have
enable and constrain particular modes of governance deleterious consequences that are obscured by techno-
and engagement with forests. Without this research, the optimistic narratives that promote connecting technol-
development of smart environments such as smart for- ogy with “nature” at a “planetary scale.” Technology
ests runs the risk of producing social–political inequi- companies, along with researchers, are beginning to
ties and undemocratic governance, as has been focus more centrally on developing digital solutions
4 Big Data & Society

to environmental problems, from “AI for Earth,” to objectives for meeting climate change targets, but
the Internet of Trees for sensor-based forest manage- could lead to less responsive governance practices in
ment (Joppa, 2017; Microsoft, n.d.; World Economic actual forest contexts. Moreover, while they can poten-
Forum, 2018). Digital technologies are used to monitor tially introduce new and additional problems for
forest health and disease, track logging activities, pre- social–political inequality related to environments and
dict changes in forest structure, optimize resource use, land use, these same technologies can also contribute to
and map urban forest networks (Campbell, 2017; Lu the very problem of environmental change that they
et al., 2010). Moreover, the increasing occurrence of would avert by requiring significant energy and mate-
forest fires worldwide is now spurring the development rial resources for computer hardware and data process-
of drones, wireless sensor networks, and machine learn- ing (Dobbe and Whittaker, 2019; Gabrys, 2011, 2014a).
ing to detect and extinguish fires as they occur in real The increased production of data, as well as advance-
time (Borba Neumann et al., 2018). Smart forestry ment in data analytics and automation, are promoted
might even appear to be an augmentation, promotion, as strategies for more effectively managing forest eco-
and advancement of the smart city, as the controversial systems (Pinho et al., 2018). Decisions can be taken
Sidewalk Labs development by Alphabet in Toronto about how to manage forests based on digital sys-
has emphasized the benefits of smart ecosystems as tems—indeed these decisions are seen to be “less vul-
part of its smart urban infrastructures (cf. nerable to politicization” (Joppa, 2017). Yet as
Nitoslawskia et al., 2019). extensive research in digital social research and science
In this way, digital technologies are often presented and technology studies demonstrates, the use of digital
as necessary if unproblematic tools for meeting ambi- technologies does not elide politics, but rather can
tious environmental objectives, including climate inform and extend politics into new engagements.
change targets that are often more planetary in scope. The following section identifies five key digital practices
For instance, the 2011 Bonn Challenge associated with that are materializing for forest management and plan-
the International Union for Conservation of Nature etary governance that give rise to pressing social–polit-
(Dave et al., 2017) and the New York Declaration on ical concerns.
Forests (2014) have expressed a commitment to restore
150 million hectares of deforested and degraded land
worldwide by 2020, and 350 million hectares by 2030. Digital practices for governing
However, this objective would require planting an esti- environmental change
mated 300 billion trees in less than two decades. Drone From cryptocoin for forest protection to contestations
companies are therefore developing “precision forest- over satellite data tracking Amazon deforestation,
ry” techniques to undertake mass aerial planting of through to sensor networks forming an Internet of
billions of trees per year to meet climate objectives.3 Trees, forests are transforming through digital technol-
Yet the locations and communities that would be ogies for addressing environmental change. I outline
involved in these practices are often underspecified here how these social–political effects include digital
when focusing on forests as a problem of metrics, practices of observation (Benson, 2010; Helmreich,
data, and digital devices. At the same time, reforesta- 2009; Lehman, 2018), automation and optimization
tion initiatives are at turns promoted and critiqued, (Mackenzie, 2017; Stacey and Suchman, 2012), data-
and often the contestations over the benefits of these fication (Lippert, 2016; Nafus, 2016), participation
measures are based on environmental data that is (Isin and Ruppert, 2015), and technological regulation
meant to prove or question whether the preservation and transformation (Ascui et al., 2018). By attending to
or augmentation of forests will have its stated effects, these transforming intersections of environments, data,
irrespective of communities’ social–political engage- digital technologies and social life, it might be possible
ment with these forests.4 to more fully identify and address the consequences of
Many of these assessments of environmental change, smartification as a response to the planetary crisis of
along with mitigating actions to be taken, are based on environmental change.
environmental datasets that translate into practices of
environmental management and planetary governance
(see also Gabrys, 2016b). These practices are based on
intersecting and expanding environmental datasets that There are numerous ways that digital technologies have
present the problem of environmental change through contributed to the observation of forests. Some of these
a particular set of metrics that in turn legitimate spe- practices are not new, with remote sensing of forests
cific technological interventions to meet targets for having taken place for many decades now. However,
averting environmental catastrophe. Such practices the scale of observation, along with the fusion of
could be oriented toward planetary governance remote sensing with additional and new digital
Gabrys 5

technologies, is contributing to what is arguably a trans- response, technologies for detecting and suppressing
formed condition of planetary and forest observation fires have emerged that use artificial intelligence, infra-
(cf. Goldstein, 2019; Loukissas, 2016; Nadim, 2016). red video, image software, wireless sensor networks,
Because forests are increasingly situated as key resources and UAVs to detect and manage fires. Digital technol-
to preserve and manage, environmental change objec- ogies are now becoming automated and optimized
tives are driving the demand for new technologies of components within forest ecosystems. At the same
observation to ensure the integrity of forests. For time, the management of fire landscapes has direct con-
instance, because up to 80% of deforestation has now sequences for communities living in forests and forest-
been attributed to corporate supply chains, there are an edge landscapes. The distribution and ongoing
increasing number of digital technologies from remote operation of these digital infrastructures can influence
sensing to blockchain that are used to monitor, scan, forest land-use activities and have differential effects
and validate supply chains of forest-intensive products, for communities that may benefit to greater or lesser
including timber as well as palm oil, soy, and beef (cf. degree from these warning and mitigation systems if
Howson et al., 2019). Through the use of such observa- deployed at scale.
tional technologies, however, forests might primarily From locations spanning the northern boreal forests
become visible as stores of timber or carbon sinks, but to the Mediterranean to the western areas of North
not as sites that sustain cultural narratives or indigenous America, automation and optimization techniques are
cosmologies. In other words, observational technologies being developed to manage environmental change in
could always already assume that the forest is a resource the form of increased fires. The consequences of auto-
to be managed (de la Cadena 2015). mating forest management functions in these ways,
The introduction, expansion, and interconnection of however, have not been studied in detail. The develop-
observational technologies within forest environ- ment and installation of monitoring technologies will
ments—whether through remote sensing, ubiquitous raise questions about who organizes and runs these
computing, or supply-chain monitoring—raise the networks, and how data is gathered, stored, and oper-
question of how smart forests emerge as particular ationalized. Techniques of automation and optimiza-
developments for managing environmental change tion could align or conflict with existing forest
and policy. From forest sites in Brazil, Paraguay, to practices across stakeholder groups, from scientists to
Indonesia and Thailand, the ways that forests are community groups and citizen scientists, and create
observed also informs how they are governed and man- power imbalances around the digital forest practices
aged—not just for environmental change objectives but that are implemented. Smart forest projects using arti-
also for resource extraction. Observational technolo- ficial intelligence, wireless sensor networks, and UAVs
gies of tracking and tracing specifically configure, as to detect and manage real-time forest events especially
well as propose, ways of acting on forests (Bj€ ork in the form of forest fires demonstrate how distinct
et al., 2011). Technologies and techniques for observing decisions are made about what to automate and opti-
deforestation mobilize and legitimate distinct actors to mize—and that these are not de-politicized decisions,
address this problem, while multiple other actors are but rather emerge as differently configured political
often excluded from these same sites of social–political engagements that span machine logics, data analytics,
relevance and action. Observation is further entangled situated forests practices, policy, and environmental
with strategies such as transparency and auditing change. Moreover, as the processes of artificial intelli-
(Ananny and Crawford, 2018; Asdal, 2008; gence change through ongoing engagement with these
Ballestero, 2012), which are proposed as ways to environments, different social–political encounters
better manage the problem of deforestation but that emerge as they are informed by digital operations.
also present distinct limits to the actors and practices These practices also register within a securitization of
that might be involved in evidentiary techniques. The environments, where the tracking and tracing opera-
analysis of observational technologies and networks is tions of drones (Suchman et al., 2017) and the distinct
then a key area of study for understanding how forests regimes of local, national, or planetary governance,
become a global environmental problem through spe- security, and control that these technologies generate
cific observational practices, as well as the social–polit- (Kaplan and Parks, 2017) become central to the man-
ical effects of these environmental data practices. agement of environmental change.

Automation and optimization Datafication

Forest fires are now increasingly common around the Forests are now sites of intensive data production. Not
world, and the surge in fire frequency and intensity has only do they generate data from advancing practices of
been attributed to climate-change related factors. In earth observation but also they are locations where
6 Big Data & Society

sensors, LIDAR, and other data-generating technolo- community processes for valuing and evaluating
gies such as Internet of Trees networks monitor envi- forests.
ronmental conditions. Real-time data from these
installations is meant to allow for an immediate under- Participation
standing of forest dynamics, which in turn are meant to
From platforms such as Global Forest Watch and
provide an indication of related events in nearby envi-
ronments. Data becomes a distinct object and tool of open-source software such as I-tree, as well as defores-
governance, where environmental processes and enti- tation alerts and hotlines, and participatory mapping
ties are increasingly datafied in order to address envi- of forest boundaries using GPS and Open Street Map
ronmental change. Forest-specific data analytics such to establish community rights, there are a number of
as “Treemetrics” are meant to offer new techniques for technologies emerging that are meant to enable partic-
resource management, environmental governance, and ipation with forests and forest protection. In addition,
decision-making. And datafied social networks present civic apps and search engines variously provide mech-
new data-oriented ways to facilitate care for forest anisms to support reforestation measures, from the
spaces. In these conjugations of “trees, people and Treedom platform for supporting tree planting and cal-
data” (Svendsen and Gunther, 2016), new approaches culating carbon offsets to the Ecosia search engine that
to land management then occur through mapping and donates a portion of profits to reforestation initiatives
analyzing forest-related networks. around the world. Digital technologies are promoting
Decisions about what to measure and monitor, the new and forest-specific forms of participation, which
formation of evidence in support of environmental also intervene in various ways in forest conditions,
change objectives, and the extent to which this data is thereby redistributing and changing forms of forest
able to effect change are part of a complex set of governance and engagement.
social–political struggles about how to make forests Whether through deforestation “watch” platforms,
matter. The production of data in forests is neither apps for reporting illegal logging, or monitoring tech-
self-evident nor is it all-encompassing, since some for- nologies such as acoustic sensors or camera traps for
ests might also be sites of more focused study and capturing poaching, participatory technologies make
attention, while others become less central in science the forest present, senseable, and actionable in certain
and policy discussions—often depending upon the ways, for distinct actors, and through specific datasets.
carbon storage potential of forests (Ehrenstein and These participatory apps, platforms, and sensing devi-
Muniesa, 2013; Gabrys, 2009). Yet the use of data tech- ces are often most oriented toward tracking deforesta-
nologies and practices in multiple forests worldwide, tion, while also supporting and funding reforestation
from Internet of Things (IoT) to data analytics and initiatives, through what might be referred to as
carbon emissions monitoring, are informing how envi- “mediatized worlds” (Hepp and Krotz, 2014). Such
ronmental change objectives are formed and addressed. participatory technologies often operate as part of the
Distinct digital practices transform forests into data in
usual matrix of smart city toolkits, but it is less well
order to act on environmental change. (cf. Latour,
understood how they could facilitate or reshape civic
1999; Walford, 2012). Yet as often as not, these prac-
engagement with forests and environmental change.
tices leave out accounts of environments that do not fit
These digital modes of engagement could propagate
with prevailing modes of research, governance, or
distinct exclusions while enabling or delimiting specific
social–political interaction (Bowker, 2000; Lippert,
engagements with diverse and situated forest commu-
2015). The politics of expertise that emerge through
the datafication of forests can also influence whether nities (cf. Agrawal, 2001; Brammer et al., 2016).
citizen data is able to register as an alternative or Moreover, while urban forests are on the rise, larger
admissible form of evidence, and whether diverging and more remote forests are increasingly engaged with
governance objectives can co-exist. The struggles that through participatory technologies and practices that
emerge over data in and about forests are not merely a facilitate engagement with these often-distant environ-
matter of creating a more comprehensive account of ments. For better or worse, these same dynamics of
environmental processes. Instead, they can challenge remote participation could introduce specific regimes
the social–political conditions and cosmologies by of power and politics in the control and management
which forests come to be relevant (cf. Verran, 2002). of forests that come to be seen as planetary resources,
By analyzing the social and political consequences of as occurred recently with the fires in the Amazon. By
the increasing datafication of forests (Turnhout et al., considering civic technologies for forest engagement
2013; cf. Couldry and Yu, 2018), it might be possible to within the larger context of environmental participa-
attend to how emissions inventories, resource metrics, tion (Chilvers and Kearnes, 2016; Lane et al. 2011)
and related policy instruments align or conflict with and planetary governance, it might be possible to
Gabrys 7

consider how digital technologies facilitate or impede Conclusion: Questioning planetary

distinct modes of participation. governance through the smart forest
Regulation and transformation Smart environments are now expanding beyond smart
cities to encompass many different milieus, from smart
The proliferation of digital technologies within and in forests to smart oceans and smart agriculture.
relation to forests is now contributing to distinct prac- Technology companies, environmental scientists, and
tices for regulating and transforming these environ- state actors are contributing to the development and
ments. As mentioned at the introduction to this expansion of these digital systems often to address
commentary, “precision forestry” that uses UAVs, sen- the urgent problem of environmental change. But
sors, computer models, data analytics, and artificial these ambitions also become evident as emerging plan-
intelligence to expedite reforestation initiatives is one etary modes of governance that have yet to be ade-
key example of how these initiatives are developing to quately assessed for their social–political effects.
automate environmental management. The ways that Technologies that operate at the “scale” of the plane-
more mass-scale and automated planting might alter tary can operationalize universal and less accountable
environmental engagements is an overlooked area of interventions into environments (Gabrys, 2018). As a
research. For instance, planting trees is often discussed relatively overlooked area within social sciences
as a civic project that advances and enhances demo- research, the problem of smart environments and the
cratic engagements with environments (B€ ackstrand data that is collected, stored, and operationalized to
and L€ ovbrand, 2006; Fisher et al., 2015). It is less manage these spaces is one that requires greater atten-
clear what the civic or political equivalent of planting tion to the social–political relations and inequalities
trees by drone might be.
that emerge with and through these systems, as well
Start-up technology companies worldwide are now
as the transformations that occur when environments
creating digital devices and data practices for regulat-
operate as technologies.
ing, and in turn, transforming forest environments.
“Smart Forests” is the topic of a larger research
Digital technologies such as UAVs and their networks
project now underway that this text outlines.5 This
are used in support of reforestation and to respond to
project investigates the role of digital devices in recon-
specific environmental objectives, policies, and targets
figuring forests as socio-technical ecologies by examin-
that are often formed through practices of planetary
ing the power relations and modes of governance that
governance (cf. L€ ovbrand and Stripple, 2006). In the
are generated through digital practices of observation,
process, these practices are organizing approaches to
automation, optimization, datafication, participation,
forests as technologies that are meant to offer “natural
regulation, and transformation. These technologies
climate solutions” by optimizing and augmenting forest
and operations raise key questions about smart envi-
processes. As digital devices and data practices prolif-
ronments as they are developing beyond the smart city,
erate in forests spaces, so too do forests transform into
how democratic engagement with environmental
environmental infrastructures (Bruun Jensen, 2015)
change might be extended or limited, and what
and technologies for responding to and mitigating envi-
modes of planetary governance are mobilized in rela-
ronmental change. These transformations could gener-
tion to forest spaces, communities and practices. Such a
ate different relations across human and nonhuman
research focus seeks to demonstrate the consequences
communities, which are activated or affected by these
emerging techno-ecologies (Hinchliffe, 2007; cf. Kohn, and possibilities that digital technologies have for new
2013; Puig de la Bellacasa, 2015). The smart forest modes of environmental politics and sociality as they
becomes at once a space of regulation and transforma- develop in response to environmental change.
tion. Technologies that would govern these environ-
ments in order to address and mitigate environmental Acknowledgments
change are also transforming them into entities that are This commentary is based on a proposal for an ERC
meant to operate as technologies. Smart forest technol- Consolidator Grant, Smart Forests: Transforming
ogies and systems thus contribute to the reworking of Environments into Social-Political Technologies (866006),
which was awarded in December 2019.
what a forest is and how it operates. Such a point of
orientation could expand existing approaches to smart
and digital technologies, while reworking conventional Declaration of conflicting interests
understandings of what counts as a technology, by The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with
researching how forests transform into technologies respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
through technical and policy interventions. article.
8 Big Data & Society

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