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Species Interactions

hen prickly pear cactus (Opuntia) was introduced into Australia as an orna-
mental plant and to establish “living fences” for pastures, it spread rapidly
over the island continent, covering thousands of acres of valuable pasture
and rangeland. After several unsuccessful attempts to eradicate the plant, the cactus
moth (Cactoblastis cactorum) was introduced from South America in the 1920s. The
caterpillar of the cactus moth feeds on growing shoots of the prickly pear and quickly
destroys the plant—literally nipping it in the bud and inoculating it with various patho-
gens and rot-causing organisms.
Once they became established in Australia, cactus moths exerted such effective con-
trol that within a few years, prickly pear had become a pest of the past (Figure 14.1).
Cactus moths have since been introduced into South Africa and Hawaii to control intro-
duced Opuntia species. Since their introduction into the West Indies for control purposes,
however, the moths have invaded Mexico and Florida, where they are threatening native
species of Opuntia.
The cactus moth has not eradicated the prickly pear in Australia because the cactus
still manages to disperse to moth-free areas, thereby keeping one jump ahead of the
moth. Thus, the cactus population maintains a low-level equilibrium in a continually shift-
ing mosaic of isolated patches, as in a metapopulation. Indeed, a casual observer would
probably never guess that the cactus moth keeps the prickly pear at its present low popu-
lation levels because the moths are scarce in the remaining stands of cactus in Australia
today. (The same moth probably controls prickly pear populations in some areas of its
native range in South America, but its decisive role might have gone unnoticed if the
appropriate experiment had not been performed in Australia.)
The cactus–cactus moth example shows the potentially strong influence of consumers
on resource populations. Consumer–resource interactions are just one of the many types

288 CHAPTER 14

(a) (b)

FIGURE 14.1 The prickly pear cactus population is R. L. Crocker, and C. S. Christian (eds.), Biogeography and Ecology
controlled by its predator, the cactus moth. Photographs of in Australia, W. Junk, The Hague (1959), courtesy of W. H. Haseler,
a pasture in Queensland, Australia, (a) 2 months before and Department of Lands, Queensland, Australia. Inset photos by (a) D.
(b) 3 years after the introduction of the cactus moth to control Habeck and F. Bennet, University of Florida and (b) Peggy Greb/
the prickly pear cactus. Main photos from A. P. Dodd, in A. Keast, Agricultural Services/U.S. Department of Agriculture.

of interactions between species that influence species’ populations and guide their evolu-
tion through natural selection. This chapter provides a brief overview of the many kinds
of species interactions in nature, including both antagonistic and mutually beneficial rela-
tionships. These interactions define the structure of biological communities and ecosys-
tems and influence the functioning of those systems. They also emphasize the overriding
influence of the biological environment on the behavior of individuals, the demography
of populations, and the evolution of species.




P redator–prey, herbivore–plant, and parasite–host rela-

tionships are all examples of consumer–resource
interactions, which organize biological communities
species, these interactions are the basis for two additional
types of interactions: competition and mutualism. When
two consumers share the same resource, each reduces the
into food chains, along which food energy is passed availability of the resource to the other, and they are said
through the ecosystem. It is typical of consumer–resource to be engaged in competition. As we shall see in Chapter
interactions that consumers benefit individually and their 16, competition influences population processes and can
numbers may increase, while resource populations are determine whether a population can persist in a particular
decreased. Thus, while energy and nutrients move up a environment.
food chain, populations are controlled both from below Mutualisms are interactions between two species
by resources and from above by consumers. that benefit both. They take on many forms, but partners
Although consumer–resource interactions constitute in mutualisms generally supply complementary resources
the most fundamental ecological relationship between or services. For example, many insects pollinate plants in
Species Interactions 289

TABLE 14.1
Effect on species 1 Effect on species 2 Type of interaction
Consumer–resource interactions, including predator–prey, herbivore–
plant, and parasite–host interactions
0 Commensalism
0 Amensalism, perhaps mostly incidental

return for nectar or pollen rewards; bacteria in the roots predation, parasitism, and mutualism. To begin our dis-
of plants provide nitrogen to their hosts in return for car- cussion, we’ll turn to the elemental consumer–resource
bon sources; ruminant mammals, such as sheep and cat- relationship.
tle, maintain bacteria in specialized compartments in their
stomachs, and in return the bacteria digest compounds in
plants that the ruminant cannot. All organisms are involved in
Species interactions can be classified conveniently by
the effect of each species on the other. When we consider
consumer–resource interactions
that a species can benefit from an interaction ( ), suffer Consumer–resource interactions are the most fundamen-
( ), or be unaffected (0), the possible combinations of tal interactions in nature because all non-photosynthetic
effects are / , / , / , /0, or /0 (0/0 represents organisms must eat, and all organisms are at risk of being
the absence of any consequential interaction), as summa- eaten. Consumers go by many names. The most familiar
rized in Table 14.1. are predator, parasite, parasitoid, herbivore, and detriti-
The interactions /0 (commensalism) and /0 vore. From the standpoint of species interactions, some
(amensalism) are common in ecology and are impor- of these distinctions are useful, but others can be confus-
tant for many populations, but are not often considered ing. Let’s start with predator. Images of an owl eating a
in experimental and theoretical studies because of the mouse or of a spider eating a fly capture the essentials of
absence of a mutual dynamic between the two partici- predation (Figure 14.2). Predators capture individuals and
pants. For example, when a bird places its nest in a tree, or consume them, thereby removing them from the prey
a hermit crab uses the shell of a long-dead snail, the bird population and gaining nutrition to support their own
and the crab gain protection from predators ( ), but the reproduction.
populations of trees and snails are unaffected (0). When In contrast, a parasite consumes parts of a living
an elephant crushes a grasshopper underfoot, the popula- prey organism, or host. Parasites attach themselves to, or
tion of grasshoppers suffers ( ), but the elephant is unaf- invade the bodies of, their hosts and feed on their tissues,
fected (0). We shall have little more to say about such their blood, or partially digested food in their intestines.
interactions in nature. Parasites that cause disease symptoms are called patho-
Another term commonly used to describe some gens. Although parasitism may increase the probability of
kinds of species interactions is symbiosis (literally, “liv- a host’s dying from other causes or reduce its fecundity, a
ing together”), which refers to individuals of different spe- parasite generally does not, by itself, remove an individual
cies that live in close association. Many cases of symbiosis from the host population. Indeed, it would be contrary
involve partners in mutualisms whose lives are intimately to a parasite’s best interests to kill the host upon which it
intertwined, such as the algae and fungi that constitute feeds and depends for its survival.
lichens. However, the term symbiosis also extends to para- Parasitoid is the term applied to species of wasps and
sites that live within their hosts; both parties to such rela- flies whose larvae consume the tissues of living hosts—
tionships are often specifically adapted to maintain the usually the eggs, larvae, or pupae of other insects. This
delicate balance between life and death. As we encoun- strategy inevitably leads to the host’s death, but not until
ter the various relationships between species in more the parasitoid larvae have completed their development
detail, you should keep in mind the endless complexity of and pupated (Figure 14.3). Parasitoids resemble para-
these interactions and the indistinct boundaries between sites, because they reside within and eat the tissues of a
290 CHAPTER 14

FIGURE 14.2 African lions are

specialized for pursuing large prey.
With their powerful legs and jaws, lions
can subdue prey somewhat larger than
themselves. But because they cannot
maintain speed over long distances,
successful hunting relies on stealth and
surprise. Photo by Peter Blackwell/naturqpl.com.

living host, and predators, because they inevitably kill their other species, detritivores do not directly affect the abun-
host. Not surprisingly, parasitoids have their own parasites, dance of their food supplies, and their activities do not
which are called hyperparasitoids. usually influence the evolution of the living sources of
Herbivores eat whole plants or parts of plants. From their food. Detritivores are important in the recycling of
the standpoint of consumer–resource relationships, her- nutrients within ecosystems, as we will see in Chapter 22.
bivores function as predators when they consume whole However, because detritivore populations generally are
plants, and as parasites when they consume living plant not dynamically coupled to their resource populations,
tissues but do not kill their victims. Thus, a deer browsing detritivores will not be considered further in this chapter.
on a few leaves and stems functions as a parasite, while a The various kinds of consumer–resource interactions
sheep that consumes an entire plant, pulling it up by the we have just described can be organized usefully accord-
roots and macerating it into lifeless shreds, functions as a ing to the duration and “intimacy” of the relationship
predator. Consumption of a portion of a plant’s tissues is between the interacting species and the probability that
referred to as grazing (when applied to grasses and other the interaction will lead to the death of resource individu-
herbaceous vegetation, and to algae) or browsing (when als (Table 14.2).
applied to woody vegetation).
Detritivores consume dead organic material—such
as leaf litter, feces, and carcasses—and therefore have The dynamics of consumer–resource
no direct effect on the populations that produce those
resources. In other words, detritivory is a commensal interactions reflect mutual
( /0) interaction. Because they live off the wastes of evolutionary responses
Resource organisms have as many tactics to avoid being
eaten as their consumers have to hunt them. Because the
fitness of both is at stake, evolutionary responses con-
stantly adjust relationships between consumers and their
resources, as we shall describe in more detail in Chapter
17. The commonplace images of cat and mouse or spider
and fly might lead one to think that consumers have the
upper hand. However, hiding, escape, and many other
kinds of defensive tactics can be effective, depending on
the particular circumstances of a consumer–resource rela-
tionship. For example, grasslands offer few hiding places
for deer, antelope, and other grazers, so their escape
depends on early detection of predators and swift move-
ment. Plants cannot flee like animals, but many produce
thorns and defensive chemicals that dissuade herbivores.
Where animals are able to hide or seek refuge in safer
FIGURE 14.3 Parasitoid wasps develop inside the larvae or microhabitats, they are often sensitive to the presence of
pupae of other insects. Photo by Scott Bauer. predators and adjust their behavior accordingly. Small fish
Species Interactions 291

TABLE 14.2
Probability of death of resource organism
Duration and/or intimacy of the association Low High
Short and casual Grazers and browsers Predators; seed predators
Long and close Parasites and many arthropod herbivores Parasitoids

Source: A. J. Pollard, in R. S. Fritz and E. L. Simms (eds.), Plant Resistance to Herbivores and Pathogens: Ecology,
Evolution, and Genetics, University of Chicago Press, Chicago (1992), pp. 216–239.

living in ponds with larger predatory fish avoid the best laboratory experiments in which newly hatched tadpoles
feeding areas in open water and spend most of their time were placed in aquaria with caged dragonfly larvae
lurking in safer weed beds close to the water’s edge. The or fish, which prey on small bullfrog tadpoles in natural
following case study shows, however, that staying out of ponds. The tadpoles reduced their activity in the presence
harm’s way can have costs. of the predators, especially the dragonfly larvae, and also
avoided the side of the aquarium where the caged preda-
tor was located (Figure 14.4). Similar experiments within
enclosures set in a natural pond further demonstrated that
ECOLOGISTS Predator avoidance and growth the presence of caged dragonfly larvae reduced growth
IN THE FIELD performance in frog larvae. Staying rates significantly in some species of frogs.
safe from predators requires trade-offs. When prey indi- Other studies (see Figure 7.20, for example) emphasize
viduals must remain in poor feeding areas to avoid preda- that the ability to perceive predation risk is widespread in
tors, for example, their growth rates can be depressed. the animal world and has a strong effect on the behavior
Slowly growing prey take longer to mature, extending the and habitat selection, as well as on the demography, of
period during which an individual is most vulnerable to prey organisms. Of course, prey organisms respond to
predation. They are also smaller as adults and therefore the presence of predators because such responses have
produce fewer offspring. been strongly selected over the evolutionary history of the
The effect of predation risk on the growth of frog lar- consumer–resource interaction.
vae was demonstrated in laboratory and field experiments When prey cannot hide or escape, they often adopt
on bullfrog (Rana catesbiana) tadpoles by Rick Relyea and protective defenses. These defenses rarely involve physi-
Earl Werner at the University of Michigan. They conducted cal combat because few types of prey can match their

When housed with predators, …and avoided the side Presence of predators
(a) tadpoles reduced their activity (b) of the aquarium with (c) lowered growth rates
movements… the caged predator. of tadpoles.

20 60 16.0
Growth rate (mg per day)
Tadpoles on the predator

15 12.0
Time active (%)

cage side (%)


10 30 8.0

5 4.0

0 0 0.0
No With fish With No With fish With Alone With With With
predator dragonfly predator dragonfly fish dragonfly both
larvae larvae larvae

FIGURE 14.4 Avoiding predators may result in reduced cage was located, and (c) the growth rates of the tadpoles. The
growth rates. Relyea and Werner housed bullfrog tadpoles with dragonfly larvae, in particular, led to reduced activity, avoidance
and without caged predators (fish and dragonfly larvae) and of areas near predators, and reduced growth rates on the part of
recorded (a) the activity levels of the tadpoles, (b) the number of the tadpoles. After R. A. Relyea and E. E. Werner, Ecology 80:2117–
tadpoles found on the side of the aquarium where the predator 2124 (1999).
292 CHAPTER 14

and other invertebrates (Figure 14.6). Although Wolbachia

infect many types of host cells, it is their presence in cells
of the ovaries and testes that reduces host fitness most
profoundly, principally by modifying sexual function.
Infected males may be killed, develop as females, or be
rendered incapable of mating with any female not already
infected by the same strain of Wolbachia. In some host
species, Wolbachia infections cause females to reproduce
parthenogenetically, without having to mate with males.
The effects of parasites on host fitness vary dramati-
cally, ranging in humans, for example, from the passing
inconvenience of a cold virus to the deadly effects of HIV
and the avian H5N1 influenza virus. Whereas Wolbachia is
a serious threat to fitness, other symbionts that might have
been parasitic in the past may evolve to become benefi-
cial to their hosts. One example is Buchnera, a beneficial
bacterial symbiont of insects, particularly aphids. Buchnera
FIGURE 14.5 Many organisms have evolved chemical and its hosts are mutualists. The Buchnera symbionts are
defenses to ward off predators. A bombardier beetle sprays maintained in specialized cells, called bacteriocytes, and
a noxious liquid at the temperature of boiling water toward a although they obtain carbohydrates and other nutrients
predator. Courtesy of Thomas Eisner, Cornell University. from their hosts, they provide essential amino acids in
return. Aphids feed on the phloem of plants, which con-
predators, and predators carefully avoid those that can.
tain virtually no amino acids, and so without the amino
Instead, many seemingly defenseless organisms produce
foul-smelling or stinging chemical secretions to dissuade acids from the Buchnera, the aphids could not grow and
predators. For example, whip scorpions and bombardier reproduce. The genome of Buchnera, like those of many
beetles direct sprays of noxious liquids at threatening ani- symbionts, is greatly reduced, and the symbiont relies on
mals (Figure 14.5). Many plants and animals contain chem- its host for many of its essential functions. The contrast
ical substances that make them unpalatable or poisonous. between Wolbachia and Buchnera emphasizes the range of
Slow-moving animals, such as porcupines and armadillos, interactions that exist between symbionts and their hosts,
protect themselves with spines or armored body coverings. from strict parasitism to mutualism. Indeed, it is thought
These defenses, too, have costs, as they require resources that many mutualistic relationships have evolved from
that could otherwise be allocated to growth and reproduc- host–parasite interactions, and perhaps vice versa.
tion. At the same time, predator populations are evolving
adaptations to circumvent prey defenses, as we shall see
in more detail in Chapter 17.
Parasite life cycles
Parasites that live inside, or in close association with, a
larger organism enjoy a benign physical environment reg-
Parasites maintain a delicate ulated by their host. Tapeworms, for example, are bathed
consumer–resource relationship
with their hosts
Parasites are usually much smaller than their hosts and
live either on their body surfaces (for example, ticks, lice,
and mites) or inside their bodies (for example, viruses,
bacteria, protozoans, various roundworms, flukes, tape-
worms, and arthropods). Many parasites are only casu-
ally associated with their hosts, as in the case of mosqui-
toes that “graze” blood meals. Others remain within their
hosts throughout their entire life cycles, and may even be FIGURE 14.6 Wolbachia is a common bacterial parasite of
transmitted between host mother and offspring through insects. In this electron micrograph, Wolbachia are visible in an
the host’s eggs. One such parasite is the symbiotic bac- insect cell (arrow). Courtesy of Scott O’Neill, from PLoS Biology 2(3):
terium Wolbachia, which infects the cells of many insects e76 (2004), doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.0020076.
Species Interactions 293

7 A feeding 8 After a mosquito 9 The resulting zygote, the only diploid

mosquito ingests ingests blood, male stage in the life cycle, enters the mosquito's
them and the cycle and female game- gut wall and forms a cyst.
begins again. tocytes develop into
gametes, which fuse. 10 The cyst divides
into sporozoites…

6 Eventually, some merozoites develop

into male and female gametocytes.

5 48-hour cycles
of invasion, lysing,
and reinvasion cause
the characteristic
fevers and chills in
11 …that invade
the host.
the salivary gland.

(Start here) 1 The mosquito

injects sporozoites into a
4 Merozoites also 2 The sporozoites penetrate liver human's blood when it feeds.
invade red blood cells and develop into merozoites.
cells, where they
grow, divide, and 3 Merozoites can reinfect the
break out of (lyse) liver, producing new generations.
the cells.

FIGURE 14.7 Many parasites have complex life cycles. dispersal between hosts. After R. Buchsbaum, Animals without
Different stages in the life cycle of the malaria parasite Backbones, 2nd ed., University of Chicago Press, Chicago (1948); M.
Plasmodium are adapted to life in two different hosts and to Sleigh, The Biology of Protozoa, American Elsevier, New York (1973).

in a predigested food supply and retain for themselves host to another. Many accomplish this via complicated life
little more than a highly developed capacity to produce cycles, often involving two or more hosts and at least one
eggs. Nonetheless, the life of a parasite is not easy. Host stage that can cope with the external environment.
organisms have a variety of mechanisms to recognize The life cycle of the protozoan parasite Plasmodium,
invaders and destroy them. Moreover, parasites must which causes malaria in humans, is a common textbook
disperse through a hostile environment to get from one example (Figure 14.7). This parasite has two hosts, one a
294 CHAPTER 14

mosquito and the other a human or some other mammal, the immune system by continually coating their surfaces
bird, or reptile. When an infected mosquito bites a human, with novel proteins produced by gene rearrangements.
cells called sporozoites are injected into the bloodstream Some schistosomes (trematode worms of the genus
with the mosquito’s saliva. The sporozoites at first prolif- Schistosoma) excite an immune response when they enter
erate by mitosis in liver cells, then enter red blood cells a host, but do not succumb to antibody attack because
as merozoites, where they feed on hemoglobin and grow. they coat themselves with the host’s proteins before its
When a merozoite becomes large enough, it undergoes a antibodies become numerous. As a consequence, other
series of divisions (asexual reproduction), and the daugh- schistosomes that subsequently infect that host face a bar-
ter merozoites break out of the red blood cell. Each mero- rage of antibodies stimulated by the earlier entrance of the
zoite can enter a new red blood cell, grow, and repeat the now entrenched individuals. When this response targets
cycle, which takes about 48 hours. (When the infection schistosome species closely related to the original para-
has built up to a high level, the emergence of daughter site, it is known as cross-resistance. For example, many
cells corresponds to periods of high fever resulting from people in tropical regions are infected by schistosomes.
the inflammation reaction of the host’s immune system.) One extremely virulent schistosome species, found only
After several of these cycles, some of the merozoites that in humans, causes a debilitating disease called schistoso-
enter red blood cells change into sexual forms called miasis or bilharziasis. But when a person has been infected
gametocytes. If gametocytes are swallowed by a mosquito previously by other schistosome species from wild game
along with a meal of blood, they are transformed into eggs or domestic livestock, some of which have little effect on
and sperm, and fertilization (sexual reproduction) takes humans, the effect of infection by the bilharziasis parasite
place. The resulting zygotes penetrate the mosquito’s gut is moderated considerably.
wall and then undergo a series of divisions to produce
sporozoites. These work their way into the salivary glands
of the mosquito, from which they may enter a new host. Herbivory varies with the quality of
plants as resources
Parasite virulence and host resistance
Plants cannot hide or flee, so they rely on other tactics to
The complex life histories of parasites involve a variety escape their consumers. Plant defenses against herbivores
of interactions with hosts, and different sets of factors include the inherently low nutritional value of most plant
affect each stage of the parasite life cycle. The balance tissues as well as toxic compounds that plants produce
between parasite and host populations is influenced by and sequester for their defense. Plants also employ struc-
the virulence of the parasite and by the immune response tural defenses, such as spines, hairs, tough seed coats, and
and other defenses of the host. Virulence is a measure sticky gums and resins (Figure 14.8).
of the capacity of a parasite to invade host tissues and The nutritional quality and digestibility of plants is
proliferate in them. The virulence of an invading parasite critical to herbivores. Herbivores usually select plant food
may be reduced by actions of the host’s immune system, according to its nutrient content, preferring young leaves
including inflammation responses and the production of because of their low proportion of indigestible cellulose.
antibodies. Antibodies recognize and bind to foreign pro- Fruits and seeds are particularly nutritious compared with
teins, such as those on the outer surfaces of bacteria and leaves, stems, and buds because of their higher nitrogen,
protozoans, targeting them for attack by macrophage cells, fat, and sugar contents. Many plants use chemicals to
which bind to the parasites and engulf them. The disabled reduce the availability of their proteins to herbivores, and
parasites are then transported to the spleen and cleared thereby reduce their nutritional quality. Oaks and other
from the body. plants sequester compounds called tannins in vacuoles
An immune response takes time to develop, however, in their leaves, which bind to plant proteins and inhibit
and the delay gives the parasite a chance to multiply within their digestion. As a consequence, tannins can slow the
a host. Parasites also have ways of circumventing the host’s growth of caterpillars and other herbivores that feed on
immune system. Some parasites produce chemical factors the plant. However, insects that feed on tannin-rich plants
that suppress the immune system; this is the most trouble- can reduce the effects of tannins by producing detergent-
some feature of HIV. Others have surface proteins that like surfactants in their gut fluids, which tend to disperse
mimic the host’s own proteins and thus escape notice by tannin–protein complexes.
the host’s immune system. Trypanosomes, which are flagel- Tannins are an example of a secondary compound:
late protists that cause sleeping sickness in humans, escape a compound used by plants not for metabolism, but for
Species Interactions 295

(a) (b) FIGURE 14.8 Structural and

chemical defenses protect the stems
and leaves of many plants from
herbivores. (a) This cholla cactus
(Opuntia) from Arizona is protected
by sharp spines. (b) The white latex
sap oozing from the stem of this
milkweed plant (Asclepias syriaca)
is toxic to most herbivores. Photos
by (a) R. E. Ricklefs and (b) Bill Beatty/
Animals Animals, Earth Scenes.

other purposes—chiefly defense. Whereas tannins react

with proteins of all types, many secondary compounds
interfere with specific metabolic pathways or physiologi-
cal processes of herbivores. Secondary compounds fall
into three major classes based on their chemical struc-
ture: nitrogen compounds (ultimately derived from amino
acids), terpenoids, and phenolics. The nitrogen com-
pounds include indigestible structural compounds, such
as lignin; alkaloids, including morphine (derived from Induction of chemical
poppies), atropine, and nicotine (from various members defenses in cotton plants
of the tomato family); nonprotein amino acids such as following exposure to one
mite species resulted in
L-canavanine; and cyanogenic glycosides, which produce
reduced populations of
hydrogen cyanide (HCN). Terpenoids include essential
adult mites of another
oils, latex, and resins. Among the phenolics, many sim- species…
ple phenols have antimicrobial properties. 300
Some types of defensive chemicals are maintained at Control …and their eggs.
Number of T. urticae

high levels in plant tissues at all times; these are called

constitutive defenses. Others, known as induced
defenses, are activated by herbivore damage in a man-
ner analogous to the way foreign proteins induce an
immune response in vertebrate animals (Figure 14.9). Exposed
These chemicals increase dramatically in many plants fol-
lowing defoliation by herbivores (or the clipping of leaves
by investigators). Wounding may cause the production Adult mites Eggs
of toxic, noxious, or nutrition-reducing compounds—
FIGURE 14.9 Plant defenses can be induced by herbivory.
locally in the area of a wound or systemically throughout
Mean numbers of the mite Tetranychus urticae were lower on
the plant—that reduce subsequent herbivory. In some cotton plants that had been previously exposed to a closely
cases, these responses take only minutes or hours; in oth- related mite species, T. turkestani, than on control plants with no
ers, they require a new season of growth. When shoots previous mite exposure. This finding suggests that exposure to T.
of aspen, poplar, birch, and alder are heavily browsed by turkestani induced chemical defenses in the plants. From R. Karban
snowshoe hares, shoots produced during the following and J. R. Carey, Science 225:53–54 (1984); photo by J. K. Clark.
296 CHAPTER 14

year have exceptionally high concentrations of terpenes However, because each of the consumers reduces the
and phenolic resins, which are extremely unpalatable to availability of the resource to the other, the indirect inter-
hares. Some defenses can be induced even in untouched action between the two consumer populations can be
plants by volatile compounds released by neighboring seen as
plants that have been damaged—chemical communica-
consumer 1 ( ) i consumer 2 ( ).
tion among plants!
Inducibility suggests that some chemical defenses are Thus, even though individuals of consumer 1 and con-
too costly to maintain when herbivory is light or absent. sumer 2 may never come into contact with each other,
Several studies have shown trade-offs between the pro- their populations are nonetheless affected by their use
duction of defensive chemicals and plant growth. In addi- of a common resource. This interaction is referred to as
tion, where soils are low in the nutrients required for the exploitation competition, or indirect competition, and we shall
production of defensive chemicals, the costs of defense consider it in detail in Chapter 16. However, individuals of
are relatively high. Undoubtedly, the strategies herbivores different species that share a common resource may also
use to counter plant defenses are also costly, emphasiz- interact directly through the kinds of antagonistic behav-
ing once more the close connection between consumer– iors that we have already discussed in Chapter 9 in the
resource interactions and life history optimization. context of interactions among individuals within species.

A competition–facilitation continuum
Competition may be an indirect result Interactions between species are not rigid; indeed, it is
of other types of interactions common for these interactions to change over the life
cycle, and even for a direct relationship to become an
Up to this point, we have considered direct interactions
indirect one. An increasingly important theme in the ecol-
in which individuals of one species directly influence
ogy of species interactions is the often-blurred distinction
the well-being of individuals of another species. Interac-
between competition and various forms of facilitation,
tions between resource and consumer individuals are the
such as commensalism and mutualism. A prominent case
primary case in point. However, such interactions have
in point is the phenomenon of so-called nurse plants, in
indirect consequences for other species in an ecological
which individuals of one species facilitate the germination
and growth of a second species. In desert environments
Consider a simple food chain, in which a predator
of western North America, for example, several species
species feeds on an herbivore species, which in turn feeds
of small trees, including paloverde and ironwood, provide
on a plant species. The interaction between the preda-
protected sites for the establishment of various species of
tor and its prey is a straightforward consumer–resource
columnar cacti (Figure 14.10). The trees and the cacti may
interaction; that is,
compete for water and soil nutrients, but small seedlings
consumer ( ) l resource ( ) of the cacti have little effect on the resources available to
established nurse plants, which fortuitously provide the
However, the herbivore also is a consumer, and when its
seedlings with shade from the sun and protection from
population is reduced by its predator, the plant species
herbivores among their dense branches. Thus, early in
enjoys the benefit of reduced herbivory. Thus, the preda-
its life cycle, the cactus is a commensal of the tree. As
tor and the plant are engaged in an indirect interaction:
the cactus grows, it may have an increasingly negative
predator ( ) l herbivore ( ) l plant ( ) effect on the resources available to its nurse plant, but
the growth forms of the two species often differ so much
Because such indirect interactions are felt across multiple
that their growth is limited by different factors, and they
trophic levels, they are often called trophic cascades. We
can coexist.
shall consider interactions of this kind in more detail in
Facilitation is a common theme in the development of
Part 5 of this book.
biological communities, as we shall see in Chapter 19. The
Another kind of indirect interaction results from the
initial colonizers of newly exposed soil, for example, are
use of a single resource by two or more consumers. This
often plants that can tolerate the heat and water stress of
interaction can be diagrammed simply as
a completely open environment. The shade and organic
consumer 1 ( ) l resource ( ) k consumer 2 ( ) soil materials provided by these pioneers allow other
Species Interactions 297

each party to a mutualism is specialized behaviorally or

physiologically to perform a function lacking in the other.
Many mutualisms are symbioses, such as the relation-
ship between the algae and fungi that make up lichens
(see Figure 1.8). In other instances, such as seed dispersal
mutualisms, the partners are only loosely associated and
may interact mutualistically with a variety of species.
Mutualisms are widespread in the living world, and
humans are no exception. Humans have beneficial gut
bacteria that aid us in digestion and assimilation of nutri-
ents. An unusual mutualism involves the honeyguides of
southern Africa, which lead various mammals, including
humans, to beehives. The birds eat the wax left behind
after the humans have extracted the honeycombs. The
honeyguides depend on a further mutualism with bacteria
in their guts that secrete enzymes needed to digest the
wax. We humans also have created our own mutualis-
tic associations through the domestication of various pet,
livestock, and crop species.
In fact, it is fair to say that all organisms are engaged in
mutualistic interactions. The cells of all eukaryotic organ-
isms are the product of ancient mutualisms between sym-
biotic bacteria. One partner in these relationships became
a cellular organelle: the mitochondrion and, in plants, the
chloroplast. These organelles even retain some of the orig-
inal genetic material of their free-living ancestors.
Mutualisms occur in every kind of environment, but
FIGURE 14.10 Nurse plants provide shade and protection may be particularly important under stressful conditions.
for other species. This saguaro cactus established itself under For example, the giant tubeworms living close to hydro-
a nurse plant, a paloverde tree. Without the nurse plant, it thermal vents thousands of meters below the ocean sur-
might not have survived the seedling stage in its harsh desert face depend entirely on symbiotic bacteria that can use
environment. Initially a commensal, the cactus may now be energy from hydrogen sulfide in the hot vent water to
competing with its nurse plant for water and other resources.
synthesize organic molecules. Indeed, the worms lack
Photo by Bill Pogue/bpogue@billpogue.com.
mouths and digestive tracts as adults. Instead, they form
special structures called trophosomes, which the bacteria
invade through the skin from the surrounding water. Nei-
species to invade the area, much as nurse plants facilitate ther the bacteria nor the worms can live and reproduce
the establishment of some desert cacti. However, as the without the other species.
new colonists grow, they capture progressively more sun- In very general terms, mutualisms fall into three cat-
light and soil nutrients and shift from being commensals egories: trophic, defensive, and dispersive. The partners
of the initial colonizers to being competitors. in trophic mutualisms are usually specialized in com-
plementary ways to obtain energy and nutrients; hence
the term trophic, which pertains to feeding relationships.
Individuals of different species can We have just seen such a mutualisms between bacteria
and giant tubeworms. Similarly, bacteria in the rumens of
collaborate in mutualistic interactions cows and other ungulates can digest the cellulose in plant
Many interactions between species benefit both partici- fibers, which a cow’s own digestive enzymes cannot break
pants. For example, flowers provide honeybees with nec- down. The cows benefit because they assimilate some of
tar, and the bees carry pollen between plants. These kinds the by-products of bacterial digestion and metabolism for
of interactions are known as mutualisms. In most cases, their own use (they also digest some of the bacteria). The
298 CHAPTER 14

bacteria benefit by having a steady supply of food in a

ECOLOGISTS Acacias house and feed the ants
warm, chemically regulated environment that is optimal
IN THE FIELD that protect them from herbivores.
for their own growth. In these cases, each of the partners
supplies a limiting nutrient or energy source that the other Each population constantly adapts to evolutionary chang-
es in other populations with which it interacts. These inter-
cannot obtain by itself.
actions shape the adaptations of all species, occasionally
Species in defensive mutualisms receive food or
producing exceedingly intricate and complex living
shelter from their partners in return for defending those arrangements. One example, a mutualistic relationship
partners against their consumers. For example, in some between ants and acacias in Central America, drives
marine ecosystems, specialized fishes and shrimps clean home the lesson of this complexity.
parasites from the skin and gills of other fish species Acacias and ants engage in mutually beneficial rela-
(Figure 14.11). These cleaners benefit from the food value tionships in which the plants provide food and nesting
of parasites they remove, and the groomed fish are unbur- sites for the ants, while the ants provide the plants with
dened of some of their parasites. Cleaning mutualisms are protection from herbivores and competing plants. The
most highly developed in clear, warm tropical waters. bull’s-horn acacia (Acacia cornigera) has large, swollen,
Many cleaners display their striking colors at locations, hornlike thorns with a tough woody covering and a soft
called cleaning stations, to which other fish come to be pithy interior. To start a colony in an acacia, a queen ant
of the species Pseudomyrmex ferruginea bores a hole in
groomed. As might be expected, a few predatory fish spe-
the base of one of these thorns and clears out some of
cies mimic the cleaners: when other fish come to them
the soft material inside to make room for her brood. In
and expose their gills to be groomed, they get a bite taken addition to housing the ants, the acacia provides carbo-
out of them instead. hydrate-rich food for them in nectaries at the bases of the
leaves as well as fats and proteins in the form of nodules,
called Beltian bodies, at the tips of some leaves. The ants,
in turn, protect their host plant from other insects. As the
colony grows, ants occupy more and more of the acacia’s
thorns. A colony may increase to more than a thousand
workers within a year, and may eventually include tens of
thousands of workers. At any one time, about a quarter
of the ants are outside their nests, actively gathering food
and defending the acacia.
The relationship between Pseudomyrmex and Acacia
is so tight that neither the ant nor the acacia can survive
without the other. The ants require the nutrients provided
by the acacia’s Beltian bodies and cannot be reared on
other foods. Acacias lacking ants are quickly devoured
by insect herbivores. This last point was made dramati-
cally by ecologist Daniel Janzen in a set of experiments
conducted in Oaxaca, in southern Mexico. Janzen cut
acacias to stimulate growth of new shoots and then kept
ants from colonizing one set of plants. After 10 months of
one such experiment, the shoots lacking ants weighed less
than one-tenth as much as those with intact ant colonies,
and they produced fewer than half the leaves and one-
third the number of swollen thorns (Figure 14.12).
The mutualism between ants and acacias has been
accompanied by adaptations in both species to increase
the effectiveness of their association. For example,
Pseudomyrmex is active both night and day—an unusual
FIGURE 14.11 Cleaning mutualisms benefit both trait for ants—and thereby can provide protection for the
participants. The prawn Lysmata amboinensis is removing acacia at all times. In addition, these ants have a true
parasites from a moray eel. From this interaction, the prawn gets sting, like their wasp relatives, and will swarm vertebrate
food, and the eel gets rid of some of its external parasites. Photo herbivores that attempt to feed on their host plant. The ants
by Doug Perrine/DRK Photo. also clear away potential plant competitors by attacking
Summar y 299

allows the plant to shed its leaves during the dry season
Survival and therefore to live in more arid environments than ant-
Shoots without ants dependent acacias can tolerate.
weighed less than 1/10
of shoot
as much, had fewer than Animals participating in dispersive mutualisms
Number of 1/2 the leaves, and had 1/3 include those that transport pollen between flowers in
leaves the number of swollen return for rewards such as nectar, or that eat nutritious
thorns, as shoots with ant fruits and disperse the seeds they contain to suitable
Number of
thorns colonies.
habitats. Dispersive mutualisms rarely involve close living
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 arrangements. Seed dispersal mutualisms are not usually
Value as a percentage of highly specialized; for example, a single bird species may
shoots with ants
eat many kinds of fruit, and each kind of fruit may be
FIGURE 14.12 Some mutualists need their partners to eaten by many kinds of birds. Plant–pollinator relation-
survive and grow. Removal of ant (Pseudomyrmex) colonies ships tend to be more restrictive because it is in a plant’s
from shoots of bull’s-horn acacia (Acacia cornigera) in Oaxaca, interest that a flower visitor carry its pollen to another
Mexico, decreased their growth and survival rates. Data from
plant of the same species.
D. H. Janzen, Evolution 20:249–275 (1966).

Seed Dispersal. The seeds of many plant species
WEB are widely distributed by animals, often to habitats
favorable for germination and growth.
seedlings near their host plant’s base as well as any vines
or overhanging branches of other plants. In a similar
adaptive gesture, the acacia retains its leaves throughout Pollination. Plants have many ways of manipulat-
the year, although rainfall in its environment is extremely WEB ing their pollinators so as to increase the efficiency
seasonal. By doing so, the bull’s-horn acacia provides a of pollen transfer between individuals.
year-round source of food for the ants. Most related plant
species lose their leaves during the dry season. In the next chapter, we shall consider the dynamics
Relegating defense against herbivores to a mercenary of interactions between consumers and their resources,
apparently makes good evolutionary sense under some
building on the development of models for individual
circumstances. The fidelity of the defender is guaranteed
populations. A key insight is that a resource and its con-
by its absolute dependence on the host for food. One can
imagine, however, that such an intimate relationship must
sumer have a unique interaction that can result in cyclic
be the result of a long history of increasingly close asso- changes in populations of both species. Such insights rein-
ciation. Acacia species that lack ants provide their own force the idea that ecological systems create their own
defenses against herbivores by sequestering toxic chemi- dynamic properties that cannot be inferred from the indi-
cals in their leaves. This strategy can be costly compared vidual components of the system, but rather depend on
with providing food and nesting places for ants, but it also the ways in which species interact.

1. Species interactions influence population dynamics, consumer–resource interactions as / , competition as
define the structure of ecological systems, and provide a / , and mutualism as / .
rich context for evolution.
4. Individuals of different species that live in close asso-
2. The primary types of species interactions are ciation are said to form a symbiosis. Symbioses may be
consumer–resource interactions, competition, and mutu- mutualistic relationships, as in the case of the algae and
alism, although many variations on these themes blur the fungi that form lichens, or consumer–resource relation-
boundaries between them. ships, as in the case of many parasites and their hosts.
3. Species can benefit from ( ) or suffer from ( ) an 5. Predators are consumers that remove individuals
interaction, or be unaffected by it (0). We can represent from prey populations as they consume them. Parasites
300 CHAPTER 14

consume portions of living host organisms, but usually do 10. Parasite–host interactions often evolve a delicate bal-
not kill them. Parasitoids (mostly small flies and wasps) kill ance between the immune response and other defenses
the hosts they consume, but not immediately. of the host and parasite virulence.
11. Plants have numerous structural and chemical
6. Herbivores can function either as predators, in the defenses to deter herbivores. These defenses include fac-
case of consumers that remove whole plants, or parasites, tors that influence the nutritional quality and digestibility
in the case of grazers or browsers that remove only a por- of plant parts as well as specialized chemicals—secondary
tion of a plant’s tissues. compounds—that have negative effects on herbivores.
12. Plant defenses may be constitutive, meaning that they
7. Consumer–resource interactions can also be classified
are always present, or they may be induced by herbivory.
by the duration and intimacy of the association between
The existence of induced defenses suggests that defenses
individuals, as well as by the probability that resource indi-
are costly and impose trade-offs.
viduals will be killed.
13. When two or more consumers utilize the same
8. Organisms avoid being consumed through tactics such resource, each reduces resource availability for the other.
as avoiding detection, remaining in safe refuges, or fleeing This type of indirect interaction is called exploitation
predators, as well as by means of chemical and structural competition.
defenses. All of these tactics impose costs on their users. 14. Mutualisms between species may involve trophic,
defensive, and dispersive interactions. Each partner in a
9. Many parasites are characterized by complex life cycles mutualism usually provides some product (such as nutri-
that may include multiple hosts and stages specialized to ents) or service (such as defense against consumers) that
make the difficult journey from one host to another. the other cannot provide for itself.

1. Compare and contrast the feeding habits of predators, 5. Given the ubiquity of the defenses that have evolved
parasites, and parasitoids. in plants, what would you predict about the evolved
responses of their herbivores?
2. If animal prey can reduce their risk of predation by
hiding, why not hide all the time? 6. When a plant population possesses inducible defenses,
what might this suggest about the frequency of herbivory
3. In parasite–host relationships, what abilities might nat- on this population?
ural selection favor in the parasite and in the host? 7. Why is competition between two species for a shared
resource considered an indirect interaction rather than a
4. Some animals defer reproduction so that they can put
direct interaction?
more of their energy into rapid growth to become too
large for predators to eat. What trade-off are these animals 8. What benefits do trophic mutualisms, defensive mutu-
making? alisms, and dispersive mutualisms have in common?

Abrahamson, W. G. 1989. Plant–Animal Interactions. McGraw-Hill, Douglas, A. E. 1998. Nutritional interactions in insect–microbial
New York. symbioses: Aphids and their symbiotic bacteria Buchnera. Annual
Armbruster, W. S. 1992. Phylogeny and the evolution of plant– Review of Entomology 43:17–38.
animal interactions. BioScience 42:12–20. Fritz, R. S., and E. L. Simms (eds.). 1992. Plant Resistance to Herbivores
and Pathogens: Ecology, Evolution, and Genetics. University of Chi-
Barbosa, P., P. Gross, and J. Kemper. 1991. Influence of plant alle- cago Press, Chicago.
lochemicals on the tobacco hornworm and its parasitoid, Cotesia Godfray, H. C. J. 1994. Parasitoids: Behavioral and Evolutionary Ecology.
congregata. Ecology 72:1567–1575. Princeton University Press, Princeton, N.J.
Bryant, J. P. 1981. Phytochemical deterrence of snowshoe hare Hay, M. E. 1991. Marine–terrestrial contrasts in the ecology of plant
browsing by adventitious shoots of four Alaskan trees. Science chemical defenses against herbivores. Trends in Ecology and Evolu-
213:889–890. tion 6:362–365.
Suggested Readings 301

Horton T. R., T. D. Bruns, and T. Parker. 1999. Ectomycorrhizal fungi Relyea, R. A., and E. E. Werner. 1999. Quantifying the relation
associated with Arctostaphylos contribute to Pseudotsuga menziesii between predator-induced behavior and growth performance in
establishment. Canadian Journal of Botany 77:93–102. larval anurans. Ecology 80:2117–2124.
Janzen, D. H. 1966. Coevolution of mutualism between ants and Riegler, M., and S. L. O’Neill. 2007. Evolutionary dynamics of
acacias in Central America. Evolution 20:249–275. insect symbiont associations. Trends in Ecology and Evolution
Johnson N. C., J. H. Graham, and F. A. Smith. 1997. Functioning 22(12):625–627.
of mycorrhizal associations along the mutualism–parasitism con- Sagers, C. L., and P. D. Coley. 1995. Benefits and costs of defense in
tinuum. New Phytologist 135:575–585. a Neotropical shrub. Ecology 76:1835–1843.
Karban, R., et al. 2000. Communication between plants: Induced Stein, B. A. 1992. Sicklebill hummingbirds, ants, and flowers. BioSci-
resistance in wild tobacco plants following clipping of neighbor- ence 42:27–33.
ing sagebrush. Oecologia 125:66–71. van Dam, N. M., K. Hadwich, and I. T. Baldwin. 2000. Induced
Karban, R., et al. 2006. Damage-induced resistance in sagebrush: responses in Nicotiana attenuata affect behavior and growth of the
Volatiles are key to intra- and interplant communication. Ecology specialist herbivore Manduca sexta. Oecologia 122:371–379.
87:922–930. Werner, E. E., and M. A. McPeek. 1994. Direct and indirect effects
Martinsen, G. D., E. M. Driebe, and T. G. Whitham. 1998. Indi- of predators on two anuran species along an environmental gra-
rect interactions mediated by changing plant chemistry: Beaver dient. Ecology 75:1368–1382.
browsing benefits beetles. Ecology 79:192–200. Werner, E. E., et al. 1983. An experimental test of the effects of pre-
Pérez-Brocal, V. et al. 2006. A small microbial genome: The end of a dation risk on habitat use in fish. Ecology 64:1540–1548.
long symbiotic relationship? Science 314(5797):312–313. Werren, J. H. 1997. Biology of Wolbachia. Annual Review of Entomol-
Raghu, S., and C. Walton. 2007. Understanding the ghost of Cacto- ogy 42:587–609.
blastis past: Historical clarifications on a poster child of classical
biological control. BioScience 57(8):699–705.

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