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Part two – The end


With Khonorim draining the life energy, the With your final blow, Khonorim falls to his
portal bursts open, radiating a brilliant wall of knees. His body begins to vaporize as he grasps his
light. Its intense light blinds everyone present, chest. The light from the wall shines with a
but it reveals the path leading back to your home. strange glow. First it bursts with white and yellow
Immobilized by the overwhelming radiance, and as Khonorim disintegrates, the wall becomes
there is no escape from its grasp. Khonorim's gaze black, and so does the room. His Spectral
meets yours, a smile forming on his face. His Guardians scream in the darkness, knowing their
skeletal visage has transformed, regaining traces king is gone. The sphere at the top of the scepter
of his human characteristics. As he steps through begin to shine with a bright light, suddenly a
the gateway, his spectral guardians disintegrate portal opens in the now black void! The colossal
with a piercing scream, leaving only their black void beckons you to take a step forward.
belongings behind. With the portal open, the spectral guardians try
The colossal black void beckons you to take a step to make their way through it! Can you stop them
forward. In the briefest of moments, you seize before they do? Remember that they must
the chance to snatch the belongings from the succeed with a MOVE roll to withdraw from
ethereal spectres that surround you, knowing combat without you landing a free blow on them.
that you must depart soon. Once a guardian is defeated, it will drop all its
When you decide to enter the portal, look at The belongings and turn into a mist.
Void (next page). When you decide to enter the portal, look at The
Void (next page).
As you stand at the precipice of the unknown, a portal emerges before you, beckoning with its enigmatic
allure. With steadfast resolve, you take that first step, and the world around you dissolve into an infinite
black void. As you traverse this boundless expanse, a tingling sensation courses through your being. You
become aware of wisps of stardust, swirling, and coalescing around you, forming mesmerizing patterns
that shimmer and shift. They paint the darkness with their celestial hues, creating a cosmic tapestry just
for you. In this mysterious realm, whispers resonate in your ears, carried on ethereal currents. They speak
of distant worlds, forgotten histories, and hidden truths. Though surrounded by darkness, your spirit
remains unyielding, shining like a guiding star. This is the path home, the path to the Forbidden Lands.
As you exit the portal, you find yourself inside the tower. The staff remains in its place, keeping the portal
open. Within a second of the last person passing through, the portal closes upon itself as the sphere on the
sceptre cracks and shatters into seven pieces.

If you defeated Khonorim and some of his spectres fled through the portal, they now roam the depths
of this world and perhaps you will run into them again. Their agenda is simple – wreak havoc and await
the rise of a new king. Doing what they can to find any of their allies that made it through to this world
all those years ago.
If Khonorim stepped through the portal, he now wanders this world in human shape. Looking for his
old subjects that are hiding in this world. He is a powerful sorcerer and will try to claim a throne in this
land, slowly building an army. His powers are beyond the scope of this module, however.

The End!

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