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4 What is pixel? e@P{SPPU : Doc.-09,19,13, May-12, i; Ann 1 « i computer graphics, picts 0 Eraphics objects ae. aan collection of discrete picture elements called pael ‘The pnel is the smallest addressable screen element a2 What is computer graphics 7E@[SPPU : Doc.-14,19, Maris 2 ‘Ans. : © The computer. graphics is one of the most etic: ‘commonly used way 10 communicate the processed informs ‘elt displays the information in the form of graphics objet pictures, chars, graphs and diagrams instead of simple makes it possible to express The picture or graphics object may be an engineering dra: ‘paphs, architectural structures, a single flame ffom an ani fr a.machine pars illustrated for a service manual 13 Why computer graphics is emerging a1 an importa! compater science. 6@[SPPU : May-08, Dec.-07,08, Marks 4 ‘Ana. © Computer graphics emits extensive, Me twercomputer interaction. It significantly enhances he Understand information, to perceive tends and to visu imaginary objects ether moving or stationary ina realise" also makes it possible to get high quality and more prc" ‘products with lower analysis and design cost Because of these reasons, computer graphic tceumee fell ts coe ee ss is emer Graphics Primes graphics state the applica! og ISPPU : Doc.-14,19, Marks 6] sa rps comet Di a races + User fiendiness is one of the main factors eee cco. wd popuarty of any tem. The ballin Med with wer interfaces we visual cool ems such a ss ate yew soe wn wt wh may ry msec. Tying neces ely ipa tx 0 Chart : In inary, business, goverment Mpparations, compat graphics is most comment siete 2D aad 3D_ paps of mhemsical, pyc xd Sections a form of stgams, bas and ie-cars. These me eh are very sei for decision mare ‘sbonce Automation and Desktop Publishing ‘The desicop publishing onal comps alow te ee of bis fore eaten and ‘dissemination of information. z sConputcalded Drafting ad Design : Te conrad SO compete to ig components and sens deck. ess) Getonic devices such as astrmebie bods, sructures of building, airplane, ships, Very Large-Scale Integrated {VLSI ips, optical systems and computer neers. steht andl Animation : Use of apics in simulation motes rede models and mechanical systems mere reas and €2) 1 ‘study. The interactive tics supported by animation ‘software proved eb sein production of eimated moves and cartoons Sms Art and Commerce : There is a lot of development jin the tools ‘rovided by computer graphics, This allows user create WS pictures which express messages and attract attentions. ‘Such pictures are ‘ery useful in advertising ‘Process Control : Process sysiems and procesing parameters a show onthe computer with graphic symbols and idenfiations. This makes * xy for operator o monitor and control various processing paares> ot a time. Cartography 1 Comuner graphics is also wed 1 represent geoeic ‘maps, weather maps, oceanographic charts, contour m4PS population ‘density maps and so on. Conputer Graphics 1 « Education and Training : Computer graphics cay p, models of physical, financial and economic systems te used as edocatonal ads. Models of physical sy systems, population trends, o equipment, such asc can help trainees to understand the operation of the Image Processing : In computer graphics, a compu pictures. Image processing, on the other hands, app. modify or interpret existing pictures such as photogr images : 5 With the help of block diagram explain raster scan 4, FE[SPPU ; Doc.-06,10,13,15, May-09,10,14,15, ‘Aus, © The Fig. Q5.1 shows the architecture of a raster at consists of display controller, Central Processing Un controle, reftesh buffer, keyboard, mouse and the CRT 4s shown in the Fig. Q5.1, the display image is stored 1s and 0s in the refresh buffer. Pu vO per (etwactan cata) @apey corms: coger ie Graphix rites Cc deo corer reais this refresh buet and produces the seal iat ftom den Dk He tm sn Be Fig O51 ai can is he most commen meta of doping im CCRT sree. stn this eod, the Borzotal erical defection Sls x | generated to move the all | Behe seen ina pate shown in the Fig. Q52- arlere the beam is swert back and Ret fom the Te to the rght across the screen. “e When the beam is moved from the | Westie tit b ON. The 0-052 Raster scan CRT | ees OFF when itis moved fom he rht wo te Ie as stown by dotted line in Fig. Q52. «When te beam reaches the botiom of te soem tis made OFF nd iy raced back 1 he op lef 9 start asi. A display prosteed 2 | this way is called raster sean display. Q6 Define random scan display. [@ [SPPU : May-14, Marks 2] ‘aus : In displays where the beam is moved bereen the ex poins of the graphics primitives is called random (vector) scan displays 1.2 : Persistence, Resolution and Aspect Ratio 7 Define following terms + 1p Persistence 4) Resolution ii) Aspet ratio | [SPPU : Des -B6,1013.1418, May-09,15,19, Marks 4] ‘OR Writ the properties of video display devices. ‘5 [SPPU : May-15, Marks 4] ER[SPPU : May-14, Mark 1] Computer Graphs 7 Poralatence : Pertence is defined as the tine sg from the seren fo. decay 10 one-tenth of Ans. emit imtensty Resolution fey io + Resolution indicates the maximum number of an be displayed without overlap on the CRT. It is defined as, of points per ‘Aspect Ratio Centimeter that can be ploted horizontally and ver + It isthe ratio of vertical points 10 horizon lines in both directions on the screen. . produce equal length a8 Define the following term : Frame buffer ISPPU : Dec.11,12,15, May-13, Marks 2) OR Describe frame buffer display in computer graphics. ‘Ans. : In raster sean displ ‘graphics only. This memory area i of intensity ¥ EBISPPU : Doc.-13, 16, May-15, Marks 4 ays a special area of memory is dedicated called frame buffer. It holds te» aes fr all he screen points. nity va merce) 8H re gn nr ont ee ct Sans we Tee sented io 16,777,206 [(aty’ <2] ponte eno this is az rr sng ena ie Sawer +: pee19, Marks 41 a Refresh rate 1 = 0 respectively, The factor 05 make Jt possible to round the values In the integer function rathor wit, Soh el into nnn © 2p timate pixels in such situations. § is plot (Integer (x), Integer (¥)) The brighmes of he ine i dependent onthe erero2 sien We can obser . 1s fi the loop, ia this loop points are plotted) that the effective spacing berween PASS aes points tine is greater tan forthe , a ‘the vertical vertical and horizontal lines. T= * eo A Gaede Anown as vector generation algorithms or line drawing we yt 5 ite (x), Integer (y)) vantages of DDA ‘Algorithm era a ai 8 #8 9 foe 2 a mina der neo esi Ft! posting 1s ten yr + BI fits the mi, we of raster character, | 250 | m6 | 027 + [| ps0 | a9 [38 s | so [ s8 [ aa 6 | sso | 966 | as.% 7_| 1650 [ 1049 | G6, 10) 2.9 Explain Bresenbam’s line drawing algorithm, E@ISPPU : Doc.-07,12,17,18, May-14,15,17,19, Marks 3) Ans. : Bresenham’s line drawing algorithms for 0 0) we have [5a cent, aoe aS ped? Bet ucaton of Decslon Variable (4+ 1) : dhe = Bie DY}, 1 Vie 1D? 2 dereth Dyer DEA YR # ig DP -206 + 07 - Shoe yoy 7 341 We ve, dy = 442g +14? +y?, + ie -2(x; +1 -y? (yi =)? = dr2bd tant aey?, pty? ,-25 -2(0h-+2xj+1)-y? =P -2y; +1) +4) +2xh 48x; 4842y2 )-2yi.1 + l-2xd -4xj-2-yP ay? +2y;, = di +4x5 4202 -yP)-2(yi4 yuo JE As chosen pte (meaning that the dj < 0) then. + 4x;+6 On the other hand, if B is the 1 = yi-land so 4i+4x +2[y -92-y?]-2fy, * Atta ely? ay, e1-y2]-2(- } = di t4xy, = xt land = xtland y,,= 3, - AYL#24246 = di +4(-) AGuide for Engine” ae Wee meray Con Pee Let ~ Cling nena ease noe Sean Conversion Finally, the equation fir canbe simplified a folyy ©!" “OP"E Poin. te tx = 0 andy = 2 4 = by +8, S++ 6-2. 607 OF GPs Ose gag s14Peee yy c Pimstoease Q.23 Write and explain p, related mathemati ims circle drawing algorithen with EF [SPPU : Dec.-17, May-42, Marks 6] ‘Ams Breseaham's circle drawing storm to plot 11 of 1 the circle: Read the radius (1) ofthe ciclo 2 a=3-21 Uitialize the decision varabi} 3 x20, Initialize staring pict 4 do 4 plot (xy) (4 <0) then { dadtares } {d=d+4Q-y)+10 yey-t ) xextt > whe ox < 9) 5 sep ——— 7 ee 1 Gait for Eginerig Sens select correct pire Fig, 2241 Declan parameter tO generation algorithm 4 halt bye Ot IF +», fo = yt y} yy ci “14, < 0 this midpoint is inside the circle and the pix conpuier Graphles as — ome der ~ fee eit Ley, ,- 4) 7 [odes = (AN? 2,40 142, 5 1 ist) ; a Looking at equations (1) and (2) we can write dor = 4426, +0+(92,,-92)-( @ is ti where y;. ; is either y, sw depending on the sign of d, If, is negative, y,,, = y, dar 4 42Q+ +1 S425.) 41 ® If d, is positive, y,., = y,_, . dey = +25 +141 -2y,,, ® The terms 2x; , and ~ 2y; , , in equations (3) and (4) can be incrementally calculated as 2K, * K+? Boy 7 2-2 ‘The initial value of decision parameter can be obtained by evaluating cirele function at the start position (x,, y,) = (0, 1). 4 teaforsre(e3)-e]er{e}- 125-1 Algorithm 1. Read the radius (1) of the circle 2. Initialize starting position as x=0 yer 3. Calculate initial value of decision parameter as P=125-1 40 ww) med qxeet *y goatee } alse paeetl ia +1 ged ate a1 } while (x <¥) 6, Deteemine # jacana along the circle par . 0 ia eae 7 M's cir from point (0,10) to point x = y, ‘Ans, : The valve of d is given as, d=3-21=3-2 computer Graphles 32 Sean Comers 2.26 Calculate the pixel position long the circle path with radiz Tee! oat slog mldpoit ccs a algorithm from point (0,10) to point x = y, ‘Ans. ¢ Initial value of decision parameter 4 = 125-1=_975 i 1 =375_ | 2 55 3 = 075 4 625 5 6 7 8 = 215 425 525 eas | END....2 segments, Q.3 Wr: re two types of polygons = Convex and » Concave +A convex poly Fig. Q.3.1 shows the examples of coavex polygocs. a ieee * Aust. ET SPU : May. Mae 11, Marks 4 Polygon. Because circle don M have ay i ‘at-are different types of polygons ? Explain with example FSISPPU : Dec.-09,18, May-10, 11, 12, t in is a polygon in which the line segment join within the polygon lies completely inside Computer Grapher Pens and Poe Filing 1° concave polygon is 8 polygon in which the line segment joining a ‘wo pein wrhin the polygon may not le a completely inside the piygon Fig. 0.3.2 shows the examples of concave polygons A polygon is simple if it ie decribed by a single, nom intersecting boundary, oer is Said 10 be comple Fig. 233 Comper oiygon 42 : Inside Test (G4 Explnin the diferent methods for tvting piel aside of polygon. eF| SPPU :tay-05.07,1013,16,9, ec.-09,10,12,13,14.15.18,1778, Marka ‘ans: Even-Odd Method’: Fig. O44 Fig. 042 — Gee fr Eger Suen, 5g Method ic cnt econ ve i Tey ing 1 the poi ion wer an nt ie PED ang Kaori $6 Pans nd Poem Fig fC ich it eT ign ses wh . {6 Explain boundary-filVedge-fil algorithm for polygon. ont Ey 7 S[SPPU : May-05,09,18, Dec.-16,19, Marks 6] est TD + #In this method, edges of the polygons are drawn. Then starting, Fe eyo we tome ee any point inside he polamn w= canine te yo Ee ee eee ree pee © [boundary pix reached, pixels are highlighted and the is = =. rs ("| eniued nl boundary pals ae eched 7 Mp note that th fine, cross if, and end above iy") (a) Four connected region 1p connect alon ove the line, ress i, and end below the line. In firs ta Fig. 06.4 Boundary defined regions may be either +-connected or S-connected ti 1 | shown in the Fig. Q.6.1. sive direction number 2 : Se te deci ies foc te sides ty, RR er constaced horizontal line segment is called the winding numh.,, up and down. the point in question. For polygons or two dimensional objects i wel ia ig a ee chen fe va of winding muaber is nonzae "Ey coetarra le acd by olygon Filling diagonal dizetions 10.7 Write algorithm to fill polygon area using food fll method. 2s Enlist any tree polygon filling algorithms. ra[SPPU : May-15, Dec.15, Marks 4] z ESISPPU : May-11,13, Dec.+12,13, Maris ¢ABE* * eae iis and sine aed Ans. Polygon filing algorithms are classified ‘sh [within a single colour boundary ‘ and scan ine algorithm, — sling» specified interior colour instead of searching for « boundary | sa fame (Gre deen number as ~1 and in the second case, colour. This approach is called a flood-fl algorithm. Like boundary fil algorithm, bee we stat with some seed and examine i ixels are checked for terior defined regions called foolS) the neighbouring pixels. However ere Ps fill boa eat esis ‘ae cit) Specified interior colour instead of boundary colour and they are ims or edge-ill algorithms. | replaced by new colour. ing i sep Using either # 4-comected or S-comnected approach, we ft through pixel postions nil all ier pont have been fied, The The seed fill algorithm P, ea At ates ster cased as oo il seo -Algortims that fill in algorithms; those that boundary-fillalgoith Computer Graphics following procedure illustrates the recursive methog B-connected region using flood-fill agonthm. < sn with example, Q8 Explain scan line algorith FE[SPPU : Dec..og May-06,07,08,11,12,14,17,19, Man! OR What is meant by coberence and BOW HE can ingryy | efficiency of scan line polygon filing. J eISPPU : May-15,18, Hay, . Aas: + Fig.Q&1 isrses he can lie algorithm for 4 my polygon. ‘For each scan line rosing 2 polygon, this algorithm locates the intersection points of the scan line with the polygon edges. These ineseton point are then sorted from left to right and the conesponding positions between each intersection pair ae st tothe specified Sil colour Fig ‘ln Fig. Q81, we can see that We an see that there ae to fom x6 x= 9 male TD eet? eS of interior pi ‘The sean line algorithm fist finds the prlgce! It then starts with the ee en Y values ‘caning fom left righ, inthe maner of nt mS 8 ‘©The important task in the scan line raster display, algorithm ig Pt eo wie papa” He + When intersection points are even, Paired and pixels they are sone “4 Pixels between paired points are ew gg {0 Tet to righ In some cases intersection point is a vertex, Ail colour, pies see esa hanlig ae fo handle ‘endpoints of the two line seq the othe: Meet at this aE ae _ nd oh ser Grapes 46 Poygoms and Polygon Filta org x. If these points lie on the same (up or down) side of the scan veto ‘then the point in question counts as an even mumber of ines lection’. If they lie on oppoite sides of the sean line, then, te fet counted single intersection. Tis usta in Fi Q82. Scan ine 1 Seanine 2 sean ine y— Scan ine 3 Fig. 0.8.2 Intersection points along th polygon vertices ‘en is necessary to calculate x intersection points for scan line with every polygon side. «We can simplify these calculations by using eoberence properties. “GA coherence property of a scene is a property of a scene by which we ‘ran relate one part of a scene with the other parts of a scene. Here, we fan use a slope of an edge as a coherence property. By using this property we cin determine the x intersection value on the lower scan Tine if the x intersection value for current scan line is known. This is Hiei ‘where m is the slope of the edge 4 As we scan from top to bottom value of y coordinates between the two scan line changes by 1. Meat yet ‘+ Many times it is not necessary to compute the x intersections for scan line with every polygon side. ‘Thus we can say that coiterence properties can inerease the efficiency of scan line polygon filing algorithm. eT \ ved in filing polygon steps inv INRO in cao What are the 06, 08, May-06, 07, cup ts method? 6 SPPU : DoCS: 1 08, ig, es i sf yg, sty ee ee Ee = 4-1 Pobgons and Poon Fling amen nae numberof vertices POIYEON ah ates ofall vertices in aay xn), 16, Stop 2 Readxandy © nd In step 7, we have checked for y =, and not simply y < yy Find Yen 84 Yow Hence step 9 a becomes redundant. Following program takes ear 4 Store the inital x value (X)) ¥ Soe: " Wo oy, of that. ine 9 sean tne for, a, END. and x increment 38 fom scan she array edges [] [4] While doing this check that y, ang comespanding %, and its maximum y coordinate and % ec 0 that for each edge, y, es represents its minis coordinate 5. Somt the rows of aay, edges [0] [4] in descending order , descending order of y, and ascending order of x, 6 SY = Soy 7. Find the active edges and update active edge list : iy>y, my $y) ( edge is active ) ese { edge is nt active} § Compute the x i ‘ompute the tersecs fr all active edges for current y ysl initially in x can be gee ue i ax itso for successive y vs Hoy O44 be wee = =! aad 2 Y2-Y1 * Mammy ie Slope of a tine segment 2 Unie I Windowing and Clipping ale — 5.1; Introduction 1 What is windowing and clipping ? PRU: Mayt3, Dec-05,12,13, Maris « sof weing wd viewing the picture with gi, owing, acd a process which divides each eleme, visible and ins portion, allowing the ins, Tertion tobe discarded is clled clipping 5.2: Viewing Transformations 2 Describe viewing transformation FEISPPU : De.‘0, 11,18, May-12, Marks 6) 1 Pe sed te conn comeniet Caneian coordinate sy Coordane Sen (VCS ee + When picture is dalyed on Physical Device Coc he picture im it Ans. ult memory using an refered 10° as World Siplyed Tas mapping of coat ta coerdtte efron own IS achieved wit E ith the use of = ‘windowing transformation, oa ees, WCS to display "PCS i es Sink ae Te following Sh Windowing and Cling ing viewing co-ordinates Converting normalized viewing co-ordinates coordinates to deve ‘eWorld Co-ordinate System (WCS) is infinite in extent and the devi play area is finite eto perform a viewing transformation we select a finite world co-ordinate area for display called a window. «+ An area on a device to which a window is mapped is called a viewport. D Clipping 3 What is line clipping ? ER ISPPU : May-12, Marks 2] ‘Ams: «The lines are said to be interior to the clipping window and tneace visible if both end points are interior to the window both end points of a line are exterior to the window, the line is not ecessarily completely exterior to the window. ‘If both end points ofa line are completely to the right of, completely to tie left of, completely above, or completely below the window, then the Ine is completely exterior to the window and hence invisible ‘eThe ines which across one or more clipping boundaries require calculation of multiple intersection points to decide the visible portion of them. «Thus deciding visible portion of the line is known as tne clipping. ‘ohen-Sutherland Line Clipping Algorithm QA Explain Coben-Sutherland algerithm with the help of suitable ‘example. [SPU : May-06,07,08,10,11,12,13,15,16, Dec.-10,13,15,16,18, Marks 8; May-19, Marks 4] whine ant detnp ad ies foe 180 Fig. Qa 1) IF region codes for bch endpoints P, and Pz are zero then the , 's completely visible. Hence draw the line and go to step 9 1) repon codes for endpoints are not zero and the logical AND, cof them is also non-zero then the line is completely invisible, reject the line and goto step 9 ©) If region codes for two endpoints do not satisfy the conditions, 4a) and 48)the line is partly vse Determine the imersecting edge of the clipping window by ins the region codes of two endpoints, — on-zero, fini cageston points F{ andF; wih bounduy edges of elippin odo with respect to pin P, and point, respectively eee eg ed wits oe then find intersection point For FS withthe i Window with respect to it Se oe eet 6. Divide the line segments cons dein itrsecton points ‘ny ne end point of it oper cusdes the 8. Draw the remaining line segments 9. Stop. Graphics compte Sr ndowing and Cig se the Cohen-Suthertand outcod — outcode algorithm to clip. two aes Py (4918) ~ Py (7S, 45) and P, (70, 20) ~ P, (100,10) againae a srindow A(59, 10), B (8D, 10, C (8D, 40), D(S0.A0, EBL Dec.-12, Marks 8 solution t Line 1: P, (40, 15) P, (75, 45) x= 50 yg = 10 x, = 80 = 40 Point Endeode ANDing Position P. oor 0000 Parialy visible m 0000 Seo sim Ge-aerist coe oat = 257 (7) YX = 1 +(E)or-9 =40+{ | 0-15) = 0.16 1, = (60,2357) 1, = (69.06, 40) 1p P48) (60,40) catch y P40. 1), (60.10) (80,10) Fig. 5.4 Line 2 : P, (70, 20) P, (100, 10) Point End code ANDing Position 0000 © 0000. Parialy visible Dy 0010 +, 10-20 Slope m' = 799-70" 30" 3 = 010) + 20 1686 xpey = MOq—X) Y= 1 = (80, 16.65) Window ing - (eos) 1,(@0.16 66) Fig. 54.1 (2) Se polygon CHRPINE [ss Polygon GHPPIS | agen be wed FOF POIEDN clipping Te ISPPU : May-10, Maris collection of lines. Therefore tan be used directly for po, Ge Cen tae ot Susi east . J | { Jue . a Fg. 64 Pelygon el loping done by 1+ We consider a pol Tine clipping at thould emai etn aS 2 cloned soit area oe | ‘Benerate addi achieve this we requze on, 28 clipping et ain tt gag etn tat wi 4 a closed (Aker etpping | 4 For example in | ‘are added to pate ®, 252 the lines a 40 polygon description to make ety, 27 } iheowa SS bands | nee ores ny > Fig. 2.6.2 Modifying the line clipping algorthm for polya07 ‘be Fig. 0.6.3 Disjoint polygons in polygon clipping s Adding lines ¢ - 4 and d - ¢ is particularly difficult. Considerable ‘iticuly also occurs when clipping a polygon results in several disjoint cuir polygons as shown in the Fig. Q.63. For example, the lines a = See a ne and g - f are Gequently incioded in the clipped polygon (Sescription which is not desired. si ‘a7 Describe Sutherland - Hodgeman polygon clipping algorithm with example, GaP[SPPU : Dec.-06,07,08,11,14.17,18, Marks 6, ‘May-10,14, Marks 8] Ans. 1. Read co-ordinated of all vertices of the polygon. 2. Read co-ordinates ofthe clipping window. 3. Consider the let edge of the window: 44. Compare the vertices of each edge of the polygon, individually with the clipping plane. vy Fig, 7.4 Fig. Q.7.4 (a) 5. Save the resulting intersections and vertices in the new list of ver. dng to four posible relationships between the edge ang sping boundary 6. Repeat the steps 4 and $ for remaining edges of the clipping wind, Fach time the resultant lit of verits is successively passeq , Process the next edge of the clipping window. 7. Stop Let us consider, a polygon and clipping window shown in Fig. Q7.1 Original polygon vertices are V,, V, lygon vertices are V;, Vp) Vy Vp Vy After clipping ¢ boundary the new verices are given in Fig Q171 (a). > After left clipping. : Vj, V5, Vy VV, V, After right clipping : Vi, Vs, V, Vy VV, Afi top dipping: Vi, Vi Vy V5. ter bottom clipping: Vs, Vs, V, vi, vey. BF V2 V3, Vy V5, Vi, Vy, VE 6 : Weiler Atherton Pol lygon Clippin, aa 8 Algorithm, ‘ 1 [SPP bese lrping algritins previously pee Marks 2) Fre games of many appliaons, eg hen guet® © Convex SRInY 10 lito concave polygon is reid. A posers 0°, the Pex cliping algorithm developed by Wey, M Smewhat and a Moan « this ne defines the polygon to be got fine 8 peti The Tet and circular and fot ‘intersect the intersect gee orgs i) atgorthm describes both the list crepaies of the subject polygon the clip polygon may of may 5-5 requirement. This subject polygon and region is the clip the clip polygon by a of vertices. The If they intersect, then Fig. a8 ions occur in pairs. One oe ne intersections occurs when a subject polygon edge enters the inside of the lip polygon and one when it leaves. AS shown inthe Figs Q8.1, there are four 1, and Ty as The clip pol intersection vertices I}, I; , ly and I, In these imtersections entering intersections, and I, and I, are leaving intersections. lygon vertices are marked as C,, Cy, Cs and Cy ‘Table 2.8.1 List of polygon vertices Computer Graphics two separate ade one for for subject In this algorithm vertices lists are ™ ip polygon and one ¢ sar nc eye points. The Table Q.8.1 sho these two lists for polygons shown in Fig. Q.8.2. The algorithm starts at an entering intersection (I) and follows the subject polygon vertex list in the downward direction (i.e. I,, V;, V1). At the occurrence of leaving intersection the algorithm follows the clip polygon vertex list from the leaving intersection vertex in the downward direction /; 1). At the occurrence of the entering intersection the algorithm ES the subject polygon Vertex list from the entering intersection Vertex. 1 Fig. Q.8.2 Nine regions of cl ipy plane Pring the previous traversiy i ing of vertex list. In the revi : >” “fl our example, entering vy, ae included in the first traversing of vertex list Th ie 80 for another vertex traversal from Vertex J. The above two y, ‘ i, , 2 €X traversals gives two clipped in, id Side polygons. Th:. ¢ b 1, V5, V,, I, I, and L, Vy Te, t EN)

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