Week 1

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OWhot s¢ proper cleuties ? OO dh amination “Ure a & hoa -bo ante case history [Pechimanary collect. on pf dota a sabout patient, by observing, papction, Lemperatuce measurement | tusthot Then we ull check the potient we will make a. primery diognose., you con uk specialized chognostic_procedures. - giciens d vagnose ond ofter that you must _preseribo. laboratory “duagnose dest Ao_be_sure wnat _we_diognose. hak is she physical exomination Sava Youore_checking usithout “anydiagnostic: _ov_inetrumental procedln “Physical examination divided: re ® Oe ective examination 9 Fdenvien the, poten te clack tg qeetin anc * pate ——_entis answering | ae _ ©Objective _ examinabon SS & What you doing on the. 4 Types of objective, examination ® Tospecting..« Jooking lobserving -risk!o of 6 he, Patients obssnaten) (Om Palpation = touching TS 84] 0 Percussion ~ koocking onthe. pain, shy Kou can. detect pores -9$ of the organs & detect the any Fluid or ate accumuletion : 28. ot arty conaolidation of Nang —S8_ LGV) Ruscultotion - -using by _ glethoscope- by using it gen can tsten a lung sound, main & cther ttssues breath sound, heart Sound, Can hear bowel moment sound! a — | _ es _— Scanned with CamScanner © Subjective. examination: st ach “e-NAME— ~ When patient come. to_meet _ declor, we shoulel fmust ask the ~ Subjective examination clivieled, 1s Preafacto_Gpyederasocel) = _* Dame____ ie ome ee Age. a Sex _= normally. you shouldnt ask, because. you. Can Ste - * religous — = peclucation & occupartion.-Cor if helshe is dcr ya_cmmuciog SCORY — Ou. when he/she admitted fo your _hosprla {Cty ambulance. fby-himselt 8s Doctor should _ask “what you autfering now?” 3» Anomalies Clatin word) ~ History . +:.Mochus éLatic) — Disease _____ _WNou Sboulel_ask about this clisease why helshe is cclmitedd ___ «When ie # Slork it 2? Cadoys ago f § years 990...) How is stark if 3 os Lig it the Fest syropbom : . During this period any..nev_symprtoms_eppec _____ * Any symplom become _ mote intensve-/more frequent : 2 * Have you hei 19g-any Other dloclors.. during this_pericd! of time _— ae iE test, which laboratory Ash, hot wos the. chagnete.. previous daclor preenbe any. medication , od-you received that-meclreakion.,.are you better ar worst Scanned with CamScanner re VaR AKesOn \ a Pek about “Mumps ee nyu CAM-AEK Oboe yt « Yor C20 Sk. abeuy rele ciseages Arent _cliscases ex: chabalees_, asthma. “se fbout. Surgeries e = : hypo ‘ersion__, UPD. aloe Lomy. App-anctectamy po bout Living conditions. Sly pectemny _$ G00 bouse or ing _ Hesse ket or doy 2 ie sik Ventilated uel) _ _ : O12many. Family member liven oparment arb & istheroccup. on, beccuse there. is seme occ & Obout_smoking & alechal using , clug addict. Sk bt many years “Smoker, ho a > hoa_much_Smel cigarettes. usiog_per-clay , a Show many yeors patient smcker t © Which alahol produc he/she. is_using = ~ 9 Ask about allergies & toom dust vallery : oa : : me oiCote a ibe ! = Ciilewerce = s _ Scanned with CamScanner Me Status functionals. ~ * When potiont admis ~~ Jeu suffering fiom” breadth 9 — cr 1g *So Seu shouted ed to §eur bospital , yee us osked about _vabat are Pow, then patient told," 2 have cough. & Aifficulty mw ask more gusstons abo. respiratory, tack system, ~ Me ASU a —Cardlio vascular systers_ tees sysiere —vainary. Ire systems * Dn Ree sh wee i : you Ss ee ask gpestions. ee Respiratory, tract status functional aa pe ee ——e-now_you_should! ask, -aboub ough] fy Ls wet 2oz.0f asthroa , lke after cagh_ 4_sputum come out. = | PL pocient tol ough chun pA weeks, but | -suhce ay. ik. ltfvcult A ry aocieis dry & no Sputum at all, but yesterday ott y Sputum but when, 1 will _evacus Statect. A._sputum & it was bad smell look, 09 ate ik looks like tusty_colour ! pus _ : putum_colour_— whit yellow = Chronic bronchitis: _-acute bronchitic a ob |__~ Sometimes _nothing a tuberculosis | lung.conce Cano. =: When & bow the cough started & characteristics of of cough & Sperteum L Sra = Dit of _ breathing dyspnea. LE —— Sometimes eal) it mean hactnes of breathing Scanned with CamScanner Cardio vascular System ae 1Chest_pain - Durng J 4 pain. bt dus meuMenia also chest pain occur ch side Tleft side ches ~ e Gru chest, or snare | brectbing / Coughin. a. le_Somecne coughing “chest. pan 1S increasing = ,Pnewmonia - Sito pain 6 | _- Chara.cterisie of the pain |B - Radiation of pain | | | | - Agrovative facts Time of pain = Eleminacting facts Questions, what ghoulcl we ask. Y—" frome patient ,who_has_a_ Chest pain }____or. ony. pain. _ everiby — )G- Silo_pain- 7 4 When we talk about chest_pain, it willbe. develop due.to-respiretoryy acl Syst ye i ber > eo - - _ Neary Lo know site of pain ox reason Location - if chect pain_is 0- Onset of pain: + Unen, ig the pain slack 1) Characterties. of pain At kind of pain ypu ove! ——Eschemi cardic disease types: 9 stable angina ee % unstable orgie wa uuncler the. sternum = Covelio: vascular sy: els al rch = pressure Wie pain Csorchody crashing in ysurchest ~ \tiferlikersharp_ paio Scanned with CamScanner hen heart. dhesn't_have_enough blooct supply when heart muscles clon't have enough nutrition,.0, a ne me of pain. —* Why ti - oo bee a Paints helpful, how it will be helpfil. a fend told pein ig charted! one_hour 290, back tet new T don't haye Pain. my wife recdrmect nitrog| cin_& that _pain_cisappear_ohle afte, _coused because coronary drfery narrowing ep —*Potient told “7 recanect_2 " glycine, but sul T have pain. _ , Fe : a ia 1 a fon. ———__——— 2% Unstable angio = Nobody know. hows _is it sh 2 Dostable_angine =® Chest pain. cenur_daning—physical_ogtivity —__-_ +{Palpitotion | & [Unpleasant feeling} = palpitation Aeeling of own palpation —t heart_is running,’ ; feel heart. is_going lo_be_stop Working i — £ Dn_ resting ‘cond ee patient _esill feel like -that & heart rate more thard 100 | Because _of Tachycardia. — 1 heart rate less than 60_© Scanned with CamScanner Gita sysiom Hove YPM-9MY thre eel of swalle ar in_swallowing 7 due to may be brain. problems. Youshoulcl eck any requigtations of the feds in the. Stomndh. ee about _abdeminal_pain ts ETE it.is'yes’_gou should ack lection of abdominapain a 134ype of abdominal pain. sg ttomac 1: Visceral pain = pain comes from _visceral_omans ‘otesiing — apenas. 2. Porietal Pain __~ patent can't tell where, the exactly pain! cara 2 Refeirredhke.paio.- Nou shoulel_ask about defecation Nery goods Ain OX _- Rhino aday Norm! Scanned with CamScanner cod by upper OT 4roct peterral Weeling Tobit orough hime to oxsdation & ere. lebing Cor. orough hime te oxidation +o oxidation ask 16 Mr “pete penb¥e= =e rp 7 do beach of pancreatic cancer wh Mor nove ony Wehing sensation ip 1 ro you _enyapoiniul defecation: we Urinary tract 4# sk obsut urination, + how much time unre @hanst per dary? Frosmal — morethar, 500mL less than 22 Arve you prt venation «Frequent cf unnation : ence Airve you Seen, blosd_in_unne . - Sean bios 4 Glow - Dark best cclour > cieeck type bilieabte anemic. oe Wace” > hepatic, jurdice Scanned with CamScanner

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