#19, Empire of Liberty

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October 26, 2022

An Empire of Liberty
Thomas Jefferson’s rise to power in 1800 helped solidify western expansion as central to the
U.S. national project.

Key Terms:
Thomas Jefferson Empire of Liberty Louisiana Purchase
Power of Maps Lewis & Clark Sacagawea

I. Imagining the West

a. Thomas Jefferson: one of most expansion-minded Presidents in U.S. history
i. Jeffersonian vision: an “Empire of Liberty” populated by independent white men
b. Tenets of Jeffersonian empire
i. Believed U.S. could only survive through western expansion
ii. Feared a wage economy (like in Europe)
 Feared working for an employer and they wouldn’t have land
iii. Revered the independence – the “liberty” – of land ownership & self-sufficiency
c. Louisiana Purchase was realization of Jeffersonian expansionist program (1803)
i. Napoleon’s trouble in Caribbean/Haitian Revolution made Purchase possible
ii. For $15 million, U.S. doubled territory
iii. Purchase provided land for Jefferson’s entire program & promoted agrarian,
landed independence for hundreds of thousands of white men
 Allowed hundreds of thousands of citizens to own land

II. Mapping the West

a. both Native and European peoples populated and shaped the trans-MS West for centuries
i. yet b/c U.S. Americans defined the land as a wilderness, set out to “discover” it
b. exploration and discovery was, above all, an assertion of power
i. mapping, for ex., was critical to establishment of Anglo-American property
ii. surveying, drawing lines on grid, marking property, was an act settler colonialism
iii. needed maps to make land sellable and profitable
c. exploration & discovery was also about learning
i. Jefferson had been fascinated w/“the west” for entire life
d. 3 things spurred Jefferson to action: Became President in 1801; British moved into
Northwest; Louisiana Purchase in 1803

III. Exploring the West

a. Lewis & Clark expedition
i. explore lands suitable for expansion of agriculture
ii. investigate Native communities
 because native people were or would be removed from land
iii. seek a water route to the Pacific
 to establish commercial connections with China
b. journey b/w 1804 & 1806
i. joined by, among others, 15-yr-old Shoshone captive named Sacagawea
ii. only woman to accompany expedition to Pacific, most indispensable guide,
interpreter and diplomat
October 26, 2022
An Empire of Liberty

c. most important consequence: locked Trans-MS West securely into the plans of the nation
i. Portrayed a region ripe for exploitation & resource extraction
ii. Set stage for NW to be integrated into global economy
iii. Drew first accurate cartographic picture of region
iv. Provided incredible amount of scientific data
v. Made contact with dozens of native tribes
d. expedition showed how western expansion, incorporation, and development would
proceed: with the backing of strong, centralized government
i. spark for more expeditions and surveying west

Concluding Point: Jefferson’s empire of independent landholders would have to depend upon federal
power to survey, conquer, and sell the land. The Empire of Liberty would be a product of policy.

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