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Compulsory English–I (1423)

Level: Bachelor

Semester, spring 2019

Passing Marks (Assignment 1): 40

Assignment No. 1

(Unit 1-4)

Q.1 Suppose you are a journalist and you are required to interview a famous
Pakistani philanthropist, what ten questions you will ask to obtain maximum
information about his/ her life and profession?


1. Where were you born and brought up?

2. Where did you get your education form?
3. What are your qualifications?
4. When did you got married?
5. What is your wife’s name?
6. What plans do you have for your future?
7. How can we make Pakistan great and strong?
8. How do you see the future of Pakistan?
9. How do you see the present political situation in the country?
10. Are you satisfied with your performance?


Q.2 Observe your mother’s daily activities closely for a few days and then
write a brief and concise paragraph about her daily routine. The paragraph
must be both cohesive and coherent.


My mother has disciplined routine and strict schedule. She gets up early in the
morning, offered has prayers and asked us to get up and say our prayers. Then she
recites Quran Pak afterwards she prepared breakfast and help us for school and
college. When we come to table breakfast she quickly ready our lunch boxes and
asked our father to get ready for office. Then she made special breakfast for my
grandmother and help her to take her breakfast. As my father gets ready, she
made table for his breakfast and make tea for him. As we all left for our works.
She managed kitchen and clean all home. She washed dishes and start washing
machine for washing clothes. Then she gave sometime to grandmother help her to
change her clothes and comb her hair. After that she come back to kitchen for
lunch. She made light lunch and some drinking stuff for us. She provide us drinks
and then lunch after return. She advised us to rest for some time and she iron our
clothes. At o’clock, as my father back to home. She made some tea and snack for
him and grandmother. After tea she look after our garden and watered them.
Meanwhile the time to prepare dinner came. She prepared dinner for us. She
served food sharp 7:30 pm. After dinner she asked us to watch TV for some time
and she managed all kitchen and wash dishes. After cleaning kitchen she help us
for home work and then advised us to go to bed. She never forget to offer us a
glass of milk before sleeping. Then she takes care grandmother for her medicines.
At last she takes a view all of us and go to her bed in the end of the day.

Q.3 Write question tags for the following sentences. Notice carefully whether
the statement is positive or negative in each case.

1. It is very pleasant today, _______?

2. She does not take interest in her studies, _______?
3. You are fond of classical music, _______?
4. She will attend a training session next week, _______?
5. The rate of inflation increases day by day, _______?
6. I am a friendly person, _______?
7. We must follow the traffic rules, _______?
8. They are striving hard to be successful, _______?
9. He is good at Mathematics, _______?
10. She can handle any situation skillfully, _______?

1. It is very pleasant today, isn’t it?
2. She does not take interest in her studies, does she?
3. You are fond of classical music, aren’t you?
4. She will attend a training session next week, won’t she?
5. The rate of inflation increases day by day, isn’t they?
6. I am a friendly person, aren’t I?
7. We must follow the traffic rules, mustn’t we?
8. They are striving hard to be successful, aren’t they?
9. He is good at Mathematics, isn’t he?
10. She can handle any situation skillfully, can’t she?


Q.4 Write an informal letter to one of your cousins and congratulate her / him
on achieving top position in the CSS exam. Also suggest her/ him which
particular service group she/ he should join to serve the country and the nation
in the best possible ways. Give logical arguments to convince your cousin.


House 00, Street 00

Bharia, Lahore
Feb 31, 2019

Dear Bilal,

I hope, this finds you in nice health. How pleased I am to hear the happy news of
your brilliant success in the CSS examination with distinction in Economics. Please
accept heartily congratulation. My parents are also pleased to hear the news.
Please convey our congratulations to your parents.

Your success is indeed very creditable but it is not unexpected. Your regular, hear
and methodical work has received its reward and you have brought credit to you
and family. Keep it up! You will be of great asset to your family and more over to
this nation. I wish for you elect as Assistant Commissioner in Pakistan
Administrative Service, Most of them are desk jobs with authority, where you sit in
office, lead different projects / do correspondence with other depts. And execute
state affairs. Congratulating you again.

Your brother,


Q.5 The following instances contain some highlighted words, guess the
meaning of these words and use them into sentences of your own.

1. My father will come to the school today to get the cell phone the teacher
had confiscated.
2. After the bird escaped, he tried to coax it back into the cage with treats.
3. If a wolf refuses to help its pack hunt, it becomes an outcast and must go on
4. While others eat eggs and pancakes for breakfast, my sister is content with a
piece of toast and a glass of orange juice.
5. The teacher stopped the students after she observed them fighting.


1. Taken or seized with authority.

2. Gently and persistently persuade (someone) to do something.
3. A person who has been rejected or ostracized by their society or social group.
4. A state of satisfaction.
5. Make a remark.


Q.6 Express your agreement as well as disagreement on the following issues.

Choose a different expression each time.

1. Energy Crises in Pakistan will be tackled efficiently this year.

2. The greatest obstacle to economic stability is terrorism these days.
3. Co education system should be introduced at the grass root level.
4. A man is architect of his own fate.
5. Men and women should be given equal salary for the identical nature of job
in private sector


1. Energy Crises in Pakistan will be tackled efficiently this year.

Agreement: That’s so true. In Sha Allah will be tackled.
Disagreement: I don’t think so, Energy crises will be tackle in this year.
2. The greatest obstacle to economic stability is terrorism these days.
Agreement: Absolutely.
Disagreement: I don’t think so, the government is not showing maturity.
3. Co education system should be introduced at the grass root level.
Agreement: You’re absolutely right, it should be introduced at the grass root level.
Disagreement: I totally disagree, it should not be at any level.
4. A man is architect of his own fate.
Agreement: That’s exactly how I feel.
Disagreement: Not necessarily.
5. Men and women should be given equal salary for the identical nature of job
in private sector
Agreement: I agree with you 100 percent.
Disagreement: I totally disagree.


Q.7 Look at the front covers given below and make five predictions about the
contents of each of the two books.

1. Disappearance

 A stunning story of secrets and scandal, identity and infidelity.

 Terrible book filled with unlikely scenarios and uninteresting characters. What
plot there is plodding.
 He story is a sort of light mystery, where there is no gore or violence, but plenty
to speculate about.
 Candish offers one twist after another, both of the big ones I did not see
 The ending felt a little rushed, but overall, definitely an engaging, well written
and plotted read.

2. Cecelia Ahern (the book of tomorrow)

 Tamara Goodwin has always lived in the here and now, never giving a second
thought to tomorrow.
 A mesmerizing story about how tomorrow can change what happens today.
 The book tomorrow is the story of sixteen (check, seventeen) year old Tamara
Goodwin, who has it all.
 It’s as though they know whose life they need to be a part of, how they can
make a difference, how they can teach a lesson, put a smile on a face at just
the right. (Fantastic!)


Q.8 Suppose your younger brother/ sister has won scholarship from Higher
Education Commission of Pakistan and has started getting education in any
Western country. Write a letter and give him/her advice that how can he/she
enhance positive image of Pakistan while staying there.


House 00, Street 00

Bharia, Lahore
Feb 31, 2019

Dear Bilal,

I understand that now-a-days you are seriously concentrating on your studies. You
are now a grown up girl. This is the time to build up the career with honest efforts.
If necessary, you may join a coaching class for help. I shall write to our father to
pay for it.

In view of the prevailing global environment Pakistan unfortunately does

not have an enviable image among the fraternity of nations, mainly attributable
to the phenomenon of terrorism and religious extremism which also pose an
existentialist. Threat to the country. No person in his right mind would take an
issue with what the prime minister has said.

We have been hearing similar voices from our rulers about projecting soft
image of Pakistan internationally and calling for a paradigm shift in the conduct of
our foreign policy, with greater emphasis on public diplomacy as an effective and
indispensable ingredient of the strategy to achieve the desired objectives. But
regrettably no creditable and concrete steps were taken to achieve the desired

Please write to me if you have any personal problems. Accept me not only
as your beloved brother, but also an intimate friend to whom you may easily open
your mind. I am ready to guide and help you in all matters.

Your brother,


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