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Tieng Anh Thao Nguyen 0971 206 333

Tieng Anh Thao Nguyen
Student’s name:………………………………………….
Tieng Anh Thao Nguyen 0971 206 333


Oral reading Fluency - Practice Text 1 “A new Day”

It’s a new day, Come on. Have a look. But don’t just see the day. Use this time. One may say,
“I think I could”. No. You must state, “I know I can”. Get up now. Go find your way. Own
this day.

Oral reading Fluency - Practice Text 2 “All people have a place”
There she is. She’s in a little house. There he is. He works in a little school. Their world
seems little. But all people have a place, and each place is good. Each of us can be great.
How will you develop yourself? What will you give to the world?

Oral reading Fluency - Practice Text 3 “There is much to do”
Nora looks at her work this morning. There is much to do. She thinks, “It’s too much for me.”
No, Nora. It’s too much for one day, but it’s not too much for one life. Make a plan. It will
take days. It might take years, but you can do this. At the moment, you cannot see the end.
Keep your course, and you will see it. You’ll get there.

Tieng Anh Thao Nguyen 0971 206 333

Oral reading Fluency - Practice Text 4 “When the world is looking at you”
What does it feel like to know the world is looking at you? Some people have a very public
life. They live the high life, but for that they pay.
When the world follows your every move, you know. They are always present. Where is the
line between what is all right and what is too much?

Oral reading Fluency - Practice Text 5 “The power of a pen in hand”
Michael liked to write as a child. When he had a pen in hand, he had power. He could make
new lives and give them names. He could see other countries and make new worlds.
At first, Michael wrote about places far away from home. Then the child became a man. He
began to see life with new eyes. He wrote about people and problems close to home. He
wrote about real life. He found his center, and life had meaning.

Oral reading Fluency - Practice Text 6 “Who can lead a Nation?”
Who can lead a nation? Who can govern a people? Would you want to be president if you
What is good for one isn’t always good for many. A leader should care about the young and
the old. A leader must think about families and businesses. To run a country, you need to be a
person of action. You must know the law and do what’s right for your people.
Tieng Anh Thao Nguyen 0971 206 333


Oral reading Fluency - Practice Text 7 “Experiencing Life”

Which day would you live again? Would you want to be in the company of family? Or is there another

If possible, we would hold all we could. Only our hands are small, and our wants are many. Clear your
mind. You can value life by experiencing it, not holding it.

Oral reading Fluency - Practice Text 8 “Order,Order”

As a girl, she liked order. As a women, she liked it even more. Why were her hands never still? Because it
was her nature. After playing, toys were returned to their place. After working, papers and pens were
put away.

Would a room be that much different without such order? For most people, no. For her. The world
would be turned upside down. Which way is a better way to be?

Tieng Anh Thao Nguyen 0971 206 333


Oral reading Fluency - Practice Text 9: “Numbers”

Numbers give us facts. Large numbers, small numbers-they help us make sense of the world. Is
there any day we don’t use figures? Consider the reports we read and the costs we pay. Numbers
are all around us.

Life is more than numbers, but could we see so clearly without them?


Oral reading Fluency - Practice Text 10: “walk the talk”

We all have hopes. We all have concerns. Do you tell others what you feel and what you

Some speak out against systems. Some stand up for programs. Some only talk. What’s the right
thing to do?

Don’t point at others and ask more of them than of yourself. Walk the talk.

Tieng Anh Thao Nguyen 0971 206 333

Oral reading Fluency - Practice Text 11: “Different interests”

What interests do you have? Any doctor will tell you how important it is to be active and social.
Take care of your body. Take care of your mind. Also, fine time to be with others. Meeting with
friends is good for the spirit.

It’s not possible to have too many interests. However, There are only so many hours in a day and
so many days in a week. Take it easy.



Oral reading Fluency - Practice Text 12: “Going for a drive”

The door was open. The car was running. It was now or never,so the little boy got in. He was going for a
drive! Yes, he was leaving. He was going off into the world to do big things.

“Stop!”Said a voice. The boy’s mother appeared before his foot could reach the gas. “I’m just going
down the street, “he told her.

Her head moved from side to side. “You can’t go yet, but the road will wait for you.”

Tieng Anh Thao Nguyen 0971 206 333


Oral reading Fluency - Practice Text 13: “I’ll sit and write a letter”

I’ll write and send a letter
I’ll sit and write a letter
Since you’ll be far away
Though writing’s not my art.
In that city, in that land
I’ll have so much to tell you
I’ll reach you in this way
Once college makes us part

My words will be quite simple

But you’ll still understand

Our love is so strong and true,

A treasure in my hand

Tieng Anh Thao Nguyen 0971 206 333


Oral reading Fluency - Practice Text 14: “Change”

Every year is full of change. Almost every month brings something new into our lives. The one
thing that is certain in this world is change. Nothing remains the same for long.

What will happen next? Who knows? Some may feel change is forced upon us. But if we learn to
expect changes, life becomes easier to face, so don’t turn away. Turn toward what is coming.


Oral reading Fluency - Practice Text 15: “The question about education”

How much should one pay for college? Today some students are able to receive a free education.
However, many must pay a good amount of money.

People want to know the top fields. They read reports about the best industries. “When you
complete your studies, will you make enough money to pay back the bank?” Is that the question
we want to be asking as a society? Shouldn’t we be asking, “How do you want to be of service?”
or “what is your calling?”

Tieng Anh Thao Nguyen 0971 206 333


Oral reading Fluency - Practice Text 16: “Measuring Greatness”

How do humans measure greatness? In history books, we write about who started wars and who
brought about peace, who found land, or who made machines. Are those the only acts we can use
to judge success?

Some dance well. Others can fight hard. Aren’t these people great in some way?

What about a person who treats others kindly during life or who can smile in peace at death?

Greatness is shown in many forms.


Oral reading Fluency - Practice Text 17: “The rainbow”

“I give light” said the sun. “They need me.”

“We provide water,”said the clouds. “They need us more”

“Without me, it would always be night,” the sun informed the clouds.”
Tieng Anh Thao Nguyen 0971 206 333

They continued their war of words – until a small voice rose from the ground to the air.

“I need you both to grow,” said a plant.

It took a second to hear that voice of reason. Then the sun and the clouds acted together to
produce every color. Through the air and over that little plant they sent a special sign of peace.


Oral reading Fluency - Practice Text 18: “Outside the box”

Where was I going? It began with a feeling, like music with no words. I stopped to listen, and I
heard it clearly. It gave me an idea: To take a new road.

Sometimes there can be pressure to stay in one place, but my desire to move was strong. Those
closest to me supported me. I needed space to experiment and build something new. What would
control my future, fear or a sense of purpose? I knew the answer. I stepped outside the box.

Tieng Anh Thao Nguyen 0971 206 333


Oral reading Fluency - Practice Text 19: “An island”

Do you wish to be alone or live within a group? We must experience both coditions. We need to
hear our own voice when no one else is around, but we also need to listen to others.

From a university to a church, different groups exist. Being from the same town unites
people,too. Are you a member of something larger than yourself?

We can each be an island, but even islands share the same water. Let the water move away and
draw near.


Oral reading Fluency - Practice Text 20: “The Best Way to Work”

“Early to bed and early to rise.” They say that’s a good way to live. But some feel better when
they sleep late. They don’t work well when they start their day before the sun is up.

How do you get your best results? Are you a morning person? Perhaps you’re the type that can
go the extra mile after a good rest.
Tieng Anh Thao Nguyen 0971 206 333

We need to be responsible, but all work and no play isn’t the answer. Long hours will put food
on the table and may bring more money, but they won’t feed the heart and mind, will they?


Oral reading Fluency - Practice Text 21: “If only walls could talk”

The house had stood for more than a century, and there wasn’t anything modern about it. Old
was only one word to describe the place. Among the local people, the house was the subject of
much talk…and wonder.

Years ago the farm served a family well. One couldn’t pass the property without noting its

Then one day the entire family was gone, yet many things remained. It was so sudden that the
whole situation raised questions.

The house had fallen quiet. Its dark windows held secrets. If only walls could talk.

Tieng Anh Thao Nguyen 0971 206 333


Oral reading Fluency - Practice Text 22: “A tree in the forest”

A long time ago, a young man and woman lived at the edge of a forest. They were the picture of
happiness. They often walked arm in arm through the trees and along a stream near their home.
One day the woman walked too far alone and became lost. They young man tried,but could not
manage to find his beautiful wife. He walked across most of the forest,from east to west and then
from north to south. Several weeks passed. Time tested the limits of his hopes.

Then one day as the sun set and the stars appeared above, the man saw an unusual tree. The
monent he stood under its branches, he could view his wife’s face on the surface of the tree. The
man fell to the ground and asked the forces that took her to let her go. When nothing happened,
he offered to trade himself. “Please take me instead.” A cold white light fell around the man, and
the next time he opened his eyes, he was looking down from the branches at his beautiful wife.
She was free,but he was not.


Oral reading Fluency - Practice Text 23: “Gain confidence in English”

Tieng Anh Thao Nguyen 0971 206 333

School can seem like a play where someone hands you a part. Many of us wish we could pick
another character. Don’t believe me? If you could listen in on our thoughts, you’d know the

“I’m the popular one. Everyone knows when I enter a room. People pay attention to what I wear,
what I say, and what I do. But sometimes the attention is too much. I wonder if I’m being the
real me.”

“I’m the smart one, the one the teachers love. Everyone expects me to deliver only the best
results. I’ve come to expect the same.What if one day I didn’t?”

“I’m the football player, the basketball player, and the baseball player. I don’t remember
deciding to make sports my life. It just happened…”

“I have this memory of me planting flowers with my mother. I love sports, but…well, I think,
“Where did that boy in the garden go?’

“I’m the quiet one they don’t notice. I think the teachers don’t always see me either. But I
observe everything. I store a lot of thoughts in my head. If I stood up on a desk and shouted
would anyone hear me? Would they lisen?”

We all play our part. It’s one big performance, but who are we performing for? Can I leave the

I’d rather write my own story. Give me a pencil and a paper.

Tieng Anh Thao Nguyen 0971 206 333


Oral reading Fluency - Practice Text 24: “Sisters”

Amy’s older sister was the pretty one. Even as a little girl, Lisa caught people’s attention. In
Amy’s case, people regarded her as a quiet, serious child.

Around the age of seven, Amy began to recognize that she and Lisa shared little in common. A
single year separated them, but through blood they shared the same parents, the same hair color,
and very little else.

As they grow older, Amy felt their differences become stronger. Lisa walked around with a
broard, happy smile and could easily laugh with others. Amy though not unhappy by nature,
chose to contain her feelings rather than express them freely. So while Lisa could gather an
audience to listen to her every word, Amy spoke in a soft voice that not everyone made the effort
to hear.

It was almost impossible to understand why their father frequently mixed up their names. He
would smile at his mistake and say,”Ah girls, you’re more alike than you think.” The daughters

Lisa is a speacial one, thought Amy. She has the face and the voice that people remember.

Amy is the special one, thought Lisa. She has a sharp mind and is at the top of her class.

The common thought neither girl would say aloud was, “I wish I were more like my sister.”

Tieng Anh Thao Nguyen 0971 206 333


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