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Influence of silver nitrate concentration on the properties of silver nanoparticles

A. Sobczak-Kupiec1, D. Malina1, Z. Wzorek1, M. Zimowska2

Institute of Inorganic Chemistry and Technology, Cracow University of Technology, 24 Warszawska Street, Cracow 31-155,
Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, 8 Niezapominajek Street, Cracow 30-239, Poland

Published in Micro & Nano Letters; Received on 25th March 2011; Revised on 8th July 2011

Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) were prepared by a chemical reduction method in an aqueous solution of silver nitrate and sodium borohydride as
a reducing agent in the presence of polyvinylpyrrolidone as a stabiliser. The effect of silver salt concentration on the synthesis and properties of
AgNPs was investigated. The nanosized silver colloids have been characterised by using scanning electron microscopy and atomic absorption
spectrometry. The optical properties of the silver nanoparticles were studied through UV –vis spectroscopy and Fourier transformed infrared
(FTIR) spectroscopy. Dynamic light scattering measurement using Zetasizer nano ZS was applied for the size estimation of AgNPs. The results
confirmed that silver nanoparticles were formed in each sample independently of silver salt content; however, silver nitrate concentration had a
significant influence on silver nanoparticles morphology and other properties. The absorption intensity, the band of the FTIR spectra intensity
increases with an increase of silver nitrate concentration. Also, the shape and size of particles depends on the silver nitrate concentration.

1. Introduction: In recent years, a great interest in metal nano- results in larger nanoparticles with a greater heterogeneity in
particles properties has been observed. Nanostructured silver particles, size [12].
because of their unusual properties, have been the subject of numerous In the present Letter, we describe an efficient method for silver
intensive researches. In comparison with larger particles, they nanoparticles synthesis by chemical reduction using silver nitrate
exhibit new or improved properties (e.g. higher surface to volume as a silver ions source, sodium borohydride as a reducing agent
ratio, changes in its total energy, changes in conductivity, different and polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) as a stabiliser. Moreover, we
optical features) [1, 2]. Products based on nanosilver are applied in have investigated the impact of silver salt concentration on the
the electronic, optic, chemical, textile industries, as well as in phar- optical properties, conductivity and morphology of nanoparticles.
macy, cosmetology, and medicine where they play a significant role
as substrates for synthesis, catalytic materials, sensors or conductors 2. Experimental part
[3–5]. Silver nanoparticles also demonstrate strong antimicrobial 2.1. Materials: A synthetic method developed for the purpose of
activity against bacteria, fungi and viruses [6, 7]. this experiment enables the production of stable silver nanoparti-
A lot of methods have been employed to synthesise silver in nano- cles, under strictly controlled conditions. The silver nitrate
metric sizes. The most widespread and common ones are chemical (.99.9% AgNO3) and sodium borohydride (98% NaBH4) were
reduction methods. The physicochemical methods (e.g. ultrasound, purchased from POCh Chemical Company and PVP M.W. 8000
templates, milling process) and ‘green’ synthesis using microorgan- from Acros Organics. All the chemicals were used without further
isms, enzymes, plants or plant extracts are equally effective, but purification. Doubly distilled water was used for the preparation
sometimes they require complex apparatus. Chemical reduction in of all samples. Sodium borohydride for the reduction of ionic
aqueous and non-aqueous solutions is the most common method silver, and PVP to stabilise the silver nanoparticles, were applied.
for the synthesis of nanoparticles due to its convenience, facility,
being not time-consuming and having a high yield of nanoparticles 2.2. Preparation of silver nanoparticles: In the process of silver
produced. Additionally, nanoparticles obtained by chemical route nanoparticles preparation by the chemical reduction method, PVP
can be stored for a long time without stability loss [5]. as an excellent stabiliser and NaBH4 as a reductor have been used
A typical synthesis of silver nanoparticles by chemical reduction by many researchers. However, there are few reports concerning
process consists of three main stages. The first one is the reduction the effect of AgNO3 concentrations. A solution of PVP was pre-
of a silver salt by a reducing agent. AgNO3 is most frequently used pared by dissolving 30 g of PVP in 1000 ml of doubly distilled
as a source of silver ions. In the second stage, neutral silver atoms water. To make a series of solution I, six different amounts of
collide with each other, forming stable nuclei and a growth of the AgNO3 were added to 180 ml of the aqueous solution of PVP.
nanoparticle occurs until all metal ions are consumed. The final Amounts of sodium borohydrate required for each molar ratio of
stage involves prevention of nanoparticles agglomeration by an AgNO3/NaBH4 ¼ 10/1 were dissolved in 20 ml of PVP solution
addition of protecting agents. Stabilisers prevent the aggregation to make solution II.
via their interactions with small particles [8, 9]. Sodium borohydride solution (solution II) was added dropwise
In the formation of nanostructured silver particles by this method, (about 1 drop/second) to silver nitrate (solution I). The reaction
morphology (i.e. diameter, size distribution, shape), aggregation mixture was stirred vigorously on a magnetic stirrer plate at room
state and stability can be controlled by various parameters. The temperature for 15 min, then it was cooled down to 88C. A transpar-
initial metal salt concentration, reducing agent/metal salt molar ent solution changes into the characteristic yellow-brown colour,
ratio, stabiliser/metal salt molar ratio or stabiliser concentration which indicated the formation of silver nanoparticles.
have a significant influence on the morphology and thus the
optical properties of nanoparticles, conductivity, and other charac- 2.3. Methods: A scanning electron microscopy (SEM) image was
teristics are changed [1, 5, 10, 11]. For example, an increase in obtained using JEOL JSM 7500F with a back scattered electrons
the molar ratio of reducer to metal salt causes a rapid formation (BSE) detector. A drop of the sample solution was left to dry on
of a large number of nuclei and leads to smaller, monodispersed a copper holder coated with chromium film. UV –vis spectroscopy
metal nanoparticles. In contrast, decreasing the molar ratio measurements (330–700 nm) were performed at room temperature
leads to a slow formation of a smaller number of nuclei, and using a Specord 205 with a 1cm optical length cuvette. Particle size

656 Micro & Nano Letters, 2011, Vol. 6, Iss. 8, pp. 656 –660
& The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2011 doi: 10.1049/mnl.2011.0152
Figure 1 Silver colloids with different concentrations of silver nanoparticles [ppm]
a 100
b 250
c 500
d 750
e 1000
f 2000

distribution was analysed by a dynamic light scattering (DLS) NaBH4 with different silver concentrations. The observation of
measurement technique using Zetasizer Nano ZS (Malvern this peak, assigned to a surface plasmon, is well-documented for
Instruments, UK). The concentration of silver was determined by various metal nanoparticles with sizes ranging from 2 to 100 nm
the AAS method with an Analyst 300 Perkin-Elmer spectrometer. [14 –16].
The Fourier transformed infrared (FTIR) investigations were The primary study shows that the absorption intensity increases
carried out with the use of a Scimitar Series FTS 2000 Digilab when the concentration of AgNO3 increases, which reflects in the
spectrophotometer in the range of 4000–400 cm21, by the KBr formation of more Ag nanoparticles. At a low concentration of
pellet technique. 16 scans and the resolution of 4 cm21 characterised AgNO3 , the maximum absorption wavelength gives rise to a blue
these measurements. Electrical conductivity and the pH measure- shift, meaning a decrease in the particles size. At a high concen-
ments were determined by an Elmetron CX-741 device equipped tration of AgNO3 , the maximum absorption gives rise to a red
with a conductometer and silver– silver chloride electrode, shift, meaning that the particles’ size increased [17, 18] and the
respectively. large silver aggregates were formed. Concentration of silver in
all samples, determined by the atomic absorption spectrometry
(AAS) was lower than the theoretical (calculated) value.
2.4. Results and discussion: Silver nanoparticles were prepared by The results shown in Table 1 indicate that the conductivity of
the chemical reduction process, that is, by the reduction of silver silver nanoparticles suspension increased with a growing amount
nitrate with sodium borohydrate in the presence of PVP. Thereby, of silver nitrate and sodium borohydrate. The conductivity of
the silver nanoparticles were colloidally stabilised by the polymer. PVP solution amounted to 0.329 mS. An increase in the conduc-
As a result, six samples of silver nanoparticles were obtained tivity from 0.410 to 2.370 mS in nanoparticles samples was due
with the following concentrations of silver: 100, 250, 500, 750, to the presence of the ions that resulted from sodium nitrate dis-
1000 and 2000 ppm. sociation in water solution. The amount of sodium nitrate increased
The distinctive colours of silver nanoparticles are due to a phe- with the increasing quantities of related substrates. A reaction
nomenon known as plasmon absorbance. Incident light creates oscil- between silver nitrate and sodium borohydrate in a water solution
lations in conduction electrons on the surface of the nanoparticles could be described by the following equations [19]
and electromagnetic radiation is absorbed [13]. A general obser-
vation was that upon synthesis at different concentrations, the 1 1
colour of samples gradually changed from yellow through to dark AgNO3 + NaBH4  Ag + H2 + B2 H6 + NaNO3 (1)
2 2
brown to a dark greenish colour (Fig. 1). All the samples were trans-
parent and became darker with increasing silver concentrations. B2 H6 + H2 O  6H2 + 2H3 BO3 (2)
The silver nanoparticles were characterised by UV –vis spec-
NaBH4 + 2H2 O  NaBO2 + 4H2 (3)
troscopy. This technique appeared to be very useful in the analysis
of nanoparticles [14 –16]. As illustrated in Fig. 2, a strong, broad BH4− + H3 O+ + 2H2 O  H3 BO3 + 4H2 (4)
and asymmetric peak located between 411 and 438 nm was
observed for the silver nanoparticles prepared using PVP and Besides the reaction (1), simultaneous (3, 4) and coupled (2)
reactions could proceed in a water environment [20]. A decrease
in pH value that resulted from the formation of boric acid could
also be the cause for an increase in the conductivity of the investi-
gated suspensions (Table 1). According to Song et al. [8], metal
reduction generally proceeds according to the following reaction

Ag+ + BH4 − + 3H2 O  Ag + B(OH)3 + 3.5H2 (5)

Taking into consideration reaction (1) proposed by Bruzzoniti et al.

[19], one product (diborane) is absent in (5).
Fig. 3 shows the electron microscopy and corresponding size
distribution of the silver nanoparticles obtained from the reduction
of silver nitrate by sodium borohydrate. The radius of silver nano-
particles increased when the silver concentration was in the range
of 100–500 ppm. It was found that a mean particle radius decreased
Figure 2 UV –vis absorption spectra of silver nanoparticles obtained at significantly with an increasing silver nitrate concentration when the
different silver concentrations [ppm] silver concentration was within 500– 2000 ppm, which means that
a 100 with an increasing AgNO3 concentration the nucleation rate of
b 250
c 500
the silver particles reached an optimal level. When the silver con-
d 750 centration is higher than 3000 ppm, the silver colloid is unstable
e 1000 and easy to flocculate and thus the SEM microphotograph has not
f 2000 been presented. Fig. 3a indicates that there are few small silver

Micro & Nano Letters, 2011, Vol. 6, Iss. 8, pp. 656 –660 657
doi: 10.1049/mnl.2011.0152 & The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2011
Table 1 Ag concentration, l max, pH and conductivity measurement results of nanosilver suspensions

Ag theoretical concentration [ppm] Unit PVP 100 250 500 750 1000 2000

Ag concentration (AAS method) [ppm] – 90.7 206.5 436.2 674.5 844.8 1896.8
l max [nm] – 406.0 411.0 412.0 422.0 426.0 438.0
pH – 7.22 4.29 4.29 4.14 3.49 3.46 3.32
Conductivity [mS] 0.329 0.410 0.553 0.756 0.954 1.256 2.370

Figure 3 BSE–SEM images and size distribution of silver suspension obtained at different silver concentrations [ppm]
a and b 100
c and d 250
e and f 500
g and h 750
i and j 1000
k and l 2000

nanoparticles generated in the synthesis with silver nitrate (Ag con- form larger nanoparticles. In addition, the collision frequency of
centration 100 ppm). the formed particles increases significantly with a silver nitrate
The nanoparticles obtained at silver concentrations of 250 and concentration. Thus, the particles are easy to aggregate into larger
500 ppm were more prone to agglomeration (Figs. 3c and e) than ones at high silver nitrate concentration.
in the remaining suspensions. However, a considerable amount of The FTIR spectra of PVP and suspension containing silver nano-
large particles was obtained at lower silver concentrations particles and PVP are presented in Fig. 4. The main feature of all
(Figs. 3d and f ). The considerable share in particles of the shape of the spectra was a strong band at 1680–1674 cm21, which corre-
of a prism with a hexagonal base was observed at 750 (Fig. 3g), sponded to amide carbonyl of PVP. According to the literature
1000 (Fig. 3i) and 2000 ppm (Fig. 3k). On the contrary, there [21, 22], the shape of the amide carbonyl stretch absorption is one
were more but smaller nanoparticles, which means that in the of the broadest of the carbonyl family and was positioned between
higher silver nitrate concentration, a faster nucleation of the silver 1695 and 1615 cm21. Other bands in all of the spectra were centred
particles was observed. Therefore large numbers of particles with at 1466 and 1427 cm21, which resulted from the vibration of the ter-
a relatively small diameter were formed. When silver nanoparticles tiary nitrogen. The FTIR spectra showed the presence of a band at
are synthesised in a high AgNO3 concentration, a rapid reduction 1547–1542 cm21 and it was identified as amide II and arose due
process takes place to form a larger number of nuclei. As a result, to carbonyl stretch and –N–H stretch vibrations in the amide linkages
small nanoparticles with a high specific surface area are formed of PVP. The band at 2953 cm21 is attributed to the asymmetric C–H
in a short time. On the other hand, there are a large number of stretching vibration of CH3 and the band at 2874 cm21 is assigned to
silver atoms available for the growth of the nucleated particles to the symmetric C–H stretching vibration of CH2 .

658 Micro & Nano Letters, 2011, Vol. 6, Iss. 8, pp. 656 –660
& The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2011 doi: 10.1049/mnl.2011.0152
Figure 4 FTIR spectra in the region 4000– 500 cm21 of the following samples
b 100 ppm
c 250 ppm
d 500 ppm
e 750 ppm
f 1000 ppm
g 2000 ppm

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to that of the PVP. However, the slightly visible differentiating of selected biomaterials.
shifts in the spectra of pure PVP and silver colloids suggest coord-
ination between silver nanoparticles and the stabiliser. A shift of the 4. Acknowledgment: The research was supported by The National
carbonyl absorption band to lower frequencies from 1547 (Fig. 4a) Centre for Science in Poland.
to 1541 cm21 (Figs. 4a –g) was observed. For this band displace-
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