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Hive: Monarch

by Drake Ramoray

(I recommend new players not to play with this variant until they have
gained some experience playing Hive)

Hive Monarch consists of a compilation of my unofficial expansions

and expansions that fans have proposed in the forum of variants of
the Hive game over the years. I tried to be careful with the "Power
Creep", so I had to modify some Bugs of the fans to balance with

This variant must be played with the Stephen Taylor's Hive Colony,
who introduced the "reverse dimension" on the back of Bugs.
(I recommend playing with the Bugs of Hive Colony first, so you can
understand the "reverse dimension" system.)

For the Hive Colony to be compatible with my Hive Monarch, I

suggest you play with these little adjustments:
-At the beginning of the game, both players must agree if, in addition
to surrounding the queens or kings, they should cover them above to
win the game.
-The Scorpion proposed by Stephen Taylor will now have the powers
of the one proposed by Jarek Szczepanik, only changed a bit:
“The Scorpion moves 2 spaces around the hive and paralyzes a Bug
adjacent to it (its head must point to the Bug is paralyzing). That Bug
cannot be used until the scorpion points its head elsewhere. No
enemy Bug may end its movement or pass over the paralyzed Bug.
Instead of moving, the Scorpion can rotate its head to paralyze
another adjacent Bug. This is optional and both players must agree to
this rule.”
-The Spider can move to places where the ant cannot access (gates).
This is optional and both players must agree to this rule.
-The Dragonfly will be called Damselfly. This is to not confuse the
Christian Sperling's Dragonfly.
-The Firefly will be called Headlight Bug or Tucu Tucu. This is to not
confuse the Daniel Laurence's Firefly. (I also had my Firefly version,
but I liked Daniel Laurence’s).
-The Soldier Ant will be called Ant, as we all know her. This is to not
confuse my Soldier Ant.

I would like to add value points to each error and, as Jarek

Szczepanik suggested on one occasion, implement a limit for the
leagues (you cannot have more than a certain number of errors in a
certain league) to avoid you choosing fewer errors, but completely
powerful; that will be added to the rules in a next update. Any
comment on the value of the points would be very appreciated since I
do not have much experience in giving value points to insects.

Please, remember that you can choose and play whit the expansions
that you want.
Finally, I leave your well-deserved credits to those who helped me
indirectly to create this variant:

-Jhon Yianni: For create Hive
-Stephen Taylor: For create Hive Colony and Hive Swarm
-Randall Ingersoll: Additional Bugs from "Play Hive like a champion"
-AbStrateGyk: Potential Future Expansions Creatures
-BalanceSheet: Termite Invasion
-Daniel Laurence: for Dung Beetle, Firefly
-Christian Sperling: for Dragonfly
-Jarek Szczepanik: for Moth
-Dave Neale: for Parasite
-SIFUBAMBOO: for a different Dragonfly

I really apologize if I have overlooked someone or made a mistake,

let me know if that is the case.

The 4 Packs of Bugs are the following:

-Offensive Bugs Expansion Pack
-Rescue Bugs Expansion Pack
-Termite Infestation Expansion Pack
-Monarchical Conflict Expansion Pack
Offensive Bugs Expansion Pack
(8 pieces)

-Earwig (Ewg): 1x (Stephen Taylor)

Movement: The Earwig moves 1 space around the hive and then it
jumps like a Grasshopper, or it can jump first like a Grasshopper and
then it moves 1 space around the hive.

-Cricket (Ckt): 1x (AbStrateGyk)

Movement: The Cricket moves by jumping on only one Bug. It can
jump over stacked Bugs and can stop jumping at any time.

-Jumping Spider (Jps): 1x (AbStrateGyk)

Movement: The Jumping Spider moves 3 spaces around the hive,
but it must jump on a Bug in one of those 3 spaces of displacement.

Passive Ability: It can end its movement on top of an arachnid

without having completed its movement, and in the next turn in which
you use it, it will be able to move 1 or 2 or 3 spaces and then it can
finish its movement on top of another arachnid.

-Ant-Spider (Asp): 1x (AbStrateGyk-Warrior Bug)

Movement: The Ant-Spider moves 1 space around the hive and then
it jump over only one Bug.
Passive Ability: It can paralyze the enemy Bug that has just jumped
by 1 turn. It can finish its movement in any type of ant without having
completed its movement, and in the next turn in which you use it, it
will move as an Ant.

Interaction whit the Mosquito: The mosquito can not mimic the
passive abilities of Bugs.

-Flea (Fle): 1x
Movement: The flea moves according to the level of the hive in
which it is:
-While the flea is on the ground, it will move 1 space around the hive
and then it will climb a Bug.
-While the flea is on top of the hive, it moves over a Bug and then
goes down to 1 unoccupied space.

Interaction whit the Mosquito: The mosquito will only mimic the
movement of the Flea if both are on top of the hive or on the ground,
it can not mimic the movement of the Flea if it is covering it. The
mosquito, not being adjacent to the Flea, will move like a beetle if it is
above the hive.

-Louse (Lse): 1x
Placement: The Louse can be placed on top of the hive or like
any Bug.

Movement: The Louse moves 1 space either on top or around the

Passive Ability: You can also move it in your opponent's turn each
time your opponent places a Bug. Being on top of the hive, does not
block the Bug that is covering, that Bug can be used normally. So if
that Bug moves, the Louse will move with it and remain on top of
that Bug.

General Notes and Clarification:

-If the Louse is covered by a Bug, if the hive is not broken, the Louse
is removed from the game and returned to the owner's Bug bank,
while that Bug takes its place.
-If your opponent places more than one Bug in his turn (due to the
ability of a Bug), the louse can only move once in that turn.
-Immediately after your opponent has placed his Bug, the Louse will
-The louse counts as a Bug when covering or surrounding a king or

Interaction whit the Mosquito: The Mosquito can not mimic the
passive abilities of Bugs.

-Robberfly (Rbf): 1x (AbStrateGyk)

Placement: It must be placed on top of a Bug of yours.

Movement: The Robberfly moves 1 space above the hive.

Special Ability: If the Robberfly is on top of the hive, it can mimic the
movement of the Bug below and carry it with it while moving.

Interaction whit the Mosquito: The mosquito can mimic both its
movement and its special ability, while it is adjacent and on the same
level as the Robberfly.
-Indian Jumping Ant (Ija): 1x (Dave Neale-
Movement: The Indian Jumping Ant moves 1 space around the hive.

Special Ability: The Indian Jumping Ant must follow these steps:

1. Select an adjacent Bug (you can select a stacked Bug).

2. The Indian Jumping Ant can jump to any adjacent empty space of
an Bug identical to the selected Bug, or of a Bug of the same "Bug
type" (a type of "ant", "arachnid" or "beetle") or of a Bug of the same
"Bug color" (the color of the Bug's design, not the player's color) of
the selected Bug.

General Notes and Clarification:

-The Indian Jumping Ant can not select queens or kings or jump on
top of a king or queen.

-Silverfish (Svf): 1x (AbStrateGyk)

Movement: The Silverfish moves 2 spaces around the hive, and then
it can use its special ability.

Special Ability: It can swap places with a Bug or an

adjacent Bug Stack, if the hive is not broken.

-Leech (Lch): 1x
Movement: The Leech moves 1 or 2 spaces around the hive, and
then it can use its special ability.

Special Ability: It can flip an adjacent Bug.

-Leech will not be able to re-use his special ability in 1 turn.
-The flipped Bug will not be able to flip again in 3 turns.

General Notes and Clarifications:

-A Bug that has just been flipped by the Leech must flip if its special
or passive ability forces it.
-A Bug that can not be flipped by a restriction or a sting can not be
flipped by the Leech.

-Lacewing (Lcw): 1x (Jarek Szczepanik-Moth)

Placement: The Lacewing is placed on top of one of your Bugs.

Movement: It moves by pieces of pieces of the same color (player

color) and must end in one of the opposite color. It is not necessary to
use all its movement; it can move a maximum of 3 Bugs.

Interaction whit the Mosquito: The mosquito can mimic its

movement if it is above the hive and adjacent to the Lacewing.

-Hoverfly (Hof): 1x
Placement: It is placed on top of the hive.

Movement: The Hoverfly moves "n" spaces above the hive as "n"
adjacent enemy Bugs have your Queen Bee or Queen Wasp
(stacked Bugs that are around or above the Queen Bee or Queen
Wasp not must be counted).

Interaction whit the Mosquito: The mosquito can only copy its
movement if it is above the hive and adjacent to it.
-Earthworm (Etw): 1x
Placement: Since it is made up of more than one piece, it must be
placed next to two Bugs.

Movement: The Earthworm moves 1 space either around or atop the


General Notes and Clarification:

-The Bugs that climb on top of it will not prevent it from moving further
and will move with it when it moves; it can only be neutralized if it is
completely covered.
-If a piece of the Earthworm is blocked by an enemy Earthworm, it
can not move.
-It can not flip if it has a Bug on him. It is able to enter closed gaps
where the other Bugs that move around the hive are unable to access
-At least one piece of the Earthworm must remain on the ground.

Interaction whit the Mosquito: The Mosquito can not mimic Bugs
that are made up of more than one piece.

-Giant Cocoon (Gtc): 1x

Placement: It can not be placed normally. First the Earthworm must
be placed and then you must flip it to the Giant Cocoon.

Passive Ability: It makes your Bugs (those that move around

the hive) move over it as part of their movement. Your Bugs can
move over it by violating the movement rule (Gates). Those Bugs can
finish their movement on the Earthworm, but queens and kings can't
do it.
General Notes and Clarification:
-The enemy Bugs (those that move around the hive) will not be able
to move above the Earthworm as part of their movement.
-The Giant Cocoon can not turn around if it has a Bug on it.
-The Giant Cocoon does not count as a Bug to surround the queens
or kings.

Interaction whit the Mosquito: The Mosquito can not mimic Bugs
that are made up of more than one piece.

-Water Strider (Wst): 1x (AbStrateGyk)

Movement: It moves over Bugs of the same color (player color) and
must descend to the ground at the end of its movement.

-Glowworm Beetle (Gwb): 1x

Movement: It moves around the hive in a peculiar way:

1. When beginning to move, you must declare a color (player color) of

one of the Bugs that are adjacent to the Glowworm Beetle.
2. The Glowworm Beetle can move "n" spaces according to "n" Bugs
of the same color that are connected to it, including itself.
Neutral Bugs
(2 pieces)

-Weevil (Wvl):
Placement: Being a neutral Bug, it can be placed in the game by any
player in the same way as other Bugs of that player.

Special Movement: If a player's bet was successful, that player may

move the neutral Bug a maximum of 4 spaces around the hive in that
player's turn without spending his play, it may use any combination of
moves, either around or on top of the Hive, but must end its turn on
the ground level. If the player of the successful bet does not move his
betting Bug, he can still move the neutral Bug. After using the
neutral Bug, in the next player's turn, the other player will not be able
to use it either, but he will have the opportunity to flip it without
spending his play, so that when the waiting time has passed, he can
have an advantage over its use.
-When using the neutral Bug, it can not be used by any player for 1
turn (1 turn to wait for the other player, and then 1 turn to wait for the
player who uses it).

General Notes and Clarification:

-When the player uses the neutral Bug, the other player may flip him
without spending his move, but not move it.

Interaction whit the Mosquito: The Mosquito can not mimic the
special movement of Bugs.
-Lantern Bug (Ltb):
Placement: Being a neutral Bug, it can be placed in the game by any
player in the same way as other Bugs of that player.

Special Movement: If a player has flipped a Bug (either directly or

indirectly) in his turn, the neutral Bug may be moved by that player
without spending his move a maximum of 3 spaces around the hive in
his turn. When using the neutral Bug, in the next player's turn he will
not be able to use it, but he will have the opportunity to flip it without
spending his play, so that when the waiting time has passed, he can
have an advantage over its use.

-When using the neutral Bug, it can not be used by any player during
1 turn (1 turn of wait for the other player, and then 1 turn of wait for
the player who uses it).

General Notes and Clarification:

-When the player uses the neutral Bug, the other player may flip him
without spending his move, but not move it.

Interaction whit the Mosquito: The Mosquito can not mimic the
special movement of Bugs.
-Pink Orchid Mantis (Pom):
Placement: Being a neutral Bug, it can be placed in the game by any
player in the same way as other Bugs of that player.

Special Movement: Each time that you move your Bug of the same
color (the color of the Bug's design, not the player color) that
the Bug you moved in your previous turn, you can move the Pink
Orchid Mantis a maximum of "n" spaces according to "n" Bugs from
total of Bugs from the rows adjacent to the Pink Orchid Mantis
(including herself and not counting the covered Bugs) without
spending your play. When using the neutral Bug, in the next player's
turn he will not be able to use it, but he will have the opportunity to flip
it without spending his play, so that when the waiting time has
passed, he can have an advantage over its use.

-When using the neutral Bug, it can not be used by any player during
1 turn (1 turn of wait for the other player, and then 1 turn of wait for
the player who uses it).

General Notes and Clarification:

-When the player uses the neutral Bug, the other player may flip him
without spending his play, but not move it.

Interaction whit the Mosquito: The Mosquito can not mimic the
special movement of Bugs.
-Peacock Shrimp Mantis (Psm):
Placement: Being a neutral Bug, it can be placed in the game by any
player in the same way as other Bugs of that player.

Special Movement: If your opponent has more Bugs than you, you
can move a maximum of "n" spaces around the hive according to
"n" Bugs that are in a row adjacent to it (counting herself and not
counting the covered Bugs) without spending your play. Then, you
can stun an adjacent enemy Bug for 3 turns at the end of its
movement. When using the neutral Bug, in the next player's turn he
will not be able to use it, but he will have the opportunity to flip it
without spending his play, so that when the waiting time has passed,
he can have an advantage over its use.

-When using the neutral Bug, it can not be used by any player during
1 turn (1 turn of wait for the other player, and then 1 turn of wait for
the player who uses it).

General Notes and Clarification:

-When the player uses the neutral Bug, the other player may flip him
without spending his play, but not move it.

Interaction whit the Mosquito: The Mosquito can not mimic the
special movement of Bugs.
Rescue Bugs Expansion Pack
(10 pieces)

-Barathrum Beetle (Btb): 1x

Movement: The Barathrum Beetle moves 1 space around the hive.

Special Ability: The Barathrum Beetle can use 2 possible special

abilities for each situation:

1. If the Barathrum Beetle is adjacent to a stacked enemy Bug, it can

push it in a straight line to the other side of the row.
2. If there is an enemy Bug stacked in the same row as the
Barathrum Beetle, it can replace its position and at the same time
push it to the other side of the row.

If the Barathrum Beetle is above the hive for using its special ability, it
will move like a Beetle, and will not be able to use its special ability
until it has touched the ground.

-When using its special ability 1, you will not be able to use it again in
1 turn.

General Notes and Clarifications:

-If the pushed enemy Bug can move around the hive, it will fall off the
- If the pushed enemy Bug can not move around the hive and only
above the hive, it will be pushed until it covers the last Bug in the row.
-In the event that when pushing it to collide with another Bug stacked
or is about to cover a paralyzed Bug, the pushed Bug must stop
before passing through the paralyzed Bug or the Bug stacked.
Interaction with the Mosquito: The Mosquito can mimic both its
movement and its special ability while the Barathrum Beetle is on the
ground. However, the Mosquito can not mimic their special ability if
both are on top of the hive.

-Goliath Beetle (Gob): 1x (BalanceSheet-Scarab)

Movement: The Goliath Beetle moves 1 space around the hive.

Special Ability: The Goliath Beetle can push a maximum of 3 Bugs

that are in an adjacent row. The Goliath Beetle can push even
stacked Bugs.

Interaction whit the Mosquito: The Mosquito can mimic both its
movement and its special ability.

Dragonfly (Dgf): 1x (Christian Sperling)

Movement: The Dragonfly moves 1 space in any direction, but it
must be atop another Bug, and then moves 1 space either forward-
right or forward-left.

Special Ability: If at the beginning of its movement it was on top of a

Bug, it can transport it if it ends its movement in an unoccupied

General Notes and Clarifications:

-If there is a paralyzed Bug, it can not pass or end its movement on
top of it.
-It can climb on a stacked Bug and transport it.
Interaction whit the Mosquito: The Mosquito will only mimic the
special ability of the Dragonfly if both are on top of the hive; it can not
mimic the movement or the special ability of the Dragonfly if the
Mosquito is covering the dragonfly. If the mosquito is not adjacent to
the Dragonfly, it will move like a Beetle.

-Bumblebee (Bbe): 1x (SIFUBAMBOO-Dragonfly)

Movement: The Bumblebee moves 1 space around the hive.

Special Ability: It can climb a Bug and, in another turn,, being on top
of the hive, it can jump like a grasshopper, taking the Bug to the other
side of the row.

General Notes and Clarifications:

-If there is a stacked Bug or a paralyzed Bug on the
row, the Bumblebee will not be able to jump.
-The Bumblebee can climb on a stacked Bug and transport it.

Interaction whit the Mosquito: The mosquito will only mimic the
special ability of the Bumblebee if both are on top of the hive, it can
not mimic the movement or the special ability of the Bumblebee if it is
covering it. The mosquito, not being adjacent to the Bumblebee, will
move like a beetle if the Mosquito is atop the hive.

-Rhino Beetle (Rhb): 1x (Randall Ingersoll)

Movement: The Rhino Beetle moves 1 space around the hive.

Special Ability: It can get under an adjacent Bug and then

throw that Bug into an unoccupied space.

General Notes and Clarifications:

-It can get under a Bug Stack and then throw that Bug Stack into an
unoccupied space.
-If it is covered by a Bug, it can not escape using its special ability
and can not be used.
-Water Beetle (Wtb): 1x
Movement: The Water Beetle moves 1 space around the hive.

Special Ability: It can drag an adjacent Bug when it moves.

General Notes and Clarification:

-It can drag to an adjacent stack when it moves.
-First you must move the Water Beetle and then the Bug that was
adjacent to it.

-Ant Lion (Aln): 1x

Movement: The Ant Lion moves 2 spaces around the hive.

Passive Ability: It causes the enemy Bugs that are moving around it
to stop. Those Bugs can only move 1 space around the Ant Lion.

Interaction whit the Mosquito: The Mosquito can not mimic the
passive abilities of Bugs.

-Bioluminescent Cockroach (Bck): 1x

Movement: The Bioluminescent Cockroach moves 1 space above a
Bug and then 1 space down.

Passive Ability: It makes Bugs adjacent to it cannot be

moved, stung, or removed by enemy Bugs, although
the Bioluminescent Cockroach itself can be targeted by those Bugs.

Interaction whit the Mosquito: The mosquito can not mimic the
passive abilities of Bugs.
-Dung Beetle (Dgb): 1x (Daniel Laurence)
Placement: When placing the Dung Beetle, you must immediately
place the Dung Ball on top of it.

Movement: The Dung Beetle has 2 possible movements for each


1. If the Dung Beetle is carrying the Dung Ball, it can move 1 space
around the hive. The Dung Ball remains on top.
2. If the Dung Beetle is not carrying the Dung Ball, it can move 1 or 2
spaces around the hive.

Special Ability: The Dung Beetle has 2 possible special abilities for
each case:

1. If the Dung Beetle is carrying the Dung Ball, it can place the Dung
Ball on top of an adjacent Bug or space.
2. If the Dung Beetle is not carrying the Dung Ball, it may pick up a
Dung Ball from a Bug or adjacent space and place it on top of it or in
another Bug or adjacent space.

General Notes and Clarification:

-A Bug with a Dung Ball on top of it can not be used, (unless that
trapped Bug is a Hercules Beetle or another Dung Beetle, in which
case they can still move, since they are also capable of loading a
Dung Ball).
-The Dung Ball can be placed on top of (or picked up from) a Bug
-A Bug Stack with a Dung Ball counts as the color of the player of the
Dung Ball.
-Any Bug that moves above the hive must consider the Dung Ball as
any piece.
-When the Dung Beetle is removed from the game, the Dung Ball
remains in the game. When the Dung Beetle is placed back, another
Dung Ball will not be placed.

Interaction whit the Mosquito: The mosquito, being adjacent to the

Dung Beetle, can mimic their movements and special abilities. Once
the Mosquito is away from the Dung Beetle, it will not be able to
continue carrying the Dung Ball and will be trapped.

-Hercules Beetle (Hcb): 1x

Placement: When placing the Hercules Beetle, you must
immediately place the Dung Ball on top of it.

Movement: The Dung Beetle has 2 possible movements for each


1. If the Hercules Beetle is carrying the Dung Ball, it can move 1

space around the hive. The Dung Ball remains on top.
2. If the Hercules Beetle is not carrying the Dung Ball, it can move 1
or 2 spaces around the hive.

Special Ability: The Hercules Beetle has 2 possible special abilities

for each case:

1. If the Hercules Beetle is carrying the Dung Ball, it can insert the
Dung Ball under an adjacent Bug.
2. If the Hercules Beetle is not carrying the Dung Ball, it can pick up a
Dung Ball from a Bug or adjacent space.

General Notes and Clarification:

-A Bug on top of a Dung Ball can move normally, treating the Dung
Ball as if it were part of the ground. It can escape from a chain
of Bugs thanks to the Dung ball.
-The Dung Ball can be removed from a Stack, no matter how high or
low it is.
-When the Hercules Beetle is removed from the game, the Dung Ball
remains in the game. When the Hercules Beetle is placed again,
another Dung Ball will not be placed.

Interaction whit the Mosquito: The Mosquito can mimic both its
movement and its special ability, while it is adjacent to the Hercules

-Dung Ball (Dba): 1x

Placement: The Dung Ball can only be placed on top of a Dung
Beetle or a Hercules Beetle when they are placed.

General Notes and Clarification:

-Each player has 1 Dung Ball in his Bug bank.
-The Dung Ball can be used by both players, but when a player
interacts with it, the Dung Ball turns to its color.
-When the Dung Beetle or Hercules Beetle are removed from the
game, the Dung Ball will remain in the game, but when placed again
they will not have a Dung Ball on top.
-The Dung Ball is white color on one side and is black color on the

Interaction whit the Mosquito: As the Mosquito only imitates when

it moves, a Dung Beetle or a Hercules Beetle can not use a Mosquito
as a Dung Ball.

-Cuckoo Spit Bug (Csb): 1x (Stephen Taylor-

Shield Bug)
Movement: The Cuckoo Spit Bug moves 1 space around the hive.
Passive Ability: It disarms the special ability and passive ability of
any enemy bugs adjacent to it.

Interaction whit the Mosquito: The mosquito can not mimic the
passive abilities of Bugs.

-Cuckoo Spit Foam (Csf): 1x

Placement: It can not be placed directly. First the Cuckoo Spit Bug
must be placed and then it must be flipped to be the Cuckoo Spit

Passive Ability: It has multiple abilities:

-No enemy Bug can remove it from the game, paralyze it, move it or
flip it.
-Your Bugs (those that move around the hive) can pass over the
Cuckoo Spit Foam as if it were part of the ground (your Bugs can not
finish their movement on top of it), but the enemy Bugs do not.

Interaction whit the Mosquito: The mosquito can not mimic the
passive abilities of Bugs.

-Cicada (Cic): 1x (Stephen Taylor-Firefly)

Movement: The Cicada moves 1 o 2 spaces around the Hive, and
then it can use its special ability.

Special Ability: You can choose any enemy Bug 4 spaces away and
have your opponent use it in his turn to finish its movement in a
space adjacent to the Cicada.

General Notes and Clarification:

-That Bug must move to a place that is adjacent to the Cicada.
-If that Bug can move above the hive, it can climb on a piece adjacent
to the Cicada, but it must cover the Cicada if possible.

-The Cicada will not be able to re-use its special ability for 1 turn.
-That Bug can not be used again for 1 turn.

Interaction whit the Mosquito: The Mosquito can mimic both its
movement and its special ability.

-Stink Bug (Stb): 1x

Movement: The Stink Bug moves 1 or 2 spaces around the hive,
then it can use its special ability.

Special Ability: You can choose an enemy Bug adjacent to the Stink
Bug and then have your opponent use that Bug to get away from the
Stink Bug, if possible.

General Notes and Clarification:

-That Bug must move to a place that is not adjacent to the Stink Bug.
-If that Bug can move over the hive, it can climb on a piece adjacent
to the Stink Bug, but it must not cover the Stink Bug.

-The Stink Bug will not be able to re-use its special ability for 1 turn.
-That Bug can not be used again for 1 turn.

Interaction whit the Mosquito: The Mosquito can mimic both its
movement and its special ability.

-Tiger Spider (Tgs): 1x

Movement: The Tiger Spider moves 2 spaces around the hive.
Special Ability: The Tiger Spider must follow the following steps:

1. Choose a Bug (or a Bug Stack) that is up to 4 spaces of travel of

the Tiger Spider and that can be moved without breaking the hive.
2. The Tiger Spider fires an invisible cobweb thread, which can move
a maximum of 3 spaces around the hive until it reaches an adjacent
space of the selected Bug.
3. The Tiger Spider can pull the invisible cobweb thread by dragging
the selected Bug along the path through which the invisible cobweb
thread was fired. It can stop dragging the selected Bug at any time.

General Notes and Clarification:

-The Tiger Spider can not use its special ability whit a Bug which was
just played by your opponent.

-If while you are dragging the selected Bug, it touches your Ant Lion,
only if the selected Bug is of the enemy, you must stop dragging it
while it is touching the Ant Lion.

-If the selected Bug is from the opponent, it can not move for 1 turn.
-The Tiger Spider will not be able to use his special ability for 1 turn.

Interaction whit the Mosquito: The Mosquito can mimic both its
movement and its special ability.

-Bombardier Beetle (Bdb): 1x

Movement: The Bombardier Beetle moves 2 spaces around the hive.

Special Ability: It can shoot an adjacent enemy Bug and move

a maximum of "n" spaces around the hive according to the roll of a
General Notes and Clarification:
-That Bug can not move for 1 turn.
-The Bombardier Beetle will not be able to use his ability again for 2

-Poisonous Worm (Pow): 1x

Placement: The Poisonous Worm can only be placed if your
opponent has more than one queen in the game.

Movement: The Poisonous Worm moves 1 or 2 spaces around the


Passive Ability: Change the color (player color) completely to the

row where it points its head to your color.

General Notes and Clarification:

-Your opponent can not place Bugs adjacent to that row, and you can
place Bugs next to your Bugs in that row, violating the rule of not
being able to place Bugs next to an enemy Bug, only if it is adjacent
or in that row.
-You will not be able to place Bugs in that row if there is not a Bug of
yours next to where you want to place it. Its power facilitates the
movement of the Water Strider, the Glowworm Beetle and the
Bioluminescent Cockroach.
-Your passive ability will have no effect if the other kings and queens
apart from Queen Bee have been overthrown.

Interaction whit the Mosquito: The Mosquito can not mimic the
passive abilities of Bugs.
-Titan Beetle (Tib): 1x (BalanceSheet-Scarab)
Movement: The Titan Beetle moves 1 space atop the hive and then
1 space down.

Special Ability: It tombs and knocks down enemy Bugs stacked in a

row adjacent to it.

-Stacked Bugs fall to the ground if possible and can not be used in 3
-In the case of Bugs that can not be on land such as the Butterfly,
and those that could not fall to land because the spaces adjacent to
them were occupied by other Bugs, they can not be used for 4 turns.
-The Titan Beetle will not be able to re-use his special ability for 3

Interaction whit the Mosquito: The Mosquito can not mimic the
passive abilities of Bugs.

-Mayfly Larvae (Mfl): 1x

Movement: It slides in a straight line around the hive, it can reach
any space in the straight line. He can pass through gates. After
moving, you can flip it to be the Adult Mayfly.

-Adult Mayfly (Amf): 1x

Movement: It moves by changing places with any Bug in the row. If
that Bug is stacked, it will change the Bug Stack. After moving it must
flip to be the Mayfly Larvae.
Termite Infestation Expansion
Pack (10 pieces)
Walking Stick (Wks): 1x (Randall Ingersoll)
Placement: It must be placed next to two Bugs since the Walking
Stick is made up of more than one piece.

Movement: The Walking Stick moves 1 space around the hive, and it
can pass through holes where ants can not pass (Gates).

General Notes and Clarification:

-If a Bug covers it, the Walking Stick can continue moving, carrying
that Bug with it. However, if they are two Bugs that are covering him,
he will not be able to move anymore.
-If an Earthworm covers part of the Walking Stick, it will not be able to
move anymore.

Interaction whit the Mosquito: The mosquito can not mimic Bugs
that are made up of two pieces or more.

-Queen Termite (Qt): 1x

Placement: The Queen Termite can not be placed normally. First the
Walking Stick must be placed and then flipped to the Queen Termite.

Passive Ability: Every 3 turns generates a Termite or a Termite

Soldier. This process is repeated until the Queen Termite is
interrupted by means of a bite, or if the Leech flips it or if two Bugs
completely cover it or if it is removed from the game.
Special Placement: When you have made your move in the third
turn, before finishing it you must place a Termite or a Termite Soldier
as any piece.

General Notes and Clarification:

-It can not be moved by other Bug, but it can be flipped by the Leech,
thus interrupting its incubation process.

Crowning: When your 4 termites are in the field (regardless of they

are covered), the Queen Termite will be crowned and will be a queen.

Monarchical Privileges: The Queen Termite moves 1 space around

the hive and go through holes where the Ant can not pass (Gates). It
will be overthrown if it is covered or surrounded.

Interaction whit the Mosquito: The Mosquito can not mimic Bugs
that are made up of more than one piece.

-Termite (Trm): 4x (BalanceSheet)

Placement: The Termite is generated by the Queen Termite.

Movement: The Termite moves 1 or 2 spaces around the Hive.

Passive Ability: The Termite can finish its movement on top of a

Termite, either yours or not. This will form a Termite Mound:

1. Any Bug (that moves around the hive) can finish its movement in a
Termite Mound without having used all its movement.
2. The owner of the Termite Mound will be determined by the owner
of the upper Termite, so only that owner can use the Termite Mound.
3. When a Bug of yours is on top of the Termite Mound, it will be able
to move up to "n-1" spaces above the hive, according to "n" Termites
in the Termite Mound, and then go down to ground.
It is not necessary to use the whole sum of movement, but
the Bug must go down to the ground.

General Notes and Clarification:

-The Bugs that can move above the hive can not cover the Termite
-There are no special rules for the Mosquito if it ends its movement
on top of the Termite Mound.

Interaction whit the Mosquito: The Mosquito can not mimic the
passive abilities of Bugs.

-Soldier Termite (Sot): 4x

Placement: The Soldier Termite is generated by the Queen Termite.

Movement: The Soldier Termite moves 1 or 2 spaces around the

hive, then it can use its special ability.

Special Ability: If there are Larvaes or Caterpillars adjacent to it, you

can remove from the game the ones you choose to the
owner's Bug bank.

-The enemy Larvaes or Caterpillars that were removed from the
game can not be placed again by your opponent for 3 turns.
-Your Larvaes or Caterpillars removed from the game can be placed
without waiting for additional turns.

Interaction whit the Mosquito: The Mosquito can mimic both its
movement and its special ability.
-Larvae (Lva): 3x
Movement: The Larvae moves 1 space around the hive.

Special Ability: When it moves, it can make your other Larvae move
too. You can choose which Larvae are going to move.

-Caterpillar (Ctp): 3x
Passive Ability: Each time your opponent moves a Bug, you can
choose one of your Caterpillars in the field and use their special
movement in that same turn.

Special Movement: The Caterpillar moves 1 space around the hive

in the enemy turn.

General Notes and Clarification:

-If you have moved a Bug in your turn, your opponent can move his
Caterpillar. Since your opponent has moved your Caterpillar, you can
also move your Caterpillar. By the time everyone has moved their
Caterpillar, there will be no more chain reactions, and your
opponent's turn will start.

Interaction whit the Mosquito: The mosquito can not mimic the
special movement or passive ability of Bugs.

-Soldier Ant (Soa): 1x

Movement: The Soldier Ant moves 1 or 2 spaces around the hive,
then it can use its special ability.
Special Ability: If there are enemy's Termites or Soldier Termites
adjacent to it, you can remove from the game the ones you choose to
the enemy's Bug bank.

Interaction whit the Mosquito: The Mosquito can mimic both its
movement and its special ability.

-Soldier Beetle (Sob): 1x

Movement: The Soldier Beetle moves 1 or 2 spaces around the hive,
then it can use its special ability.

Special Ability: If there are enemy plagues adjacent to it, you can
remove from the game the ones you choose to the
enemy's Bug bank.

-The enemy plagues that were removed from the game can not be
placed again by your opponent for 3 turns.

Interaction whit the Mosquito: The Mosquito can mimic both its
movement and its special ability.

-Kamikaze Ant (Kza): 1x

Movement: The Kamikaze Ant moves 1 or 2 spaces around the hive.

Special Ability: It explodes and is removed from the game so that

adjacent enemy Bugs are stunned and considered termites.

-The Kamikaze Ant can not be placed again in 3 turns.
-The enemy Bugs affected by the explosion can not be used in
3 turns and will be considered termites for 3 turns.

General Notes and Clarification:

-The affected enemy Bugs can not form Termite Mounds. Only
its type of Bug will be considered termite.
-The affected enemy Bugs will not count as the 4 termites that the
Queen Termite has to generate.
-Its special ability benefits only the Soldier Ant and Indian Jumping

Interaction whit the Mosquito: The Mosquito can mimic both its
movement and its special ability.

-Spring Tail (Spt): 1x

Movement: The Spring Tail moves 2 spaces around the hive.

Special Ability: It can be replaced by a Bug from

your Bug's bank that can be placed normally.

General Notes and Clarification:

-It can not be replaced if the hive is broken.
-It can not be replaced by the Walking Stick or the Earthworm.
-It can use its special ability even if there is an adjacent enemy Bug.

Interaction whit the Mosquito: The mosquito can mimic both its
movement and its special ability.

-Aphid (Aph): 1x
Movement: The Aphid moves 1 space around the hive.
Passive Ability: While adjacent to an enemy Bug, it will allow you to
move, flip or use one of your Termites or Soldier Termites without
spending your play.

Interaction whit the Mosquito: The Mosquito can not mimic the
passive abilities of Bugs.

-Whitefly (Whf): 1x
Movement: The Whitefly moves 1 space around the hive.

Passive Ability: While adjacent to an enemy Bug, it will allow you to

place, flip or move your Larvaes or Caterpillars without spending your
play, although you will not be able to move your Caterpillars because
they can only move in your enemy's turn.

Interaction whit the Mosquito: The Mosquito can not mimic the
passive abilities of Bugs.

-Parasitoid Wasp (Ptw): 2x

Placement: It can only be placed if there are enemy plagues in the

Movement: It moves a maximum of "n + 2" spaces around the hive,

with "n" being the number of enemy plagues in the field and a
maximum of "n" spaces can move over the hive during its movement.

Special Ability: Being adjacent to an enemy plague, it can parasitize

and paralyze it for a turn. In your next turn you must do the following:

1. That plague must be removed from the game and returned to your
enemy's Bug bank if the hive is not broken and can be replaced by
another Parasitoid Wasp from your Bug bank.
2. If that plague can not be removed from the game since the hive
would be broken, you can place another Parasitoid Wasp on top of
that plague.

If you can not place another Parasitoid Wasp on your next turn
because all your Parasitoid Wasps are already in the field or the other
Parasitoid Wasp has been removed from the game temporarily or
permanently, you can use one of your Parasitoid Wasp in the field
instead to place one, if you so wish. Whatever your choice, the
plague must not remain in the field when it is parasitized and must be
removed from the game. Placing a Parasitoid Wasp by its special
ability is optional but removing the plague is obligatory.

General Notes and Clarifications:

-After placing your Parasitoid Wasp on top of that plague in case it
can not be removed from the game, that plague would be considered
dead and could not be used or moved by any player and must be
returned to your enemy's Bug bank when It is possible to do it at any

Interaction whit the Mosquito: The Mosquito can mimic both its
movement and its special ability while it is adjacent to the Parasitoid

-Firefly (Frf): 2x (Daniel Laurence)

Movement: The Firefly moves 2 spaces around the hive.

Special Ability: You can attract another Firefly from the game and
make it move like an ant to a space adjacent to your Firefly.

General Notes and Clarification:

-The Firefly will not be able to attract a Firefly that is already adjacent
to it.
-The Firefly will not be able to attract a Firefly that has just been
moved by your opponent.
-The Firefly can not attract a Firefly that is covered by a Bug.

Interaction whit the Mosquito: The Mosquito can mimic both its
movement and its special ability. The Mosquito is not affected by the
attraction of the Firefly since the Mosquito is not considered a Firefly
when it is adjacent to a Firefly.

-Red Spider Mite (Rsm): 1x

Movement: The Red Spider Mite moves 1 space around the hive.

Passive Ability: Each 3 turns, while adjacent to an enemy Bug, you

can place a Bug without spending your play.

-When placed, you will have to wait 3 turns to use your passive
-If you have used your passive skill you will have to wait 3 turns to
use it again.
Interaction whit the Mosquito: The Mosquito can not mimic the
passive abilities of Bugs.

-Green Worm (Grw): 1x

Movement: The Green Worm moves 1 space around the hive.

Passive Ability: While adjacent to an enemy Bug, it will allow you to

flip without spending your play.

Interaction whit the Mosquito: The Mosquito can not mimic the
passive abilities of Bugs.
-Mite (Mte): 1x
Movement: The Mite moves 1 space around the hive.

Passive Ability: While adjacent to an enemy Bug, you can bet at the
beginning of each of your turns if your opponent will place, move, flip
or use a special ability. If you succeed in your opponent's turn, you
can use its special movement.

Special Movement: The Mite mimics any of yours Bugs in the game
without spending your play.

-If your bet was correct, you can not bet for 1 turn.

Interaction whit the Mosquito: The Mosquito can not imitate either
its special movement or its passive ability.

-Bed Bug (Bbg):

Movement: The Bed Bug moves 1 space around the hive.

Passive Ability: While adjacent to an enemy Bug, you can bet at the
beginning of each of your turns if your opponent will place, move, flip
or use a special ability. If you succeed in your opponent's turn, you
can use its special movement.

Special Movement: The Bed Bug mimics any Bug of the opponent in
the game without spending your play.

-If your bet was correct, you can not bet for 1 turn.
Interaction whit the Mosquito: The Mosquito can not imitate either
its special movement or its passive ability.

-Carpenter Ant (Cpa): 1x

Movement: The Carpenter Ant moves 1 space around the hive.

Passive Ability: While adjacent to an enemy Bug, you can bet at the
beginning of each of your turns if your opponent will place, move, flip
or use a special ability. If you succeed in your opponent's turn, you
can use its special movement.

Special Movement: The Carpenter Ant moves "n" spaces around the
hive according to "n" Bugs you have in the field (do not count those
that are covered by a Bug) without spending your play.

-If your bet was correct, you will not be able to bet for 1 turn.

Interaction whit the Mosquito: The Mosquito can not imitate either
its special movement or its passive ability.

-Mole Cricket (Mck): 1x

Movement: The Mole Cricket moves 1 spaces around the hive.

Passive Ability: While adjacent to an enemy Bug, you can bet at the
beginning of each of your turns if your opponent will place, move, flip
or use a special ability. If you succeed in your opponent's turn, you
can use its special movement.
Special Movement: The Mole Cricket moves "n" spaces around the
hive as "n" Bugs have your enemy in the field (do not count those that
are covered by a Bug) without spending your play.

-If your bet was correct, you will not be able to bet for 1 turn.

Interaction whit the Mosquito: The Mosquito can not imitate either
its special movement or its passive ability.

-Bets: To bet you must grab "n" dice according to "n" plagues you
have in the field and choose a number from 1 to 4 in each of them
(the number must not be repeated).

-The number 1 indicates that your opponent will place a Bug.

-The number 2 indicates that your opponent will move a Bug.
-The number 3 indicates that your opponent will flip a Bug.
-The number 4 indicates that your opponent will use a special ability
of a Bug.

After choosing a number, you must hide the dice with the selected
number looking up under something like your hand. At the end of the
opponent's turn, you must withdraw your hand and show the number
of the dice. If at least "n" dice hit the bet, you can use "n" of your
plagues in your turn without spending your play.

You must count your failed and successful bets on paper.

Monarchical Conflict Expansion
Pack (6 pieces)
-Monarch Caterpillar (Mct): 1x (Stephen Taylor-
Movement: The Monarch Caterpillar moves a maximum of "n"
spaces around the hive as "n" Bugs are adjacent to it.

Crowning: When you have accumulated at least 5 successful bets,

immediately when you have fulfilled that requirement you must flip it
to be the Monarch Butterfly.

Interaction whit the Mosquito: The Mosquito can mimic its

movement but not its coronation.

-Monarch Butterfly (Mbt): 1x

Placement: It can not be placed normally. First the Monarch
Caterpillar must be placed and from there fulfill the requirement of
coronation to turn to the Monarch Butterfly.

Movement: It moves a maximum of "n" spaces above the hive

according to the roll of a dice.

Monarchical Privileges: Being crowned, it can not be overthrown if it

is surrounded. It can only be overthrown if it is covered.

General Notes and Clarification:

-When the Monarch Caterpillar is flipped to the Monarch Butterfly for
the first time, the Monarch Butterfly will be on the ground at that time.
When it moves over the hive, it will no longer be able to move to the

Interaction whit the Mosquito: The Mosquito must be adjacent and

on the same level as the Monarch Butterfly so that it can mimic its
movement. The mosquito can not mimic the monarchical privileges
of Bugs.

-Medical Ant (Mda): 1x

Movement: The Medical Ant moves 1 space around the hive.

Passive Ability: It makes your adjacent "ants", as they begin to

move, move as an Ant.

General Notes and Clarification: Your "ants" adjacent to the

Medical Ant, will move as an Ant and then they will be able to use
their special ability.

Crowning: When you have 6 different "ants" in the game, you must
immediately flip it to be the Queen Ant. All the types of "ants" that are
in the game are the following: Ant, Soldier Ant, Kamikaze Ant,
Carpenter Ant, Indian Jumping Ant and Medical Ant/Queen Ant.

Interaction whit the Mosquito: The Mosquito can not mimic the
passive ability of Bugs.

-Queen Ant (Qa): 1x

Placement: It can not be placed normally. The Medical Ant must be
placed first and then fulfill with the requirements to flip it over to the
Queen Ant.

Movement: The Queen Ant moves 1 or 2 spaces around the hive.

Monarchical Privileges: You can use an "ant" without spending your
play. Being surrounded will be overthrown. All the types of "ants" that
are in the game are the following: Ant, Soldier Ant, Kamikaze Ant,
Carpenter Ant, Indian Jumping Ant and Medical Ant/Queen Ant.

Interaction whit the Mosquito: The Mosquito can not mimic the
monarchical privileges of Bugs.

-Cave Spider (Cvs): 1x

Movement: The Cave Spider moves 2 spaces around the hive.

Passive Ability: It makes your "arachnids" can be used again when

they finish their movement in a space adjacent to it.

Crowning: They must be face up in game 6 of the 7 pieces of the

type "arachnid" that exist in the game to flip it immediately to be the
Nerubian Spider. The 7 pieces of type "arachnid" are: Spider,
Jumping Spider/Spider Ant, Tiger Spider, Tick, Mite, Red Spider Mite
and Cave Spider/Nerubian Spider.

General Notes and Clarification:

-If a Mosquito mimic the movement of an "arachnid" and finished its
movement in a space adjacent to the Cave Spider, it could move like
that "arachnid" again.

Interaction whit the Mosquito: The Mosquito can not mimic the
passive abilities of Bugs.

-Nerubian Spider (Nes): 1x

Placement: It can not be placed normally. It must be placed first the
Cave Spider and then fulfill with the requirements to flip it to the
Nerubian Spider.

Movement: The Nerubian Spider moves 1 or 2 spaces around the


Monarchical Privileges: You can use an "arachnid" without

spending your play. Being surrounded will be overthrown. All the
types of "arachnids" that are in the game are the following: Spider,
Jumping Spider/Spider Ant, Tiger Spider, Tick, Mite, Red Spider Mite
and Cave Spider/Nerubian Spider.

Interaction whit the Mosquito: The Mosquito can not mimic the
monarchical privileges of Bugs.

-Rove Beetle (Rvb): 1x

Movement: The Rove Beetle moves 1 or 2 spaces around the hive.

Special Ability: The Rove Beetle can get into an adjacent Bug and
make it jump like a Grasshopper to a straight line in the same

Crowning: They must be face up in game 10 of the 11 pieces of the

type "beetle" that exist in the game to flip it immediately to be the
Egyptian Scarab. All the types of "beetles" that are in the game are
the following: Beetle/Headlight Beetle, Soldier Beetle, Bombardier
Beetle, Dung Beetle/Hercules Beetle, Barathrum Beetle/Goliath
Beetle, Titan Beetle, Rhino Beetle/Water Beetle, Glowworm Beetle,
Ladybug/Shield Bug, Firefly and Rove Beetle/Egyptian Scarab.

Interaction whit the Mosquito: The Mosquito can mimic both

movement and its special ability.
Egyptian Scarab (Egs): 1x
Placement: It can not be placed normally. It must be placed first the
Rove Beetle and then fulfill with the requirements to flip it to be the
Egyptian Scarab.

Movement: The Egyptian Scarab moves 1 or 2 spaces around the


Monarchical Privileges: You can use a "beetle" without spending

your play. Being surrounded will be overthrown. All the types of
"beetles" that are in the game are the following: Beetle/Headlight
Beetle, Soldier Beetle, Bombardier Beetle, Dung Beetle/Hercules
Beetle, Barathrum Beetle/Goliath Beetle, Titan Beetle, Rhino
Beetle/Water Beetle, Glowworm Beetle, Ladybug/Shield Bug, Firefly
and Rove Beetle/Egyptian Scarab.

Interaction whit the Mosquito: The Mosquito can not mimic the
monarchical privileges of Bugs.

-Cockroach (Ckr): 1x
Movement: It moves around the hive like an Ant in a peculiar way:

1. When beginning to move, you must declare a color (player color) of

one of the Bugs that are adjacent to the Cockroach.
2. The Cockroach can move as an Ant while in contact with that
declared color while it is moving.
3. If in the next Bug for which the Cockroach will have to move there
is no Bug of the declared color, it will be able to move 1 space around
the hive towards that Bug and finish its movement.

The Cockroach can pass through gates.

-Franz Kafka (Fzk): 1x (Stephen Taylor-Butterfly)
Movement: It moves just like one of the Bugs interacted by
your opponent in his last turn.

Special Ability: It can remove an adjacent enemy queen or king

other than Queen Bee or Queen Wasp from the game to your
enemy's Bug bank, only if your last bet was unsuccessful.

-When an enemy king or queen is removed from the game, they can
not be placed in 3 turns again.

General Notes and Clarification:

-The king or queen removed from the game must be reintroduced to
the game directly, the Bugs on the back of the game can not be
placed first.

Interaction whit the Mosquito: The mosquito can mimic both its
movement and its special ability.

-Leaf Insect (Lfi): 1x

Movement: The Leaf Insect moves 1 space around the hive.

Special Ability: The Leaf Insect can swap places with a king
or queen regardless of distance, only if the hive does not break.

-When using your special ability, you will not be able to use it again
for 3 turns.

Interaction whit the Mosquito: The Mosquito can mimic its special
-Atheist Mantis (Atm): 1x (Randall Ingersoll-
Movement: The Atheist Mantis moves 1 or 2 spaces around the hive,
then it can use its special ability.

Special Ability: It can be removed from the game whit a

Bug adjacent.

-The removed enemy Bugs can not be placed in 3 turns.
-Your removed Bugs can be placed without waiting for
additional turns.

General Notes and Clarification:

-It can remove from the game any queens or kings.
-It can not remove Bugs that are made up of more than one piece
-When a player has no king or queen in the field, he can not move
his Bugs.

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