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Ejercicio de conversación 2.

Con un compañero, hable sobre estas preguntas: With a partner, talk about these

1. ¿Dónde pueden los profesionales del derecho obtener información sobre los
casos? 1. Where can legal professionals get information about cases?
Information can be found in the files, in the jurisprudence, in the custom, in the law
and in the facts themselves.
2. ¿Por qué los profesionales del derecho necesitan buenas habilidades de
investigación? 2. Why do legal professionals need good research skills?
Because they must have everything clear to be able to solve the case. In addition
(adishion), the problems are not always the same and legal professionals must have
the skills to investigate everything.
3. ¿Cómo se crean las leyes en su país? ¿Crees que ese sistema funciona bien? 3.
How are laws created in your country? Do you think that system works well?
I'll say it in steps:
- Legislative initiative leigis leitiv inishiativ
- Studies in commissions
- Opinion of commissions
- autograph
- Approval
- Enact
- Publication in the Peruvian newspaper
I believe that it works well because it is a somewhat democratic process that allows
deciding whether it is appropriate or not, among all the parliamentarians.
4. ¿Cuáles son algunas de las cosas de las que los abogados y los clientes pueden
hablar cuando se encuentran por primera vez? 4. What are some things attorneys and
clients might talk about when they first meet?
They can talk about what happened, what they are looking for and after reaching a
deal find the best way to solve the conflict.
Para responder / PLANTILLAS
1.- Yo pienso que la información debe de estar al alcance del abogado y si el cliente
la proporciona mucho mejor. I think that the information should be available
(aveylabl), to the lawyer and if the client provides it much better.
2.- Pienso que es fundamental para tener pleno dominio del tema a tratar. /I think it
is essential to have full mastery of the subject to be treated.
3.- Bueno segun lo que investigue / Well according to what I investigate  3.
4.- Pienso que es lo más normal, porque todos los clientes buscan dar solucion a sus
problemas. / I think it is the most normal, because all clients seek to solve their
Me parece una respuesta logica, ya que es lo que la mayoria piensa. / It seems to me
a logical answer, since (sins) it is what the majority thinks.

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