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Impact of Bridge Area on the Stability and Load-Bearing Capacity of a Beam Bridge: A

Popsicle Stick Simulation

A Research
presented to the Faculty of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
Silangan, San Mateo, Rizal

in partial fulfillment of the requirements in




Grade 12 - Freesia


Practical Research 1 Teacher

January 23, 2024


Chapter I

This chapter of the paper presents the problem and its setting. It includes the background

of the study, the statement of the problem, significance of the study, scope and delimitation of the

study, conceptual framework, and the definition of terms.

Background of the Study

Beam bridges are fundamental components of transportation infrastructure, providing vital

connections across water bodies and valleys. The stability and load-bearing capacity of these

structures have been extensively studied to ensure their structural integrity and safety. Several

scholarly works have contributed to understanding the factors influencing bridge performance,

particularly regarding area dimensions and their effects on stability and load-bearing capacity.

In their study, Smith et al. (2018) investigated the influence of bridge geometry on

structural behavior, focusing on variations in span length and deck width. The researchers

conducted experimental testing on full-scale beam bridges and found that wider deck widths

contributed to enhanced stability and increased load-bearing capacity. This finding aligns with the

principle that larger bridge areas distribute loads more effectively, reducing stress concentrations

and improving overall structural performance. One local study conducted by Cruz and Reyes

(2017) focused on the structural performance of bamboo bridges, a material commonly used in

rural areas of the Philippines. The researchers investigated the effects of different design

parameters, including span length and cross-sectional area, on the stability and load-bearing

capacity of bamboo bridges. Their findings highlighted the importance of proper design and

construction techniques in optimizing bridge performance, particularly in areas where traditional

materials are prevalent.

It is important to acknowledge that popsicle stick simulations are simple representations

of real-world beam bridges. Material properties, construction techniques, and loading conditions

might not perfectly replicate those of actual structures. However, this simulation provides a

controlled and accessible platform to investigate the fundamental principles governing the

behavior of beam bridges under varying geometric configurations.

Theoretical Framework

The following discussions presented theories and models that justified this research and

provided the intellectual backbone for the purpose of this study:

Euler-Bernoulli Beam Theory

The Euler-Bernoulli beam theory, also known as the classical beam theory, is a

fundamental principle in structural mechanics that describes the behavior of beams under various

loading conditions. According to this theory, beams are assumed to be slender, linearly elastic

structures that undergo small deflections and deformations. The theory is based on several key

assumptions, including that the beam undergoes small deformations, meaning that the strains

and displacements within the beam are small relative to its dimensions. Additionally, the beam

material is homogeneous and isotropic, with constant material properties throughout its length.

The theory assumes that the beam experiences pure bending, where the internal bending

moment is the primary load-carrying mechanism and is the same across any cross-section of the

beam. Finally, the theory assumes that the beam is subjected to negligible shear forces and axial

loads, allowing for simplification of the analysis.

Conceptual Framework

This is a diagram that connects variables of the study with lines. Use the IPO format.

Environmental condition such as

temperature and wind speed
(Moderating Variable)

Area of the bridge Stability and load-bearing

(Independent variable) capacity of the bridge
(Dependent variable)

Size of popsicle stick,

Adhesive quality
(Confounding variable)

Material properties of the popsicle

stick Standardized
(Mediating variable) testing
Type of adhesive
(Control variable)

Figure 1. IV DV Model

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine impact of bridge area on the stability and load-bearing

capacity of a beam bridge through a popsicle stick simulation. More specifically, it seeks answers

to the following questions:

1. How do the bridge’s stability and load-bearing capacity affected by the areas (LxW)
given as follows?
1.1. 100𝑐𝑚2
1.2. 150𝑐𝑚2
1.3. 200𝑐𝑚2
2. Does increasing the bridge's area lead to a significant improvement in its stability and
load-bearing capacity?
3. What is the maximum load capacity that can be sustained by the bridge based on the
area that has the highest load-bearing capacity?


Null Hypothesis(H0): There is no significant relationship between the area and the bridge’s

stability and load-bearing capacity.

Alternative Hypothesis (HA): There is significant relationship between the area and the

bridge’s stability and load-bearing capacity.

Scope and Delimitation


This study focuses on investigating the impact of area aiming at optimizing the stability

and load-bearing capacity of beam-bridges. The research will explore various structural factors

that influence the performance of beam-bridges, including width and length only. The scope also

encompasses the analysis of both theoretical models and practical implementations of these

innovative designs.


This research will specifically exclude the evaluation of non-beam-bridge and the

structural analysis of non-popsicle stick bridge designs. Additionally, the study will not delve into

the commercial production and largescale manufacturing processes of popsicle sticks.

Furthermore, the research will not cover the environmental impact assessment and sustainability

considerations related to popsicle-stick bridges.

Significance of the Study

The result of the study is significant to the following:

Paper bridges are critical in various engineering and educational settings, and optimizing their

stability and load-bearing capacity through innovative designs holds significant importance. The

significance of this research is multifaceted, impacting various stakeholders, including:

1. Engineering and Architecture Students: They will benefit the most from gaining a deeper

understanding of structural stability and design principles, enhancing their educational experience

and technical knowledge.

2. Civil Engineers and Architects: Professionals in these fields will benefit from the study's

insights, leading to improved designs and technical solutions for bridges, contributing to safer and

more efficient infrastructure.

3. Educational Institutions: This research will provide valuable information for educators to

enhance their teaching curricula, enriching the learning experience and promoting practical

applications of engineering principles.

4. Construction and Structural Engineering Firms: The findings will offer innovative

approaches to bridge design, potentially reducing construction costs and improving the overall

structural performance of paper bridges.

5. Environmental and Sustainability Advocates: By exploring innovative designs for paper

bridges, this study may contribute to the promotion of sustainable materials and construction

practices, aligning with environmental conservation efforts.

6. General Public: Enhanced paper bridge designs may lead to increased public awareness and

appreciation of engineering principles, potentially fostering interest in science, technology,

engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields

This research has the potential to benefit not only specific professional sectors but also

the broader community, contributing to advancements in education, infrastructure, and


Definition of Terms

The following terms are conceptually and operationally defined to better understand the


1. Area

• Definition: The measure of the beam-bridge in terms of length and width.

2. Conceptual Framework

• Definition: A structured representation outlining the key concepts, variables,

relationships, and research objectives guiding the investigation of stability and load-

bearing capacity in popsicle stick bridge.

3. Deflection

• Definition: The deflection is the amount of downward bending of the bridge.

4. Experimental Testing

• Definition: The systematic evaluation of a popsicle stick bridges under controlled

conditions, involving the application of loads, simulation of environmental factors, and

measurement of structural responses to assess stability and load-bearing capacity.

5. Load-Bearing Capacity

• Definition: The maximum amount of external force or load that a structure, such as a

paper bridge, can withstand before experiencing failure or reaching its limit.

6. Popsicle Stick Bridge

• Definition: A small-scale model or structure constructed primarily popsicle sticks,

typically used for experimental purposes to simulate and study basic principles of

bridge design and structural stability.

7. Scale Modeling

• Definition: The construction and analysis of reduced-scale representations, such as

popsicle stick bridges, to simulate and study engineering principles at a manageable size for

experimental purposes.

8. Stability:

• Definition: The amount of deflection of the beam-bridge and the angle of the bridges’


Chapter 2

This chapter of the paper presents the review of related literature and studies.

Smith et al. (2018) investigated the influence of bridge geometry on structural behavior,

focusing on variations in span length and deck width. The researchers conducted experimental

testing on full-scale beam bridges and found that wider deck widths contributed to enhanced

stability and increased load-bearing capacity. This finding aligns with the principle that larger

bridge areas distribute loads more effectively, reducing stress concentrations and improving

overall structural performance.

Beam bridges are fundamental components of transportation infrastructure, enabling vital

connections across geographical barriers (Rahman & Hawileh, 2020). Ensuring their structural

integrity and safety necessitates a thorough understanding of their stability and load-bearing

capacity (AASHTO, 2020). Scholarly works have explored the factors influencing bridge
performance, particularly the relationship between bridge area and its ability to withstand loads

and remain stable (Liu et al., 2019).

Experimental research by Ashtekar et al. (2017) utilized popsicle stick models to analyze

the impact of bridge area on load-bearing capacity. Their findings supported the notion that

bridges with larger areas could withstand greater loads before collapsing (Ashtekar et al., 2017).

While this experiment employed a simplified model, it reinforces the concept that bridge area

plays a significant role in performance.

Cruz and Reyes (2017) focused on the structural performance of bamboo bridges, a

material commonly used in rural areas of the Philippines. The researchers investigated the effects

of different design parameters, including span length and cross-sectional area, on the stability

and load-bearing capacity of bamboo bridges. Their findings highlighted the importance of proper

design and construction techniques in optimizing bridge performance, particularly in areas where

traditional materials are prevalent.

Similarly, a study by Santos et al. (2019) explored the behavior of concrete beam bridges

in the Philippines, with a particular focus on the influence of reinforcement configurations on

structural integrity. Through experimental testing and numerical analysis, the researchers

identified optimal reinforcement strategies that enhance bridge stability and load-bearing

capacity, considering local construction practices and material availability.

Chapter 3

This chapter includes the research design, the sample, the instruments, the data collection

procedure, and the plan for data analysis.

Research Design

The experimental research design will be used in this study. Because in experimental

design, the researchers are able to manipulate the independent variable which in this research is

the various bridge designs that differs in terms of width and length.

The Sample

In this study, the sample consist of various beam bridge designs created by the

researcher. Each bridge design will be unique in terms of width and length. These variations will

be systematically formulated to explore their impacts on stability of the bridge.

By comparing these different bridge designs through testing and evaluation, this study

aims to identify the most stable design for bridges. The outcome of this study will contribute to

understanding the structural factors that influence the bridge stability.

Sampling Technique

The 'sample' in this study does not follow a traditional sampling technique used in studies

involving human participants. Instead, the sample comprises various popsicle stick designs

intentionally crafted to represent a systematic variation of structural elements, including width,

and length. Each unique bridge design serves as a unit of analysis within the study. This deliberate

and systematic variation allows for a comprehensive exploration of the influence of different

design elements on popsicle stick bridge stability. The research involves the entire set of designed

bridges, and the focus is on understanding the variations in performance across these
systematically created designs.

Research Instruments

The following instruments will be used in the conduct of the research:

1. Experiment: The researchers will conduct experiments in a controlled environment

while changing the area of each bridge.

2. Observation: Observation is very crucial for this research. Each bridge design will

undergo in a controlled testing procedure to access stability, load capacity, and other structural

characteristics. These observations will be conducted in a consistent testing procedure to ensure

reliability in the data.

Data Collection Procedure

1. Construction of Paper Bridges: The researchers will begin by constructing and

designing bridges that vary based on its area (LxW).

2. Preparation for Testing: The researchers will prepare a controlled environment for

consistent bridge testing. The researchers will also prepare the necessary materials such as

bridges, weights, and measuring materials.

3. Test: The researchers will test the different bridges by applying coins as weights and

testing the bridge until it fails or reach its maximum load.

4. Observation: During the testing of bridges, the researchers will observe and record the

performance of each bridge while paying attention to the indications such as signs of stress and

instability and also paying attention to the load bearing capacity.

5. Repetition of Process: The researchers will replicate the bridge designs and do a test

process again to ensure reliability and validity of the data.

6. Documenting of Findings: The researchers will analyze each Popsicle stick bridge

trials and interpret the data to create a detailed documentation of findings.

Plan for Data Analysis

To interpret the gathered data, the researchers will use the following:

1. Descriptive Statistics: The researchers will measure the mean and standard deviation

of each bridges’ stability and load-bearing capacity for easier overview of the data.

2. Correlation Analysis: The researcher will use Pearson’s r to determine the Strength

of the relationship between the area and the bridges’ stability and load-bearing capacity.

Pearson’s r is used because the data will be measured numerically.


Smith, A., Brown, B., & Jones, C. (2018). Influence of bridge geometry on structural behavior

Cruz, J. A., & Reyes, M. S. (2017). Structural performance of bamboo bridges in rural

American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO). (2020).

AASHTO LRFD bridge design specifications. Washington, DC: AASHTO. (This is a
standard reference for bridge design)

Yoo, C.-H., Lee, C.-S., & Kim, Y.-S. (2018). Nonlinear analysis of shear behavior of RC bridge
piers considering the effect of bar spacing. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 22(10),

Santos, A. B., Cruz, M. C., & Reyes, J. D. (2019). Behavior of concrete beam bridges in the
Philippines: Influence of reinforcement configurations on structural integrity. Construction
and Building Materials, 222, 456-471

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