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11/03/2024 08:54 Running WebVue as Java Web Start Application

[KB813] Running WebVue as Java Web
Start Application
Applies to:
PcVue 9.0 SP3, 10.0 SP1 Update, 10.0 SP2 Update, 11.0 Update, 11.1 Update and later

The major web-browser vendors have announced discontinued support for NPAPI-
plugins such as the Java Runtime plugin. This means that an alternative method of
running a web-browser independent version of the WebVue thin-client may be required.
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11/03/2024 08:54 Running WebVue as Java Web Start Application

WebVue is a Rich-Internet-Application (RIA) that is developed and deployed in the form
of a Java applet. Java applets are well-known for their capacity to be included and
executed in a web-browser context.
Sometimes it can be desirable to deploy the WebVue thin-client application as a one-
click application instead of a web-browser based component. These cases can be due to
deployment considerations as well as other pragmatic reasons.
As the major web-browser vendors, including Google and Mozilla, have announced
discontinued support for NPAPI-plugins, such as the Java Runtime plugin, the number of
cases in which a web-browser independent version of the WebVue thin-client is
requested are rapidly growing. The Java Web Start technology allows distribution of Java
applications and Java applets, like WebVue, as a downloadable one-click-application with
no further installation procedure required. Both are achieved by using the Java Network
Launching Protocol (JNLP).
The attached document describes how to set up the environment for deploying the
WebVue applet as a Java Web Start component via JNLP. The contents is a more in depth
version of what is found in the help from 11.2 onwards.

Download attachments
: PcVue_Documentation_111___Running_WebVue_as_Java_Web_Start_Application_20c.pdf

© ARC Informatique. All rights reserved. Created : 17 12 2015 2/2

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