Gen Ed 008

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Group 4 Members:
Formentera, Livee Fheraine O.
Geneston, Joshua P.
Pelicano, Niccalynn M.

Lumbab, Julie Ann S.




 Interview different people about human flourishing
 Differentiate western and eastern philosophy
 About human flourishing
 Cite the importance of human flourishing

“All the world’s a stage. And all the men and women merely players; They have their
exits and entrances, and one man in his time plays many parts…” -William


Every living creature is meant to become what it is meant to be. The caterpillar is
meant to become a beautiful butterfly; a small seed into a full-grown herb, bush or tree;
and a human baby into a mature person. The person “who is fully alive, the glory of god”
in the words of St. Iranaeus.
As we grow and develop, there are different factors that affect us. There are
different questions that need to be answered and there are steps and actions that
needed to be undertaken. Flourishing is the highest good of human attempt to achieve
his/her goal. It is a success as a human being when he/she achieved it for the
betterment of his/her life. The best life is one of excellent human activity. “eudaimonia”,
literally “good/spirited” is a term connected to renowned Greek Philosopher Aristotle
(385-323 B.C.) to describe the peak of human’s happiness that can be attained. The big
question is “how?”. How will you achieve your flourishing?
Aristotle’s human flourishing arises as a product of different factors such as
phronesis, friendship, wealth, and power. The Ancient Greek society believed that for
the people to achieve the true meaning of happiness these qualities should be acquired,
which inn effect allow them to join in the greater notion of what we call GOOD.
For Aristotle, the good is what is good for purposeful and goal-directed entities.
He defines the good proper to human beings as the activities in which the life functions
specific to human beings are most fully realized. For Aristotle, the good of each species
is finality existing to that species. A person’s nature as a human being provides him with
guidance with respect to how he should live his life. A fundamental fact of human nature
is the existence of individual human beings each with his own rational mind and free
will. The highest or most general good to which all individuals should aim is to live most
fully a life that is proper to man. The proper function of every person is to live happily,
successfully, and well. This is done through the active exercise of a person’s distinctive
capacity, rationality, as he/she engages in activities to the degree appropriate to the
person in the context of his/her own identity as a human being.
One’s own life is the only life that a person must live. It follows that, for Aristotle,
the “good” is what is objectively good for a person. Aristotle’s eudaimonia is formally
egoistic in that a person’s normative reason for choosing actions stems from the idea
that he/she must pursue his/her own good or flourishing. Because self-interest is
flourishing, the good in human conduct is connected to the self-interest of the acting
person. Good means “good for” the individual moral agent. Egoism is an integral part of
Aristotle’s ethics.
In his ethical writings, Aristotle endorses egoism, rationality, and the value of life.
He insisted that the key idea in ethics is human individual’s own personal happiness
and well-being. Each person is responsible for his/her own character. According to
Aristotle, each person has a natural obligation to achieve, become, and make
something of himself/herself by pursuing his/her true ends and goals in life. Each
person should be concerned with the “best that is within him/her” and with most
accomplished and self-sufficient success and excellence.
People found means to live more comfortably, explore more places, develop
more products, and make more money, and then the cycle is just repeating to suffice
their happiness. In the beginning, early people relied on animals for their transportation;
they relied on stones and spears to hunt food; they used skin of animals to protect their
skin and used it as clothes; they used stones to make fire and lastly; they just lived in a
cave as their shelter. As time went by, there was a big change in the way the people
lived before and the way the people live today. Development allowed them to make
grander and more sophisticated machines to aid them in their endeavors that eventually
led to space explorations, medicines innovations and ventures of life after death. Our
concept of human flourishing today proves to be different from what Aristotle originally
perceived. Human of today are expected to become a “man of the world”. The person
today is supposed to build himself/herself in a global neighborhood, working side by
side among institutions and different governments to be able to reach common goal.
Competition as a means of survival has become outdated; Cooperation and
coordination among individuals are the new trend.

Western Philosophy and Eastern Philosophy

There is a difference between eastern and western ideas regarding society and
human flourishing. The Western Society where Aristotle is included tends to be more
focused on the individual, while those from the East are more community-centric.
Individual flourishing as an end then is primarily more of a concern foe western
civilization. Eastern civilization puts the community above the individual. Community is
given the highest regard and that the individual should sacrifice himself for the sake of
the society.

In simple terms, human flourishing means living your best life. It's about being
happy, healthy, and successful while also growing and reaching your full potential as a
 Eastern Philosophy: Prioritizes community well-being, harmony, and collective
 Western Philosophy: Emphasizes individual rights, personal happiness, and the
pursuit of personal excellence.
In simple terms, human flourishing is important because it means living your best
life. It's about being happy, successful, and fulfilled while also growing and reaching
your full potential as a person. It's not just about personal happiness but also about
making a positive impact on the world around you and contributing to the well-being
of others. Essentially, it's about living a meaningful and fulfilling life.

The importance of human flourishing lies in its profound impact on individual well-being,
societal progress, and the overall quality of life. Here are some key points highlighting
its significance:
1. Personal Fulfillment and Happiness: Human flourishing enables individuals to
experience a sense of fulfillment, satisfaction, and happiness in their lives. It
allows people to realize their potential, pursue their passions, and lead
meaningful and purposeful lives.

2. Health and Well-being: Achieving human flourishing is closely linked to physical,

mental, and emotional well-being. It promotes healthy lifestyles, positive mental
health, and resilience in coping with life's challenges, ultimately leading to a
higher quality of life.

3. Social Connections and Relationships: Flourishing individuals tend to cultivate

strong and meaningful relationships with others. This fosters a sense of
belonging, support, and connection within communities, contributing to overall
social cohesion and well-being.

4. Personal Growth and Development: Human flourishing encourages continuous

learning, growth, and self-improvement. It motivates individuals to set and pursue
goals, overcome obstacles, and strive for excellence in various aspects of life.

5. Contribution to Society: Flourishing individuals often contribute positively to their

communities and society at large. They may engage in altruistic actions,
volunteer work, or initiatives that promote social justice, environmental
sustainability, and the common good.

6. Economic and Societal Progress: Societies with a high prevalence of human

flourishing tend to be more prosperous, innovative, and resilient. Flourishing
individuals are more likely to be productive, creative, and entrepreneurial, driving
economic growth and societal progress.

7. Resilience and Adaptability: Flourishing individuals are better equipped to

navigate and adapt to life's challenges and uncertainties. They possess the
resilience, optimism, and coping strategies needed to thrive in changing
circumstances and bounce back from setbacks.

8. Cultural and Moral Advancement: Human flourishing is often associated with the
cultivation of virtues such as compassion, integrity, and empathy. It contributes to
the moral and ethical advancement of societies, fostering a culture of kindness,
fairness, and social responsibility.

In summary, human flourishing is essential for promoting individual well-being, fostering

healthy communities, driving societal progress, and advancing human civilization as a
whole. By prioritizing human flourishing, individuals and societies can strive towards a
more fulfilling, harmonious, and prosperous future.

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