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Amer Hussain Al Shafie


1- What is a Lincoln-Douglas debate?

Answer 1/ The Lincoln – Douglas debate is a type of debate format used in
high school and college debate competitions. It is named after the famous
debates between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas during their 1858
campaign for the United States Senate.

2- Who were the debaters?

Answer 2/ Ali Dettelbach – from Hawken school
Dev Parekh – from the university school that are debating for the

3- What was the debate about?

Answer 3/ It was about Predictive policing is unjust, which means both
debaters must evaluate current political and social issues through a value
based lens.

4- What are classic philosophical arguments?

Answer 4/ In philosophy and logic, an argument is a series of statements
typically used to persuade someone of something or to present reasons for
accepting a conclusion. Like examples:-
A/ The ontological argument for the existence of God, which argues that the
very concept of God implies his existence.
B/ The argument from design, which suggest that the complexity and order of
the universe imply a designer.
C/ The argument from analogy, which uses similarities between two things to
argue that they are similar in other ways as well.
5- How does a person win a Lincoln-Douglas debate?
Answer 5/ In a Lincoln-Douglas debate, the winner is typically determined by
the judges based on several factors, including:
A/ Clarity and persuasiveness of arguments.
The debater who presents clear, well-reasoned arguments that are
persuasive to judge is more likely to win.
B/ Organization and coherence.
The debater who can structure their arguments in a logical, coherent manner
is more likely to win.
C/ Use of evidence.
The debater who can support their arguments with relevant and convincing
evidence is more likely to win.
D/ Refutation of opponent’s arguments.
The debater who can effectively refute their opponent’s arguments is more
likely to win.
E/ Speaking style and delivery.
The debater who speaks confidently, articulately, and persuasively is more
likely to win.

In summary/
The winner is ( Ali Dettelbach ).
Both of them did great job, but Ali was very convincing by using evidence, and
algorithms that led to the logical analysis of other the other debater, until the
other debater did not answer all the questions clearly and accurately to the
point of convincing only some of them. Questions like:-
- Would the word just implies a timeless evaluation, a value judgment about
whether or not a tool is intrinsically unjust in and of itself?
- Why we can’t we have for instance, measures that would require a private
company to publish their algorithm?

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