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Moving Forward As One SENDAI

Tsunami Defense and Inclusion in Disaster Risk Reduction

Shinichi Takahashi
Vice Mayor of the City of Sendai
Special Event – World Tsunami Awareness Day
04 July 2018, 14:30 – 16:00

The Great East Japan Earthquake (2011)

Date and Time March 11, 2011, 2:46 p.m. Total Casualties 19,416

Size In Sendai City 904

Magnitude 9.0

Tsunami 7.2m in Sendai Port Cause of death: over 95 %

were due to the tsunami

Tsunami Levels

Source: Japan Meteorological Agency Enormous tsunami engulfing the coastal areas of Sendai

Problems and Risks for Vulnerable People
Number of Casualties of People with Disabilities

Total Number of Casualties in Sendai City

Rate of Death
Sendai Citizens Risk raised by
809 (904) 0.07%
(Including Temporary Visitors) 1.7 times
People with Disabilities 53 0.12%
Total Population as of March 31, 2011 1,042,053 (people with disabilities: 42,788)

Identified Issues
People with Elderly International
Women Children
Disabilities People Communities

➢ Difficulty in confirming state of damage and safety

➢ Provide goods which respond to individuals’ needs
➢ Secure their safety and rights at evacuation centers

Importance of Inclusion in Disaster Risk Reduction

Sendai City Disaster Prevention Plan
Basic Concept
Promoting disaster risk reduction by utilizing “the collective strength of citizens”
-Comprehensive disaster measures incorporating the idea of “self-help,”
“mutual aid,” and “public assistance” with the “strength of citizens and the

① Disaster mitigation which ② Give consideration to ③Adapt an Idea of gender

Basic Policy

prioritizes saving lives. people requiring assistance. equality.

④ Ensure urban function at the time ⑤ Efficient use of human ⑥ Disaster risk reduction measures
of a disaster. resources and adequate which are tailored to the scale of
attitude for receiving assistance. disasters.

1 Preparation for a Tsunami


2 Operation of Evacuation Centers

3 Response for People Requiring Assistance During a Disaster
4 Countermeasures for Stranded Commuters Issues
5 Stockpile Emergency Supply and Distribute Goods
6 Disaster Risk Reduction Education
Basic Concept for Preventing Tsunami Damage

Multiple Defenses Evacuation Relocation

■Minimize tsunami damage by ◆Secure evacuation facilities ■Relocate to safe inland
elevating prefectural roads areas
Disaster mitigation through multiple Focus on evacuating, including Comprehensive disaster
defenses to such as the reconstruction of moving to high ground, evacuation prevention measures: collective
tide embankments, regrowth of disaster facilities, and evacuation roads. relocation to safe inland areas.
prevention forests and elevation of roads.

Better Information Dissemination to Residents During Disasters

Tsunami information
communication system

Information broadcast

Simultaneous Broad-cast
Emergency early warning
J-Alert Twitter tweets from the crisis

management department

Mori no Miyako disaster

preparedness e-mail
Meteorological Evacuation information website
Support Center
Sendai City website

Direct Entry

・ A disaster information broadcast system was built,

information broadcasting tools are centrally controlled to enable the quick, accurate
broadcasting of information.
Tsunami Evacuation Facilities
○Tsunami Evacuation Tower
・Structure: Steel Construction (two-story)
・Total floor space:398㎡
・Capacity:Approx. 300 people
・Height from the ground - Floor of indoor evacuation space: 6.6m, Floor of rooftop evacuation space: 9.9m
・Countermeasures against tsunamis:Taking into consideration liquefaction and the size of tsunami waves, 26.4 m
pile foundations were used in its construction. It is a solid structure said to withstand the impact of tsunami debris.
○Specs of Tsunami Evacuation Towers
Secure Electricity in Times of Night
・Install an electric pole with solar panel on
the rooftop
・Stockpile LED projection lights and an
electric generator with gas cartridge

Assist Evacuees Who Use Wheelchairs

・Facilitate an evacuation ramp for

Secure Means of Communication Measures Against Cold and Wind

・Install administrative use disaster ・Secure indoor evacuation space
wireless equipment ・Prepare blankets and gas-cartridge heaters

Formulation of the Sendai City Evacuation Assistance Plan
for People Requiring Assistance During a Disaster
Self-help Mutual Aid
for people requiring assistance between residents in same community
・Secure a means for obtaining information and stockpiling ・Safety confirmation and distribution of daily goods
emergency supplies ・Give consideration at evacuation centers
・Build relationships with neighbors

+ Build a Trusting
Evacuation Assistance Secure Supporters
Relationship Obtain Important
-Establish a System- Evacuation
Public Assistance
・Provide or obtain information about people requiring assistance
・Hold disaster prevention drills with the participation of people requiring assistance

Measures Based on Lessons Learned from the Great East Japan Earthquake

Establish a Support System in Each Community

○Help establish an evacuation support system by obtaining information related to
people requiring assistance and give the information to community groups.

Care Offered at Evacuation Centers

○The care needed should be offered to the maximum extent possible, including
assurance of a good environment and a preferential supply of food.

○Stockpile items which give consideration to women, the elderly,

or small children, such as private tents, diapers, and sanitary goods.

Equip Welfare Evacuation Centers

○In cooperation with nursing care businesses, we increased the number of
welfare evacuation centers and accommodate to more people requiring assistance.

Provide Support to People Requiring Assistance

○In cases where the suspension period of essential utilities and logistics grows longer, we conduct regular safety confirmation
and provide goods to people requiring assistance who are not able to evacuate from their homes.

Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction by Citizens
Women and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) International Communities and DRR

Children and DRR People with Disabilities and DRR


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