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Task2 大作文 (要求:250 字 40 分钟)


1. Discussion (双边讨论)
2.Opinion (观点类)
3. Problem and solution(问题及解决措施)
4. Two-part question(多个问题)

二.四种题型的写作框架及逻辑(按照 2-5-5-1 的句式分布)

题型一 Discussion(双边讨论题型)
e.g:(1) Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

(2)Do you think the advantage outweigh the disadvantage?

(3)Is it a positive or negative trend?


e.g: It's true that... and I would argue that/ 1 believe that
People have different views about... In my view/opinion ,...

(2)主体段 1:阐述对立观点产生的原因以及优点,给予肯定(让步)

e.g:There are two main reasons why it could be argued that..

On the one hand, it can be argued that..

(3) 主体段 2:阐述自己同意的那个观点及原因

e.g:However, I agree with those who believe that..

On the other hand, ...


e.g: In conclusion, it seems to me that...

题型二 Opinion(观点类题型-单边讨论)
e.g(1) To what extent do you agree or disagree?
1.完全同意 2.完全不同意 3.平衡两边观点 4.部分同意

(1)首段:改写题目,表达自己完全同意(e.g l completely agree..)
(2)主体段 1:解释你支持的原因一
(3)主体段 2:解释你支持的原因二


(1)首段:改写题目,表达自己完全不同意(e.glcompletely disagree..)
(2)主体段 1:表达自己的观点
(3)主体段 2:解释为什么认为观点是错误的原因


(2)主体段 1:表达自己支持某一边的观点
(3)主体段 2:表达为什么也支持另一边的理由


e.g: While I agree that.., I believe that..
(2)主体段 1:解释为什么支持这个观点
(3)主体段 2:解释为什么也支持部分对立的观点
题型三 Problem and solution(问题及解决措施)
e.g (1) Why is this case?
(2)Explainthe main causes/what is the causes of.., suggest some possible
solutions/ How can we solve the problem?

(1) 首段:改写题目,给出一般性答案
e.g: It is undeniable that +问题.There are several causes of this 问题, but measures
could certainly be taken to solve the problem.
(2)主体段 1:谈论问题
e.g:The main problem is that...Another issue is that.
Furthermore,... As a result...
(3)主体段 2:阐述解决措施
e.g: However there are various steps could take to tackle these problem.
Firstly,... Secondly,... A third option..
e.g:In conclusion,...could certainly implement a range of measures to.

题型四 Two-part questions(复合型题型)

e.g (1) What do you think?
(2)What qualities do you think a successful journalist should have?

(1) 首段:根据题目描述现状,提出自己的观点
(2)主体段 1:对第一个问题进行回答,提出论据支持
(3) 主体段 2: 对第二个问题进行回答,并进行适当扩充(4)总结段:重申核心观点

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