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Project at a glance

Name & Address of Unit



Activity : Soap Manufacturing

Email :

Phone : 6296325414

Constitution : Proprietorship

Scheme : sme

Number of employment : 5

Total project cost : 75,00,000.00

Fixed Capital : 0.00

Working Capital : 75,00,000.00

Total Bank loan : 60,00,000.00

Promoter(s) contribution : 15,00,000.00

Working capital loan : 60,00,000.00 Interest : 11.00 %

Name & address of promoter(s)

Name : asd

Address : asd

Phone : 6296325414

Designation : Founder

Category : General

E-mail :
Project Feasibility Ratio

Debt Service Coverage Ratio (Average) : 0.00

Current ratio (Average) : 1.73

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

Current ratio xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 1.75 xx.xx

Quick ratio xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 1.00 xx.xx

Interest coverage ratio xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 1.60 xx.xx

Debt equity ratio xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 0.98 xx.xx

TOL/TNW xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 1.31 xx.xx

DSCR xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 0.00 xx.xx

Gross profit Sales Percentage % xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 67.74 % xx.xx

Net profit Sales Percentage % xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 20.92 % xx.xx

BEP in % of installed capacity % xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 0.00 % xx.xx

BEP in sales of Rupees xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 0 xx.xx

Return On Capital Employed xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 0.06 xx.xx

Net profit Sales % Quick ratio

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Project Feasibility graph
Revenue v/s Expense

Expense Splitup

Project report for soap manufacturing is as follows:Toilet soaps became a part of our daily life, not only
because of its cleaning properties but also due to its cosmetic aspects. The necessary raw materials are
needed to be of high purity and the finished product should have the balanced pH as...
Product / Services & process

The products are toilet soaps of differnt frangance and colour. They are ; Sandal, Lemon, Lavendor and
Turmeric. Speciality of the products are they are hand made and glicerin soaps. They have mindglowing
fragrance and attractive packing. Customers will be easily attracted. Soap making process is...
Raw materials / Consumables

Raw material selection is very important in determining the quality and price of a product. If the raw material
quality is low, the products made of them cannot be of superior quality. At the same time, materials with lower
prices to be identified. The raw materials required for the production of...
Plant & Machinery / Equipments

Machinery for toilet soap manufacturing are:Soap Mixer machineReciprocating soap cutting machineFoot
operated stamping machineMould setvessels and dishes
Market potential & Strategy

Most of the Indians take bath daily as are very much concious about the personal cleanliness . Apart from the
aspect of cleaning the body, bath is linked to our culture, traditions and religious cerimonies. Without taking
bath devottees usually donot enter into holy places. Lots of soap brands are...

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Project Cost
Sl. no Item Amount Rs.

1 Working Capital xx.xx

Total xx.xx
Working Capital Computation
Sl. no Item Amount Rs.

1 Consumables / stock in hand xx.xx

2 Work in progress xx.xx

3 Finished goods xx.xx

4 Working expense. xx.xx

5 Receivables/Sundry debtors xx.xx

6 Payables xx.xx

7 Total working capital xx.xx

8 Own Contribution xx.xx

9 Working capital loan xx.xx

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Annual Sales / Revenue
Sales is calculated from March 2024

Sl. no Item Rate Quantity Month Unit Total Rs.

1 Toilet soaps of five fragrance xx.xx xx.xx 15000 xx.xx 1 xx.xx 1,78,125.00

Total xx.xx
Total Yearly Expense
Expense is calculated from March 2024 .

Sl. no Item Amount Rs.

1 Salary xx.xx

2 Repairs and maintenance charges xx.xx

3 Electricity/Gas charges xx.xx

4 Purchase raw materiale xx.xx

5 Transportation cost xx.xx

6 Telephone/Postal &internet charge xx.xx

Total xx.xx
Application of Fund
Sl. no Item Subsidy % No. Rate Amount Rs.

Total Investment xx.xx

Total Subsidy xx.xx

Net Investment xx.xx

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Means of Finance
Sl. no Item Amount

1 Working capital Loan xx.xx

2 Total loan xx.xx

3 Promoters contribution on working capital loan xx.xx

Profitability Statement
All figures are in lakhs
31/03/24 31/03/25 31/03/26 31/03/27 31/03/28

Utilisation of installed capacity xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx @ 75 % xx.xx @ 85 %

Revenue from operation xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx

Toilet soaps of five fragrance xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 16.03 xx.xx 18.16

Add : xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx

Closing stock xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 57.68 xx.xx 63.60

Total xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 73.72 xx.xx 81.77

Less : xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx

Opening stock xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 54.94 xx.xx 60.57

Purchase raw materiale xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 4.50 xx.xx 5.09

Salary xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 2.66 xx.xx 3.22

Repairs and maintenance charges xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 0.45 xx.xx 0.51

Electricity/Gas charges xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 0.18 xx.xx 0.20

Total xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 62.73 xx.xx 69.60

Gross profit xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 10.98 xx.xx 12.16

Less : xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx

Transportation cost xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 0.72 xx.xx 0.82

Telephone/Postal &internet charge xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 0.23 xx.xx 0.26

Total xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 0.95 xx.xx 1.07

Profit before interest, tax and depreciation xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 10.04 xx.xx 11.09

Depreciation xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 0 xx.xx 0

Interest on TL xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 0 xx.xx 0

Interest on WC xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 6.60 xx.xx 6.60

Profit before tax xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 3.44 xx.xx 4.49

Income Tax xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 0.34 xx.xx 0.45

Profit after tax xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 3.09 xx.xx 4.04

Cash flow statement
All figures are in lakhs
Cash Inflow Pre operative period 31/03/24 31/03/25 31/03/26 31/03/27 31/03/28
Capital xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 0 xx.xx 0
Subsidy xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 0 xx.xx 0
Termloan xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 0 xx.xx 0
Profit before tax with interest xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 10.04 xx.xx 11.09
Increase in WC loan xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 0 xx.xx 0
Depreciation xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 0 xx.xx 0
Increase in Current liability xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 0.92 xx.xx 1.00
Total Cash Inflow xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 10.95 xx.xx 12.10

Cash Outflow
Fixed Assets xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 0 xx.xx 0
Increase in Current asset xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 3.93 xx.xx 4.34
Interest on TL xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 0 xx.xx 0
Interest on WC xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 6.60 xx.xx 6.60
Income Tax xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 0.34 xx.xx 0.45
Decrease in Term loan xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 0 xx.xx 0
Drawing xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 0 xx.xx 0
Total Cash Outflow xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 10.88 xx.xx 11.39
Opening balance xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 53.77 xx.xx 54.25
Net Cashflow xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 0.075 xx.xx 0.71
Closing balance xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 53.84 xx.xx 54.96
Balance sheet
All figures are in lakhs
Liability Pre operative period As of 31/03/24 31/03/25 31/03/26 31/03/27 31/03/28

A. Share holders funds xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx

Capital xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 15.00 xx.xx 15.00

Reserve & Surplus xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 42.30 xx.xx 49.92

B.Non current Liabilities xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx

Termloan xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 0 xx.xx 0

C.Current Liabilities xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx

Working capital loan xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 60.00 xx.xx 60.00

Account payable xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 19.22 xx.xx 21.20

Total Liability 0 129.04 132.52 136.53 141.07 146.12

Asset xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx

A. Non current Assets xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx

Fixed Assets xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 0 xx.xx 0

B. Current Assets xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx

Inventory xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 57.68 xx.xx 63.60

Trade receivables xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 24.99 xx.xx 27.56

Cash and cash equivalence xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 53.84 xx.xx 54.96

Total Asset 0 129.04 132.52 136.53 141.07 146.12

Debt Service Coverage Ratio
All figures are in lakhs
Particulars 31/03/24 31/03/25 31/03/26 31/03/27 31/03/28


a).Net Profit xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 3.57 xx.xx

b).Depreciation xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 0 xx.xx

c).Interest on termloan xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 0 xx.xx

Total xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 3.57 xx.xx


a).Loan Principal xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 0 xx.xx

b).Interest on termloan xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 0 xx.xx

Total xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 0 xx.xx

DSCR xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 0.00 xx.xx

Average DSCR : 0.00

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All figures are in lakhs
Particulars Rate 31/03/24 31/03/25 31/03/26 31/03/27 31/03/28

Total less depreciation xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 0 xx.xx 0

Total written down value xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 0 xx.xx 0

The entire projection is based on the assumption that the sales for 5 years will be

All figures are in lakhs

31/03/24 31/03/25 31/03/26 31/03/27 31/03/28

xx.xx xx.xx 73.72 xx.xx 81.77

Toilet soaps of five fragrance : 2137500

Also the total expense for the firm during the projection years will be as follows

31/03/24 31/03/25 31/03/26 31/03/27 31/03/28

xx.xx xx.xx 8.74 xx.xx 10.11

• The depreciation is as follows

Particulars Value

• Cost of Machinery is based on direct purchase from the market on deepest study

• Value of raw materials & utility charges as per the current market conditions

• All other assumptions are calculated based on the basis of experience of the promoter and deep study

on the working of similar model

This report is created using . Finline have bears no financial responsibility on or behalf of any of
the authorized signatories
The project as a whole describes the scope and viability of the Manufacturing industry and mainly of the
financial, technical and its market potential.The project guarantee sufficient fund to repay the loan and also
give a good return on capital investment. When analyzing the social- economic impact, this project is able to
generate an employment of 5 and above. It will cater the demand of Manufacturing and thus helps the other
business entities to increase the production and service which provide service and support to this industry.
Thus more cyclic employment and livelihood generation. So in all ways, we can conclude the project is
technically and socially viable and commercially sound too.

The Profit and Loss shows a steady growth in profit throughout the year and the firm has a satisfactory
Current Ratio (average) of 1.73, this shows the current assets and current liabilities are managed & balanced
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Break Even Point
All figures are in lakhs
31/03/24 31/03/25 31/03/26 31/03/27 31/03/28

Total fixed cost xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 1.00 xx.xx

Total variable cost xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 66.08 xx.xx

BEP in % of installed capacity % xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 0.00 % xx.xx

BEP in sales of Rupees xx.xx xx.xx xx.xx 0.00 xx.xx

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