LET's GO (5th Edition) 6

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STUDENT BOOK ‘SONGS AND CHANTS BY Ritsuko Nakata Karen Frazier Barbara Hoskins Carolyn Graham OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS OXFORD 198 Madson Avenue New York, NY 10016 USA ‘Great Clarendon Steet, Oxford ox2 60, United Kingdom ‘Oxford University resis a deparement ofthe University of Oxford Itfrthers the University’ scbectiveofexcellencein research scholarship, seduction by publishing workdwide. Oxfords a elstered rade ‘mark of Oxlord University Presi the UK nd in cern other countries (© Oxford University Press 2018 “The mora sights of the author bavebeen asserted republished in 208 ona 2038 2020 2019 joos76s4a2 ‘No unauthorized photocopying Allright reserved, No part ofthis publication maybe reproduced, stored ina reteoal eater, or transmit, in any fem oF by any means, without ‘the prior permission in writing of Oxo University Pres, 3 expresly pent bylaw by licence o andr terms agreed withthe appropriate Feprographis rights organization, Eoguiies concerning repredvetien ouside ‘he scope ofthe above shouldbe set Une ELT Rights Department, Oxford University Pres, at the adress above ‘You must not eitculite thie work in anyother orm and you must impose thir same condition on any acquirer Links to hid party websites ate provided by Oxford in good faith and for ‘information only, Oxford dislims any responsibly for the materials contained in ay tired party website referenced inchs work sm: 9780194049849 |STUDIN7 BOOK) Printed in China “Tis book sprinted on paper fom certified and wellmanaged sources risa: Daniel rio ‘aco patorap: Oxford University Press uldngDavd Fisher ‘Mustratony: Beraard Adnet: 63a Arar: 24) 250). 384 250), 2370, 4), 40 Gala Bernstein: 79; Bob ery: fb) 20; Seat Burroughs. 23M, St Terl Chiko [esse Graber: 13,29, 68; Bob Depew: 4,420) 48, 50), 51058 60), 62, 66, 6 ames Eston: $2) 39, 3). 287 Kath Ember: 2 4 Michael Gartner: revnions on pages 6, 15,26, 3,33, 35,38, 48, 0, Roc Goudreau 5; Daniel Grif: 23 an eats on pages 4 810,12, 1,16, 18,22, 24, 26,28, 30,3238, 36 40,42, 446,48, 90 52 54,58 60,62 6455.68.70. and 72: Diane Hays: 31(0 John Hom: 5, Sy. 1. 1 6) 224-28), 3,3). 3), 440. 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Ask and answer. @I= What was she doing when What was he doing when she heard the noise? he saw the skunk? G I can do this lesson. | } Unit | School Days 9 Let's Read Do you like ice pops? A young boy made the first ice pop in 1905. One cold night, Frank was making soda water outside. He mixed soda powder and water in a cup. He was mixing the soda with a straw when he heard his mother. “Come inside, Frank; she said. Frank forgot to take his cup with him. In the morning, he saw the cup. The soda water was frozen. He pulled the frozen soda out of the cup. It was an ice pop! New Words ice pop soda mix soda powder ‘straw freeze —> frozen 6 Choose the correct answer. @Omup |. Who made the first ice pop? Frank Frank's mother 2. When did Frank make the ice pop? in 1905 outside 10 Unit 1 School Days Understand the vocabulary. The soda water was froze! What does frozen mean? © Ask your partner. |. Have you ever made an ice pop? What flavor was it? 2. Why did the soda water freeze? e Listen and write. Do you hear aw or ow? 3 der 4. str. Oh eaieece 3. p. GB Learn about words. Read and write. I mix soda water every doy. lie = mixe Lee sccrvencyereige OTA Cates Feo» = rasasesssuasuasusasuaas 2. paint + ed = 3. play+ed= 4. talk + ed = | can do this lesson.) Unit | School Days 11 Scott: What a great day! Kate: It sure wos! But I’m tired now. Scott: Me, too. We really walked a lot. Kate: What did you like best? Scott: I think I liked the penguins best. Kate: They were cute. Scott: What about you? : [liked the sharks. : They were scary! QDrea| Wheto stat coy Tt sure was! i © watch the video. @ =" | art aarnnene aimee uence 12) Unit 2 At the Aquarium Say these. = 1. She was amazed. 2. He was bored. The penguins were amazing The movie wos boring. 3. She was interested. 4. He was tired. The book was interesting. The race was tiring. 5. He wos excited. 6. She wos scared. The ride wos exciting. The shark was scary. © Listen and chant. Qu"? The Racing Chant Look at those kids! Tm excited! Look at them run! Look at them run! This is exciting! This is exciting! This is fun! This is fun! Unit 2 Atthe Aquarium 13 Let's Learn © Learn the words. OES 2. tour 3. a lecture 4. an exhibit 5. a shark 6. an octopus © Make sentences. OE3 Andy and Jenny had a great day at the ‘aquarium. All the exhibits were exciting. What was scory? What was interesting? What was amazing? What was tiring? 14 Unit 2 At the Aquarium Make sentences. ()I3 The Aquarium Chant The aquarium was amazing. The dolphins were exciting. Iwas amazed. The kids were very excited. The sharks were really scary. But Grandma thought it was boring. But they weren't scared. She was really bored. Unit 2 At the Aquarium 15 Let’s Learn More © Learn the words. Qu 4. a video 5. aride 6. a pedal boat © Make sentences. @3 te said the se 16 Unit 2 At the Aquarium @ Play a game. What did they say? QD I'm amazed. She is excited. The lecture is boring He is scared. The video is interesting The ride is exciting. © what about you? What do you think is exciting? What do you think is boring? I can do this lesson. ] ~ Unit 2 At the Aquarium 17 Let's Read Wavesi"'a!Bote, Do you like to look at waves when you go to the beach? You can look at waves in a bottle, too! water bought give —> gave make ——> made show ——> showed send —> sent tell — > told © what about you? Have you ever made something for your parents? What did you make? Unit 3 Going Shopping 27 Let’s Read My name is David and this was my park. I’ve lived next to this park since I was a baby. I liked the park, but there was a lot of trash. It was ugly. Last autumn, my friends and Icleaned up the park. We put up posters and asked people to help us. A lot of people came in the afternoon. Their kindness was amazing. We put the trash into bags and swept the sidewalks with brooms. This is my park now. 3 It’s beautiful! LeT’s | CLEAN UP 4 i &é happiness sweep swept OUR PARK % trash sidewalks outumn, brooms Kindness © Choose the correct answer. Ora |. What did the park look like before they cleaned it up? beautiful ugly 2. What did the park look like after they cleaned it up? beautiful ugly 28 Unit 3 Going Shopping Understand the vocabulary. I've lived next to this park since I was a baby What does since I was a baby mean? © Ask your partner. |. Do you live near a park? 2. Have you ever cleaned up a park? e Listen and write. Do you hear au or 00? Oia (brim) gust 3.afem___n 4m__n 5. tumn Learn about words. Read and write. They are kind. kind + ness = kindness Their kindness is amazing. happy - y +i = happiness |, _____ + ness = sadness 2.__________—y+i= happiness ___ + ness = lightness yy + = heaviness | can do this lesson. | Unit 3 Going Shopping 29 Where's the food court? Do you know? Jenny: No, I don’t, Let’s look at the map. Kate: Here itis. It’s across from the music store. Jenny: Where are we now? Kate: We're here. We should go this way. Jenny: There’s the food court. Where ‘are the boys? Kate: They're over there, next to the ice cream shop. Jenny: I see them! © watch the video. Oe een semae rman emanate rene 30 Unit 4 Around Town next to ‘across from between Where’s the Bookstore? ~ Where's the bookstore? Where's the bakery? It’s next to the food court. It’s next to the Where's the food court? ice cream shop Its across from the bakery. Come on! I'm hungry. Let's go! = Ros — |can do this lesson. Unit 4 Around Town 31 Let's Learn 4. on the left 5. across the street from 6. next to © Ask and answer. Qs 32> Unit 4 Around Town © Make sentences. Qi] is icy aoe Tat) y pe BT oo ma | EE] 4. ice cream shop 5. bookstore 3. music store Pa Comme | We 8. grocery store 9. gift shop 10. library © What about you? Where is the bank in your town? Where is the library in your school? Go | can do this lesson. ) Unit 4 Around Town 33 ©) Learn the words. Qa e ee. ‘é 1.Go straight. 2. Go to the corner. a » “4 i iat =i ~ 4, Turn right. 5. Go two blocks. 6. Cross the street. © Ask and answer. Oza Scott and Jenny are playing a game. Scott is giving her directions. Tied 34) Unit 4 Around Town Play a game. Give directions. 3 How do I get to the park’ Go two blocks and turn right. I’m Looking for Joe T'm looking for Joe. Where did he go? I think he went to the auto show. How did he get there? I know. T saw him walk to the auto show. He walked two blocks and then. turned right. He stopped for a minute at the traffic light. He crossed the street when the light turned green. Then he stopped on the corner to talk to Eileen. He said, “Eileen, come on, let’s go.” Then they went straight to the auto show, @ | can do this lesson ) Unit 4 Around Town 35 Let's Read AUIS WA pert eae er Ca (E ms PSUS SEN Tae oT ) (J you know why? The rag prea Won RY 4 eos reel ce ted E eee cay 70% of our planet. Re ee ene omc ta Pr CNW treet reste nto SUCR RCE CR age out Ea Oneeny PR TroCMN Caen kere Cee thes tnd Sone Cn Sommers bre etme g PORT teen nt eshte Crs anys planet Charen S CSUR Thee SOR og 2 earth PCE nan cme utscortcen tt ta space Cian CEU GU rc arte) Cute rf hurricane equator counterclockwise clockwise G Choose the correct answer. Qi |. Why is Earth called the Blue Planet? Because it's in space. Because there is water on 70% of the planet. 2. How do hurricane winds blow clockwise north of the equator? counterclockwise 36 Unit 4 Around Town Understand the vocabulary. The winds blow clockwise. What does clockwise mean? © Ask your partner. |. Do you live north of the equator or south of the equator? 2. How will the hurricane winds blow here? @G Listen and write. Do you hear ow or or? @IES Learn about words. Read and write. There is a lot of rain. oe Itis very rainy. aac 1. = inaly 2. += snowy 3. storm + = We sleep te Ican do this lesson. { } Unit 4 Around Town 37 LET ae Ca ey % @ usten and check. Qa O oO ie wb bs ud Mabie SS @ Listen and check. Ora 7¢ 9@ Listen and number. @Iz9 38 Units 3 and 4 Review © Let’s read about the mysterious statues. @ Pie Pa Tey Easter Island: Mysterious Statues Have you ever seen people moving a giant statue? They use a crane. How did ancient people move giant statues? Machen ene sees Ancient people on Easter Island carved more than 800 large stone statues, called moai. They put the moai around the island. Each ‘modi is taller than an elephant and heavier than two elephants. How did people move them? There were no cranes a thousand years ago. We can’t ask the Easter Island people. They have disappeared. But we can still see their statues on the island. More moai heads ieaeeer New Words Island Bite It’s a mystery. Easter Island CHILE ah ancient stone Easter Island is located in the statue = moai South Pacific Ocean. ‘@thousand disappeared ® Your turn! Hove you ever seen people moving a statue? How did the Easter Island people move the moaf? What do you think? Write your opinion. Units 3and 4 Review 39 : Have you met Anh? She’s the girl who is talking to Jenny. : No, I haven't. Is she here on a homestay? Yes, she is. She's staying with Jenny's family. Really? Where's she from? She's from Vietnam. Scott: Does Anh speak English? Kate: Yes, she does. She speaks Vietnamese and English, too. Scott: I'd like to meet her. Kate: OK, let's go. Excuse me, Jenny. Scott wants to meet Anh. Scott: Hi, Anh! Are you enjoying your homestay? Anh: Yes, I am. Have you ever been on a homestay? Scott: Not yet, but I would like to go on one someday. Anh: You should come to Vietnam and stay with my family. Scott: That's a great idea. Thanks! Have you met Anh? as Yes, Ihave. No, I haven't. © watch the eo. 4O Unit 5 Explore the World Practice the words. Ask and answer. @20) ig | Ons Where's she from? ‘She's from Australia, She’s Australian © Listen and chant. @z09'1" Homestay Plans T'm studying Spanish. How about you? He's studying English. How about Sue? Tm studying Spanish, too. She's studying English, too. I want to go on a homestay. He wants to go on a homestay. I want to do that, too. She wants to do that, too. When could we go on a homestay? We could leave at the end of May Do you think they could go on a Where could we practice our Spanish? homestay? We could go to Monterrey. Yes, I think they could. Where could they practice Gm their English? They could go to Hollywood! | can do this lesson. Unit 5 Explore the World 41 Let's Learn © Learn the words. @am iS.) 1. Brazil 2. Portuguese 3. France 4. French - Buongiorno! iBuenos dias! 5. Italy 6, Italian © Make sentences. @20 42> Unit 5 Explore the World Ask and answer. @2 rFRBN DS |. Vietnam 2. Brazil 3. France 4, Mexico 5. Italy Muito obrigada. Molte grazie. Kam ouen. Merci beaucoup. fi Muchas gracias. © aes italion L Vietnamese French Spanish Vietnamese is spoken in Vietnam. : ; Iga Listen and sing. @20 Have You Met Alice? Bom dia! Have you met Alice? Have you met Maria? Annyeong She was born in Dallas. She was born in Korea But now she goes to school in Brazil. But her mother was born in Rome. Does she speak Portuguese? Her father’s Korean. Yes, she does. Her mother's Italian. English is not spoken at her school. And Korean is spoken at home. Unit 5 Explore the World 43 Let’s Learn More ©) Learn the words. O=p |. black beans 2. croissants 3. spaghetti 4. rice noodles 5. burritos 6. meat pies © Ask and answer. @28 Kate and Jenny like eating foods from different countries. Where are are eaten in Bi 44 Unit 5 Explore the World ® what about you? What languages are spoken in your classroom? What foods are eaten in your country? oF I can do this lessoi ) Unit 5 Explore the World 45 8 Listen and read alon: Chocolate Do you like chocolate? It’s in candy, CONOR cA UL RRC URI COC MSS Tee cert AT UU a UMC aa Cele tte Rte eR Ee CRU RL ee aCe ace aS Pus eo eee Mette Ms set eee Reece Musee mere Ceara Pee eu aera era on sae cui oe Tee escent a a See nome ann Sgn on New Words Thank you, Mexico! discover cacao seeds Spanish people 6 Choose the correct answer. @25 |. How did the Mexican chocolate drink taste? (J sweet (bitter 2. How did the Spanish chocolate drink taste? CO sweet C bitter 46 Unit 5 Explore the World Understand the vocabulary. They discovered cacao seed What does discover mean? a i oO Ask your partner. |. Do you like chocolate? 2. Do you like sweet chocolate or bitter chocolate? eB Listen and write. Do you hear ea or ou? @za @ Learn about words. Read and write. T eat chocolate. + ing = love eating chocolate, &t * ing = eating I. drink + ing = 2. discover += eee __=singing 4. + = blowing | can do this lesson. Unit 5 Explore the World 47 Scott: Andy: Andy: Andy: z © Scott: i > Andy: ty " Oa Andy: Scott: Scott: Scott: Scott: I'msorry I'm late. That's OK. How long have you been waiting? Not long. Only a few minutes. Have you already bought your ticket? Yes, I have, and I bought your ticket, too! Wow, thanks! I'm excited to see this movie! Me, too. I've heard it’s funny. Really? I’ve heard it’s scary. Oh. Maybe it’s scary and funny. Hove you already bought your ticket? Yes, I have. No, not yet. © Watch the video. @ =" —uesaenacnnenmnennesiade 48 Unit 6 Doing Things Practice the words. Make sentences. @2 oe ae aw ts |. cleaned his desk 2. washed her hands 3. watched the movie 44. walked the dog 5. gone tothe store 6. eaten dinner 7. fed the cat 8. done his homework © Listen ana chant. zen! Have You Finished Your Homework? Have you finished your homework? How about you? No, not yet. Tve already been there twice. You haven't finished? Lucky you! No, not yet. <=> How about you? Have you eaten dinner? Pve already finished mine. No, not yet. Good for you! You haven't eaten dinner? Wy. No, not yet. p Have you been to France? How about you? No, not yet. a u Thaven't eaten lunch or dinner. /, / You haven't been to France? Poor you! No, not yet. Unit 6 Doing Things 49 © Learn the words. @22 |. studied English 2. lived in New York 3. taught French as i 4, played soccer 5. had a cat 6. been at the hotel © Ask and answer. @2=3 _ since five years 2007 one year lost year three months — May four years How long have you taught French? | [have taught French for five years. | __Thave taught French since 200 50 Unit 6 Doing Things Ask and answer. )23 six years 4. been at the hotel/ 5. played soccer / yesterday evening one hour Ihave studied English for six years 2. studied English/ 3. lived in New York/ 2017 Merci beaucoup. 6. tought French/ six months © Listen and sing. Qa!" How Long Has She Known Him? How long has she known him? How long has she known him? How long has she known him? She’s known him for a long, long time. She’s known him since she was four. She met him in Singapore. They got married in a candy store. They had a baby in nineteen eighty-four. They've been married for a long, long time. They've been happy for along, long time. They've known each other for a tong, long, long, long time. Unit 6 Doing Things 51 |. talking on the phone 2. visiting Bangkok 4. cleaning his room 5. waiting 6. playing baseball © Make sentences. @22 PY ln children are busy. What are they doing? How long have they been doing it? Ht is waiting. has been waiting since clock. 52 Unit 6 Doing Things Ask and answer. @)223 low long hos she been visiting Bangkok? be bes been valine Bmesok since cal ae © Listen and chant. @)z=0' How Long Have You Been Waiting? How long have you been waiting for Ken? Tve been waiting for Ken since ten. How long has he been talking to Sue? He’s been talking to Sue since two. How long has Anne been taking a bath? She's been taking a bath for an hour and a half. How long have you been studying with Ray? I started yesterday. Unit 6 Doing Things 53 Let's Read 8 Listen and read along. Then read again. @)2=0 Coding Is Skylar has been learning how to write code for five years. “There are many different coding languages,” said Skylar. “| love writing code. | can create things and play around with them on my computer.” ‘Skylar has already developed one computer game. “My first game was really simple, but it was fun to play!” she said. te Now Skylar is developing a new game. She has been working on it since March. Skylar thinks everyone should learn to write code. “It isn’t hard!” she said. “Learn how to code and you can become a game developer!” New Words write code coding language create develop —> developing —> developer become © Choose the correct answer. Q)253 |. How long has Skylar been since 2012 for five years learning to write code? 2. Why should everyone learn Because it’s hard. Because it’s fun how to code? ond not hard. 54 Unit 6 Doing Things Understand the vocabulary. ‘Skylar has been learning how to write code for five year What does write code mean? a. b. oO Ask your partner. |. Have you ever created a game? What was it? 2. Would you like to learn how to write code? Why? e Listen and write. Do you hear ar or ir? (4)))2.32) wi3z # teen Sigel 4h__d @ Learn about words. Read and write. I develop games. lop + er = devel Tima game developer. “velop * er = developer I. play +er= 2. paint + er = 3. + = teacher 4. + = farmer I can do this lesson. [ Unit 6 Doing Things 55 @ Listen and check. @2=9 @ Listen and check. @2=9 |. A[[] Portuguese is spoken in Brazil. 2. [] People in Brazil speak Portuguese [1] People in France speak French. 4. o> OD o> OD [_] French is spoken in France. Listen and check. @)2=9 [_] He has been playing soccer for 45 minutes. He has been playing soccer since yesterday. ‘She has lived in Paris for two years. ‘She has been living in Poris since 2008. o> OD He hos taught French since last spring. He has been teaching French for six months. She has been waiting since | ;00 this afternoon. She has waited for 15 minutes. cal o> OD 56 Units 5 and 6 Review ‘Spaghetti is eaten in Italy. People in Italy eat spaghetti. Rice noodles are eaten in Vietnam. People in Vietnam eat rice noodles. aa lege EC @8..i2 Tt = © Let’s read about hieroglyphics. 23 Writing with Pictures In the ancient pyramids of Egypt, there were a lot of pictures on the walls. Scholars said the pictures were writing. These were called hieroglyphics. But no one was able to read them. In 1799, French soldiers discovered a stone near Rosetta, a city in Egypt. This famous stone helped scholars read the pictures. Today we don’t use hieroglyphics, but we have rebus writing. A rebus is a picture puzzle. Each picture is a sound. When you read these sounds together, you will know the meaning. ‘Th Rosetta Stone in the British Try to read this. New Words hieroglyphics scholars soldiers stone city rebus Hieroglyphies at Eatu Temple, Egypt @G Your turn! Does your language use picture writing? Try to make a rebus sentence. Tell about your rebus. Units 5 and 6 Review 57 58 Unit 7 About Me Kate: Scott: Kate: Scott: Kate: Scott: Kate: Kate: Scott: Kate: Scott: Kate: Is that you? Yes, it is. Why were you hiding behind your dad? Iwas shy. Really? I don’t believe it! t's true. Sometimes I'm still shy. Me, too. I'm shy when I meet new people. How old were you in this photo? 1 was five. When did you learn how to do karate? When I was four, You looked cute! Practice the words. Ask and answer. @)25 4. studious 6. generous © Listen and sing. @zn“” What's She Like? What's she like? Is she cheerful? She's shy. Yes, she is. She's very, very shy. Is she generous? Is she friendly? Yes, she is, Yes, she is, but she’s very, very shy. but she’s very, very shy. Is she studious? Yes, she is. Unit 7 AboutMe 59 ¥ 1 |. learn how to walk 2. learn how to write my name —_ 3. learn how to read 6. learn how to tie my shoes Kate and Jenny are looking at old pictures. e 6 = When did you I 60° Unit 7 About Me Ask and answer. ()23 I. one year old 2. six years old 3. eight years old ' P= 6. four years old 4. five years old © Listen and chant. Q@usin’ How Old Were You? How old were you when you How old were you when you learned how to run? learned how to ski? I was one. I was one. I was three. I was three. How old were you when you I was three when I learned how to ski. went to the zoo? IT was two when I went to the zoo. IT was two. I was two. T was one when I learned how to run. Unit 7 AboutMe 61 Hello! Bonjour! ( “Buenos dias! |. fly a helicopter 2. run a marathon 3. visit London 4, speak more languages * 5. play golf 6. drive a car 7. act in a play 8. conduct an orchestra © Make sentences. Q@20 Scott, Jenny, Andy, and Kate are daydreaming. 62 Unit 7 About Me Co Play a game. Ask and answer. O25 What does she wish she could do? She wishes she could speak more languages. © what about you? What do you wish you could do? 9 1 can do this lesson. ) _ Unit 7 About Me 63 ae Read ® Listen and read along. Then read again. (4))2.49] Six Dots Louis Braille was born in France in 1809. He hurt his eyes when he was three and he couldn't see. He became blind. Louis loved listening to teachers at school. But, he wished he could read and write. Louis Braille When he was fifteen, Louis created a writing system. Sightless people read it with their fingers. People called it braille. It used only six dots to make letters, numbers, [@ eelle elle and words. One pair of dots could make the |® ele . letters b, 0, @, i, or k. POMC ce i k Today, braille is used in many different ways New Words and in many different sight —> sightless languages. blind writing system braille © Choose the correct answer. 20 |. How old was Louis when he hurt his eyes? nine three 2. What is Louis’ writing system called? six dots braille 64 Unit 7 About Me Understand the vocabulary. { Louis created a writing system. Sightless people read it with their fingers. ) What does writing system mean? 0 Ask your partner. 1, What do you wish you could do? 2. Have you ever seen braille writing? Where? G Listen and write. Do you hear air or er? @)20 ¥ PSE lp 2. flow. 3. 4. 5. teach. GB Learn about words. Read and write. He cannot see. = He has no sight. = He is sightless. sight + less = sightless |. color + less = 2. _+ = sugorless 3. tooth + less = 4 + = cloudless can do this lesson B Unit 7 AboutMe 65 © Listen and say. 23 Sy Jenny: If you could go anywhere, where would you go? Andy: I would go to Egypt. Jenny: Why? Andy: I'd like to see the pyramids. Andy: What about you? Where would you go? Jenny: I'd go to Antarctica. Andy: Why would you go there? It’s cold. Jenny: I'd like to see penguins. Andy: If you want to see penguins, we can go to the zoo. Jenny: Thot’s true. The zoo is warmer than Antarctica! I would go to Egypt. Why? I'd like to see the pyramids. © Watch the video. 66 Unit 8 In the Future Practice the words. Ask and answer. @)253 3. the bottom of the ocean 4. the pyramids of Egypt 5. the moon 6. the equator (4))2.55] © Listen and sing. @as3'" aac {If You Could Go Anywhere If you could go anywhere, If you could be anything, where would you go? what would you be? Td take a plane to Mexico. Td be a tiger running up a tree. If you could buy anything, If you could do anything, what would you buy? what would you do? Td buy an airplane and Td have a party, and I'd invite you! learn how to fly. | can do this lesson: Unit 8 Inthe Future 67 Let’s Learn |. go to Antarctica 2. go to Mars 3. meet a TV star 4. meet a sports star 5. buy a pony 6. buy a motorbike 7. go kayaking 8. go skydiving © Make sentences. @29 68 Unit 8 In the Future Ask and answer. @)259 |. go to Hawai 2, meet a TV star 3, buy a bird 5. meet a sports star 6. go to New York 7. fly a helicopter 8. go rafting © Listen and chant. Qe! Konnichiwa! If You Could Do Anything If you could do anything, what would you do? Td climb Mt. Everest from Katmandu. I would, if I could. I would, if I could. If you could speak any language, what would you speak? Tf you could buy anything, Td speak French, English, what would you buy? Japanese, and Greek. Td buy a little plane and learn how to fly. I would, if I could. I would, if I could. I would, if I could. I would, if I could. | can do this lesson. Unit 8 Inthe Future 69 o Play a game. Roll a die. Move your marker. Follow the directions at the top of page 71. What did you do yesterday? I should When did you learn how to ride a bike? Twontto )) EEE I don’t ft What like? san E- | ‘ If you could do anything, what would you do? 70 Unit 8 In the Future Directions rt a) Answer the Clem tees) I don't have to Have you ever visited another Re" I don’t like Would you I don’t have How long have you been studying English? Will you =e I'm going to Tf you could I'm not go anywhere, where would you go? = a | can do this lesson. eeu | Unit 8 Inthe Future 71 I don’t want Let's Read Tere Ty Er es reed Sofia | Age 13 | Denmark “If | could do anything, I'd go surfing. | live in the mountains, ] | but I love the beach. I'd love | to learn how to surf.” Peter Age 13 Germany “I love playing music. I've played piano since | was six. Now | want to learn how to play the French horn. If | could buy anything, I'd buy a French horn.” © Choose the correct answer. @=2 |. Where would Maria like to travel? 2. What instrument would Peter like to buy? 72 Unit 8 Inthe Future FUTURE WISHES Age 15 Colombia “I'd travel around the world! I'd take this suitcase. | want to go everywhere and see everything,” New Words French horn everywhere everything everywhere to the beach a piano a French horn Understand the vocabulary. Tove playing mu What does playing music mean? a4 b. © Ask your partner. |. If you could go anywhere, where would you go? 2. If you could buy anything, what would you buy? e Listen and write. Do you hear or or ur? Oz I. f 2.h_n 3. p___ple 4.w__k Learn about words. Read and write. suitcase = suit + cose |. beanbag = + 2. roinbow = + 3,__ = back + pack 4, ____ = pan + cake | can do this lesson. Unit 8 Inthe Future 73 Lee ang © Listen and check. @20 |. He would go kayaking. 2. He would meet a sports star. True False True False 3. She would go to Mt. Everest. 4. He would buy a motorbike. True False True False @ Listen and check. @25 Naess fly a helicopter 2A visit London B [_] drive a car 8 conduct an orchestra aA cect in a play 4 A run a marathon B [[] speak more languages B [] ploy golf Listen and match. (233 y & 1. Amy learned how to walk a. when he was five. 2. Brad learned how to tie his shoes b. when she was seven. 3. Nick learned how to ride a bike c. when she was one. 4, Emma learned how to ice skate d. when he was nine. © Let’s read about the mysterious drawings. (4))2.67] ‘The Condor The Nazca Lines: Mysterious Drawings In the Nazca desert in Peru, there are hundreds of giant drawings of animals and shapes. The drawings are thousands of years old and very large. Some are almost one kilometer long. You can easily see the lines when you walk in the desert. But, on the ground, they just look like lines in the dirt. You can only see the pictures from high in the sky. And they were drawn long before there were airplanes. Who made the Nazca drawings? How did they make them? And who looked at them from the sky? It’s a mystery. New Words desert hundreds thousands ‘Another view of the Nazca area one kilometer long @ Your turn! Have you ever seen ancient drawings? Where did you see them? Who drew them? What do they mean? What do you think? Write your opinion. Units 7 and 8 Review 75 Let’s Remember } Let’s Go 6 Syllabus Lookalisbodt I's coat Hove youevr etn sushi? thc oe et? Mins wuts arch? Minow ay Hove you son tin? } Pec ee ee) ear Conversation: Whose seor!is thal? 1's | School Activities: wotaring | Activities: falkng on his cell | Historical Story: The First ‘Ann's scart. Whose mitiens are those? | the plants, feeding the fish, | phone, reaving o magazine, Toe Pop ‘They're hers, oo. Is that har glove, 100? | weitng onthe board, taking | walking in the park, drinking some | Questions. | think t's’ glove. Which boy is Jim? | to the teacher, reading & ‘water, paying a game, siting on He's the boy over there. Jim, I1hink this | textbook, wriing an essay | bench Vocabulary frozen Is yours. Thanks for facing i Phonics: ow cow Language: Which boy is | Language: Jenny wos siting Items: oor, mitts, gloves, glosses, | Scott? He's the boy who is | ona bench when t started 0 aw sow bet, woteh watering the plans. Which gil | roin. Whet wos he doing when | Word Study: ‘Song: Whose Boo's Are These? ‘ssa? it stated to rain? rmix+ ed = mixed {Chant Kim's Father Wos Born in Seo. Conversation: What « great day! It sure | Places: on aqucrium, atour,« | Things to See and Do: o ‘wos! But I'm tired now. What you tke | lecture, on exhibit, ashark, on | jellyfish, © 80 turtle, a squid, 0 bos? think had ho penguins est. | octopus ‘ideo, «rid, pect boot They were cule, Wha! abou! you? THRE | Language: The sharkwos | Language: Kate said the sea fhe shai, They wore soy! scary. The exit wos tortes ere amazing. He sad he | Voedbulery reuse Adjectives: omozed/omaxing, amazing, She wos omazed. | was amazed. She said he squid | Phonics: of coin bored ‘boring, nterasted/interesting, | Chants Aquarium Chant wos scary. 3 bone ‘ed/tng,exctedexcting, sored” Word study: scary e+ use = rouse ‘Chant: The Facing Chant Pee eae eee Conversation: Ineed.a present for my] Gifts: a video camera, 0 ‘Activities: bought acrink, made | Story: Happiness Iso ‘mother. What should I gether? Do you. | neckioce, aring, anovel,a | bracelet, sont apicture, gavea | Clean Park hove ony ideas? You could get her 0 stuffed toy, earrings, golf clubs, | presen, showed a T-shirt, 1okd0 | Questions tecpot. Or you could gether @ cookbook. | 9 model story ‘She doesn like toa, and she already bas Vocabulary: since 1 wos Language: Should {get my | Language: Sne showed hima | 9, lol of cookbooks. How obout a scart? | sister @neckaco or ring? You | T-hit, What ci ene make her? | SOF ‘That's ogret ideo! shoud ether aving. Tey | She made hero bracelet Phonics: 00 broom Presents: oscar, atracelet, abox of | shoud got him nov ou August chocolates, 0 cookbook a DVD, 000k | Gant Tady's My Brother's Word Study: Chant: | Need a Present for My Mother | Birthday es oe Conversation: Where's the food cour? | Directions: onthe corner, | Directions: Go skagh. Goo he | Article: The Bive Planet Let's 00k ofthe map, 1's cross from he | around the comer rom. onthe | carer. TumteR. Tun ght. | Questions music store. We should go this woy. | right, onthe et, cross the | two blocks. Cross the see. “There's the food cour. Where arene | staet rom, next 0 i‘ Vocabulary: ciockvise 2 They mnguage: Go fo he corner and oye? Tey're over there, next tothe ice | Language: Where's theice | tum igh. Where ore you? mat | Phones: ow biow ‘erecm shop. ‘creom shop? It's across ine | the bookstore. How do I get to beet sion Places: ce cream shop, bakery, sports| street fromthe bark. The | the park? Go two Bocks and turn | Word Study: store, mic ioe, cloting store, food | bakeryis on te comer. irs | right rain + ~ rainy Cour, bookstore, game store next 10 the restouran. (Chant: I'm Looking for Joo ‘Song: Where's he Bookstore? 76 Let's Go 6 Syllabus acs Conversation: Hove you met Arty? No, TThoven'. Where's she from? She's from ‘etnam. Does Anh speck Engish? Yes, she does. Sho epecks Vietnamese and English 10. 1'6 ke to meet her. Hove you ever been on a homesiay? Countries and Nationaiities: Australia Australian, Vietnam ‘Vietnamese, Thalond/Tha, Mexico Mexican Chant: Homestay Plons ‘Conversation: I'm sorry I'm te, ‘That's OK, How long have you been wating? A few minutes. Not long, Hove you arecdy bought your ticket? Yes, I have, and I bought your ticket, too! I'm ‘excites 0 see this movie! I've heard i's funey, I've heard it's scary. ‘Things Done: clecned his desk, washed her hands, wotchad the movi, wolked the dog, gone tothe store, eten dinner, fed ‘he cat, done his homework CGhont: Hove You Fished Your Homework? eee ‘Conversation: Is tht you? Yes, it, Why were you hiding behind your dod? 1 ‘was shy. Really? I don't betiove it I's ‘rue. T'm shy when { meet new people. How old were you in tis photo? T wos five, When did you learn how to do ‘rato? When I wes four Descriptions: outgoing, shy, friendly, ‘studious, cheerful, generous ‘Song: What's She Like? ‘Conversation: If you could go “nywhere, where wouls you go? I would (90 10 Egypt. Why? I'd like to see the ‘pyramids, What about you? I'a.g0 to ‘Antarctica. I'd ike to see penguins. Places: the Amazon jung, Mt. Everest, the botlom ofthe ocean, the pyramids of Egypt, the moon, the equator Song: If You Could Go Anywhere ee) eet Countries and Languages: [Brazi/Portuguese, Fronce/ French, Italy Ilan, Mexico/ SSponish Language: People in Mexico ‘spouk Spanish. Spanish is ‘spoken in Mexico. What language is spoken in Vietnam? ‘Song: Have You Met Alice? Experiences: studied English, ved in Now York, taught French, played soccer, hod a cat, been at the hotel Language: How ong have you taught French? I've taught French for five yeurs/since 2007, How long hos she hod ooo? ‘Song: How Long Has She Known Him? porns ‘Ages and Stages: lean how ta walkwrite my nome, leorn howto read/ride bike, lean how ta ice skate/tte my shows Language: When did you learn how fo write your name? learned how to write my nome then I wos five. ‘Chant: How Old Were You? In the Future: goto Antorctica/ Mars, meet aTV stor/spartssiar, buy a pony/a motorbike, go koyaking/ skydiving Language: If 1 coud do ‘onyfing, I would buy 0 pory. ‘Chant: 1 You Could Do ‘Anything ding: ee International Foods: back noodles, burios, meat pies Language: Where ore biock beans eaton? Black beans are ‘eaten in Bri. Croissants are eaten in France. Sponish is spoken in Mesico, Doing Things: tolking on the phone, visting Bangkok, rcing her bicyele, cleening his room, wating, playing baseball Language: Jenny is icing her visting Bangok? (Chant: How Long Hove You ‘Been ating? ‘merothon, vit London, speok ‘car, oct In. pay, conduct an corchesira, Language: I wish I could she wish she could do? She “wishes she could speok more anguoges. Review Game bieyele. Shoes been ricng har Ir thirtaan ticyele for 45 minutes/since ten | Word Study: ‘cook. How long has she been | evolop + er = developer ee eke mee an Wishes: fy ahelicopter, una | Article: Sx Dois more longuoges, ply go, crive ‘conduct an orchestra. What does | Word Study: sight + lass = sights. Beads eae Informational Stor ‘beans, coissans, spaghetti, rice | Chocolate Questions: Vocabulary: cscover Phonics: ea bread fou count ‘Article: Coding Is Fun! Questions Vocabulary: wite code Phonics: ar orm Questions Vocabulary: writing system Phonics: oir pair er flower playing music horn ut Word study: suitcase = suit + cose toed Let's Go 6 Syllabus 77 Word List A ‘across the treet from. 32 coctina ply 2 comazed 3 omazing 13 ‘Amazon jungle «67 cncient 39 Antarctica 65 ‘oraund the earner 32 Australi 4 fouturmn 2222228 B bonk 32 beauty shop 33 become 54 been at the hotel. || 50 bet. 5 block beans ay tins au ‘bookstore... 31 boring... 2.202.218 bottom ofthe ocean | 67 ‘ought a drink. 26 bbaxoof chocolates |. .23 brocelet 23 broile 64 Broz 42 brooms. 28 burritos. cy buy amotorbike - 68 buy apory 68 c cacao seeds: 46 ‘cheerful 59 city. 21 leaned his desk... 149 clockwise 36 thing store 31 ‘coding language... 54 color 8 ‘conduct on orchestra 62 {c0OKbOOK 22 ‘counterclockwise |. 136 create, 5H croissants uy crosstthe street... 34 D desert ceseTS: develop. su dovoioper 54 developing «2.2. 2.54 afferent 72 cliscppeared 9 ciscovered 46 divers q dojphins 15 done his homework inking some woter DvD. Eg earrings Earth ‘earthquake Easier Islond ‘equator. ‘everything, excited exhibit F fornous. fed he cot fy ahelicopter food court, freeze. French French horn, friendly frozen. G ‘gave a present ‘generous sion ‘liter {90 kayaking {go skydiving Go stright ‘goto Mars Goto the corner. Goto blocks. ‘olf cubs {gone to he store. Greece. Greek. grocery store H Poppiness, ord heard hierosiyphics Holywood homestay hour hundred hurricanes 1 ce pop imeresting interviewing 78 Let's Go 6 Word List Bas 24 2 39 38 2 13 4 21 49 62 30 10 42 R 59 10 26 39 18 68, 68 34 68, 34 3 24 21 7 33 10 is Italian Italy J Jocket sJopan. ‘Japanese Jellyfish Jewalry kK karate klometer ‘kindness Korea Korean L largest last week lecture lived in New York. made a brocelet meot pies Mexicon rrttens mixed madi! moon mystery necklace, novel ° ol fon the comer fon eit fon the right outgoing P pair pedal boot Penguins, people Pew planet planis play gott 25 16 23 58 75 28 43 rr] aw 0 67 al 23 53 24 6 82 32 32 59 Portuguese Pyramids, reading a magazine reading textbook rebus| rice noodles riding her bicycle. ring. runamesathon Ss scared scart. soary scholars seoturtio. sent apioture sharks. should showed a Fehet shy. sidewalks sight. sights siting on a bench soda powder. solders. Spanish ‘speak more languoges. sports store suid stancing statue. stone straw studied Engi stucious stuffed oy. sweep, sswopt T talking on his cell phone. talking on the phone faikng tothe teacher. fought French Thal Thalond ‘thousands tired ting foldastory « tour 42 at trash. travel true Tumi Tum sight, v video video camera Vietnam Vieinamese visit London visling Bangkok w walking in the park woshed her honds, Wotened the mavie \oterng the plants ‘wish woul ite code, wring on essay wing on the Boars wing system. Y yeas vesterdoy evening, 39 5

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