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Hello teacher, my name is David Coavas, I am 42 years old, I am a father of two

children. My profession is graphic designer, I am married and have two children. My

oldest son's name is Nathan, he is five years old and his sister's name is Abigail
and she is two years old. My wife is Carolina, she is a professional in business

This is my house let's open the door okay this is the living room in the living
room there is a big sofa here we have the television there are some photos of our
wedding there is an old cassette player here is an ornament of the pyramid of
Chichén Itzá Here is a photo of us when we were dating Now we go to the dining room
in the dining room there are six chairs at the table there is a vase there is a
desk for Natan to do his homework here there are several photos of our son and our
girl This is the bathroom there is a sink There is a piece of furniture to store
There is a light bulb. There is a small window. We are going to show you this room.
It is my wife's office. She works at home. There is a computer. Here there is a
There is a closet or a clothes storage room. There is a storage room for the
children's clothes. children there is a piece of furniture to store the toys let's
go to the bedroom here there is
another closet in the bedroom there are two beds there is a crib there two pieces
of furniture night table here in this camera above there are two images one is of
the little
bee maya and the other is of a Gran sheep we go out we go to the kitchen in the
kitchen there is a cabinet to store food a pantry there is a cabinet to store
dishes pots
and so on There is a dishwasher and there is a stove We go to the patio in the
patio there is a washing machine there is a trash can and there is a pool to wash
clothes that is the refrigerator it has several accessories attached to it one is
from Mexico These are from Ecuador and this one is from Venice inside the
refrigerator there is four bottles of wine there is one a bag of mayonnaise there
are three apples there is a pear there are five bags of milk there is a jar of
yogurt okay This is part of my house Thank you very much

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