Chapter I

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The project entails the design and realization of a specialized machine for recycling old car tires into
high-quality materials suitable for the manufacturing of floor pavement. It involves comprehensive
research, innovative design, and prototype construction, with a focus on addressing the
environmental and economic challenges associated with tire disposal and pavement material
sourcing. The machine's design emphasizes recycling efficiency, material quality, safety compliance,
and cost-effectiveness. The ultimate goal is to seamlessly integrate the recycling machine
with pavement manufacturing processes, contributing to environmental sustainability and resource
conservation in the construction industry through the use of innovative technology and sustainable

The recycling of old car tires for the manufacturing of floor pavement represents a significant
opportunity to address environmental concerns, promote sustainability, and contribute to the circular
economy. As the global automotive industry continues to generate a substantial volume of end-of-life
tires, the effective utilization of these discarded materials in the construction of durable and
resource-efficient floor pavement holds immense promise. This project aims to design and realize a
specialized machine that will enable the efficient processing of old car tires, extracting valuable
materials for the creation of high-quality floor pavement. By repurposing discarded tires and
incorporating them into sustainable construction practices, this initiative seeks to mitigate the
environmental impact of tire waste while contributing to the development of innovative, eco-friendly
building solutions. Through the integration of engineering, materials science, and environmental
sustainability principles, this project endeavors to pave the way for a more sustainable and
responsible approach to pavement manufacturing, aligning with the global imperative to reduce
waste, conserve resources, and minimize environmental footprint.

The history of recycling old car tires dates back to the early 20th century, with gradual advancements
and increased focus on environmental sustainability and resource conservation. Here are the key
points in the history of recycling old car tires:

 Early Developments:

Early 1900s: As the automotive industry expanded, the disposal of old car tires became a growing
concern. Initial efforts focused on finding secondary uses for worn-out tires, such as utilizing
them in construction projects, as fuel, or as components in various industrial applications.

 Technological Advancements:

Mid-20th Century: Significant advancements in tire recycling technologies emerged, leading to

the development of processes for reclaiming rubber from old tires. These processes involved
shredding, grinding, and refining the rubber to create reusable materials.

 Regulatory and Environmental Awareness:

Late 20th Century: Environmental regulations and increasing awareness of the ecological impact
of tire waste prompted a greater emphasis on tire recycling. Governments and environmental
organizations began promoting the responsible disposal and recycling of old tires to mitigate
environmental hazards and reduce landfilled waste.

 Innovative Applications :

Late 20th Century to Present: The utilization of recycled tire materials in various applications
expanded, with a particular focus on enhancing sustainability in construction, civil engineering,
and infrastructure projects. The development of rubberized asphalt and the incorporation of
recycled rubber in pavement and road construction gained momentum.

 Research and Development:

21st Century: Ongoing research and development efforts have focused on improving tire
recycling technologies, exploring innovative uses for recycled tire materials, and addressing
challenges related to quality control, performance, and market acceptance.
 Global Initiatives and Collaboration :

21st Century: International collaborations and partnerships have been established to promote
tire recycling best practices, knowledge sharing, and the development of standardized
approaches to tire waste management and recycling.

The history of recycling old car tires reflects a progression from early attempts to find secondary uses
for discarded tires to the implementation of advanced technologies and sustainable applications
for recycled tire materials. Today, tire recycling continues to play a vital role in promoting
environmental stewardship and resource efficiency within the automotive and construction


The recycling of old car tires for the manufacturing of floor pavement presents several challenges,
including the need to address the environmental impact of tire disposal, the development of
efficient recycling processes, and the creation of durable and sustainable pavement materials.
Additionally, the utilization of recycled tire materials in pavement construction must meet industry
standards for safety, longevity, and performance, while also offering a cost-effective and eco-friendly
alternative to traditional pavement materials. Overcoming these challenges requires innovative
approaches to tire recycling, material engineering, and construction techniques to ensure the
successful integration of recycled tire components into high-quality floor pavement products.


The main objective of this design project is to develop a specialized machine and process
for recycling old car tires into materials suitable for the manufacturing of floor pavement.
This machine will be designed to efficiently and effectively process old car tires, extracting rubber and
other materials that can be utilized in the production of high-quality, durable floor pavement.


 Machine Design and Fabrication: Develop a detailed design for a tire recycling machine that
encompasses tire shredding, rubber processing, and pavement material production. Fabricate
a prototype of the machine for testing and optimization.

 Material Processing Optimization: Investigate and optimize the processing methods for
extracting reusable rubber and other materials from old car tires. This includes exploring
techniques such as shredding, grinding, and refining to obtain the desired material properties
for pavement manufacturing.

 Pavement Formulation and Testing: Develop a formulation for the production of floor
pavement utilizing the recycled tire materials. Conduct testing to assess the performance,
durability, and suitability of the pavement for various applications.

 Efficiency and Environmental Impact: Evaluate the efficiency and environmental impact of
the recycling process and pavement manufacturing. Aim to minimize energy consumption,
waste generation, and environmental footprint throughout the entire process.

 Regulatory Compliance and Safety: Ensure that the machine design and recycling process
comply with relevant regulations, standards, and safety requirements. Consider
environmental regulations and safety protocols in the development of
the machine and pavement manufacturing process.

By achieving these specific objectives, the project endeavors to contribute to the advancement
of sustainable infrastructure development while addressing the environmental challenges associated
with tire waste

To achieve these objectives, the following work is being carry out:

 Research and Analysis

 Machine Design and Development

 Prototype Construction and Testing

 Integration with Pavement Manufacturing


Functional requirements are the specific capabilities and features that a system, product, or process
must possess to meet the needs of its users. In the context of a project on recycling old car tires,
functional requirements would outline the essential functions and capabilities that the recycling
process and associated equipment must have. These requirements typically address what the system
must do, such as collecting, sorting, processing, and packaging the old tires, as well as ensuring
compliance with quality standards and environmental regulations. Meeting these functional
requirements is crucial for the successful design and implementation of a recycling system for old
car tires.

1. Funtional requirement

a) Collection and Sorting:

 Efficient collection methods for gathering old car tires from various sources.

 Sorting mechanisms to separate different types of tires based on size, material, and

b) Processing Equipment :

 to remove steel wires from the shredded Shredding machines to break down the tires
into smaller pieces.

 Grinding equipment to further reduce the tire pieces into granules or powder.

 Magnetic separators rubber.

c) Chemical Treatment:

 Equipment for devulcanization or other chemical processes to break down the rubber
for reuse.

d) Quality Control:

 Testing equipment to ensure the quality and composition of the recycled rubber
meets industry standards.

e) Packaging and Distribution:

 Packaging machinery for packing the recycled rubber in different forms for

 Transportation equipment for moving the recycled rubber to manufacturers or other

end users.
f) Environmental Compliance:

 Equipment for managing any emissions, byproducts, or waste generated during the
recycling process.

These are some of the functional requirements that may be considered for a project focused on
recycling old car tires. Each requirement would likely involve specific machinery, technologies, and
processes to achieve its intended function.


The design requirements of our project involving the recycling of old car tires for the manufacturing
of floor pavement may include the following aspects:

a) Recycling Efficiency and Throughput

 The machine should be designed to efficiently process a significant quantity of old car
tires to meet the demand for pavement material.

 Consideration of throughput capacity to ensure a practical and productive recycling


b) Material Quality and Consistency

 The machine should be capable of producing recycled tire materials with consistent
quality and properties suitable for pavement manufacturing.

 Design considerations for maintaining material integrity and minimizing variations in

the output.

c) Resource Optimization and Sustainability

 Integration of energy-efficient components and systems to minimize resource

consumption during the recycling process.

 Incorporation of sustainable practices to reduce waste and environmental impact

while maximizing material utilization.

d) Safety and Operational Compliance

 Implementation of safety features and protocols to ensure the machine operates in

compliance with industry standards and regulations.

 Consideration of user-friendly interfaces and controls for safe and efficient operation.
e) Adaptability and Scalability

 Design the machine with flexibility to accommodate variations in tire sizes and types
for diverse recycling requirements.

 Consideration of scalability to allow for potential expansion or increased capacity in

the future.

f) Durability and Maintenance

 Integration of robust components and materials to ensure the machine's longevity

and reliability in a demanding industrial environment.

 Consideration of maintenance requirements and accessibility for servicing and


g) Integration with Pavement Manufacturing Processes

 Alignment of the machine's output with the specific requirements of

floor pavement manufacturing, ensuring seamless integration into the production

 Compatibility with existing pavement manufacturing equipment and workflows.

h) Cost-Effectiveness and Economic Viability

 Design considerations to optimize the machine's efficiency and operational costs,

aiming for a financially viable recycling solution.

 Evaluation of the machine's overall lifecycle costs and return on investment.

What does it act on ?
Who needs it ?




What is its aim ?


Figure 01 : horned breast diagram

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