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FINA 1303


Veronique Lafon-Vinais

Associate Professor of Business Education - Department of Finance

© Prof Veronique Lafon-Vinais – All Rights Reserved

Course Map If time allows

Financial Pricing of Financial

Foundations of Institutions
Institutions Financial Regulations
Interest Rates (II)
(I) Assets

Stock Banking
DCF Sell Side Buy Side
Valuation Regulation

Basics of Commercial Monetary
Interest Rates Banking Policy

Investment Alternative
Banking Investors
© Prof Veronique Lafon-Vinais – All Rights Reserved
Course map

Financial Institutions

1. What are Commercial Banks?

Sell Side
2. Bank Management

3. Types of Risk in Banking

4. Measuring Bank Performance

5. Current Issues

© Prof Veronique Lafon-Vinais – All Rights Reserved 3

Banks as financial intermediaries

$ $
Saver/ Bank Borrower
Deposit Loan
Account Contract

Asset transformation

What4are Commercial Banks?

© Prof Veronique Lafon-Vinais – All Rights Reserved 4
Commercial Banks
Financial Institutions

Financial Intermediaries

Depository Institutions

Commercial Banks
Banking Corporate &
Consumer Retail/Consumer Wholesale
Finance Banking Banking
Treasury &
Private Banking/ Markets
Asset Management
What are Commercial Banks?
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Commercial Banking

Retail banking Wholesale banking

 Clients = Retail (individuals)  Clients = Corporates and

 Provide residential and consumer Institutionals (large size →

loans wholesale)

 Accepting small deposits  Provide commercial and

industrial loans

 Funded with deposits and

purchased funds

What are Commercial Banks?

© Prof Veronique Lafon-Vinais – All Rights Reserved 6
Mortgages in HK: what types of mortgages do
banks offer? What are typical terms? Could we
have a subprime crisis in HK?
 Group 1

 Video


 Article


Veronique Lafon-Vinais
© Prof Veronique Lafon-Vinais – All Rights Reserved 7
Forces shaping International Banking

Changes in the
New entrants
structure of banking

Globalization Reduction
in profit Disintermediation
Ongoing product
Increased & process
Innovation innovation

Regulation/ Transformation
Deregulation of regulatory
What are Commercial Banks?
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Commercial Banks

Traditional products and services: New products and services

 Deposit accounts  Investment banking services

 Credit services  Consulting services

 Payment and collection services  Risk management services

 Trade services  Broker/dealer services

 FX services  Insurance services

 Credit enhancement or payment  Asset management


 Agent or fiduciary services

What are Commercial Banks?

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Banks in the old days

Fall 09 Foundations of Financial Institutions

© Prof Veronique Lafon-Vinais – All Rights Reserved 10
Banks today

Foundations of Financial Institutions

© Prof Veronique Lafon-Vinais – All Rights Reserved 11
Multiple Role of Banks


Payment Credit
Channel Enhancement

Conduit for
Custody Agents
Monetary Policy

What are Commercial Banks?

© Prof Veronique Lafon-Vinais – All Rights Reserved 12
The very special role of banks: money creation

What are Commercial Banks?

© Prof Veronique Lafon-Vinais – All Rights Reserved 13
Money creation: how it works
The loan is an asset The deposit is a
for the bank liability for the bank

The bank
The bank deposits the
makes a loan money from
to the the loan into a
business deposit
account for
the business

Bank deposits are part of the money supply

What are Commercial Banks?

© Prof Veronique Lafon-Vinais – All Rights Reserved 14
Banks in Hong Kong: digital banking
developments and implications
 Group 2

 Video


 Article


What are Commercial Banks?

© Prof Veronique Lafon-Vinais – All Rights Reserved 15
Source: Mox FCCIHK presentation 2 Feb 21

What are Commercial Banks?

© Prof Veronique Lafon-Vinais – All Rights Reserved 16
Source: Mox FCCIHK presentation 2 Feb 21

What are Commercial Banks?

© Prof Veronique Lafon-Vinais – All Rights Reserved 17
Banks in China: will digital banking replace
traditional banking?
 Group 3

 Video


 Article


What are Commercial Banks?

© Prof Veronique Lafon-Vinais – All Rights Reserved 18

 What are commercial banks

 What they do (basic business models)

 Competitors

 Money creation

Summary: Commercial Banks

© Prof Veronique Lafon-Vinais – All Rights Reserved 19
Course map

Financial Institutions

1. What are Commercial Banks?

Sell Side
2. Bank Management

3. Types of Risk in Banking

4. Measuring Bank Performance

5. Current Issues
Bank Management
© Prof Veronique Lafon-Vinais – All Rights Reserved 20
Class discussion

 Imagine that you are the CEO of a large bank

– (pick one and name it)

 What keeps you awake at night and why?

Commercial Banks – Class discussion

© Prof Veronique Lafon-Vinais – All Rights Reserved 21
Bank Management

4 primary concerns of bank managers: Aspects of bank management:

• Make sure bank has enough cash
• Liquidity management
to pay deposit outflows
• Pursue an acceptably low level of
risk by acquiring assets with low
• Asset management
default rate and diversifying asset ALM
• Acquire funds at low cost • Liability management
• Decide the amount of capital the
bank should maintain and acquire • Capital management
this capital

Bank Management
© Prof Veronique Lafon-Vinais – All Rights Reserved 22
Liquidity Management
Scenario 1

Bank A (Reserve Requirement = 10% of Deposits)

Assets Liabilities Reserve req.
Reserves $20 mil Deposits $100 mil = $10 mil
Loans $80 mil Capital $10 mil Excess reserves
Securities $10 mil = $10 mil

Deposit outflow of $10 mil

Bank A (Reserve Requirement = 10% of Deposits)

Assets Liabilities Reserve req.
Reserves $10 mil Deposits $90 mil = $9 mil
Loans $80 mil Capital $10 mil Excess reserves
Securities $10 mil = $1 mil

Bank Management
© Prof Veronique Lafon-Vinais – All Rights Reserved 23
Liquidity Management
Scenario 2

Bank B (Reserve Requirement = 10% of Deposits)

Assets Liabilities Reserve req.
Reserves $10 mil Deposits $100 mil = $10 mil
Loans $90 mil Capital $10 mil Excess reserves
Securities $10 mil = none

Deposit outflow of $10 mil

Bank B (Reserve Requirement = 10% of Deposits)

Assets Liabilities Reserve req.
Reserves $0 mil Deposits $90 mil = $9 mil
Loans $90 mil Capital $10 mil Shortfall of res.
Securities $10 mil = $9 mil

Bank Management
© Prof Veronique Lafon-Vinais – All Rights Reserved 24
Liquidity Management
4 Possible actions for Bank B

1. Borrow from other banks or corporations

Assets Liabilities
Reserves $9 mil Deposits $90 mil
Loans $90 mil Capital $10 mil
Securities $10 mil Borrowings $9 mil

2. Sell securities
Assets Liabilities
Reserves $9 mil Deposits $90 mil
Loans $90 mil Capital $10 mil
Securities $1 mil

Source: Mishkin/Eakins

Bank Management
© Prof Veronique Lafon-Vinais – All Rights Reserved 25
Liquidity Management
4 Possible actions for Bank B (Cont)

3. Borrow from the FED

Assets Liabilities
Reserves $9 mil Deposits $90 mil
Loans $90 mil Capital $10 mil
Securities $10 mil Discount loans $9 mil

4. Call in or sell off loans

Assets Liabilities
Reserves $9 mil Deposits $90 mil
Loans $81 mil Capital $10 mil
Securities $10 mil

Source: Mishkin/Eakins

Bank Management
© Prof Veronique Lafon-Vinais – All Rights Reserved 26
ALM: Asset and Liability Management

 Asset Management
– Get borrowers with low default risk, paying high interest rates

– Buy securities with high return, low risk

– Diversify portfolio

– Manage liquidity by holding liquid assets and managing reserves

 Liability Management
– No longer primarily depend on deposits

– When see loan opportunities, borrow or issue CDs to acquire funds

Bank Management
© Prof Veronique Lafon-Vinais – All Rights Reserved 27
Off-Balance-Sheet Activities
 Fee income from:
– Foreign exchange trades for customers Off-balance sheet
– Servicing mortgage-backed securities activities involve trading
financial instruments and
– Guarantees of debt Contingent generating income from
– Backup lines of credit liabilities fees and loan sales,
activities that affect bank
 Trading in and of: profits but do not appear
on bank balance sheets
– Financial futures and options (source: Mishkin)
– Foreign exchange
– Interest rate swaps
 Loan sales
All these activities involve RISK

Bank Management
© Prof Veronique Lafon-Vinais – All Rights Reserved 28
Global Banking Revenues 2014-2021

Bank Management Source: McKinsey - Global Banking Report 2021

© Prof Veronique Lafon-Vinais – All Rights Reserved 29

More than 70% of financial stock now happens
off balance sheet

Bank Management Source: McKinsey Global Banking Annual Review 2023

© Prof Veronique Lafon-Vinais – All Rights Reserved 30

Total revenue growth by business line $BN,
2019- 2023F

Source: Oliver Wyman report 2023

Banking Revenues
© Prof Veronique Lafon-Vinais – All Rights Reserved 31
Capital Adequacy Management

 Tradeoff between safety (high capital) and return (ROE)

 Banks also hold capital to meet capital requirements

 Strategies for Managing Capital

– Sell or retire stock

– Change dividends to change retained earnings

– Change asset growth (increase or shrink balance sheet by acquiring or selling

off assets)

Source: Mishkin/Eakins

Bank Management
© Prof Veronique Lafon-Vinais – All Rights Reserved 32
Test Your Understanding

 What is the theoretical

background for capital adequacy
– More capital increases cushion
for losses

– More capital provides incentive

for shareholders to monitor

– All of the above

– None of the above

Bank Management
© Prof Veronique Lafon-Vinais – All Rights Reserved 33

 Understand the key aspects of bank management

 Liquidity risk and how to manage it

 Role of off-balance sheet activities

Summary: Bank Management

© Prof Veronique Lafon-Vinais – All Rights Reserved 34
Course map

Financial Institutions

1. What are Commercial Banks?

Sell Side
2. Bank Management

3. Types of Risk in Banking

4. Measuring Bank Performance

5. Current Issues
Types of Risk in Banking
© Prof Veronique Lafon-Vinais – All Rights Reserved 35
Risk Management Basics


1) Eliminate
2) Keep
Quantify 3) Mitigate
4) Increase

1) Probability
2) Severity


Risk Management
© Prof Veronique Lafon-Vinais – All Rights Reserved 36
Types of Risk in Banking

 Credit

 Liquidity

 Market

 Operational

 Legal & Reputational

Types of Risk in Banking

© Prof Veronique Lafon-Vinais – All Rights Reserved 37
Credit risk

 The ability and willingness of a borrower to pay when due

 Components: default risk and recovery risk

– Within a given level of default risk, recovery risk can vary widely

– Recovery highly dependent on position in capital structure e.g. higher

recovery for secured debt and on type of issue e.g. recovery higher for loans
than bonds

 Remedy: liquidate or work-out?

Types of Risk in Banking

© Prof Veronique Lafon-Vinais – All Rights Reserved 38
Credit Risk

Types Mitigation

 Borrower  Credit policy

 Counterparty  Credit limits

 Country  Concentration limits

 Industry  Credit scoring

 Consumer  Netting

 Settlement risk  Credit bureau

 Ratings

Types of Risk in Banking

© Prof Veronique Lafon-Vinais – All Rights Reserved 39
Credit risk in Asia: what is the level of NPLs
(non performing loans) for banks in Asia? How
has it evolved over time? Implications?
 Group 4

 Video


 Article


Veronique Lafon-Vinais
© Prof Veronique Lafon-Vinais – All Rights Reserved 40
Market risk

Types Mitigation

 Interest Rate risk  ALM policy

 FX risk  Hedging

 Equity risk  Risk management policy and

 Commodity risk limits

Types of Risk in Banking

© Prof Veronique Lafon-Vinais – All Rights Reserved 41
Liquidity Risk

Types Mitigation

 Funding liquidity risk  ALM policy

 Market liquidity risk  Conservative funding policy

 Conservative ratios

“Liquidity is an illusion. It’s always here

when you don’t need it, and rarely there
when you do”
Michael Milken

Types of Risk in Banking

© Prof Veronique Lafon-Vinais – All Rights Reserved 42
Operational Risk

Types Mitigation

 Inadequate information systems  Risk management policy

 Operational breakdown  Back up and recovery plans

 Breaches in internal control  Segregation of duties

 IT security breakdown  Outsourcing

 Unforeseen catastrophes  Audits

 Fraud “West LB’s equity trading loss soars; trading investigation launched”
FT 31 August 07

“Jail for ex-NAB rogue forex dealers”

FT 5 July 06

Types of Risk in Banking

© Prof Veronique Lafon-Vinais – All Rights Reserved 43
Operational risks in banks in Asia: find recent
incidents, what happened, consequences
 Group 6

 Video link


 Article


Veronique Lafon-Vinais
© Prof Veronique Lafon-Vinais – All Rights Reserved 44
Legal & Reputational Risks

Types Mitigation

 Regulatory risk  Implement SOX and related

 Money Laundering corporate governance policies

 Conflicts of Interest  KYC Policies

 Non-enforceability of contracts  Legal & Compliance Dpts

 Non-compliance with corporate reporting to CEO

governance laws  Audits

 ESG issues  ESG audits (environmental and

corporate governance)
Types of Risk in Banking
© Prof Veronique Lafon-Vinais – All Rights Reserved 45
Reputational Risk for Financial Institutions: do
we care? Examples in Asia
 Group 7

 Video


 Article


Veronique Lafon-Vinais
© Prof Veronique Lafon-Vinais – All Rights Reserved 46
Test Your Understanding

 What is recovery risk?

– The risk of the borrower not paying

– The risk of how much the lender can

recover in a case of default

 How do banks help prevent money

laundering (which type of policy?)
– ALM policy

– KYC policy

– Credit policy

Types of Risk in Banking

© Prof Veronique Lafon-Vinais – All Rights Reserved 47

 Basics of Risk Management

 Credit risk dimensions and mitigation

 Understanding market risk

 Market risk mitigation strategies

 Understanding operational risk

 Operational risk mitigation strategies

 Understanding legal & reputational risk and mitigation strategies

© Prof Veronique Lafon-Vinais – All Rights Reserved 48
Course map

Financial Institutions

1. What are Commercial Banks?

Sell Side
2. Bank Management

3. Types of Risk in Banking

4. Measuring Bank Performance

5. Current Issues
Measuring Bank Performance
© Prof Veronique Lafon-Vinais – All Rights Reserved 49
Measuring Bank Performance
Income statement

 Operating Income: the income that comes from a bank’s ongoing operations =
– Interest income = interest on the bank’s assets

– Non-interest income = service charges and fees, plus revenues from off-balance
sheet activities

 Operating Expenses : expenses incurred in conducting the bank’s ongoing

operations =
– Interest expense = interest on bank’s liabilities

– Non-Interest expense = operational costs e.g. wages

– Provision for loan losses

 Net Operating Income (NOI)

Source: Mishkin/Eakins

Measuring Bank Performance

© Prof Veronique Lafon-Vinais – All Rights Reserved 50
Key Indicators

Size & Market

Profitability Other Financial Other
Operating income Total Assets VAR Awards
Net income Market Cap Share Price Customer
EPS Funds under Ratings satisfaction
ROA management Employee turnover
ROE League Tables Lawsuits
ROEC Volume estimations

Measuring Bank Performance

© Prof Veronique Lafon-Vinais – All Rights Reserved 51
Key Constituencies

Rating Agencies

Regulators Suppliers

Shareholders Creditors


Competitors Customers

Measuring Bank Performance

© Prof Veronique Lafon-Vinais – All Rights Reserved 52
Bank Organization

 Matrix management

 Lines of business/lines of products

 CRM and implications

 Shifting strategies

 Impact of bank mergers

 Impact of bank regulation/deregulation

Measuring Bank Performance

© Prof Veronique Lafon-Vinais – All Rights Reserved 53
Matrix Management









Measuring Bank Performance

© Prof Veronique Lafon-Vinais – All Rights Reserved 54
Derivatives in Asia: what is the level of
development of derivatives market (on
exchange and OTC) across Asia? What about
China? What are the issues? Implications?
 Group 5

 Video


 Article


Veronique Lafon-Vinais
© Prof Veronique Lafon-Vinais – All Rights Reserved 55

 Understanding the various types of performance indicators

 Understanding matrix management

© Prof Veronique Lafon-Vinais – All Rights Reserved 56
Course map

Financial Institutions

1. What are Commercial Banks?

Sell Side
2. Bank Management

3. Types of Risk in Banking

4. Measuring Bank Performance

5. Current Issues
Current Issues
© Prof Veronique Lafon-Vinais – All Rights Reserved 57
Current issues in banking

 Regulatory pressure

 ESG/Sustainability

 Technology/FinTech

 Shadow banking

 New entrants

 …..

Current Issues
© Prof Veronique Lafon-Vinais – All Rights Reserved 58
Wholesale banking growth will slow over the
next few years

Source: Bain February 2024

Current Issues
© Prof Veronique Lafon-Vinais – All Rights Reserved 59

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